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How are you going to explain all of that in-universe?

How did Rothene learn Dark Magic?

How did Rothene learn how to play musical instruments.?

Either way this might not please Sis... and we might have to give her character a complete rehaul....

Explain your trepidation so that we may better address this malefic concurrence.

In English, What the fuck is the problem here?

He learned dark magic by training, simple as that. Dark magic isn't some deep dark and cryptic horror magic of the death gods, it's simply a art form (like me being an troll), like fire, like thunder, like wind and like ice.

Also, Bard =/= playing instruments. Yes it's associated with that but there's singing too. Wait until you see my bard character.

And I'm REALLY curious how this IN ANY WAY/SHAPE/FORM/DENSITY/CONSTRUCTION requires a character overhaul for someone that's not even in it (I think)

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If the problem for your sister is that she wanted to be the only bard... Err, sorry, but people can make whatever classes they want (from those provided.)

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Ehehe.... You have a very good point, all three of you.

All right my bad. I didn't mean any harm by it. Sorry guys. Also Sis mentally whacked me up the head for causing this tiny problem. Owies.

Hehe.... But Chelsea DOES have a musical instrument..... Shadrak, when he's not being played by Z.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Name: Thoma Suzakuin

Nickname: Trauma

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Class: Fighter

Affinity: Water

Weapon Profiency: Axes

Weapon of Choice: Steel Axe

Inventory: Steel Axe

Raw Stats:

HP:5 STR:5 MAG:0 SKL:2 SPD:3 LCK:2 DEF:2 RES:1

Simplified Stats:

HP:15 MT:5 HIT: 3 Evade:5 DEF:2 RES:1

Occupation: Traveling Bodyguard for Hire. (May do it for free if he gets to travel with beautiful woman.)


Eye Color: Green

Hair: Short but it reaches down to his neck. His hair color is Black.

Body: His skin color is pretty much creamish and healthy. He's kinda slim, but he's muscular.

Clothes: In battle he wears a silver chainmail undearneath his black jacket. His pants are quite formal and white, in stark contrats to pretty much to his upper body wear and what he usually wears. When he's not in a battle he usually wears a black shirt with black jeans.... this guy loves black and I'm not very descriptive.

Connections: Some Clans within Kigen. He probably has one or two connections within the greater clans, but he's not that high on the monarchy, so people should not get their hopes up.

Backstory: TBA

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We just want to be able to look over the last six weeks of posting and get a decent posting average. So it won't be six weeks from now for certain; it could be five, four, three, or even two ... who knows. Just pointing that out.

Though I really wish people would be more active if they have or plan to have more than one character. That would keep dead weight characters in the party close to zero :-_-:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Purchasing flintlock pistol (in-combat use) for Gytha.

110pts-80pts; Gytha can now shoot people in combat and has a new point total of 30pts!

Edit: Selling Norbert's 1/3 stim for 6pts and buying leather padding for 30.

(28+6)-30 = 4pts remaining

Edited by Mercakete
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Ranyin Sells away Basic Dark Tome and buys Slim Dark Tome.

20 + 30 -40 = 10 Points left :(:


Mireille sells Iron Barrier. Keeps the money for future use(level up ASAP) 8]

35 + 60 = 95(5 more to Promote...) :):

Edited by Rothene
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Hmm... Valter

Current points: 42


Sells Cross bow and Barrier +70 & +30 points

142 points

Buys Swordslayer Sword and Novice ring -60 & -40 points

42 points left

Synthia: 6 points

*is poor*

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Blake sells his Barrier Sword(50), Weapon Affinity (Sword)(60), and Robe (30)

142 Points.

Blake buys a Precise Sword (40) and Class Changes to Hero (100)!

Mercenary Level 5 Base Stats: HP: 4 STR: 8 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF: 2 RES: 1

Mercenary Level 5 Simplified Stats: HP: 12 MT: 8 Hit: 8 AS: 7 EVD: 9 DEF: 2 RES: 1(5 with BS)

Hero Level 1 Base Stats: HP: 5 STR: 9 MAG: 0 SKL: 9 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF: 2 RES: 1

Hero Level 1 Simplified Stats: HP: 15 MT: 9 Hit: 9 (13 with Precise Sword) AS: 8 EVD: 10 DEF: 2 RES: 1

2 points remain.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Name: Raquel Valcyn

Nickname: Nickname: Honey(Jethro), Pinky(by some), Pink Haired Merchant(by almost everyone else)

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Class: Level 4 bard

Affinity: Light

Weapon proficiency: Staves

Weapon of Choice: Restore Staff

Inventory: Restore Staff, Rescue Staff

Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 0 MAG: 2 SKL: 5 SPD: 8 LCK: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 3

Simplified Stats: HP: 18 MT: 2 Hit: 5 Evade: 12 AS: 8 Defense: 1 Resistance: 3

Occupation: Arms Dealer

Appearance: Average height and weight. Not so average measurements. Green eyes, and 'light red' pink hair.

Nature/Disposition: Friendly by default, but a bit more scolding to those she knows who have a habit of offending or causing problems. Usually picks her words carefully, and isn't shy about withholding information.

Hometown: Ursentius

Connections: Her parents and sister, Professor Weyland and his employees. Others unknown

Backstory: Pending ...

Points: 117



-60 (lvl)

-70 (lvl)

-80 (lvl)

+20 (sold healing staff)

-30 (bought restore staff)

-70 (bought rescue staff)

117 remaining

(Don't ask me why I'm not leveling her up to 5 yet)

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Name: Faatina

Nickname: Tina

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Class: Paladin

Affinity: Fire

Weapon proficiency: Lance

Weapon of Choice: Iron Lance

Inventory: Training Lance

Raw Stats: Hp:5 Str:7 Mag:0 Skl:7 Spd:6 Lck:1 Def:5 Res:5

Simplified Stats: Hp:15 Mt:7 Hit:7 Evade: 7 AS:6 Defense:5 Resistance:5

Occupation: Stable Worker

Appearance: Faatina is fairly light-skinned for a Rexian, though still appearing fairly tanned by normal standards. She stands at 5'7", with a fairly lithe build. Her hair is a subdued strawberry-blonde, let loose just past shoulder length, and her eyes are hazel. Her current garb is a robe designed for desert travel, worn atop handmade leather armour.

Nature/Disposition: Curious to a fault and always seeking new experiences. Tends to make decisions without fully thinking of broader consequences.

Hometown: Sanctuary


Backstory: Faatina was born a middle-class Sancturan, leading a fairly average life. From an early age, she excelled in Self-defense training, which she always enjoyed, and felt remorse that it was as far as she was allowed to go. Eventually taking a job working with horses, Faatina found herself lacking for excitement, and wishing there was something she could do about it. That was when she heard of the arrival of a group of foreigners. News of them spread like wildfire, and from what she could pick up, they had a penchant for combat. Countless times she had thought of leaving Sanctuary, but to travel the desert alone was suicide. Realizing this may be her only chance to leave the confines of the oasis, Faatina gathered what equipment she could find, and hid it beneath a cloak made to weather the desert sands. Entering the stables where she found her employ, Faatina took for herself a strong horse, hearty enough to brave the desert, and left both payment and a letter of resignation for her employer to find. Making her way to the outskirts of the city just in time to see the group of foreigners departing, Faatina raced after them, not quite catching up, but not far behind.


Lv.2(347 Remaining)

Lv.3(277 Remaining)

Lv.4(197 Remaining)

Lv.5(107 Remaining)

TIER 2(7 Remaining)

Edited by Ether
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Faatina's points: 29

Sells Iron Lance! 49 Points

Buys Precise lance! 9 points remaining

Faatina's new combat stats:

Hp:15 Mt:7 Hit:10 Evade: 7 AS:6 Defense:5 Resistance:5

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