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Most contemptible villains in the FE series

I.M. Gei

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Alvis: Your ideas are so pompous, and you stoop so LOW to achieve what you want. I think MK404 pretty much nailed it down in one of his vids as to why you're such a douche.

Lekain: You're evil and pompous, and it felt so good to kill you.

(I don't know if they count, but) the Toha villagers: What Norris "rewarded" you with was still too good for you.

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I used to think of Alvis that way, but now I think he was just misunderstood.

I guess the only villains I'd call contemptible are Lekain (just an all around manipulative jerk), Sonia (total female dog, poor Nino) and Callaech (You killed Joshua's mommy you bastard!)

Other FE villains are basically just evil and not much else such as Ashnard (I'm crazy and evil! Really, that's all I got), Zephiel (Daddy didn't hug me so I'm going to kill all humans), and Medeus (I have a character?)

Edited by Lucius~
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I guess the only villains I'd call contemptible are Lekain (just an all around manipulative jerk), Sonia (total female dog, poor Nino) and Callaech (You killed Joshua's mommy you bastard!)

Other FE villains are basically just evil and not much else such as Ashnard (I'm crazy and evil! Really, that's all I got), Zephiel (Daddy didn't hug me so I'm going to kill all humans), and Medeus (I have a character?)

Manfroy is more evil than all of these people put together, I think. Really, killing him was the one thing that kept me muddling along.

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Alvis and Shagaal are simply horrible people, and I hate them.

Oh and Valter, for nearly RAPING Eirika (I think that was implied) but

I heard he went mad for taking Duessel's family's lance. If this is true I forgive him slightly.

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Sonia is a dirty bitch and i hate her. Shes evil and horrible. Justified that shes a morph and cant comprehend human feelings but still. SCREW YOU HUSSY!

Valter is hilarious but creepy. He gets too excited about capturing Ephraim.

Lekain is an unjustifiable wretch. He reminds me of Umbridge.

Valtome can eat the dump of a sick horse.

I actually like Ashnard. He was just nuts.

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Hilda. It was satisfyling having my Tinny Wrathblick her.

Valter. Wanting to rape Seth's girlfriend. Not cool.

...Narshen, as well. Except swap Seth with Rutger.

Sonia. Yeah. Bitch.

Also Manfloy.

See, I feel bad for Alvis. Manfloy came to him, holding his Lopt blood over his head, and Alvis had to do what Manfloy wanted. It's not his fault that his mom slept with Kurth!

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See, I feel bad for Alvis. Manfloy came to him, holding his Lopt blood over his head, and Alvis had to do what Manfloy wanted. It's not his fault that his mom slept with Kurth!

his mom didn't sleep with Kurth, that's Dierdre. His mom slept with the duke of Velthomer. But yeah, even if he was a douche in part one, it's hard not to feel sorry for him in part 2 when he's not as much of a douche.

Manfloy is easily one of the, if not the most contemptible villain in fire emblem.

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his mom didn't sleep with Kurth, that's Dierdre. His mom slept with the duke of Velthomer. But yeah, even if he was a douche in part one, it's hard not to feel sorry for him in part 2 when he's not as much of a douche.

Manfloy is easily one of the, if not the most contemptible villain in fire emblem.

No. Deirdre is SIGURD's wife who got abducted by Manfloy, got her memory wiped, and married Alvis. Both Alvis and Deidre has the same mother, that's Cigyun. Cigyun is the wife of Victor, Alvis's dad, but Victor was a womanizer and had many mistresses, causing Cigyun to have an affair with Kurth, and when she was pregnant with Deirdre, she ran away, causing Victor to commit suicide and Alvis to take on the title of the Duke of Velthomer.

Cigyun is Maira's descendant (the spirit forest line), which was minor Lopt. Victor is Major Fala. Kurth is Major Heim.

Kurth+Cigyun=Deidre (Major Heim Minor Lopt). Victor+Cigyun= Alvis (Major Fala Minor Lopt)

Alvis + Deirdre= Yurius (Maj. Lopt Min. Fala) and Yuria (Maj. Heim Min. Fala).

And Sigurd + Deirdre=Celice (Maj Baldo Min Heim).

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his mom didn't sleep with Kurth, that's Dierdre. His mom slept with the duke of Velthomer. But yeah, even if he was a douche in part one, it's hard not to feel sorry for him in part 2 when he's not as much of a douche.

Manfloy is easily one of the, if not the most contemptible villain in fire emblem.

I just might have felt sorry for Gen 2 Alvis... IF he didn't just come off as some shameless ass by calling Celice "just as pathetic as his father."

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Alvis also practically wanted Celice to off him, storyline-wise. I feel like that line is just him trying to hold on to his last bit of pride, being practically exiled to Velthomer and having his son and advisor fuck up his empire, having no real power.

From what we know, Alvis wasn't actually too bad of an emperor befor Manfloy handed Yurius the Lopt tome. I'm not saying it was right that he killed Sigurd and slept with his wife (actually, he didn't even know that Deirdre is Sigurd's wife until a while after), but he's only a victim of manipulation and coercion for what he was born as.

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Alvis also practically wanted Celice to off him, storyline-wise. I feel like that line is just him trying to hold on to his last bit of pride, being practically exiled to Velthomer and having his son and advisor fuck up his empire, having no real power.

From what we know, Alvis wasn't actually too bad of an emperor befor Manfloy handed Yurius the Lopt tome. I'm not saying it was right that he killed Sigurd and slept with his wife (actually, he didn't even know that Deirdre is Sigurd's wife until a while after), but he's only a victim of manipulation and coercion for what he was born as.

Concerning the point about Alvis not knowing that Sigurd's wife was Deirdre, I have to disagree. The designer notes say he figured it out before he killed Sigurd, and even though they aren't specific, he definitely knew. After all, why do you think Alvis brought out Dierdre near the end of Chapter 5? He was mainly trying to see her reaction to Sigurd to confirm what he had basically already figured out. Heck, Alvis's reaction to one of Manfloy's questions in Chapter 5 kind of gave this away.

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He still murdered Sigurd just to seize power, and brought out Deidre in front of Sigurd just to add insult to injury. That's a pretty dick move, no matter how sorry you may feel for him.

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Still, he did not know for sure. Which is why he brought her out to confirm his suspicions about who she was.

And then he finds out that she's his sister. Poor guy.

I feel more sorry for Sigurd, who was brutally killed for nothing he had ever done, and Diadora, who eventually remembered Sigurd was her husband and realized she had slept with and gave birth to the children of the man who killed him...with one of those said children ending up killing her...

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And if he doesn't murder Sigurd?

Manfloy tells the world that he's a Lopt descendant and Alvis gets the stake.

Dick, yes, but if Alvis wasn't born with minor Lopt he wouldn't have to do any of this at all.

And before you get started, Sigurd is one of my favorite non-Issacian characters from Judgral. I used to hate Alvis too, for killing Sigurd, but once I looked more into the story and saw what he went through, I can only pity.

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And if he doesn't murder Sigurd?

Manfloy tells the world that he's a Lopt descendant and Alvis gets the stake.

Dick, yes, but if Alvis wasn't born with minor Lopt he wouldn't have to do any of this at all.

And before you get started, Sigurd is one of my favorite non-Issacian characters from Judgral. I used to hate Alvis too, for killing Sigurd, but once I looked more into the story and saw what he went through, I can only pity.

I'm not saying that Alvis didn't go through a horrible childhood, it indeed is horribly terrible to lose both parents at age 7.

Concerning the whole Manfloy telling the world thing, does it really make that much sense when broken down? Why should anyone believe Manfloy? Plus, what is to stop people from killing Manfloy as soon as he admits this to the world,

since he is definitely identifiable as a Loptian, with there being plenty of potential doubt concerning Alvis. Alvis could have just said he was lying, and Manfloy would have been killed off... Plus, I honestly think he could have killed off Manfloy secretly to deal with the problem. Considering he killed off Siglud, this shouldn't be a problem for him... Heck, he betrayed Leptor as well, so why Alvis didn't secretly kill someone even eviler like Manfloy off still baffles me... I mean, it isn't like it isn't obvious enough that Manfloy isn't a good guy...

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You know, Alvis definitely should've done that. Dunno why he hasn't but if I was him, I'd Falaflame him in the head the second he threatens to tell anyone. After all, Yotsumgand versus 40-res Falaflame? Who's gonna win that fight?

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You know, Alvis definitely should've done that. Dunno why he hasn't but if I was him, I'd Falaflame him in the head the second he threatens to tell anyone. After all, Yotsumgand versus 40-res Falaflame? Who's gonna win that fight?

Alvis obviously. Regardless, he wanted power like Pet Pikachu said, and it was this combination of weaknesses that Manfloy manipulated to create the tragedy in this game. Not saying Alvis is as evil as Manfloy, but he did commit horrible, unforgivable acts and due to what he did, I can't help but feel Alvis reaped what he sowed in the end...

Anyway, I feel we may be getting a little off topic, so...

My vote for the most contemptible villain is Manfloy. Main reasons being he is incredibly cruel, plus unlike some of the other major villains, he wasn't corrupted by some dark means to become what he is (Dark Orb-Gharnef, Loptous-Yurius, Fortomis-Lyon, etc.).

By the way, what officially corrupted Nergal? Was it Ereshkigal? Too much power/quintessence? I can't remember...

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