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(FE5) Draft


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Well, since my team is complete, I'll go ahead and begin.

First of all, I've never completed FE5. The furthest I've made it is Chapter 19, where I got bored. Hopefully this will motivate me to actually pull through. But, for that very reason, I don't really expect to do all that well. I have absolutely no idea what good baselines for turncounts are, because I've yet to see a playlog of this game posted here, and there haven't been any drafts yet. At worst, it'll be an interesting experiment, so here goes!

Thoughts on my picks:

Saphy: Saphy is a goddess, joining early with a decent staff rank. Once she reaches B staves and promotes (pretty quickly, on Elite Mode), she'll immediately have access to Warp, Rescue, and Rewarp, which are of paramount importance in this game, even early on.

Brighton: This guy puts the Man in Manster, with a just good enough Sword rank (although sadly he can't use the Fire Sword anytime soon), and more importantly, Wrath. Outdoors, he's mounted, tanky, and still has Wrath. Really, the reason I grabbed him so early is so I didn't get screwed in Manster, but he's got some good long-term uses.

Karin: She's the early flyer, and while this isn't FE6 or FE8, it's still a wonderful thing to have. She's got a lot of time to grow and she helps out in Manster which is always excellent.

Salem: Mmmm more staff rank. He's got passable combat and doesn't have a hard time reaching A Staves either, and aside from Asvel he's the earliest of the mages to join.

Carrion: His name might suck, but he's a cool guy. Solid stats all-around with a good PCC and has the decency to join early enough to be useful.

Marty: Well, he's there early and he can capture stuff. Mostly, he's another sword-arm around when you need them, and at least the Odo/Sety scrolls come early enough to salvage his horrific starting Skill/Speed.

Glade: Mounted with one leadership star. Welcome to Glade. He supports Selphina and Robert, at least, getting a whopping 20% from Selphina alone.

Galzus: He'll probably be my endgame savior, since most of my growth units are mounted. Glad to have him as a crutch.

Selphina: Mounted with a good bow rank. Welcome to Selphina. Has some good supports with the rest of my draftees and her starting rank gives her some nice weapons until Robert finally catches up.

Robert: I really didn't want to get both Selphina and Robert, but the other choices weren't exactly ones I was jumping out of my seat for. At the very least, he has a decent PCC and stat growths, and is mounted. Oh well, could've had a worse last pick (SHANAM).

Let my humiliating failure begin!

Ch1: The Warrior of Fiana (7/7)

I probably could've done this in 6 turns, but stupid soldiers kept getting in Leaf's way and Eyvel had to kill them. Basically just went in a straight path. Once Marty arrived, he went to the Life Ring village and nabbed it. Nothing really interesting.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    04.56  23  04  02  05  06  06  03  05 	
Eyvel   13.46  28  09  04  18  20  10  07  08
Marty   02.36  32  09  00  01  00  06  06  15

Yea, Marty grew skill. Yay.

Ch2: The Village of Ith (6/13)

Leaf and Eyvel charged the boss. Marty captured some guys for Axes and Vulneraries. Eyvel weakened the boss with the Fire Sword and the kill went to Leaf. Again, very straightforward. Didn't make it to any of the villages.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    05.90  24  04  02  06  06  06  04  05 	
Eyvel   13.82  28  09  04  18  20  10  07  08
Marty   04.96  34  09  00  02  01  07  07  17

Leaf grew movement (!) and Marty got one particularly excellent level.

Edited by Silvercrow
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Why thank you.

Ch2x: The Pirate Isles (10/27)

Leaf and Eyvel went straight for Lifis. Marty dealt with stragglers, capturing for some more Axes. Had to use the Fire and Light swords a bit, especially at the last bit with the Myrmidons, but overall pretty straightforward. Didn't fuck with Shiva, seemed like a bad idea. Eyvel captured Lifis and Leaf seized.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    08.72  25  05  03  08  07  06  04  05 	
Eyvel   14.60  28  09  04  18  20  10  07  08
Marty   06.36  35  09  00  03  03  08  08  18

Wtf Marty, THREE Skill AND Speed procs in 5 levels? Christ...

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The speed ring is in chapter 2. I skipped it because it was rather out of the way and would have cost me turns to go after it without Fin. It definitely would've been nice on him, though, he would've actually matched Leaf's speed.

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Nothing in particular. Ambush wouldn't be a bad option since it would allow him to fuck up large groups of Armors really bad with a Hammer. Wrath would be pretty nice too, but the same could be said for nearly everyone. I suppose he could benefit from Charge as well if his speed actually gets up a bit, but otherwise most skills are probably better suited on other characters. Continue/Sunlight proc rates depend on skill and would be absolutely atrocious on him.

Edited by Silvercrow
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Nothing in particular. Ambush wouldn't be a bad option since it would allow him to fuck up large groups of Armors really bad with a Hammer. Wrath would be pretty nice too, but the same could be said for nearly everyone. I suppose he could benefit from Charge as well if his speed actually gets up a bit, but otherwise most skills are probably better suited on other characters (most skills with proc rates depend on skill and would be absolutely atrocious on him).

Wrath wouldn't be a bad idea on him, but since he seems he won't have to much doubling (and therefore, killing) problems, I'd probably give that one to Karin to make her better at fighting.

For Ambush I have a soft spot for Salem actually. Once his magic gets high enough, and with the help of a Pure Water and several Yotsmung tomes, you'd be surprised on how often he can OHKO enemies. It can also be used to fight flyers with Wind too.

For Charge, Marty would pretty much become Dagda 2.0, so that's not such a bad idea.

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I've never actually used Salem, but there are tons and tons of Yotmungandr tomes so being able to make use of them like that would be wonderful, actually. Then again, Saphy can only use Light magic so Salem basically has dibs on every anima spell in the entire game that his weapon ranks will allow him to use.

Really, though, I'm waiting to see how people start shaping up first. Wrath sounded like a much better idea on Marty before he got absurdly lucky with his speed before the Sety scroll even existed, which means he'll have a much easier time getting it higher and therefore needing Wrath less. Karin may not end up needing it either if she gets lucky. Someone like Glade with a horrible PCC wouldn't mind it either.

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I've never actually used Salem, but there are tons and tons of Yotmungandr tomes so being able to make use of them like that would be wonderful, actually. Then again, Saphy can only use Light magic so Salem basically has dibs on every anima spell in the entire game that his weapon ranks will allow him to use.

Really, though, I'm waiting to see how people start shaping up first. Wrath sounded like a much better idea on Marty before he got absurdly lucky with his speed before the Sety scroll even existed, which means he'll have a much easier time getting it higher and therefore needing Wrath less. Karin may not end up needing it either if she gets lucky. Someone like Glade with a horrible PCC wouldn't mind it either.

Even with Wind alone I think he's good enough against almost anything that flies that doesn't have Prayer (chapter 21 dragon knights). As for Thunder, I guess it's just extremely common and easy to acquire. Fire's nothing too special for him.

Yeah good luck with Karin. Try to have the Hezul scroll as often as you can on her, but don't forget that like Glade her PCC is bad too, which is another reason why I suggested Wrath on her. Plus, since she flies she might be able to kill shit way before the rest of your army gets to it.

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Really, the one good thing about this draft is that with a very small unit pool and Elite Mode, the units you're using are going to be massively overleveled and going to get to spend a lot of time with scrolls (well, Leaf will suffer for it, unfortunately, but I don't think anyone else will...). Even if Karin is somewhat unlucky, she gets more or less exclusive access to the Hezul scroll and a lot of EXP piled on her that's only shared with Brighton and Leaf for a time.

For some reason I didn't realize that Karin's PCC was so bad. I thought it was 2. Wrath definitely sounds better on her, then.

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Is redoing the chapter for a speed ring (this means starting over from the beginning) really worth forsaking his excellent levels raising both his speed and skill, on top of movement proc on Leaf? The RNG has been incredibly generous, I would only start over if I got the same string. Sety scroll comes soon and his promotion gives a huge amount. At the moment I'm not worried about his speed, and because of elite mode promotion at level 20 is almost a given for him (should happen before the chapters where I'll need him most, 14 comes to mind).

Karin was definitely on my mind for Elite, but it will probably depend on what level she is coming out of Manster. She only has to share exp with Leaf and Brighton, but I dunno how much her durability will let her do. If she ends up high leveled, I may give it to someone like Robert in an effort to get something useful out of him. I'm gonna need all my units to be contributing.

Wrath will almost certainly go on Marty or Karin, I'm thinking. Sunlight is an option for Brighton, too.

All in all, my number one priority is just beating the game in one piece. I've never done it before and a lot of people seem to be somewhat skeptical of the idea of a draft for FE5, but I think the idea is fantastic and sorta hope it catches on.

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Sorry, snow days mean an earlier return to school. >_>

Xavie *sigh* The other two aren't even usable by me since I'd have to sacrifice Almalda for it and I'd like to have a staff user other than Homeros.

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