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FE4 Questions

Gaggle of Geese

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So, I've been playing FE4, and I need a bit of advice an answers.

#1) I've been using all of my units. Should I be doing this? When I first played FE7, I tried cycling through ALL the units, and it was a disaster. I had to restart. However, this game is different in a lot of ways. Should I be using everyone?

#2) How the heck am I supposed to deal with travel time? It's not a problem for horseback units, but all my infantry is lagging way too far behind. Advice?

Thanks to anyone who cares to respond.

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1) You can use everyone. You don't have to. You can deploy your entire army, if you want and it wouldn't be an issue.

2) Use roads. They have -10 avo but more movement. Also, depending on the map you can have your cavalry run ahead and take this one castle and then your infantry wait at another one to get a headstart when the roadblock goes away while your cavalry goes to kill things. Chapter 2 is good for that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd like to know if there are any penalties for not visiting a village when it's still fully standing. I can do good if I go slow, but when the bandits start attacking, I start rushing, and then I have problems. other than that, i'm fine.

The village gives 500 less gold for every section that is destroyed.

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