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Which gender is harder to figure out?


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I mean, every guy thinks that women are harder to figure out and that men are bumbling idiots, but I heard on this talk show a couple years back and the female host said that she thought men were harder to figure out then women.

What do you guys think?

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Sometimes, they seem like they don't care, but they always secretly do. And they're so good at acting, so I never know!

At least women act whatever emotion they're feeling. Usually.

But women can be pretty damn confusing too, seeing as I still don't get some of my friends. XD

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Sometimes, they seem like they don't care, but they always secretly do. And they're so good at acting, so I never know!

I can really sympathize with that one....Especially me. I don't act very "obvious" around a certain someone at my school....

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Really, it varies from person to person. But generally, girls are more difficult to figure out. As a rule, guys are usually blunt, whereas women have something similar to politics when it comes to being social.

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Really, it varies from person to person. But generally, girls are more difficult to figure out. As a rule, guys are usually blunt, whereas women have something similar to politics when it comes to being social.

I know these "politics" very well, which is why sometimes I can get annoyed by certain members of my gender. XD

Not all of us are like that, though. I personally love causing scandals in our politics. =D

I can really sympathize with that one....Especially me. I don't act very "obvious" around a certain someone at my school....

Awww. Yeah, I've noticed that guys can be really good at hiding their feelings. =/

I wish you luck, though! =D

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Women, we are simple we need 4 things 1 beer 2 women 3 football or another sport 4 Food.

You're over-generalizing. I don't like any of those (well except for food, but that's just because I'm in love with it).

It's the person, not the gender.


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I'd say women since i dont have to figure out men. That and its like everything you do for them just isnt enough.

Person to person, not gender to gender. I, myself, am difficult to figure out. In the words of the running back at my high school before I graduated, "He's just as liable to smile as he is to put you on the ground. Believe me, I know."

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But all people are easy to figure out, they are all stupiid they are all liars, and they are all corrupt.

I agree and disagree with that at the same time.

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