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:XD: Ghebriella!! Made my day!

Your splices are clean, and that's a good thing.

I love the unique gallery names on this site.

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This one is Myo the red head pegasus knight. She is really serious.

Nils's hair. <3 I approve.

I am also quite keen on Ghebriella. :)

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Wow, not bad o.o

I really like Ghann, I believe his eyes are Heath's, hair...mixture from old Karel and Klein, face probably Klein, body again a mixture from klein and old karel, shoulder pad a semi-customized klein-pad. Right/Wrong?

And Myo looks sweet^^ Very natural, though I think I recognize Eliwood's mother.

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  • 1 month later...

I would, but the thing is that Eliwood wouldn't be a little girl. ): That is why her body is a respectable size. :) Compare her to Eliwood and you can see that I did shrink the body. The amror makes her look bigger which it should. Women aslo dont have shrunken heads. We have rounded jaws instead. I am trying to fix the line. Thanks though. ;)

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I would, but the thing is that Eliwood wouldn't be a little girl. ): That is why her body is a respectable size. :) Compare her to Eliwood and you can see that I did shrink the body. The amror makes her look bigger which it should. Women aslo dont have shrunken heads. We have rounded jaws instead. I am trying to fix the line. Thanks though. ;)

I never said Eliwood would be a little girl. Your Eliwood, from pauldron to pauldron is 79 pixels, and normal Eliwood is 84. You still need to shrink it a little more :E

And by shrink the jawline, I meant make the jaw shorter, horizontally. I never said women have shrunken heads. You're puttin' words in my mouth, and I don't really appreciate that :E

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I didn't mean to be disrespectful. I I meant that I didn't mean for the gender bent Eliwood to be the proportions of a young girl. She is meant to be a woman, and women have bigger bodies than younger girls. Like comparing Miredy to Ninian. Does that make sense? :( and I thought you meant shrink jaw like make it narrow. That makes the shape awkward looking. It gives her a narrow pointy head. Proportions would be off like a shurnken head. I promise I'm not trying to be mean or rude or stupid. :(

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I didn't mean to be disrespectful. I I meant that I didn't mean for the gender bent Eliwood to be the proportions of a young girl. She is meant to be a woman, and women have bigger bodies than younger girls. Like comparing Miredy to Ninian. Does that make sense?

Yeah. It does. She would still have to be smaller than 79 pixels.

Normal sized women are, on average 60-65 pixels, and men are 70-75 pixels. If Eliwood is average sized, being 84 pixels wide, then he's got 9-14 pixels worth of armor. Your femiwood is 79 pixels, meaning that she has 14-19 pixels of armor, which means she's either larger than average, or her armor's too big.

That makes the shape awkward looking. It gives her a narrow pointy head. Proportions would be off like a shurnken head.

Bringing in the jawline by one pixel would not give her off proportions, and, if it did, then at least bring the chin in by one pixel.

I'ma stop arguing this now. Either take the advice, or don't; your choice.

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Hahah Gheb(s). Kinda gross but still very well done.

@ Eliwood Ellen

I'd say that on her right(our left) the bottom of the jaw could use a bit more rounding out to match the left(our right) side. The same way Myo's bottom jaw looks. Compare those two.

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I really don't want to be on bad footing with you because you are a good spriter... but there is a flaw in what you are saying.


1. The original. Her overall body is 79 pixels, as you said. But her body only takes up 67 if the actual pixels, as shown by the magenta. The cyan is extra hang off like ends of pads and cape.

2. Jaw is brought in. Her body is 76 but 64 is being used. Her face is too slim, so let's bring the chin up.

3. Chin up. Her body is 74, 62 of it being used. Because her head is short and round and her body is smaller, she is now a lolita girl and looks like she is 14.

4. Igrune. Her body is 88 overall, but her actual body would be 73 on the sprite. This either means she is a man, or her armor is huge. But her armor is normal. The cape makes the illusion of making her look big. She is proportional.

5. Isadora. 66 body, 72 overall. She is pretty much the "average" that you said. But she is at a different angle than Eliwood. If at all anything, she should be shorter than the average you are suggesting me to make Eliwoman because of the foreshortening. She isn't 66 pixel round ball, so if she were at the same angle as Eliwood, she would be longer.

6. Syrene. 75 size overall, 70 body. Just like Isadora, Syrene is supposed to be foreshortened. Thus, if put in the Eliwood angle she would be long as well. She was already bigger than the average woman, yet still proportional.

Please don't get upset and all mad because I'm not agreeing with your idea. I'm not trying to be a bad person and trying to be better than you. I'm not going to be because you sprite more than I have. Art is art, opinionated, but anatomy is anatomy.

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Oh and sorry double post but


Entry to the contest for splicing.

And I agree Pheonix. I'm currently working on the jaw line shading.

Gbadvalksgh How did you do that hair @~@

And I'll concede, then. I was just going off what I learned. Sorry for imposing so much.

There is one thing I'd like to disagree on, though. Eliwood is 17. Igrene is in her 30s, Isa in her 20s, and Syrene is most likely close to the both of them. So it makes sense that their bodies would be larger, being older. Two character that would be close to Eliwood's age in FE7 would be Serra and Priscilla, both being 16. If Eliwood was female, being only 17, I don't think he would be much larger than either of them ;3

Carry on, though.

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You do have a point there...but I'll just leave mine to be muscular so she isn't weak. :D lol

And the hair, I turned Matthew's hair backwards and then added little spikeys from Saind and Eliwood. The rest is simple like Sain eyes and MAtthew brows and all that. :)

Mkay. Talkin' about size, Whoa Serra is small. She's only 53 pixels wide!

And, bwoah. This is why I do custom XD I could never do all this flippy stuff for splicing.

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