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I'm just updating character points and such

As I understand both Synthia and Valter got 92 points


6 + 92 = 98 total


42 + 92 = 134 total

Valter levels up! - 90 points


HP: 4 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 2


HP: 5 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 9 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 2

44 points remaining

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Name: Fredricka Colinta

Nickname: Fred

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Class: Knight

Affinity: Wind

Weapon proficiency: Lance

Inventory: Barrier Lance


Raw Stats: (Base stats with nothing else factored in eg: HP:10 Str:8 Mag:0 Skl:3 Spd:4 Lck:1 Def:7 Res:3(7 BL)

Simplified Stats: HP: 30, MT: 8, Hit: 3, AS: 4, AVO: 5, DEF: 7, RES: 7

Appearance: Fred wears a full suit of rather gaudy-looking armor. At first glance it seems to be made of gold and encrusted with gems and other valuables. Upon closer inspection it is obviously all fake. Despite this he wears it proudly, as if it were made from the real thing. Under the armor he is a young adult with a full beard of blue and a blue pony tail that often grows wild as he heats up inside his armor. As a result his hair is often unkempt. He wears specially padded clothes to prevent chaffing as well. His lance, though seemingly normal at first, is inscribed with various arcane runes designed to help his resistance to magic.

Nature/Disposition: Gaudy and seemingly stuck up, Fred is actually quite a desperate man. His desire for alchemy has made him cling to any threads or leads while his gambling has made him beg and terrified of any people of the law. Rarely gets a break.

Backstory: Born to a mother who wanted a girl, Fredricka hid his name as a child and quickly decided to be called simply 'Fred'. At a young age he became obsessed with gold and trying to earn as much as possible to become a noble. He took up gambling soon after in his desperate drive to get money. It wasn't long before most major cities in Ursium had someone who he owned money to in them. Growing more desperate he heard of how Alchemy could potentially turn lead into gold, a wondrous notion for the debtor. As such he took up the study of it, trying to learn what he could while skipping town after town. He still acts as if he's rich though even though he doesn't have a real penny to his name.

Fred approved.

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Faatina buys a wooden shield! -30 points(38)

Faatina upgrades Wooden Shield to Iron Shield!(18)

Faatina's new stats:

Hp:15 Mt:7 Hit:7(10 Precise) Evd:7 AS:6 Def:5(6 Shield) Res:5 (immune to Physical Slayers and Reavers)

Edited by Ether
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Norbert upgrades his leather padding to half-plate armor (to be actually received at a later date) -20pts, new point total is 4

Gytha promotes to Hero! -100pts, new total is 24

+1HP +1skl +1str +1spd

New stats:

Stats: HP: 8 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 6 LCK: 2 DEF: 4 RES: 2

Simplified Stats: HP: 24MT: 7(14 if pistol) HIT: 7 AVO: 8 DEF: 4 RES: 2 AS: 6

Edited by Mercakete
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Wait.... We're going to Ursium. She travels Ursium. So we can't have her like cross paths with us whilst we're on our way to Weyland's place?


1. Traveling to Weyland's

2.Meet Lucia on the way.

3. Chelsea recognizes Lucia.

4. ???

5. Profit? Lucia joins party!!

6. Continue onward.

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So I'm just gonna repost my character from a few pages back with some improvements.


Name: Thoma Suzakuin

Nickname: Trauma

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Class: Fighter

Affinity: Water

Weapon Profiency: Axes

Weapon of Choice: Axes

Inventory: Iron Axe

Raw Stats:

HP:5 STR:5 MAG:0 SKL:2 SPD:3 LCK:2 DEF:2 RES:1

Simplified Stats:

HP:15 MT:5 HIT: 3 Evade:5 DEF:2 RES:1

Occupation: Traveling Bodyguard for Hire. (May do it for free if he gets to travel with beautiful woman.)


Eye Color: Green

Hair: Short but it reaches down to his neck. His hair color is Black.

Body: His skin color is pretty much creamish and healthy. He's kinda slim, but he's muscular.

Clothes: In battle he wears a silver chainmail undearneath his black jacket. His pants are quite formal and white, in stark contrats to pretty much to his upper body wear and what he usually wears. When he's not in a battle he usually wears a black shirt with black jeans.... this guy loves black and I'm not very descriptive.

Nature: Perverted, manipulative, easy-going.

Hometown: Kayoyama

Connections: Some Clans within Kigen. He probably has one or two connections within the greater clans, but he's not that high on the monarchy, so people should not get their hopes up.

Backstory: TBA

So leveling? All right let's try this.

Thoma Levels up? 1--> 5

1. +1 HP, +1 SPD, +1 SKL

2. +1 HP, +1 SPD, +1 SKL

3. +1 STR, +1 SPD, +1 SKL

4. +1 STR, +1 SPD, +1 DEF

5. New Stats: 7 HP, 7 STR, 0 MAG, 5 SKL, 7 SPD, 2 LCK, 3 DEF, 1 RES

Promotion? Tier 1 ----> Tier 2

1. +1 HP, +1 STR, +1 SKL, +1 DEF

2. New Stats: 8 HP, 8 STR, 0 MAG, 6 SKL, 7 SPD, 2 LCK, 4 DEF, 1 RES

Remaining Points: 99 (DAMN IT)

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Oh look, it's the original Fighter.

He's back and he's pissed!

Bought Armorslayer Axe and Spellslayer Bow for 120, as well as proficiency for 60 (180 points spent), both iron axe and iron bow are sold for 40 points. (140 spent in total)

Bought 4 levels (300 points spent, 440 total)

Bought Novice ring (40 points, 480 total spent)

Bought Vulnerary (10 points, 490 total spent)



HP: 5

STR: 9

MAG: 0

SKL: 6

SPD: 7

LUK: 2

DEF: 2



HP: 15

MT: 9 (14 if slayer appropriate)

HIT: 6 (9 if slayer appropriate)

EVD: 9

DEF: 2 (1 if bow)

RES: 1 (0 if bow)

Edited by RainbowKitty
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So I finally read the first post (most of it at least).

And this RP has caught my interest, and seeing as it's at chapter nine right now, I THINK I can still join so...

Name: Dion

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: 14 (soon 15)

Class: Mage

Affinity: Fire

Weapon proficiency: Anima (I am assuming its's the weapon type that they use.

Weapon of Choice: Fire tome

Inventory: Regular Fire tome

Raw Stats: HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 5 SKL: 4 SPD: 3 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 2

Simplified Stats: this one I don't really understand what it's about, can anyone explain How I decide these/ of what I base them of?

Occupation: Mage?

Appearance: Eye color: Brown, hair color: Brown with a tiny little bit of blond, hair length/style: His hair is long (it goes till his shoulders) and the style is pretty plain, skin tone white, build: not very muscular, clothes: a black jacket, under which is a black shirt and standard jeans. I might put a sprite mug to kind of show how he looks late.

Nature/Disposition: N/A

Hometown: I would put one here if I could read the names on the map but seeing as I can't I'll just leave it at: He's from the Neviskotia nation (because of all descriptions of thenations I liked this one the most)

Connections: N/A

Backstory: Haven't come up with one yet although if it's a need I'll make one later.

Ok so I don't really feel convinced if I did it all right so I would like to hear some feedback in case I did some things wrong like if I went over a limit with something or can add things to it or what the simplified stats mean.

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Well, there isn't anything inherently wrong that I can see, aside from the fact that he's still base level and you haven't noted points.

You have 499 points to distribute(it'll be more if you join after the next fight, which is likely at this point), which can be used for weapons, items and level ups. While it is true a base level character will get extra points for kills, I highly doubt he will manage to preform very well at this point, especially with no items to help him out.

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Never too late to sign up, really(is that like a thing with other rps or something? :lol: ).

Here's how Simplified's work:

HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 5 SKL: 4 SPD: 3 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 2


HP: 9 Mt: 5 Hit: 4 AS: 3 Evade: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2


The HP is multiplied by 3

The Mt is determined by either str or mag, so 5 mag is 5 Mt

The Hit comes directly from skl so 4 skl is 4 Hit

AS stands for Attack Speed and that comes straight from spd

Evasion is both spd and lck/luk added together

and Def and Res are just like skl and AS; Def->Defense and Res->Resistance


Aside from what Ether pointed out there is the 'standard jeans' issue. RotE takes place in an era similar to the late 1600s and early 1700s. Denim wasn't in use (at least not for pants) until quite some time later, so that kind of leg wear definitely doesn't exist just yet.

Edited by Phoenix
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Backstories are also important things to have. It doesn't need to be big or complex though. Just something to give us a general feel for who your character is, their past, and such. Feel free to read the other posted backstories if it helps.

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Actually, if I'm remembering right, backstory isn't required on the signup but a general idea might be good to give to the GMs. Phoenix, Cynthia, what do you think?

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Name: Dion

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: 14 (soon 15)

Class: Mage

Affinity: Fire

Weapon proficiency: Anima (I am assuming its's the weapon type that they use.

Weapon of Choice: Fire tome

Inventory: Regular Fire tome

Raw Stats: HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 5 SKL: 4 SPD: 3 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 2

Simplified Stats: HP: 9 Mt: 5 Hit: 4 AS: 3 Evade: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Occupation: Magic student, mercenary, tactician.

Appearance: Eye color: Brown, hair color: Brown with a tiny little bit of blond, hair length/style: His hair is long (it goes till his shoulders) and the style is pretty plain, skin tone white, build: not very muscular, clothes: a black jacket, under which is a black shirt and dark blue pants. I might put a sprite mug to kind of show how he looks late.

Nature/Disposition: N/A

Hometown: I would put one here if I could read the names on the map but seeing as I can't I'll just leave it at: He's from the Neviskotia nation (because of all descriptions of thenations I liked this one the most)

Connections: N/A

Backstory: A mage that studies the arts of magic doing his best to improve he does some mercenary work at times but is mainly a tactician like many of his nation he encourages and harbors the dragons.

Points: 499

I use 210 points to make him level 4

the first level up gives: HP: +1, SKL: +1 SPD: +1

the second level up gives him: MAG: +1 SPD: +1 LCK: +1

and the third one goes to: SPD: +1 DEF: +1 and RES: +1

so his stats are now:

HP: 4 STR: 0 MAG: 6 SKL: 5 SPD: 6 LCK: 3 DEF: 2 RES: 3

And simplified:

HP: 12 Mt: 8 Hit: 5 AS: 6 Evade: 9 Defense: 2 Resistance: 3

And 10 are used to buy a vulnerary

And 30 for a Barrier so

And 60 for an el tome (elfire)

Points left 189

Also question can the items and weapons that are under tier 2 only be used if they're second tier or something or also tier 1's?

Edited by saifors
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Click on Phoenix's name to go to his profile. Then click 'About me'. Look for stuff about RotE under it. You should find the full item list and below, 'requirements'.

If the item you want is not listed under 'Requirements' then rejoice, you can use it at any tier.

If it is, then it's usually under a pair of values written in the form of X/Y. X would be tier, Y would be Level.

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This is very slightly changed from what I sent you in the PM Phoenix, I'll even put a little list at the bottom to show it too. But it's otherwise completely identical.


Name: Garfield

Nickname: Gar, Fatal Howl

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Class: Myrmidon, Swordmaster

Affinity: Fire

Weapon Proficiency: Sword

Weapon of Choice: "weapons with character"

Inventory: e, e, Combat Knife, e, e

Raw Stats: HP: 3 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 11 SPD: 11 LCK: 6 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 9, MT: 3(8 CK), Hit: 11, AS: 11, AVO: 17, DEF: 1, RES: 1

Buys: Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Promotion, Combat Knife.

Sell: Starting Iron Sword.

Points: 59

Occupation: "Problem Solver", or mercenary if you're feeling dull.

Appearance: Gar's skin is tanned heavily, his white hair is cut short, and his gray eyes perceive targets like an eagle. 6'1" in height, he is clad in a beige cloak that covers the whole of his body, only his feet and head are visible. The cloak has a hood, but he never puts it up. Underneath the cloak is a black outfit that covers ever inch of skin with several pouches on his belt and a sling across his chest.

Nature/Disposition: Cynical, practical, confident to the point of arrogance, sarcastic.

Hometown: Doesn't matter.

Connections: Others in his Guild.

Backstory: Once an idealistic military youth, now a cynical and practical person. Garfield was born to a family of no notable talents, but he was raised well enough. His parents passed on fairly early, leaving Garfield to join the military in order to keep himself afloat. Garfield's first official assignment was just a simple patrol that took his little group through some nice and safe small villages. But them being safe and small was what attracted a very nasty band of outlaws and cutthroats to them. While passing through the second of said villages, the little patrol group was ambushed. The young Garfield fought bravely, but was overwhelmed when others broke ranks and fled. Those that remained might have held, had the villagers themselves not been coerced into attacking as well. Things grew worse, and Garfield was eventually knocked out in the fighting.

But he did not die. He awoke at night, next to a campfire next to a man in a black cloak. The conversation that eventually happened between the two told the story of how the man in black--Boss--came upon the village. He single-highhandedly slew all the assailing belligerents--the bandits and traitorous villagers wiped out. But so was Garfield's unit.

His perceptions shattered by events, and with no home to return to, Garfield mindlessly followed Boss, and the crime he encountered along the way shattered his ideals. Eventually he was taken in as a new pupil in the Howling Voice Guild, a group of, "problem solvers" that the Boss led. His military training served him well, and he took to their particular combat style well enough. He was recently selected to be place as an, "Ascendant" the rank before someone joins the Council of Masters which governs the Howling Voice during Boss's many absences.

When a particularly interesting case came up regarding the so-called legendary Fire Emblem, Gar and a few others was sent out to be the Howling Voice's men on the scene.


Little List

-Had an extra point of Luck for an odd reason. That's been fixed.

-Clarified that his black clothing underneath covers his everything but his head.

-Added the latter two disposition traits.

-Changed the wording of the third paragraph a bit, but still retain the spirit of intent.

-Made it clear that Gar--and others--were sent looking for the Fire Emblem.

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Name: Grant Brayden

Nickname: Frost Prince

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Class: Level 1 Warlock (Tier 2 Magician)

Affinity: Wind

Weapon proficiency: Anima

Weapon of Choice: Fimbulvetr

Inventory: Glacier (Bulwark Tome), Bulwark, Stimulant

Points: 21 (Class Change -400, Bulwark - 50, +20 anima tome, -80 Bulwark Tome, -20 stimulant)

Raw Stats: HP: 7 STR: 0 MAG: 8 SKL: 6 SPD: 8 LCK: 1 DEF: 2 RES: 5

Simplified Stats: HP: 21 MT: 8 Hit: 6 AS: 8 Evade: 8 Defense: 2(8 with BT) Resistance: 4

Occupation: Arena Duelist

Appearance: Grant is of average height and stature, with grey hair and brown eyes. He wears a faded green cloak over a light blue tunic and a standard brown leather belt. Attached to his belt is a pouch of crossbow bolts, which the spellcaster carries for reasons unknown.

Nature/Disposition: An all around nice guy when not in combat, this magic wielder is friendly and polite to most people. When in battle, however, Grant takes on a frosty demeanour.

Hometown: Lorton

Connections: Brayden family, Arena workers.

Backstory: Grant always wanted to be an arena duelist from early on in life. Such a path seemed to hold much glory Unfortunately, his talents lied not with the lance, like his cousin Eamon, but with the tome, generally perceived as the weaker power in duels. That did little to stop the spellweaver, who, after years of practice and study, attained considerable skill in wind and ice magic. It was through the use of swift ice counter-spells that Grant found success in the arena, and this prowess led him to be nicknamed the "Frost Prince". He travels the trans-Sardius arena circuit to hone his combat skill against many opponents.

Edited by Snike
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  • 1 month later...

I'm gonna go ahead and add points now before I forget :/

Synthia + 27

total 125



HP: 4

STR: 0

MAG: 6 -> 8 *ding*

SKL: 7 -> 8 *ding*

SPD: 7 -> 8 *ding*

LCK: 4

DEF: 1

RES: 3

Now 2/1

Points left: 25

Valter + 45

Point total: 89

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Faatina's point total: 70

Faatina upgrades Iron Shield to Steel Shield for 20 points.(50 remaining)

Updated stats:

Hp:15 Mt:7 Hit:10 AS:6 Avo:7 Def:7 Res:5

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