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[FE11] Drafting Tournament VI or The After-Christmas Sale


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C11: 12 turns clear = 116 total

Traditionally for me, Marth was a-facking-square from Seizing on Turn 11.

C12: 11 turns clear = 127 total

Is GREAT success! Got all the treasure including the Boots, Cain ate an Energy Drop and a Speedwing then promoted after the boss, Draug held the back and promoted once he hit 20 - even Gordin and Caesar got kills! Wendell is fucking clutch and ate a Seraph Robe. He's a second or third-round draft for me every time here on out. Dolph get, but he was left in his pen. Boah and Tomas and Macellan were sacrificed.


MARTH    MAH BOI   7.65  23| 8| 0| 7| 9|10| 8| 0
Cain     Paladin   1.00  37|17| 1|17|19|11|14| 6
Draug    General   1.86  41|14| 1|12|14| 5|20| 3
Jagen    Paladin   9.32  25| 8| 1|14|13| 4|10| 7
Gordin   Archer   10.66  23| 5| 0| 7| 5| 7| 8| 1
Darros   Fighter  14.15  34|16| 0| 3| 9| 9| 7| 0
Roshea   Cavalier 10.58  29| 8| 0|10| 7| 4| 9| 0
Wendell  Sage      9.60  33| 3| 7| 4|13| 5| 5| 9
Caesar   Hunter    6.15  24| 7| 0| 5| 9| 8| 5| 0
Dolph    Knight    ----just grabbed him lols----


C12x: 13 turns clear = 127 total

I kept having to remind myself to go slow. Hooray, training!

C13: 8 turns clear = 131 total

This went far better than expected. Cain introduced the boss to Señor K. Edge and several generics gave their lives to get Draug to the lower Ballista. I was going to recruit Astram for his Silver Sword and then he kinda died on Cain so Midia died too.

C14: 9 turns clear = 140 total

I remember I have the Boots and Cain drinks them. Gordin got the Silver Card and I missed the otherthing - Bullion? The village was also skipped. Trim did her job at the shops, buying me door keys and effective weapons.

C15: 8 turns clear = 148 total

Guess where Marth was at the end of Turn 7? If you guess "one motherfucking square from Seizing", you're right!

This map was tight. Everybody performed above and beyond: Cain flew about and demolished things and raised his Axes rank to E-and-a-little-bit, Jags got the treasure, some generics died to Gharnef including Palla EXCEPT WLADIS. WLADIS survived a round with Gharnef by having him miss once and hit her Clerical res on the second shot. Trim shopped with her shiny new Silver Card!

C16: 10 turns clear = 158 total

Guess where the fuck Marth was at the end of Turn 9?

C17: 3 turns clear = 161 total

Guess where Mar... actually, he was placed right for once.

All the treasure I needed wasn't in chests, so I declined to Warp somebody to the treasure room. Instead, Horseman!Draug was Barriered and went straight right to 2-range some Bishop shit. WLADEK lured the initial Manakete and died, so excalibur!wendell!Xane crit it for an unintended kill. That kill was for Darros, you bastard!

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The otherthing is a bullion, yes. You also missed a bullion in Ch. 6. :( Can't really blame you though, turns would've gotten for getting then using Rickardo would've been lame.

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C17x: 10 turns clear = 161 total

trolololo I forgot this was a Gaiden and I didn't have to rush. Oh well.

Cain and Caintwo blitzed.

C18: 7 turns clear = 168 total

Janked Est with Jags to get Mercurius. Darros and Draug each got a round in the Arena.

Now it's time to figure which two chests I need out of this mess in C19. There's a Geosphere and an XL Bullion...

C19: 6 turns clear = 174 total

Second row, left chest and third row, left chest. Provoked the Thieves into stealing the Lightsphere so I got all of them. :D I'm out of keys now, though.

C20: 8 turns clear = 182 total


C20x: 8 turns clear = 182 total


C21: 5 turns clear = 187 total

End of Turn 4. C'mon, just fucking guess.

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C22: 9 turns clear = 196 total

Fack's sake. This map actually ended in a total rout except for clerics on TURN THREE, but Marth had to lug his sorry ass to the Throne.

C23: 9 turns clear = 205 total

KARMA, ECLIPSE. Gharnef was on top of the stairs four resets in a row and I skipped Starlight. Physic finally broke, alas. It was a brave staff.

C24: 10 turns clear = 215 total

Cain nicked the boss on Turn 1 just for lulz. Marth ran his full MOV every turn bar one and ended perfectly on the point, so that didn't lose me a turn at least.

C24x: 18 turns clear = 215 total

Playground for Darros. I tried to provoke him into rolling some damn SPD as a Horseman but the fucker wouldn't. He's not going to help against Medeus without some abuse, which I'll probably descend to anyway.

E: 4 turns clear = 219 total

The abuse wasn't that hard. Cain just had to land a 12% crit on the boss on one of two shots (immediately after a mapsave. it was load -> end turn :awesome:) and he landed it on the first after a few resets. STATS!

Marth      Lord  10.48  40|10| 0| 8|11|12| 9| 0
Cain       Drac  20.00  49|26| 1|25|23|20|25|11
Draug      Gene  11.40  50|17| 1|16|19|10|21| 3
Jagen      Drac  12.44  31| 9| 1|14|15| 5|13| 4
Gordin     Bish   4.49  33| 1| 3| 8| 7| 9| 6|10
Darros     Hero  14.09  49|25| 1|25|26|19|18| 3
Wendell    Bish  16.93  36| 1|14| 5|15|11| 5|13
Xane       Bish  15.85  36| 1|14| 5|15|11| 5|13  (turned into wendell atm)
Etzel      Sorc   7.32  31| 2|13|14| 9| 7| 7|12
Roshea     Cava  16.25  34|11| 0|15| 9| 5|10| 0
Caesar     DMag  10.88  25| 2| 4| 4| 8| 8| 6| 4
Dolph      Merc   8.19  22| 9| 0|14|17| 3| 7| 0
Nagi       Mana   ------didn't do shit lol-----
Trim       Pega   :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Writing the synopsis now.


219 turns clear! That beats my old draft by 50+ turns. Granted, this was H2 instead of H3, but ...


MARTH - 57B, 21W

Fuck this guy.

CAIN - 306B, 222W

MVP. This dude took maps and didn't afraid of anything. Granted, he took a while to get going but the time he took to get going was dominated by Jags and Draug anyhow. By the time HAMMERTIME!Darros couldn't kill bosses, Cain was ready. By the time Draug could only solo half a map, Cain had the other.

DRAUG - 223B, 88W

Early MVP. Failed to roll STR consistently later on and fell out of favor, but was utterly irreplaceable for the first fifteen chapters or thereabouts. Part of his failure was certainly due to my saying "FUCK DEF" and reclassing him to Berzerker to try to provoke those STR rolls, but alas.

JAGEN - 151B, 46W

JAGS! I, unlike everybody else, don't kill Jags off. His usefulness persists all the way through the game and this was assisted by the fact that I think my Jags was distinctly SPD-blessed. I didn't feed him anything except a late-game Seraph Robe, either.

GORDIN - 44B, 12W

Peggy Gordin is not my darling. I will, however, admit that he was very useful early on with his accurate 2-range chipping and occasional flier blicking. Add that to the simple fact that he was a warm body who can counterattack occasionally and shield from things...yeah. Good enough.

DARROS - 178B, 93W

HOLY SHIT. My single regret of this game was not raising Darros more earlier because he was a fucking BEAST. I fed him a bunch of sekret shop statboosters (tyvm trim) towards the end to help him along and it paid off. Nothing quite like 20/1 Darros 1RKOing Manaketes with Señor K. Edge.

WENDELL - 48B, 28W

GGRAGRHAAHHARHAG. Wendell was CLUTCH the whole fucking game through. When I was panicking at the end because Gordin wasn't getting A Staves? I reclassed Wendell to Bishop and had Xane emulate him. When I needed a boss blicked? Wendell EXCALIBUR! His SPD was ludicrous even though his MAG blew - so I fed him Spirit Dust. Not like anybody else needed it...

XANE - 28B, 25W

I'm torn on Mr. X, but I think he was worthwhile just for two 12-MOV Cains and, later, two A Staff Wendells. 'course, bitch can't do anything on his own so he's really just a Dancer type but I like Dancers so all's good. I still think he's a stupid prick, but at least he's a useful stupid prick.

ETZEL - 4B, 1W

Etzel didn't do fuck-all except heal Xane in the Endgame so I could pop an extra Geosphere on Turn 1.

ROSHEA - 94B, 24W

Roshea was an oddball. He didn't get the love he needed to sprout but he was a decent enough unit for the levels he got. I think if I'd poured XP into him he would have paid off but I didn't so he didn't so I dunno.

CAESAR - 41B, 13W

Just about worthless. I gave him some stints as a Knight, some as a Merc, some as a Hunter and some as a Dark Mage. As a Mage he was probably the best, managing to actually hurt things and not die in return while having the STR pure Mages lack.

DOLPH - 23B, 5W

A little bit of Roshea, a mostly bit of Caesar. He ...did enough work, I suppose, and didn't die in return?

NAGI - 2B, 2W

Killed two enemies because I COULD.

TRIM - 0B, 0W


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You do know Marth running down the mountain in C24 is faster, right? (provided you prevent him from being murdered by the manaketes.)

You can do that? I thought there was a solid line of Peaks on the other side.

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There's a little space for him to run down. If you can eliminate all the manaketes and other enemies in there while somehow keeping Marth alive, you can seize on turn 4, boots assumed.

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Hey guys I just want to say that I will probably drop out. Considering the speed of my progress I most likely would've just slowed this whole thing down. You all probably think I'm a pretty big jerk for dropping out right out. If you want to insult/criticize me, do it now and just get it out. Don't come to me 5 years later saying "you are such a noob, quiting that drafting tourney 5 years ago" or something like that. To be honest, it doesn't feel really good quiting, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Anyway hope you guys have fun.

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You shouldn't quit just because you're losing. You have a hard team to work with. If you still want to quit though, is it okay if I use your team and finish in your place, also, is that against the rules?

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Hey guys I just want to say that I will probably drop out. Considering the speed of my progress I most likely would've just slowed this whole thing down. ... To be honest, it doesn't feel really good quiting, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Anyway hope you guys have fun.

Sad to hear that. Hope it was fun for the parts you did do though.

Chapter 6x - 16/98

Not much to say here. Forts were available so I reclassed Jagen back to Paladin.

Had the team mop up the revenge of the pirates, mostly Vyland for training purposes, and Caeda just toured the sights. Those were some very lovely mountains and streams. The generics had a mobile poker game, (they couldn't agree on a winner,) and I decided to keep Athena out of the butchery that was to come.

Marth	Lord	9.68	24	9	0	5	11	12	7	0	Sword C
Jagen	Paladin	6.06	24	8	2	12	9	4	9	6	Sword C/Lance A
Barst	Fighter	10.77	31	14	0	7	11	9	9	0	Axe B
Julian	Thief	8.30	21	6	0	10	14	12	6	0	Sword D
Lena	Mage	10.65	19	0	6	9	9	13	4	4	Tome D
Navarre	Myrm.	8.75	23	9	0	13	15	11	6	0	Sword B
Vyland	Cav.	6.63	23	7	0	4	9	4	9	0	Sword E/Lance D
Caeda	Tourist	1.00	Base Everything

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Hey guys I just want to say that I will probably drop out. Considering the speed of my progress I most likely would've just slowed this whole thing down. You all probably think I'm a pretty big jerk for dropping out right out. If you want to insult/criticize me, do it now and just get it out. Don't come to me 5 years later saying "you are such a noob, quiting that drafting tourney 5 years ago" or something like that. To be honest, it doesn't feel really good quiting, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Anyway hope you guys have fun.

You really should go at a pace that's comfortable for you; everyone's schedule is different after all, and I don't think it's fair for the OP to have penalties for people who don't finish in a week or something.

The most important part is finishing, no matter how long it takes.

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It's either tell me you're working on it OR post at least one chapter update once a week.

If you don't think you can do either, please let me know. Xander, please pay attention. . .you might like this.

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Chapter 7 - 16/114

This chapter threw me for more of a loop than I thought it would. The reinforcements surprised me, starting at turn 4 and all. Good thing Generics exist.

Didn't have any archers with me so Minerva and co. flew free while I dealt with the dragoons. Gonna have to prepare for air units next time I see them.

In preventing the reinforcement cavaliers' assault I wasn't sure when they finally stopped, so I ended up burning a few turns. At least the team's doing well so far.

Marth	Lord	10.93	25	9	0	5	11	13	8	0	Sword B
Jagen	Paladin	6.60	24	8	2	12	9	4	9	6	Sword C/Lance A
Barst	Fighter	12.16	33	15	0	9	11	9	9	0	Axe B
Julian	Thief	9.05	22	6	0	11	14	13	7	0	Sword D
Lena	Mage	12.77	19	0	6	10	9	14	4	4	Tome C
Navarre	Myrm.	10.06	25	9	0	13	17	12	7	0	Sword B
Vyland	Cav.	7.86	24	7	0	4	10	5	10	0	Sword E/Lance C
Caeda	Mountaineer	Base Everything

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I just got word back from hithere1 that he's dropping.

That means his team is up for grabs. Xander, you get first shot, but there's a one additional rule you'll need to follow.

- If you take 16 turns or less on Chapter 1, it will count as 16 turns. If you take more than 16 turns on that chapter, you take that turn count instead.

Follow the same logging rules, etc. Have fun!

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Chapter 8 - 9/125

Reclassed Navarre to Cavalier and Lena to Cleric. Figured I'd need someone who could heal and it turned out I did.

Julian and Lena stayed portside, but the arena wasn't as helpful as I was hoping for. Caeda bought some weapons, and Lena Physic-ed those who needed help up north.

Boss was a bit stubborn, having just enough speed to not be doubled by Barst, but he still went down. Just in time too, as reinforcements were starting to overwhelm Jagen and Vyland.

Marth	Lord	11.61	26	9	0	5	12	14	8	0	Sword B
Jagen	Paladin	7.21	24	8	2	12	9	5	9	6	Sword C/Lance A
Barst	Fighter	13.30	34	16	0	10	11	9	9	0	Axe B
Julian	Thief	9.05	22	6	0	11	14	13	7	0	Sword D
Lena	Cleric	15.19	19	0	5	10	9	16	3	10	Staff C
Navarre	Cav.	11.68	28	12	0	6	12	12	10	0	Sword B/Lance E
Vyland	Cav.	10.20	26	10	0	6	12	7	10	0	Sword E/Lance C
Caeda	On a Boat	Base Everything

Chapter 9 - 8/133

Reclassed Lena back to mage. Things went very smoothly.

Julian looted the nearby treasure and Navarre soloed the entire eastern half, though the Wyrmslayer did get stolen away.

For some reason, the Devil Axe user suicided himself when trying to kill Marth, but I'm not complaining.

Barst and Lena took down the boss, and Marth seized. Not much else to say.

Marth	Lord	12.08	27	9	0	5	12	15	8	0	Sword B
Jagen	Paladin	7.38	24	8	2	12	9	5	9	6	Sword C/Lance A
Barst	Fighter	13.93	34	16	0	10	11	9	9	0	Axe B
Julian	Thief	9.28	22	6	0	11	14	13	7	0	Sword D
Lena	Mage	16.01	19	0	8	11	9	17	4	5	Tome C
Navarre	Cav.	12.73	29	12	0	6	12	12	10	0	Sword B/Lance E
Vyland	Cav.	11.00	26	10	0	6	12	7	10	0	Sword D/Lance C
Caeda	Explorer	1.00	Base Everything

Chapter 10 - 15/148

Now I could have finished this in less time... but I really wanted Barst to get Hauteclere. So I went the long way through the castle with my army.

Not sure how it happened, but a horseman got itself against my meatshield wall and made it so that nothing could attack it since it wouldn't move (lucky!) Opened the north door before recruiting Maria so that Minerva wouldn't be an idiot and leap in the back of the line.

Meanwhile, Barst sauntered up the western path and smashed in the boss and his guard with his trusty hammer.

Marth	Lord	13.43	28	9	0	6	13	15	9	0	Sword B
Jagen	Paladin	7.59	24	8	2	12	9	5	9	6	Sword C/Lance A
Barst	Fighter	15.52	34	17	0	10	13	10	9	0	Axe A
Julian	Thief	10.34	23	6	0	11	15	14	8	0	Sword D
Lena	Mage	16.55	19	0	8	11	9	17	4	5	Tome C
Navarre	Cav.	13.38	30	13	0	6	12	12	10	0	Sword B/Lance E
Vyland	Cav.	12.50	26	10	0	6	12	8	10	0	Sword D/Lance C
Caeda	Castle Crasher	Base Everything

Chapter 11 - 15/163

Although I took the time to get Linde, or rather, her Aura tome for Lena, I don't think taking the time to send Marth there made too much of a difference.

I was getting a bit full on people so I used generics, Minerva, and Maria for Ballista bait. With Jake being such a pain to recruit I just decided to off him. Beck can do without one for a while.

With no reinforcements to mess things up, just worked my way around and in. (Though Barst getting crit by the sniper was not in my plans, thank goodness for high health.)

Marth	Lord	13.81	28	9	0	6	13	15	9	0	Sword B
Jagen	Paladin	8.03	25	8	2	13	9	5	9	6	Sword C/Lance A
Barst	Fighter	16.19	35	17	0	11	13	11	9	0	Axe A
Julian	Thief	12.18	25	8	0	12	16	15	8	0	Sword C
Lena	Mage	17.21	19	0	9	12	9	18	4	5	Tome C
Navarre	Cav.	14.61	31	14	0	7	13	12	10	0	Sword A/Lance E
Vyland	Cav.	13.41	27	10	0	6	12	9	10	0	Sword D/Lance C
Caeda	Merchant	Base Everything

Chapter 12 - 16/179

Going the dragon route took longer than I thought, so I ended up having to deal with the reinforcements. Had Jagen spring Macellan, though I ended up not doing much with him at the moment.

Barst and Lena covered my flank, Julian and Vyland ransacked the treasure room and it's general, while Marth, Navarre, and Jagen went forward.

It was a good thing I had bought some vulneraries. Didn't have any healing units on the map (let Boah, tomas, and Dolph die to the prison guards,) and only when I was at the boss did I realize that there were no forts on the map.

Thankfully, Navarre and Julian were on the ball and I was able to clear without having to sacrifice.

Marth	Lord	14.60	29	10	0	7	14	16	10	0	Sword B
Jagen	Paladin	8.64	25	8	2	13	9	5	9	6	Sword C/Lance A
Barst	Fighter	17.90	36	17	0	11	14	12	9	0	Axe A
Julian	Thief	13.70	26	9	0	12	16	16	8	0	Sword C
Lena	Mage	18.48	19	0	10	13	10	19	4	5	Tome C
Navarre	Cav.	16.26	33	12	0	7	15	14	11	0	Sword A/Lance E
Vyland	Cav.	14.63	28	10	0	7	12	9	10	0	Sword D/Lance B
Macellan	Knight	3.00	Base Everything
Caeda	Liberator	1.00	Base Everything

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Just posting to say that I've finished up to where hithere1 left off. Chapter 1 was done in 11 or 12 turns (not like it matters since it'll be counted as 16). Chapter 2 was done in 14 or 15 (again not like it matters). All my characters are alive. I'll start logging on chapter 3 where hithere1 left off.

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Alright, now I've started to log since I'm done with chapter 3. I'll continue to edit this post through the first 10 chapters. For now all I have is ch 3 though.

Chapter 3: 7 turns (40 total)

Jagen charged left and stood on a mountain with a javelin equiped, raping the initial swarm of enemies. Abel, Marth Cord and Castor followed him. Marth got the Devil Axe by turn 2. Caeda recruited Navarre for his killing edge. By turn 7 I had dealt with most of the enemies and Abel and Jagen teamed up to take down the boss with their swords. Despite my best efforts to sacrifice people, no one wanted to die, so everyone is still alive. mellow.gif I've got some work to do in upcoming chapters and find ways to kill people off without losing turns.

Chapter 4: 8 turns (48 total)

Reclassed Jagen to Swordmaster, Castor to knight. Castor stayed on a fort, warding off the fighters and gaining experience while everyone else headed west. On turn 8 after I'd cleared a path, Marth seized. I guess I should say I could've done this in7, but Marth didn't crit the boss.

Chapter 5: 6 turns (54 total)

Cord got D in axes just in time, and used the Devil Axe to OHKO the boss. Castor went left to fight the cavs and get some exp and weapon exp.

Chapter 6: 9 turns (63 total)

Reclassed Castor to Merc, Jagen to Paladin. Devil Axe and Abel's Steel Lance combined was enough to take out the boss. I should note that many generics were sacrificed to hold off the enemies at the first chokepoint while the rest of my units continued forward. RIP Unil and Co sad.gif

Chapter 6x: 14 turns

Reclassed Jagen to dracoknight. I hardly see how this is important, do we have to post turncounts for gaidens? I got Athena, and she KOd the boss, everyone else got some nice exp. Though it took about 7 turns to take out the boss since Cord kept missing with the hand axe.

Chapter 7: 6 turns (69 total...)

Reclassed Castor to Fighter, Athena to Pegasus knight, and Jagen to Paladin. Everyone ran southward and Cord hit C axes just in time to hammer the boss to death so Marth could seize.

Chapter 8: 5 turns (74 total)

Reclassed Castor to knight. Caeda died, and my new shopper was Radd. Everyone ran toward the boss and Jagen KOd him with an Armorslayer so Marth could seize on turn 5.

Chapter 9: 10 turns (84 total)

Reclassed Castor to Merc, Jagen to swordmaster. This chapter took so long because I had to go the long way around to recruit Jeorge...will it save me turns in the long run? I can only hope so. Radd died. Cord's devil axe + Abel teamed up to take out the boss, and I had to wait a few turns before Marth was in range to seize.

Chapter 10: 9 turns (93 total)

Reclassed Castor to knight, Jagen to Paladin, Roger to fighter. Hardin did the shopping. This chapter Jeorge got A in bows.Castor stayed near the start, waiting for the reinforcements to gain exp. Everyone else charged forward and I could have killed the boss and seized on turn 8 but that priest near the boss moved in front of him to heal him, meaning Marth would have had to kill the priest while Cord KOd the boss.

Chapter 11: 14 turns (107 total)

I feel cheated here...I took about 5 extra turns to get Linde, and to the point I'm at now she hasn't done anything worth mentioning. Reclassed Castor to hunter and Roger to mercenary. Everyone charged forward and I had to wait a few turns for Marth to catch up and seize. Roger stayed at the arena getting his ass kicked while trying to catch up and costing me ~9000 gold. So basically this chapter I lost about 5 turns and became broke. I hope Linde is worth it...who am I kidding? Why did I even get her? Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Chapter 12: 8 turns (115 total)

Reclassed Castor to Knight and Linde to Cleric. Gave Abel the Seraph Robe, Speedwing, and Energy Drop. Abel went around the long way, OHKOing the paladin boss and his men while getting me the boots. Marth stayed inside the chest room for a few turns while I baited the sniper. Castor stayed near the start taking on the reinforcements. Boah and Tomas were left alive.

Chapter 12x: 14 turns

Reclassed Roger to Fighter, Castor to Mercenary, and Linde to mage. Sold the large bullion from last chapter. This chapter, Roger hit D in axes. Nothing else special happened. I killed Horace I guess mellow.gif. Oh yeah and Tomas died.

Chapter 13: 4 turns (119 total)

Again, nothing special. Everyone charged westward. Abel killed the boss. A few generics died to the ballistae. Linde still hasn't done anything, and was too frail to even get close to the ballistae.

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Sorry, I have a life.

Gaiden counts aren't important, unless you went over 20 turns.

Xander, I'll put a note saying you took over for hithere1 (you're doing this for giggles, since the original dude left). Grith, I'm rooting for you!

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Chapter 12x 19/179

Training time for Macellan! Since having a speed of 3 would help no one but the enemy, I decided to reclass Macellan to Hunter, as I still need a bow user.

Being a gaiden chapter, taking things nice and slow is a must. Plenty of time to visit the villages with Marth and take on all the reinforcements. As a result however, I didn't have enough time to take on Horace's troops afterwards, so I let him live. Besides, with lots of health and defense, his meatshieldyness may last until the very end. Everybody wins!

On a side note, promoted generics are starting to appear.

Chapter 13 - 9/188

Everyone's favorite Ballista cluster chapter. A lot of luring was done here.

While my guys did try to do stuff, it basically boiled down to Navarre up top, Vyland down south, and Barst in the middle, supported by a freshly recruited Beck.

With Generics, Midia, and Astram all baiting the boss and his support, Barst and Jagen rushed their way to victory.

Interestingly enough, on the last enemy turn, the remaining ballistas killed Astram and then Midia.

EDIT- I don't know what just happened, but the code section went wonky, so these stat logs were deleted.

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Am I allowed to reclass generics? Say I want my generic shopper to be able to fly, can I reclass them to PK? I've already missed shops in 2 chapters because my shopper couldn't reach the shops in time.

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