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HHM Playlog

Colonel M

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K, here's what we're gonna do.

I have a Chapter 12 save. We'll just keep that around. Now, the deal-eo is that we're going to go at this like if I were doing it with maximum full force. What I'll do after is evaluate how possible it is to get Geitz's route, and perhaps how many turns it costs to get there. Remember: Eliwood and Hector have at least 2 Defend maps to improve themselves on (13X and 15), so those will be used as much as possible to get Eliwood and Hector up there in levels. This also means I have to plan everything out almost precisely. I missed an opportunity to get Hector the boss EXP, so unfortunately I could've had a Level 5 Hector. Ah well, I'm not too afraid. Well, okay I am.

Chapter 13 - In Search of Truth aka story of my life

Turns - 6/16/72

Gold - 3,640


Hand Axe x2
Javelin x2
Iron Sword


Red Gem - 2500

The 6 Turn strategy was all about going on the west side, then going south. When you have a bad ass like Marcus, slowing down is the least of your worries. Though, it looks like Guy actually costs a turn to be recruited. Not that I'm stingy on it or anything. This also means that I missed the Mine. No Mine glitch for me I guess!

Turn 1: Ozzy + Bartre break the tree. Lowen has my supplies, so I trade with Eliwood and Eliwood gets Iron Axe + Iron Sword. Hector walks next to Eliwood and gets the Iron Axe. Marcus swoops near Lowen, picks up an Iron Axe, then charges forward with his Hand Axe equipped. Matthew moves full throttle, then Dorcas and the rest hang behind.

Turn 2: Move Marcus to break the next Snag. Dorcas sits on the forest tile awaiting a Pegasus Knight and a Bandit. Oswin, IIRC, had to finish off the Pegasus Knight. Rebecca and Hector missed. Bartre sits on the forest tile to draw in one of the south Pegasi, then Lowen picks up Hector and moves. Matthew goes further west.

Turn 3: Eliwood snags the Pegasus Knight while Dorcas gets the Bandit. It could've went either way. Lowen uses Baton Pass to Marcus, then Marcus places Hector BEHIND him and both equip Hand Axe. Granted, I could've gotten away with the Wolf Beil / Iron Axe with Hector, now thinking about it. The reason is the Hand Axe weighs down Marcus 1 AS, right? So this means that the Archer has to attack Marcus and thus self KO itself. This was the big problem for me and I can't believe I missed that. Bartre snags the Pegasus Knight. Serra was going to heal Dorcas but I f'd up on Rebecca's position. I should've healed Dorcas anyway.

Turn 4: Marcus starts swinging his Hand Axe at Boies. Hector snags one of his kills, then Lowen lands right next to him. Matthew moves forward a bit. Bartre visits Merlinus. Oswin + Eliwood take on the Steel Bow Archer. Now for the mistake: I didn't heal Dorcas a second time, so I put him in critical danger after hitting the Bandit. I should've just placed Dorcas on "wait", truth be told. I feel dumb for not doing that.

Turn 5: Clean up. Matthew moves 1 square outside of Guy. Marcus Hand Axes the boss again and Hector uses Wolf Beil. Eliwood gets another kill IIRC and blah blah blah.

Turn 6: Recruit Guy, Marcus whacks another guy, Eliwood snags another kill. Hector seizes.

Hector (5.45) - 22 HP | 9 Str | 5 Skl | 6 Spd | 6 Luck | 10 Def | 1 Res
Eliwood (3.19) - 20 HP | 5 Str | 6 Skl | 8 Spd | 8 Luck | 5 Def | 1 Res
Marcus (1.97)
Rebecca (1.65)
Lowen (2.11)
Bartre (2.73)
Oswin (9.33)
Guy (3.00)
Serra (3.12) - 17 HP | 3 Mag | 5 Skl | 9 Spd | 8 Luck | 3 Def | 5 Res
Dorcas (7.77)
Matthew (7.29)

Other Notes:

- Dorcas 1 swing from B Axes

Edited by Tyranel M
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Chapter 13X - The Peddler Merlinus

Turns - 8/24/80

Gold - 8640


5,000 Gold

Not going to really explain this battle. Only thing relevant is Marcus getting to the village, then doing... what the fuck ever. Really this chapter is dumb. Oh and Eliwood sucks, but everyone knows that by now.

EDIT: Redid it again to get Eliwood a bit closer to Level 6. Worked out, actually.

Hector (6.38) - 23 HP | 9 Str | 6 Skl | 6 Spd | 6 Luck | 10 Def | 1 Res
Eliwood (4.57) - 21 HP | 5 Str | 7 Skl | 9 Spd | 9 Luck | 5 Def | 1 Res
Marcus (2.49) - 31 HP | 15 Str | 16 Skl | 11 Spd | 8 Luck | 10 Def | 8 Res
Rebecca (1.88)
Lowen (2.42)
Bartre (3.16) - 30 HP | 9 Str | 6 Skl | 3 Spd | 4 Luck | 4 Def | 1 Res
Oswin (10.04) - 29 HP | 13 Str | 9 Skl | 5 Spd | 4 Luck | 14 Def | 3 Res
GUY (4.29) - 25 HP | 8 Str | 14 Skl | 14 Spd | 5 Luck | 6 Def | 1 Res
Serra (3.79)
Dorcas (8.20) - 32 HP | 10 Str | 10 Skl | 7 Spd | 5 Luck | 3 Def | 1 Res
Matthew (8.68) - 24 HP | 5 Str | 6 Skl | 14 Spd | 4 Luck | 6 Def | 3 Res

Other Notes:

- Dorcas got B Axes
- Serra got C Staves

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I'm going to need more than Luck. I need HP/Str/Skl/Spd/Def/Res. @_@;

Chapter 14 - False Friends

Turns - 5/29/85

Gold - 7180


Goddess Icon
Vulnerary x2 (One purchased)

This chapter has a lot of checkpoints, and Marcus should carry the following:

- Javelin(s)

- Iron Axe (for Turn 3)

- Vulnerary

Turn 1: Hector KOes the Soldier, then Guy + Serra move forward. Guy is going upward primarily to control the Myrmidion, but it's not that necessary. Marcus moves full blast and Javelin shots a Mercenary. Eliwood moves into range of the weakened Mercenary, then Bartre moves in range of one of the Soldiers (for EXP purposes). Oswin holds the rest of the enemies on the right hand side. On the NPC phase, Erk KOes a Soldier.

Turn 2: Marcus throws Javelins at the Archer while hiding in the forest. Serra recruits Erk, then KOes the Armor Knight. This is important for the Mercenary to move upward. Well, up toward Erk's cliff. Bartre and Oswin finish off the remaining troops and gets ready for the Pegasus Knights. Stupidly, there will be a Mercenary on the forest (though to be fair, I think this can be... avoided?). *Sigh*. Well, Matthew misses one of the hits, so thankfully Eliwood finishes the Mercenary off.

Turn 3: Lowen can reach the shop, so he buys a Vulnerary, Fire tome, and Heal staff. Matthew steals the Cavalier's Vulnerary. Marcus moves upward and equips the Iron Axe; ready to take on Erik and those lousy Cavaliers. Dorcas KOes the Soldier, but I f'd up on the positioning so that the Iron Sword Cavalier would attack Dorcas. Erk recruits the Iron Blade. YEAHHHHH! Oswin and Bartre finish off the Pegasus Knights, thus leaving them with Merlinus to enjoy some tea and crumpets.

Turn 4: Erik is left with 1 HP after two swings of the Iron Axe. This allows Hector or Eliwood to KO Erik. However, since Eliwood could not reach Erik, I chose Hector (which is fine, he needs a level anyway). Archer + Dorcas KOes another Cavalier, and the Iron Sword Cavalier gets chipped by Eliwood. Now uh, Guy should've went in the forest, as I accidentally drew in a Lance Cavalier. Matthew takes on the Pirates while Lowen goes further. Marcus equips the Javelin and draws in a shitload of Cavs and the Nomad.

Turn 5: Rain. Fucking. Rain. This is the turn I hate. Matthew finishes off the Pirate, while Eliwood finishes off the severely weakened Cavalier. Lowen goes and picks up Priscilla. Now this is the stupid part. There's a Nomad and two Bandits to KO this turn, but due to my stupidity I also had to KO the Cavalier. So, I went and threw the Javelin at the Bandit to make sure I got a second chance if I missed. Thankfully, I hit both of them. Marcus destroys the world once again.

Turn 5 might require a Hand Axe, actually, and I'd recommend it. Don't worry, the Bandits have 6 AS, so they should be easy to take down. Just throw the Hand Axe at the Nomad so you have two chances to KO. Aside from that, there is some leniency on this chapter, but not a whole lot. It definitely took me a little while to figure out certain checkpoints with Marcus and figuring out a bit how the enemies would respond with Marcus's position. The Hit rates would be the thing to shake the teeth a little bit. Still, even if you took 6 Turns due to a crucial miss, don't kick yourself in the head for it. Not that I'm saying "play maximum efficiency" anyway.

Hector (7.52) - 24 HP | 10 Str | 6 Skl | 6 Spd | 6 Luck | 10 Def | 1 Res
Eliwood (5.76) - 22 HP | 6 Str | 8 Skl | 10 Spd | 9 Luck | 5 Def | 1 Res
Marcus (3.20) - 31 HP | 16 Str | 16 Skl | 11 Spd | 9 Luck | 11 Def | 9 Res
Rebecca (2.00) - 18 HP | 4 Str | 5 Skl | 7 Spd | 4 Luck | 3 Def | 1 Res
Lowen (2.52)
Bartre (4.00) - 31 HP | 10 Str | 6 Skl | 3 Spd | 4 Luck | 5 Def | 1 Res
Oswin (10.72)
Guy (4.81)
Serra (3.79)
Dorcas (8.52)
Matthew (9.51) - 24 HP | 6 Str | 7 Skl | 15 Spd | 5 Luck | 6 Def | 3 Res
Erk (5.99) - 20 HP | 6 Mag | 7 Skl | 9 Spd | 4 Luck | 2 Def | 7 Res
Priscilla (3.00)

Other Notes:

- Eliwood has B Swords (Hector still has C Axes!!!)
- Still no C Eliwood / Hector.  Holy.  Shit.

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Wait, so Rebecca has negative Str growth now!?

Actually the enemies just gain more Def so it looks like she gained less Str and... oh never mind. (Thanks for pointing it out, fixed).

Chapter 15 - Talons Alight

Turns - 8/37/93

Gold - 7180


Silver Axe



Something is wrong with Eliwood. No, fucking serious. My Eliwood... is part Myrmidion!?!

So anyway, this is another Defend map. I'll go a little more in-depth on this one. Marcus can Hand Axe two Archers on Turn 1 on the Enemy Phase, while arriving Turn 2 at the top corridor to throw a Javelin at the Mercenary with the Door Key. Matthew unlocks the door so Guy and Serra can get out. Oswin, Dorcas, and Hector hold the bottom while Eliwood (finally) stands next to Hector. Erk stands on the pillar to counterattack the Nomad on the west side. Shit goes down. Dorcas throws a Hand Axe at the Javelin Soldier. Then, Dorcas's Armor Knight was just weak enough for Eliwood to KO in one hit, so I do that. Hector tosses a Hand Axe at the other Armor Knight that Oswin weakeened. Marcus blitzkriegs to the north and pretty much destroys the rest of that. I gave Eliwood the Thief kill after I took the Thief's Lockpick, though I didn't kill it on the turn that I stole it. That, and I drew in Sealan a turn too early (which was fine, but I was going to clear the Mercenary / Myrmidion shitfest first). Pity that Oswin missed the Horseslayer attempt, so instead it went to waste on a Myrmidion. Hector weakened Sealen with Wolf Beil. Oh boy, did I forget to mention, Sealan's Longbow shot may be wimpy, but Steel Bow HURTS. Marcus finishes the U-turn just in time to meet Hector and co. on the south side to block Sealen from escaping. I gave the kill to Eliwood, primarily because I felt he needed it more than Hector did, EXP-wise. The next two chapters have AKs (well, one is a General), so I should be on the safe side to let Hector go for the boss kills... if possible. Guy, Erk, and Dorcas hold off the west end while Matthew gets all the spoils.

I think the only thing I wished was that I fielded Priscilla over Serra. The extra Mov would've been useful for reaching. That, and drawing in Sealen a turn too early. That's about it. Simple chapter really.

(Eliwood, I love that you're cooperating and all, but please be a bit more... normal... 12 Speed is too unreal. Buff that Def a bit will ya?).

Also random fact. After this chapter, I am 5 Starring everything. Before I dropped to 4 Star in CEXP in False Friends. 9.9

Hector (8.86) - 25 HP | 11 Str | 6 Skl | 7 Spd | 6 Luck | 11 Def | 1 Res (C Eliwood)
Eliwood (7.45) - 24 HP | 7 Str | 9 Skl | 12 Spd | 10 Luck | 5 Def | 2 Res (C Hector)
Marcus (3.83) - 31 HP | 16 Str | 16 Skl | 11 Spd | 9 Luck | 11 Def | 9 Res
Oswin (11.39) - 30 HP | 13 Str | 9 Skl | 6 Spd | 5 Luck | 15 Def | 3 Res
Guy (5.82) - 25 HP | 9 Str | 15 Skl | 14 Spd | 6 Luck | 6 Def | 1 Res
Serra (4.12) - 17 HP | 3 Mag | 6 Skl | 9 Spd | 9 Luck | 3 Def | 6 Res
Dorcas (9.31) - 33 HP | 11 Str | 10 Skl | 7 Spd | 5 Luck | 3 Def | 1 Res
Matthew (9.62)

Other Notes:

- Marcus got S Lances
- Eliwood / Hector at C
- Hector got B(ad ass) Axes
- Eliwood is ridiculous

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There's still one issue though; making it to Geitz. I'm keeping a seperate file of C17 since its a midroad checkpoint IMO. What worries me is finding opportunities to get Hector, Eliwood, and Lyn CEXP without hurting the team. The advantage is the CEXP I put into Eliwood can be good later since he promotes and gets a horse. Of course, he's still strictly inferior to train than, say, Lowen who probably deserves the EXP. To be fair on Eliwood, the Rapier (while a terrible weapon) has a lot of uses and still good on Sword Cavs. That doesn't mean he screams wtfawesome, but in single hits Eliwood is likely doing more to Cavaliers, hell even AKs, than Lowen. Lowen still excels in durability, Lances, and earlier horse though...

Juding by how 17 looked, I'm going to be surprised if I can get a level out of Eliwood. I can get one out of Hector, but that's because he's close to one. Eliwood is sitting at .45. Then there's Lyn sitting nearly the same. I wouldn't be surprised that, by the route split, that I'm 10 levels off. Hell, up to 15 doesn't seem much of a stretch off.

I mean I won't give up on it. I'm a masochist through the end. My curiosity is merely how far off I'd be going full steam ahead.

Oh, just fyi: no Gem from Lyn Mode. Bitch took my money.

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That suggestion is highly unconsiderable for someone who clearly stated he will be pulling the lowest turn-counts possible. And he won't ruin it like that. Personally, I think he can do it.

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That actually wasn't a serious suggestion. Although there's definitely a long way to go, it will probably cost some turns eventually. Not 30, and not in one place like that. If it ends up working out without taking extra turns, that would be great. I was only saying I have no idea how it could be done.

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I could've used 19XX. Too bad that it's severely inefficient, though I could always just put some dumb clause where Nils only vigors a unit and then ends the turn immediately after. That's why I put that checkpoint at Chapter 17. The most I miss is a little CEXP from two chapters perhaps that Marcus takes up a gargantuan amount. Here's pretty much what I'm doing:

- Beat the game normally, while zipping through it. If I get Geitz's route, I get it. If I don't, I don't.

- If, however, I don't get it, then I will evaluate the lords' levels that I have around Genesis, go back to Chapter 17, and see how many extra turns it may require to get Geitz.

So it has its double purpose I guess. Whether you think I'm a freak of nature or just plain retarded is up to you I guess. But, hey, I like a little challenge that isn't retarded in a sense.

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I meant this chapter as the "checkpoint" chapter.

Chapter 16 - Noble Lady of Caelin

Turns - 5/42/98

Gold - 460


Javelin x5
Hand Axe x3
Door Key x3
Steel Sword x2
Steel Axe x2
Steel Lance
Iron Lance
Slim Lance
Iron Sword
Red Gem
Heavy Spear



Yeesh, a lot to do here. Lowen has to be reliable here, since truth be told he faces a shaky 5% crit rate against one of the Pegasus Knights. Also, Marcus should swipe a Hand Axe. It is VERY important versus Bauker, as Bauker can do quite a bit of damage with that Steel Lance of his (though inaccurate, admitting).

Turn 1: Marcus obtains Florina's Javelin, then gets picked up by Lowen. Florina takes Marcus (who currently equips Silver Lance) and places him on a mountain tile. Now, Oswin + Matthew had to KO the Thief in order to get the Red Gem. Lyn and Kent shop around, then Eliwood and Matthew pass around the Steel Lance and Javelin. Hector moves towards the Pegasi. Sain goes to rescue the Heavy Spear village.

Turn 2: I had Lyn KO the Pegasus Knight Wil weakened on the Enemy Phase, then had Sain continue his conquest of further rape. Lowen tosses a Javelin, then gets healed by Priscilla. I should've had Eliwood kill it, thinking back. *Sigh*. Erk KOes the Mercenary blocking Oswin and Matthew from the Thief. Marcus goes right near the forts. Note, he should be 1 d (or 1 u) 2 L from the forts. Lowen gets healed by Priscilla. Florina and Hector KO two Pegasi.

Turn 3: Hector walks on the mountain, then Florina picks him up and flies on the fort (to prevent the Mercenary from spawning). Marcus goes off to KO the Ballista Archer with two swings of a Hand Axe. Kent KOes the Myrmidion while Sain picks up the Heavy Spear and gets out of danger. Oswin finishes off a Cavalier, while Erk + Eliwood gang up on the other. In case he doesn't die, just have Matthew weaken it then Eliwood goes for the kill. I block Merlinus with Matthew and Lowen, then heal up Erk with Priscilla. I put Lyn in range of the Mercenary, hoping that it would attack her. Wil goes to buy 3 Door Keys. Of course... he goes to kill Sain. And the Pegasus Knight? Kills Erk. FUCK!

Turn 4: Put Lyn to KO the Bandit reinforcement. Wil stays behind. Sain was too weak to fight, so Kent goes ahead. Marcus starts chipping at the boss with the Hand Axe. No Str proc Marcus does 8x2. Bauker recovers 3 health per turn. Even if you fail to KO him on the Enemy Phase, you can charge up at him on the Player Phase. Matthew goes to get the Red Gem village.

Turn 5: Eliwood KOes the weakened Bandit. Matthew gets the Red Gem. Lowen + Erk KO a Bandit. Kent fails to reach... and there's no Bandit for Lyn. WOW MY LUCK SUCKS! Florina finishes off her weakened Cavalier. Hector -> Thrown.

Oh yes, it was because Marcus proc'd Str twice, thus he was able to KO the boss on Player + Enemy Phase. So no reinforcements for me. ;_;

Hector (9.13) - 26 HP | 12 Str | 6 Skl | 7 Spd | 6 Luck | 12 Def | 2 Res (C Eliwood)
Eliwood (7.92) - 24 HP | 7 Str | 9 SKl | 12 Spd | 10 Luck | 5 Def | 2 Res (C Hector)
Marcus (4.39) - 32 HP | 16 Str | 17 Skl | 11 Spd | 9 Luck | 11 Def | 9 Res
Oswin (11.67) - 30 HP | 13 Str | 9 Skl | 6 Spd | 5 Luck | 15 Def | 3 Res
Lowen (2.67)
Priscilla (3.24)
Erk (7.64) - 22 HP | 7 Mag | 8 Skl | 9 Spd | 5 Luck | 2 Def | 9 Res
Matthew (10.14) - 25 HP | 7 Str | 7 Skl | 16 Spd | 6 Luck | 6 Def | 3 Res
Lyn (9.57) - 23 HP | 6 Str | 12 Skl | 14 Spd | 10 Luck | 5 Def | 5 Res
Sain (8.01) - 24 HP | 12 Str | 6 Skl | 9 Spd | 6 Luck | 9 Def | 1 Res
Kent (7.63) - 26 HP | 7 Str | 10 Skl | 10 Spd | 5 Luck | 6 Def | 2 Res
Florina (7.58) - 27 HP | 10 Str | 11 Skl | 13 Spd | 10 Luck | 4 Def | 6 Res
Wil (2.65)

Other Notes:

- Marcus got A Axes

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Chapter 17 - Whereabouts Unkown

Turns - 8/50/106

Gold - 560


Door Key
Hero Crest
Knight Crest



So uh, the more I'm looking at my levels, the more it scares me...

Turn 1: So uh, Florina + Eliwood and Marcus + Lyn kills a Myrmidion and a Mercenary. Hector KOes the Knight in the middle. Sain decides to toss a Javelin at the Steel Bow Archer, and I clump everyone else together.

Turn 2: Hector KOes the Nomad Marcus left behind, then Sain gets healed by Priscilla. Marcus KOes the Short Bow Archer. Lowen and Kent pick up Eliwood and Lyn. Florina picks up Hector. Sain gets in range of the Shaman.

Turn 3: Matthew KOes the Shaman, Marcus equips the Javelin and KOes the Archer, Hector gets dropped off with Lyn right under him. Eliwood sticks close by and Sain uses his Vulnerary. Best to heal Marcus with Priscilla right before you move Marcus this turn.

Turn 4: Marcus gets healed again after clearing the rest of the enemies. PRF weapons are very useful here since Armor Knights and Nomads are around. Marcus KOes the Hammer Fighter with his Javelin.

Turn 5: More uselessness. Pretty much a prep turn.

Turn 6-8: Pretty much moving Hector close to the throne. I could've tried to have Hector dent Beynard (he has 3 AS), but in a practical scenario? I dunno.

Got everything important barring the Silver Sword of course. And Str procs for Kent and Lyn. And Spd procs for Marcus and Florina (seriously what the fuck Florina?).

Hector (9.57) (C Eliwood)
Eliwood (8.49) - 24 HP | 8 Str | 9 Skl | 12 Spd | 10 Luck | 6 Def | 2 Res (C Hector)
Marcus (5.72) - 32 HP | 17 Str | 17 Skl | 11 Spd | 10 Luck | 11 Def | 9 Res
Lowen (2.74)
Priscilla (3.91)
Matthew (10.59)
Lyn (10.44) - 24 HP | 6 Str | 12 Skl | 14 Spd | 11 Luck | 5 Def | 5 Res
Sain (8.48)
Kent (8.42) - 27 HP | 7 Str | 11 Skl | 10 Spd | 6 Luck | 6 Def | 2 Res
Florina (8.77) - 28 HP | 10 Str | 11 Skl | 13 Spd | 11 Luck | 4 Def | 6 Res

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 17X - The Port of Badon

Turns - 4/54/110

Gold - 5,560


Devil Axe
Short Bow


Red Gem x2



The basic 4 Turn strategy really. It's not too difficult to explain.

Raven goes north. His goal is just to get a level really. Marcus collects Canas, then on Turn 2 has to get access to the Devil Axe village. Not too hard. Oswin merely has to protect Marcus while he goes to fetch the Devil Axe and set up a kill for Lyn (the Halberd Pirate). Lyn kills both the Halberd Pirate and Damien. Florina carries Hector. Nothing much to explain here really.

Hector (9.57)
Lyn (11.97) - 25 HP | 7 Str | 12 Skl | 14 Spd | 12 Luck | 5 Def | 5 Res
Florina (8.77)
Raven (6.52) - 30 HP | 10 Str | 13 Skl | 15 Spd | 2 Luck | 7 Def | 2 Res
Marcus (5.85)
Oswin (11.91)
Canas (8.60)

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So obviously we need a second look at this. I can't really go on much further; I mean it's obviously not going to happen.

Yes, you know I mean Geitz's route. It just can't happen on full throttle efficiency. FFS, I barely passed halfway as far as levels go. So we obviously need to adjust the criteria a lot. So I guess if someone has suggestions feel free to shoot. I guess I could be more "casual" with it, but then I'd have to draw a line of it being efficient and blargharghargh.

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Dude, chill. You still have a few chapters to go before you can give up on your original plan. At least try getting Lyn to lvl 20, and the other two to lvl 15?

That task is near insanity. First off, 18 is over quickly. There are no promoted enemies either. 19 is not that great either. All there is is Uhai, and like 18 can be finished... rather speedily. 19X is awkward, 20 is an okay situation (though Hector has to seize a throne...), and then we have Chapter 21 that's done quick as well as Chapter 22. That may seem like a lot of time, but some of those chapters can be done with a snap of two fingers. Getting Lyn to Level 20 with her shitass durability too? No way that's happening. Not to mention I have to:

- Attempt to level up Sain since he's probably the only other unit I can possibly train

- Assuming no qualms with deployment slots

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