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good classes for wifi


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thanks. Do you know a good balance for a wifi team too?

Short answer: 1-2 each of Paladins and Snipers, 1 Sage, and 0-1 each of Swordmasters and Berserkers. One of each is pretty basic.

Long answer: Your choices will be affected mostly by your willingness to RNG abuse for good stats.

Not willing -- You basically have to use Dazzle, and you're stuck with Swordmasters, Snipers, Horsemen, and Sages. Maybe 1 Berserker or Paladin if your units turn out pretty good.

Less willing means 30 Def Paladins are at least viable. You may even experiment with a Levin Swordmaster.

If you're more willing, your card could also be Umbra or Apotrope. More flexibility for multiple Paladins, Levin Swordmasters/Horsemen, team members with supports. Res actually matters. Keep in mind non-Dazzle means more arena grinding for +crit forges too.

My recommendation would be not to bother clock abusing. You won't find many people who play at that level of competition. I don't even know who plays this anymore to be honest. Go for the staple team, and if you still want to invest more time, only then consider clock abuse. A good measure of your interest would be whether or not you're willing to grind for forge money a second time. If you're down for that, knock yourself out getting max stats and weapons.

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  • 9 months later...

I always thought horsemen were really good. They have a great 30 speed cap so they can double most units. Snipers have 29 speed and can also use longbows so they are great too. You might also want a sage with fortify and recover so you can heal.

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From my personal experiences with Wi-Fi and assuming you won't want to RNG abuse...

The first thing to keep in mind is obviously Speed. If you have 4 or more speed over than your opponent, you double him, so make sure to cap speed always. This would make both Swordmasters and Horsemen good options - they have a nice movement and 30 speed. However, Horsemen are beaten by Berserkers with Pole Axes, and neither can't overcome the high defense of a Paladin. The things Horsemen have over Swordmasters is an extra move and bows - but Swordmasters are much more universal (unless you use Apotrope, in which case Horsemen don't have any downsides). I suggest you go for at least one Swordmaster.

So I mentioned Paladins - they have great defense, can use Swords and Lances, and are the most viable class for Gradivus. Gradivus is so amazing, and I'd say to go for one Paladin regardless, since Paladins also make excellent scouts. The thing is, they have low speed, 25, (enough to get doubled by Swordmasters, Horsemen and Snipers) and getting defense to 30 is a big pain. If you have even 20 before boosters, it's a quite viable class, but a Paladin with any less than 27 defense will get one-hit-killed by a Berserker with a forged Pole Axe. If you use the Apotrope card, again, it's not a problem, but if you don't forge for crit and/or use high-crit weapons often, I'd say that you should rather use Dazzle, as someone already mentioned. (it negates criticals, Apotrope negates effective bonuses)

Then, about Berserkers. They have the fourth-best speed, 28, which means that they won't double anything except Dracoknights of the classes you might see online - but they have an enormous Strenght, can use Pole Axes for huge damage vs horseback units, and won't get doubled by Swordmasters. They are a good class if you feel you'd have a hard time dealing with a high-defense unit - and Paladins both have high def and are horseback units. Excellent.

Conclusion of this: Paladins beat Swordmasters but are hard to make good, Berserkers beat Paladins but aren't very good otherwise, Swordmasters are universally good and double most classes, but they are destroyed by Paladins.

Other good classes would be Sniper, which can hit from 3 spaces with a Longbow. That means that you can't be seen with Fog of War on. Good for chipping, and have 29 speed - they double Paladins, a nice feature. Brave Bows are pretty powerful in many ways, too. They have great utility, but a Berserker with a Brave Axe will destroy them. Sages are excellent (don't EVER use Bishops online) - they can heal all party members with Fortitude, they can use Swarm to be a stronger Ballista, they can use Recover to save a unit, forged Thoron is amongst the most damaging things in the game and has 1-2 range - like Gradivus, but has high critical and hits RES instead of DEF. Most teams will want one Sage. Don't forget the Warp shenanigans. Manakete are also considerable, but if you take Nagi, you can't get Swarm and Nagi is terrible anyway, and Tiki is strong, but really hard to get capped stats to. Actually, all classes except General are more or less viable, but I'm not bothering to cover the rest, since that's the important stuff already.

In effect, a very standard team would have a Sage, a Paladin, a Swordmaster, a Berserker and a Sniper. Each would hold a Brave weapon and a regalia of their respective weapon type, and remember to have a Pure Water on all the characters (although Sages probably won't need one, since they have 99% of the time too low a defense to bother going into battle anyway, and such a high RES that they don't need a Pure Water at all - they also are so versatile that you will want another staff/tome in stead of a Pure Water slot).

Another good team would be a Sage, Berserker, two Swordmasters and a Horseman, imo - no need to RNG abuse that Paladin to have capped DEF and three 30 speed characters is often just a good thing.

This all is only my opinion and observation, and only is usable advice for middle-level play. If you are willing to RNG a lot, it's another story.

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