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Silly nicknames for various FE characters?

Loki Laufeyson

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Do you guys give silly nicknames to any of your units or bosses?

(and no im not talking about those ones that smash uses)

I tend to call Joshua "Squishua" cuz he like, squishes things.

Forde is also known as Forde Prefect.

Lyn is sometimes called "Legs"

Moulder is Agent Moulder (or the Boulder! The Boulder doesnt like the look that spider gives!)

EDIT: Oh yeah, Titania is "Tits".

Edited by Florina
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Thany - Peggy McAwesomeface

Tate - Peggy McGrumpy

Titania - Titanium Alloy!!?!



Dieck - Awesomeness McBuffpants

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Duessel is Duracell, you heard it here first.

Jamka is The Obvious Traitor for reasons that escape me.

I exclusively refer to Hannibal as Lecter.

Joltin' Joe ('halva)

Holy shit where did the entire Verdane army go (Silver Sigurd)

Rolf became Rofl, Roflmao and shortened once more to Mayo.

Amelia became known as 'The Lodestone'.

Various names relating to Dorcas. Any excessively virile axeman taking the name of a Greek woman deserves everything he receives.

Skasahahshaheharererhashery, as is inevitably what I say when I try to pronounce Skasaher's name while in a rush. Usually just Skash.

Latchkey for both Lachesis and Lakche.

Edited by Grimsworth of Natal
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I usually just use normal names, but a few come to mind...

Wil - Eyebrows

Lucius - Luscious (Don't ask...)

Rebecca - Becca-re (I don't even know...)

Rhys - Rice Ball

Ike - Freakin' OP! (Though that's more a description than a nickname)

Every prepromoted character in any game - Jagen (This made RD from part 2 onwards very, very awkward...)

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Shanan= Shan-chan for one consonant change, lulz.

Lucius=hot trapboy.

Seth=GOD, MANLINESS x 9001, The one who waltzes through FE8 like the ballroom foor, dat sexy ass *shot*

Seth's silver lance=LANCE OF MANLINESS

Lakche=QUEEN OF FUCKING ISSAC, GODDESS OF KILLING THINGS, DEATH, AND DESTRUCTION (caps required, as does heavy metal background music.)

Skasaher=Skash, Ska, Sukasuka, the goddess's brother

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I have a strange tendency to flip Rennac's name around and call him "Canner." I have no idea how or why that started.

Sometimes I call Nolan "Tarvos" (His Prf Axe, for those who don't know) as a poke at my brother who used to accidentally call him that on occasion.

I will sometimes call Skrimir "Simba" and Caineghis "Mufasa," even if it doesn't technically match.

Other than that I don't really give nicknames at all. Sometimes I'll shorten them for convenience, but even then it's usually when I have the type the name out multiple times.

EDIT: Lumi, I think you should stop hating on Seth so much.

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I like the nicknames Smash uses:

Edward = Face blocker

Leonardo = Lolnardo

Nolan = BROlan

Sothe = IKE'S WAIF

Ilyana = Moeblob

Aran = Samus (Although I much prefer Colonel's "Brad", which I used as well)

Volug = Captain Abs

Zihark = Z

Jill = Jill Sandwich

Tauroneo = Big T

And that's all I remember. But I also like the way Integrity refers to Sanaki, it's cute. x3 ("Snacks")

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Devdan = Danved

Micaiah = Failcaiah/Mary-Sue/Witch Girl

Tauroneo = Big T

Brom = Lard Bucket

Mia = LolMia

Rolf = Crybaby

Tibarn = Tibs

Lucius = Admiral Ackbar (or Admiral for short)

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Mia = LolMia

How is Mia "Lol", exactly? If you actually bothered to give her Adept, you'll see her offense become one of the best in the team. Heck, I am telling you this because I actually bothered to play LolEasyMode once, remember?

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How is Mia "Lol", exactly? If you actually bothered to give her Adept, you'll see her offense become one of the best in the team. Heck, I am telling you this because I actually bothered to play LolEasyMode once, remember?

Plus, 45% str growth is better statistically than 50%. I think it's pretty silly how certain people think less than 50 is bad. It's less than 30% that you should worry about.

Many RD characters deserve "lol" status, but Mia isn't one of them.

I don't have any special nicknames other than shortening their name (Miccy, Snacky, Rav). I use Smash's nicknames too sometimes. Edward being Face-Blocker is perfect.

Duessel is Sean Connery. I will never accept Duracell.

And whoever coined "Tits" for Titania will be shot, as soon as I remember who you are.

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Plus, 45% str growth is better statistically than 50%. I think it's pretty silly how certain people think less than 50 is bad. It's less than 30% that you should worry about.

Please excuse me if I don't sound convinced...

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by your criteria, Vika's Str is beyond redeemption until she gets 84586584 level ups AND THEN BEXP abuse.

Somehow she always seem to hit her averages for me, so I'm not really fussed about it. Micaiah on the other hand...

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A 50% stat is more likely to get screwed than a 45% stat.

How exactly? If someone has a 50% growth in some stat then there is a 50% chance of not getting a stat increase. But if the growth is 45%, then there is a 55% chance of not getting a stat increase...

Thus. the 50% growth is less likely to be screwed than the 45% growth.

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A 50% growth would have the greatest standard deviation on both ends, I think that's what he meant.

It's just as easy to get a stat up than not.

While the 45% may be lower, but the variation is less.

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How exactly? If someone has a 50% growth in some stat then there is a 50% chance of not getting a stat increase. But if the growth is 45%, then there is a 55% chance of not getting a stat increase...

Thus. the 50% growth is less likely to be screwed than the 45% growth.

That's not what "stat screwed means."

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I'm no expert in statistics, so I'm not quite getting how standard deviation applies to Fire Emblem stat growths. What is your sample? The random numbers the RNG generates? And how do you use the growth in the standard deviation formula?

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