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[FE11] Drafting Tournament VI or The After-Christmas Sale


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I will give my impressions of everyone as part of the log dump. Had Maria and Minerva taken any more than four turns, I would have skipped both of them.

Yep! Oh, wait. . .I'll fix that later.

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Eclipse: Cain is really just doing his best to kill things on the side. He's not playing any *KEY ROLE* like Jags and Draug are. He only just got D Lances in C4 :P

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Cain's point wasn't--oh, never mind!

Currently on Endgame. I will finish later today. Once I finish, I'll update the first post with everyone's progress, Last Date of Activity and/or turn count. In my case, you're not allowed to ask for it until you finish.

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Chapter 4 - 11/77

Finally got it in my head to kick things into high gear at this point. Reclassed Lena to Mage.

I used the non-draftees and my generics to block off the eastern forces while everybody else pushed west. Ignored Merric because I'm not planning on using any male mages, from looking at my draftees. Matthis did what he was most famous for and poked Lena in the face. In return, she whacked him with a fireball. Being the forgiving type, I recruited him, disarmed him, and sent him to bolster the failing wall of my generics.

None of them survived.

Julian wanted to try his hand at the arena, but a Pegasus Knight ended those gladiatorial aspirations.

One quick boss kill later and it's on to the next map.

Marth	Lord	7.88	22	9	0	4	9	10	7	0	Sword C
Jagen	Paladin	4.48	24	7	1	11	9	2	9	6	Sword D/Lance A
Barst	Fighter	7.67	28	13	0	7	9	7	7	0	Axe C
Julian	Thief	5.04	19	4	0	7	13	9	5	0	Sword E
Lena	Mage	7.61	18	0	5	8	9	10	4	3	Tome E
Navarre	Myrm.	6.55	22	7	0	11	13	11	6	0	Sword C
Caeda	Browser	1.00	Base Everything

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Cain's point is that of a reliable standby. Male Class B is the true army-carrier.

C5: 9 turns clear = 50 total

Roshea got some XP. Christ that puppy is useless right now, unlike Darros. Gordin is promoted to Curate and actually fulfills a niche. Wendell is > boss. 8 turns was easily possible but I had Wendell pop the map save on turn 7 so he didn't make the boss in time.

C6: 10 turns clear = 60 total

Most of the Wolfguard met untimely ends because I want Trim dammit. Rickard was neither recruited nor killed. Got all the Thieves courtesy of Roshea, missed the chest near the spawn. Nothing important there, right?

C6x: 14 turns clear = 60 total

Took an extra 3 turns to pepper the boss with 2-range, heal with Gordin, and primarily sacrifice Athena. I recruited her because I thought she came with a Killing Edge or something useful.


C7: 12 turns clear = 72 total

Abel died so Trim could shop legitimately. This could have maybe been a 10, but nobody except Trim was near the north bsave point and I was relying on Darros' 54% Hammer hit as it was.

EDIT2: Stats update!

MARTH    MAH BOI    6.65  22| 7| 0| 7| 8| 9| 8| 0
Cain     Cavalier  12.14  28|11| 0|10|12| 8|12| 0
Draug    Knight    11.02  25| 9| 0| 6| 7| 3|14| 0
Jagen    Paladin    6.66  23| 7| 1|12|11| 2|10| 7
Gordin   Archer     8.58  22| 5| 0| 6| 5| 7| 8| 1
Darros   Pirate    10.65  28|12| 0| 2| 8| 6| 5| 0
Roshea   Cavalier   6.53  25| 7| 0| 7| 7| 4| 8| 0
Wendell  Sage       4.81  23| 3| 4| 4|13| 2| 5| 6

Edited by Integrity
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The easiest thing to do would just be to send meatshields by the mountains to slow down Navarre and his crew, while trying to rush to the boss. Then battle save and reset for a Jagen crit with Silver Lance or Steel Sword.

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The easiest thing to do would just be to send meatshields by the mountains to slow down Navarre and his crew, while trying to rush to the boss. Then battle save and reset for a Jagen crit with Silver Lance or Steel Sword.

That would be great for chapter 3, however I'm still stuck on chapter 2 though.

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That would be great for chapter 3, however I'm still stuck on chapter 2 though.

:facepalm: Sorry I wasn't paying attention. I'd first send a couple high defense meatshields up north by Darros, but make sure you off the pirate near Darros as he can ruin that plan by attacking your meatshield from behind (It'd be best to lure him away from your meatshield by baiting him with a weaker meatshield, then killing him with a couple characters. Meanwhile you could have Jagen and another meatshield hold the bridges to stop the rush of cavaliers. Then after all's said and done you could finish off the pirates by the boss and then team up on him.

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:facepalm: Sorry I wasn't paying attention. I'd first send a couple high defense meatshields up north by Darros, but make sure you off the pirate near Darros as he can ruin that plan by attacking your meatshield from behind (It'd be best to lure him away from your meatshield by baiting him with a weaker meatshield, then killing him with a couple characters. Meanwhile you could have Jagen and another meatshield hold the bridges to stop the rush of cavaliers. Then after all's said and done you could finish off the pirates by the boss and then team up on him.

So sort of like the turtle, thanks very much I'll use that strategy.

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Oh, hey, question I should probably ask since I've wondered this for two drafts now:

Should undrafted units be able to activate map saves? I haven't done it yet, but I figured it was worth asking since shopping was specifically forbidden.

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Yes, undrafted units are allowed to activate map saves. This is because there can be rather large discrepancies between various draft teams in the earlier chapters, and someone with 7 fighters has more leeway than someone with 5.

I'm still puzzling out Endgame. I might have to get lucky, or go over my usual turn count.

Keep it up, everyone!

EDIT: Endgame complete. Once I verify my turn count, I'll update the first post.

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I'm not going to post my turn count just yet. . .I'm waiting for everyone else!

Anyway, verified that it took you 223 turns to get from Chapter 1 to dead Medeus. Congratulations!

though I'm sad that you thought the Green Skittle was a failure

EDIT: Here's the MVP for this run:

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Merric    Drakky      13.74   59*  24*    1    26*   23*   23*   30*    4

Without boosters:

Merric    Drakky      13.74   52    16    1     24    21    17    26    4

Using the magic of the reclass calculator, this is how he compares to his averages (rounding appropriately):

+4 HP, +4 STR, +0 SKL, -1 SPD, +0 LUK, +3/4 DEF, -1 RES

The HP, STR, and DEF were what made him amazing. He was able to go on the front lines, take hits, and dish out decent damage. Runner-ups are Hardin, Ogma, Bord, and Ymir.

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Chapter 5 - 10/87

To get my new guy, I had Vyland take Roshea's weapons and blitz his way across the river while the rest of the Wolfguard did their job as meatshields. Recruited Wendell for his tome and staff, but ignored the village since I plan on ignoring Bantu.

Got some nice levels here and there, though the boss was very stubborn. Glad I had Mage!Lena. Now the only question is what to have Vyland become...

Marth	Lord	8.21	23	9	0	4	10	11	7	0	Sword C
Jagen	Paladin	4.81	24	7	1	11	9	2	9	6	Sword C/Lance A
Barst	Fighter	8.80	29	13	0	7	10	7	8	0	Axe C
Julian	Thief	6.00	19	5	0	8	14	10	6	0	Sword E
Lena	Mage	9.07	18	0	6	8	9	12	4	4	Tome D
Navarre	Myrm.	7.15	23	8	0	12	14	11	6	0	Sword C
Vyland	Cav.    1.97	Base Everything
Caeda	Connoisseur	Base Everything

Wall of Meat: Wendell

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I assume by chapter 12 you mean I've finished chapter SEVEN.

C8: 9 turns clear = 81 total

8 was within reach had I moved Wendell a little quicker. He got the boss kill as a combo with Darros. Caesar is worthless.

C9: 8 turns clear = 89 total

The village was destroyed and not a single fuck was given that day. Wendell pulls a fucking MIRACLE out of his ass on Turn 7 and Excalibur crits the boss. Apparently, even if it doesn't fly it still dies. Looted the middle chests by a combination of Roshea with Door Keys (legitimately obtained) and Marth's Emblem. The Bullion was worth the one turn it cost me. Hello, Catria! Cain's finally coming into his own, Myrman-style. He's usually a Cavalier, but the extra Evade helped loads.

C10: 15 turns clear = 104 total

Eh. I took some turns (dunno how many it took in actuality, maybe three) to recruit Maria so Minerva would aggro and meet Excalibur because if it flies it dies and I wanted Hauteclare. Cain Armorslayed the boss and Draug held the back. Wendell spammed the shit out of Staves to hit C. most ofthe entire meatshield brigade died.

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Chapter 6 - 11/98

Reclassed Jagen to Bishop. Needed a healbot to get through this and felt like keeping Vyland as his base class.

Held back at the start so that I could kill the guys without getting overwhelmed by range. My main force took on the army while Julian and Vyland went thief hunting. Got everything except the killing edge.

Wendell and most of the generics fell baiting out the rest of the guys, and Hammer!Barst saved the day against the boss.

Marth	Lord	9.08	24	9	0	5	11	12	7	0	Sword C
Jagen	Bishop	5.59	24	1	4	9	6	3	4	8	Tome E/Staff D
Barst	Fighter	10.52	31	14	0	7	11	9	9	0	Axe B
Julian	Thief	7.29	20	6	0	9	14	11	6	0	Sword D
Lena	Mage	10.17	19	0	6	9	9	13	4	4	Tome D
Navarre	Myrm.	8.27	23	9	0	13	15	11	6	0	Sword C
Vyland	Cav.	3.39	22	5	0	4	7	2	9	0	Sword E/Lance D
Caeda	Provisioner	Base Everything

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