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Xavier approved. Oh and Ether, you've got Anima instead of Fighter for his class. Might want to fix that. Sorry I didn't notice earlier :lol:


(I'll make an rp post of this shortly)

Selling Stolen Stimulant for 10 points

Current Points for Amon: 74

Purchasing a level up.

HP: 3 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 6 LCK: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 1

HP: 4 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 7 LCK: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Current Points for Amon: 4

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[spoiler=Sign up by a Canadian]Name: Xavier Fournier

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Class: Fighter

Affinity: Anima

Weapon proficiency: Axe/Bow

Weapon of Choice: Steel Axe

Inventory: Steel Axe, Iron Bow

Raw Stats: HP:5 STR:5 MAG:0 SKL:3 SPD:4 LCK:2 DEF:3 RES:1

Simplified Stats: 15 HP, 5 Mt(6 w/ Steel Axe), 3 Hit, 6 Avo, 3 Def(2 with Iron Bow), 1 Res(0 with Iron Bow)

Occupation: Farmhand, Hunter

Appearance: A rugged man built from labouring most of his life. Stands at 5'11", with heavily tanned skin. His hair is cropped short, a dark shade of brown. He is relatively well muscled due to working the land most of his life, and wears simple clothing in earthen tones to aid in hunting.

Nature/Disposition: A simple man, wishing only to preserve the values he was brought up on and defend the belief in the gods who blessed his home. Xavier is level headed and observant, and generally agreeable to any physical tasks. Tends to awaken at the break of dawn.

Hometown: Edge of Ursentis, at the border of the farmlands and the surrounding forests.

Connections: No major connections outside of the small community he was raised in.

Backstory: Xavier was born as the only child of a simple wedded couple. His simple life was interrupted when the spread of a wood fire brought his home to the ground. When he returned from his hunt, he found his life in ashes. Taken in by the neighbor farm in exchange for his helping hand about the farm, he soon became a part of the household, doing so officially at the age of 22, when he took the sole daughter of the old farmer as his wife. They lived happily and healthily, until the call for volunteers came out. The old farmer, a firm believer in the teachings of the gods, asked his son-in-law to go in his stead. He was still able to work the farm, but he could not think to hold up were a fight to break out. Agreeing out of debt to the man, as well as his own faith, Xavier made the journey to urban Ursentis, to join the volunteer militia.

4 Points remaining


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I am reposting with Xavier's new build. I messed up everything apparently, so here we go.

Xavier Lv.1, 164 points.

Hp 5 Str 5 Mag 0 Skl 2 Spd 3 Lck 2 Def 2 Res 1

Level Up! 104 points remaining

+ Str, Skl, Spd

Level up! 34 points remaining

+ Hp, Skl, Def

Sell Iron Axe! 54 points remaining

Buy Precise Axe! 14 points remaining!

Buy Vulnerary! 4 points remaining!

Current build:

Hp 6 Str 6 Skl 4 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 3 Res 1

Simplified: Hp 18 Mt 6 Hit 6 Evd 6 Def 3 Res 1

Inventory Precise Axe, Vulnerary(3/3)

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I think I'll drop out as well. I just can't seem to wrap my head around all these stats and shit. I don't really think it's worth my time, sorry. Tyrs didn't really do anything note-worthy anyway, so you can just kill him as a generic.

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Hey Snowy. For this fight, Cynthia paired Xavier and Robin as in impromptu combat team.

So, at the moment, we both get +5 for a two person team, +10 for my kills, and +5 for yours.

Just wanted to make sure you didn't miss it.

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Axel levels up!

HP: 4

STR: 5 (+1!)

MAG: 0

SKL: 5 (+1!)

SPD: 5 (+1!)

LCK: 2

DEF: 4

RES: 1

HP is 12, MT is 5, Hit is 5, AS is 5, Evade is 7, Defense is 5, Resistance is 1.

58 points remaining.

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Veronika levels up! (Level 4)

HP: 4-->4

Str: 5-->6

Mag: 0-->0

Skl: 6-->7

Spd: 7-->8

Lck: 2-->2

Def: 1-->1

Res: 1-->1

42 points remaining (78 post Wrathite)

Nadya levels up! (Level 3)

HP 4-->5

Str: 0-->0

Mag: 5-->6

Skl: 3-->3

Spd: 5-->6

Lck: 2-->2

Def: 0-->0

Res 4-->4

64 points left

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Ranyin Levels up! (Level 3)

Hp = 3->4; Fight with mercenaries and the whole experience has made him slightly more used to pain :):

Spd= 4->5; Standard nature, will always go up...unless some great experience happens to not allow it >_>

Luk= 3->4; Got through a battle UNSCRATCHED and managed to Crit when it counted! How much luckier can one get? :XD:

Points: 20 left

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Decided to rejoin RotE since I regretted quitting and it looks like it's getting interesting.

So I had 61 points before and I missed this battle, so I get the point average (43). Which means Domovoi has 104 points now.

Which means I'm gonna level him up!

HP 12 > 15

Str 5

Skl 4 > 5

Spd 4 > 5

Luck 1

Def 5

Res 0

34 points remaining.

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Chelsea Level Up 2------->---------3

" I feel Like I can take on Anything. BRING IT ON"

HP: 4

STR: 0

MAG: 5 +1= 6

SKL: 4 + 1= 5

SPD: 4

LCK: 2

DEF: 0

RES: 4 +1= 5

Chelsea's Remaining points= 16

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Gabbie's current points: 93

Gabbie Levels up: -80

Level 3

HP: 5 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 4 RES: 1

Level 4

HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 6 LCK: 2 DEF: 5 RES: 1

Gabbie's current points: 13

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Name: Zelatus Drakthu'ul

Nickname: Zel

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Class: Cavalier

Affinity: Light

Weapon proficiency: Spear

Inventory: (A character will only have an inventory if they spent their initial points on equipment. If nothing was sold or bought, the character should only have an Iron weapon or basic Tome. These can have custom names if desired but they should be noted as Irons/Tomes)

Raw Stats: HP: 4 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 3 LCK: 1 DEF: 3 RES: 2

Simplified Stats:

Occupation: Hero! (coughVigilantecough)

Appearance: Zel is tall, 6' 3'', He wear's a full suit of (cheap) armor, painted Brilliantly white a nice Gold Trim. He wears a full helm that completely obscures his face, and has a flowing white cloak. On his the chest of the armor is a Silver crest with the design of an Eagle on it. The same design is mirrored on his cloak.

Nature/Disposition: Zel has a very... boastful personality, he's load and proud, if you look at this guy and go 'he thinks he's going to save the world one day...' you'd be right.

Hometown: Ursentius

Connections: His Older Sister Ellandra: His Father Cristopher, and his Step Mother: Sara, His Horse: Sliep

Backstory: Zel is an... almost noble that grew up in the bolstering city of Ursentius. Almost as in... His Dad had an affair with some girl with the street, ended having Zel, and the Chris kept him. Zel never met his true mother, didn't even know she existed, and doesn't really care. All he cared about, was being some hero, some great knight that would one day aspire to great things. Thanks to his father's slight Influence he was able to go through the process of becoming a knight. Working and learning as a page, cleaning and monitoring equipment as a squire, and eventually working his way to Knighthood. He never complained, he never quarrelled. It was all to establish his goal. Inhis knight hood Ceremony his father presented Sliep to him as a proper gift. No knight should go into battle unmounted. With a tear in his eye and a smile under his helm he set off to become something great... atleast, that was the plan. He has yet to leave town, and so far has only dealt with a few bandits from under the laws nose. But as soon as he finds an excuse he's going to skip town and go be somebody.

(All optional: But we love mounts)

Mount Name: Sliep

Mount Nickname: Sliep

Mount Gender: Gender

Mount Species: White Horse

Mount Age: 4

Mount Appearance: A bueatiful white horse, with some cheap, white and gold armor just like Zel.

Mount Personality: Sliep is a military horse through and through, loyal to his owner, doesn't mis-behave, only does what he's told. He isn't skittish to combat or load noises.

Mount Relations: Zel: Owner, James: breeder. Chris: Buyer.

Mount Backstory: Sliep has had a rather simple life, Breed to be a Warhorse, Trained to be a Warhorse, sold to some body for the sake of being a Warhorse. Sliep has, and probably forever will be, a Warhorse.

Now to spend Points!

Level up 1>2: HP, STR, SKL (-60)

Level up 2>3: STR, SPD, DEF (-70)

Level up 3>4: STR, HP, DEF (-80)

Total: -210!

Remaining: 34

New Base Raw Stats:

HP: 6, STR: 6, MAG: 0, SKL: 5, SPD: 4, LCK: 1, DEF: 5, RES: 2

Selling Iron Lace: (+20)

Buying Defending Spear: (-50)

Total: 4

New Simplified Stats: Health: 18, Mt: 6, Hit: 5, AS: 4, Dodge: 5, Defence: 8, Res: 2

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Gytha level up!

Class: Mercenary

Affinity: Fire

Level: 4

Weapon proficiency: Sword

Weapon of Choice: Her old two-handed blade

Inventory: Iron sword (plot inventory: sword is a blade and then there's herflintlock pistol; points remaining: 25)

Stats: HP: 7 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF:3 RES: 2

Simplified Stats: HP: 21 MT: 5 HIT: 5 AVO: 7 DEF: 3 RES: 2 AS: 5

Bert gains weapon affinity! -30pts from Norbert's point pool. New point total for Norbert is 100.

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