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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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Xin'dy, Essbee, *Darros, Shin

This finished drafting yesterday but none of us wanted to put up a thread. Also worth nothing it's a FE4 Shin Patch Draft.

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fe9# Draft something something #35169
Marcia, Ilyana, Mordecai, Nephenee, Makalov, Haar, Ulki, Devdan, Tauroneo

Done in 165 Turns

Edited by Peppy
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#41507 [FE13] Back Seat Driver Draft Finished Drafting


SB: Stahl, Sumia+Cynthia, Kellam, Morgan, Libra, Owain, Tiki

Horace: Sully+Kjelle, Virion, Maribelle+Brady, Say'ri, Olivia+Inigo, Flavia, Donnel

Bearclaw: Cordelia+Severa, Cherche+Gerome, Gregor, Nowi+Nah, Miriel+Laurent, Gaius Lon'qu

SRC: Panne+Yarne, Vaike, Anna, Ricken, Henry, Tharja+Noire, Basilio

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[FE13] Sausages Only Yodel Once (SOYO) #41594

bearclaw13*, Quintessence, Essbee, General Horace

Copying Darros's format because lazy.

Teams are as follows:

bearclaw13*: Flavia, General!Kellam, Sorcerer!Henry, Sorceress!Tharja + Noire, Hero!Gregor, Wyvern Lord!Cherche + Gerome, Falcon Knight!Sumia + Cynthia

Quintessence: Donnel, Virion, Trickster!Gaius, Lon'qu, Dark Knight!Ricken, Vaike, Stahl

Essbee: Basilio, Tiki, Libra, Anna, Nowi + Nah, Morgan, Great Knight!Sully + Kjelle

General Horace: Hero!Inigo, Say'ri, War Cleric!Lissa + Owain, War Cleric! Maribelle + Brady, Dark Knight!Miriel + Laurent, Taguel!Panne + Yarne, Dark Flier!Cordelia + Severa

Edited by Quintessence
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#41507 [FE13] Back Seat Driver Draft Finished Drafting


SB: Stahl, Sumia+Cynthia, Kellam, Morgan, Libra, Owain, Tiki

Horace: Sully+Kjelle, Virion, Maribelle+Brady, Say'ri, Olivia+Inigo, Flavia, Donnel

Bearclaw: Cordelia+Severa, Cherche+Gerome, Gregor, Nowi+Nah, Miriel+Laurent, Gaius Lon'qu

SRC: Panne+Yarne, Vaike, Anna, Ricken, Henry, Tharja+Noire, Basilio

done in 146 turns

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A couple drafts here finished drafting that I was too incompetent to notice.

[FE13] Let'sa Go #41046:

SB: Sully+Kjelle, Morgan, Ricken, Gaius, Gregor, Nowi+Nah, Inigo
*ZM: Sumia+Cynthia, Cherche+Gerome, Libra, Vaike, Henry, Maribelle+Brady, Flavia
Aeine: Stahl, Cordelia+Severa, Lon'qu, Tharja+Noire, Lissa+Owain, Tiki, Donnel
Da Bear: Panne+Yarne, Anna, Miriel+Laurent, Kellam, Virion, Say'ri, Basilio
[FE7] CHUMP Draft #40988:
BBM: Florina, Lucius, Bartre/Karla, Dart, Pent, Harken, Nino
ZM: Fiora, Canas, Dorcas, Matthew, Isadora, Wil, Karel
*SRC: Lowen, Erk, Raven, Guy, Rebecca, Louise, Legault
SB: Sain, Kent, Rath, Priscilla, Farina, Vaida,
Refa: Heath, Eliwood, Oswin, Lyn, Serra, Hawkeye, Jaffar
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[FE13] Wacky Reclass Draft #41596

*PKL, Quintessence, Randa, bearclaw13, JSND

PKL: Myrmidon!Stahl, Dark Mage!Cordelia + Dark Mage!Severa, Thief!Panne + Thief!Yarne, Archer!Ricken, Archer!Lucina, Cleric!Sumia + Cleric!Cynthia, Villager!Donnel alias "NO"

Quintessence: Troubadour!Miriel + Barbarian!Laurent, Archer!Stahl, Thief!Vaike, Archer!Morgan, Libra, Cleric!Cherche + Priest!Gerome, Priest!Kellam

Randa: Fighter!Gaius, Mage!Nowi + Mage!Nah, Mage!Virion, Troubadour!Cherche + Priest!Gerome, Archer!Anna, Cleric!Lissa + Priest!Owain, Trickster!Flavia

bearclaw13: Myrmidon!Sully + Myrmidon!Kjelle, Barbarian!Gregor, Thief!Lon'qu, Archer!Tharja + Archer!Noire, Mage!Maribelle + Mage!Brady, Inigo, Mage!Tiki

JSND: Knight!Sumia + Knight!Cynthia, Thief!Kellam, Knight!Tharja + Knight!Noire, Barbarian!Henry, General!Basilio, Say'ri, General!Flavia

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[FE7] Screw FE13 #41686 has finished drafting:

*ZM: Florina, Pent, Eliwood, Hawkeye, Bartre/Karla, Rebecca, Jaffar
SB: Fiora, Oswin, Lucius, Dart, Canas, Raven, Nino
King Marth: Sain, Erk, Isadora, Farina, Guy, Lyn, Legault
Randa: Lowen, Rath, Dorcas, Serra, Wil, Louise, Renault
JSND: Kent, Heath, Matthew, Priscilla, Vaida, Harken, Karel
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[FE7] RNG Draft #2 #41858 has finished drafting:

SB: Farina, Kent, Lyn, Isadora, Dorcas, Renault, Priscilla
CR: Vaida, Rebecca, Guy, Raven, Wil, Rath, Dart
*ZM: Eliwood, Heath, Karel, Jaffar, Nino, Legault, Louise
sharp: Fiora, Oswin, Lucius, Pent, Hawkeye, Canas, Florina
DD: Harken, Sain, Erk, Bartre/Karla, Matthew, Serra, Lowen
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(FE13) #YOLO, #41864 has finished drafting:

Quinty (picked by Wallcrab): Trickster!Flavia, Archer!Ricken, Archer!Stahl, Archer!Anna, Mage!Tiki, Cleric!Cherche, Cleric!Sumia

Soul (picked by Randa): Mage!Virion, Mage!Nowi, Troubador!Lissa, Dark Mage!Libra, Dark Mage!Cordelia, Wyvern!Sully, Troubador!Maribelle

*Wallcrab (picked by Quint): Villager!Donnel, Priest!Kellam, Thief!Henry, Myrmidon!Gregor, THief!Gaius, Myrm!Say'ri, Troubador!Cherche

Randa (picked by Soul): Taguel!Panne, Archer!Tharja, General!Basilio, Thief!Vaike, Myrmidon!Inigo, Thief!Lon'qu, Troubador!Miriel

Edited by Lonely Wallcrab
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[FE7] RNG Draft #2 #41858 has finished drafting:

SB: Farina, Kent, Lyn, Isadora, Dorcas, Renault, Priscilla

CR: Vaida, Rebecca, Guy, Raven, Wil, Rath, Dart

*ZM: Eliwood, Heath, Karel, Jaffar, Nino, Legault, Louise

sharp: Fiora, Oswin, Lucius, Pent, Hawkeye, Canas, Florina

DD: Harken, Sain, Erk, Bartre/Karla, Matthew, Serra, Lowen

this draft finished in 167 turns

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[FE7] RNG Draft #2 Version 2.0 #41901

Invader ZM, Ciarre, Essbee, Gregor, *Quintessence

teams go here

ZM: Priscilla, Wil, Rebecca, Rath, Louise, Lyn, Renault

CR: Eliwood, Sain, Heath, Matthew, Bartre, Oswin, Dart

SB: Guy, Karel, Harken, Farina, Kent, Serra, Nino

Darros: Vaida, Dorcas, Lowen, Isadora, Florina, Lucius, Jaffar

Quint: Fiora, Legault, Canas, Erk, Pent, Hawkeye, Raven

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[FE7] RNG Draft #2 Version 2.0 #41901

Invader ZM, Ciarre, Essbee, Gregor, *Quintessence

teams go here

ZM: Priscilla, Wil, Rebecca, Rath, Louise, Lyn, Renault

CR: Eliwood, Sain, Heath, Matthew, Bartre, Oswin, Dart

SB: Guy, Karel, Harken, Farina, Kent, Serra, Nino

Darros: Vaida, Dorcas, Lowen, Isadora, Florina, Lucius, Jaffar

Quint: Fiora, Legault, Canas, Erk, Pent, Hawkeye, Raven

Finished in 146 turns

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[FE7] RNG Draft #2 #41858 has finished drafting:

SB: Farina, Kent, Lyn, Isadora, Dorcas, Renault, Priscilla
CR: Vaida, Rebecca, Guy, Raven, Wil, Rath, Dart
*ZM: Eliwood, Heath, Karel, Jaffar, Nino, Legault, Louise
sharp: Fiora, Oswin, Lucius, Pent, Hawkeye, Canas, Florina
DD: Harken, Sain, Erk, Bartre/Karla, Matthew, Serra, Lowen

done in 147

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[FE7] RNG Draft #2 #41858 has finished drafting:

SB: Farina, Kent, Lyn, Isadora, Dorcas, Renault, Priscilla
CR: Vaida, Rebecca, Guy, Raven, Wil, Rath, Dart
*ZM: Eliwood, Heath, Karel, Jaffar, Nino, Legault, Louise
sharp: Fiora, Oswin, Lucius, Pent, Hawkeye, Canas, Florina
DD: Harken, Sain, Erk, Bartre/Karla, Matthew, Serra, Lowen

finished in 170

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