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OMG, such nice work

Have you ever though of making the Laguz from Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn? Not gonna lie but if I saw those in a GBA game i'd die in happiness

Thank you!

Sorry, I haven't really thought about it! I am not too big of a fan of FE9/10, especially the Laguz. :P Maybe someday though!

Wow, Ecut! I love that Renair. Excellent resemblance + very readable costume and pose = win. <3

Thanks dear . <3

I think that if you're gonna do anything, making the DOF team a new renair would be awfully sweet of you. Theirs looks a little... sloppy... and I think they would appreciate a better one.

It would be awfully sweet of me, wouldn't it? I had thought of sheeting it but I kind of got side-tracked after two poses. :P But if they want me to do so I definitely will make it for them 'cause DoF is pretty awesome.

And I am taking that as a compliment so thanks !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got bored...


I was lazy with the hair. laugh.gif

Boreder still:


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That looks pretty cool! I do have one concern...

Is this person supposed to be terrified? If so, it's perfect. Otherwise...you are sharing WAY too much sclera and iris.HERE is a picture of a female eye [Though I'm thinking you might have been going for a guy...a pretty bishie guy...lol] and HERE is a male eye. As you can see, the eyes are more almond shaped. Of course, eye shape varies, but for the most part they are almonds.

Buuuuuuuut, like I said before, if you are going for terrified/surprised/abouttopeemypants, It's perfect. Well, shape wise. I'd also like to see some lash when it's opened.


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Buuuuuuuut, like I said before, if you are going for terrified/surprised/abouttopeemypants, It's perfect. Well, shape wise. I'd also like to see some lash when it's opened.


Yeaaah, that's what I was going for! I'm glad you got that haha! I was thinking about adding lash when it's open so I'll probably do that. :P

And thanks for references for if I just make the normal open eye instead of terrified/surprised/abouttopeemypants. :)

@Agro: I don't have an animating program. :( I am using my mother's computer because my hard drive crashed so when I get mine back I will!


Lashes and normal eye!


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  • 2 weeks later...


As for actual usefulness in this post: uh, his mouth looks kinda weird to me :P Towards his right (his point of view) it seems to veer off toward the nose :-/

Just like that smiley

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not enough love for new Roy

Haha, I love his redesign! It looks absolutely nothing like Roy but it is just so flipping cool. :) [/fanboy]

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Haha, I love his redesign! It looks absolutely nothing like Roy but it is just so flipping cool. :) [/fanboy]

Yeah at first I was kinda like wuuuuut i don't like it it's not roy

But then when I got over it I appreciated it more :3 New Micaiah is scandalous, lol. I think New Ephraim made me the most happy just 'cause he actually looks like Ephraim still, lol. But they all look so FREAKING EPIC. So much detailllll

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Darn I don't know what bwuh means. :(

Yeah at first I was kinda like wuuuuut i don't like it it's not roy

But then when I got over it I appreciated it more :3 New Micaiah is scandalous, lol. I think New Ephraim made me the most happy just 'cause he actually looks like Ephraim still, lol. But they all look so FREAKING EPIC. So much detailllll

That's exactly what I was like !

And yeah, they're all quite cool! I hope the rest of the characters are as cool haha. I've only seen the redesigned characters and a few of the characters that were in the announcement videos so yano. xP Trying not to spoil it for myself . ;P


@Lumi: Beautiful! Thanks so much. :) The back of his head is funky and I wasn't really sure what to do with it so that is a huge huge help!

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Yeah, I'm waiting too, all I've really seen are the DLC characters and either the ones in people's sigs/avatars, or that Astra/Lumi have sprited :3

i want a canas dlc but so far it seems to be only lords... :(

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New Ephraim


i should probably get to that

Also ecut I recommend that you plan out the entire sprite in terms of shape before shading.That way if you have to change angles or something then you won't completely waste time fixing shaded things.

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Astra, I would love to see you do Ephraim.

As for the shading, idk, I've always done customs this way. xP It isn't the best way to do it but it works for me haha. :)

I will have to try what you suggested next time though! It'll probably make life easier. :P

Yeah, I'm waiting too, all I've really seen are the DLC characters and either the ones in people's sigs/avatars, or that Astra/Lumi have sprited :3

i want a canas dlc but so far it seems to be only lords... :(

Canas would be pretty kick ass! I'd like to see Serra too... <3 Serra.

If NA doesn't get FE13, I'll cry. Then buy a EU 3DS.

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Bad-ass double postage.


Now just to shade it... And yes, the crest on his arm shield thing isn't there yet. :P

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One thing about Roy. Since you are using DLC roy, you may or may not have noticed that the back of his head is a derpy bulge thing. I don't like Roy bulge, so I drew a quick hairfix if that would be of help.


Huh, I always thought there was something about his that was really getting to me, but for some reason I really suck at recognizing horrible proportions XD So now I know~

Yay more FE13~

This one's looking quite prettyful =D Yay!

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