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.....So wait, why is Valter not at max str then. Could've sworn I boosted that every level >_>

EDIt: This is a longshot, but... GMMMMs, can I take that useless point in res I added forever ago in a misguided attempt at res tank and put it in str instead ;___;

Edited by roymbrog
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.....So wait, why is Valter not at max str then. Could've sworn I boosted that every level >_>

EDIt: This is a longshot, but... GMMMMs, can I take that useless point in res I added forever ago in a misguided attempt at res tank and put it in str instead ;___;

Nope sorry, can't reallocate stats after you've been in a stat battle unless you buy a Retrain. That point of Res saved Valter last fight I think, if it makes you feel any better.

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There's the paralogue if you're worried about getting lost in the story. That one is just about a merchant and her merry band traveling the country side (for now at least). That being said, your character won't know anything about the past anyways, so it makes no difference.

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Sorry for the delay; meant to have this up earlier. Hopefully, everything is in order.

Name: Maris Veraine

Nickname: Vane (by teacher), Mars (general nickname)

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Class: 2-1 Warlock

Affinity: Ice

Weapon proficiency: Dark Magic

Weapon of Choice: Dark Magic Tome

Inventory: Flux Tome (Basic), Elixir (3/3), Memento of Edgar’s Son (El Amulet)

Raw Stats: HP: 8 STR: 0 MAG:8 SKL:7 SPD:7 LCK:2 DEF:2 RES:2

Simplified Stats: HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 8 AS: 7 Avoid: 9 Def:2 Res: 2

Occupation: Mercenary

Appearance: Maris is about 5’ 11’ with gray eyes and an average build. He possesses turquoise hair that comes down to the base of his neck. He wears a dark green tunic with a black undershirt and black pants. His attire is mostly obscured by a blue cloak which he normally wears with the hood up in order to hide his face. He normally wears an amulet around his neck, which he plays with often.

Nature/Disposition: Maris tends to keep to himself and is seen as cold and pessimistic. While he tries not to be rude, he tends to end conversations quickly. He also has a bad habit of spacing out when he plans his next action. However, he is loyal to whoever is signing his paycheck and will attempt to perform his job in the most efficient way he can think of; as long as he feels he is not being deceived. He is not afraid to speak his mind; though it is very rare when he does so.

Hometown: Unknown, but spent his time in Kalten before meeting Edgar, was raised in Kirsanov afterwards

Connections: Edgar Malkov (adoptive parent and teacher)

Backstory: Maris never knew his parents or what befell them. All he remembers is his name and that he was trying to survive on his own in Kalten. When he turned 11, his life took a drastic change for the better for he met a traveling sorcerer (though he preferred the term “arcanist”) named Edgar Malkov. Seeing similarities between Maris and his own departed son, Edgar decided to take the boy in as his student and settled down in Kirsanov. There, he taught his student how to use dark magic not only as a weapon to kill his enemies, but as a shield to defend himself as well.

Although Edgar’s training could be seen as harsh and unforgiving, he cared for Maris as though he was a second son. He gave Maris an old amulet that he gave his son before he died due to illness. Edgar had modified it to store dark units that could be used to enhance Maris’ magic during combat as proof that he was doing well with his studies of the “arcane”. When Maris turned 18, Edgar began to change. He became more reclusive and was more focused with his research than with training his pupil. Surprised at this turn of events, Maris would either practice magic on his own or take walks around the village; wondering what his teacher was studying so intensively. Two months after he began to lock himself away, Maris decided that his teacher was not going to have him learn anything else nor care for him anymore. Leaving only a letter behind explaining his intentions, Maris decided to travel the world; taking only a dark tome and the amulet with him.

Three years since he left Kirsanov, Maris has become a somewhat successful mercenary, normally working as a guard or subjugator. Upon completion of a job in Ursaea, he overheard some gossip that his teacher had gone missing in Ursentius. Maris now seeks to find his teacher in order to demand an explanation for his sudden change in behavior and disappearance.


-400 for level

-60 for El Amulet

-20 for Elixir

Points Left:164

EDIT:Corrected stats and backstory. Also added point deductions.

Edited by Mr. Raven
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Backstory and such seem fine, though the party's not likely to end up in Lorton any time soon so intention-wise this could end up derailing him quite a bit. I'd suggest changing the location to somewhere in the capital region since we can easily work our way around to Ursentius and are pretty much destined to end up in Europa.

Stats have two issues. He's got 4 stats too many for a level 2/1(6). At that level he should have 36 points instead of 40.

Once we take care of that I think he's ready.

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Maris approved. You can make any gear and stat changes you want before his first point granting stat battle. After that, everything's locked in so keep that in mind.

Edited by Phoenix
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RPGGGG, I missed you, stay here and RP with uuuuuuuus

You can be my best bud, ok

We can like, kill stuff or something


We have a few summaries written up that will only need a few updates, if you're interested.

I'd greatly appreciate it *bows*

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Name: Itsuki Chasuka(Chasuka Itsuki 茶須家 in Kigen)

Gender: Male

Age: 62

Class: Knight

Affinity: Fire

Weapon proficiency: Lance

Weapon of Choice: Shields

Inventory: Iron lance, Firewall, Enchanted Headband

Raw Stats: HP: 9 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 12 RES: 6

Simplified Stats: HP: 27 Mt:4/2 Hit: 3 AS: 4/2 Avo: 5/2 DEF: 12/20 RES: 7/15

Occupation: Ex-samurai

Appearance: Receeding hairline which he covers with a dark blue headband with a bird embroidery woven by his grand nephew

Nature/Disposition: You'll find out soon enough

Hometown: Somewhere in Kigen

Connections: Ranyin's younger grand uncle

Backstory: All people talk about these days was how Itsuki was a terrible husband and father, that his no longer had a wife, was never by his only daughter's side when she was claimed by illness. Always putting his task before his family. But those people were wrong, his comrades were his true family, the others were mere cultural imagery to be upheld. It was the company of other boisterous soldiers that Itsuki sought after.

And how was he rewarded for his devotion? Dishonourable discharge from the military as soon as his hair turned white and he lost an eye in one of many border skirmishes between the Kigenese army and the Fallen. With nothing left for him home, Itsuki had nothing to hold himself back from visiting the rest of the world with a trusty lance in hand and a shield he got from his superiors back in the days serving the military.

644 Points

Firewall -100

2/2 -500

Enchanted Headband -30

14 points left

2/2 stats => HP: 9 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 12 RES: 6

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Fixed hopefully!

Name: Garrimor Gashe

Nickname: The Feral Wolf, Garrimor the Silver, Garrimor the Great (Self-proclaimed), Garrimor the Godslayer (also self-proclaimed)

Gender: Male

Age: 46

Class: 2/2 Berserker

Affinity: Fire

Weapon proficiency: Axe

Inventory: Steel Axe, Novice Ring, Elixir

Raw Stats: HP: 7 STR: 10 MAG:0 SKL: 6 SPD: 9 LCK: 2 DEF: 4 RES:1

Simplified Stats: HP: 21 MT: 12 HIT: 7 AVO: 11 AS: 9 DEF: 4 RES: 1

Occupation: Mercenary/Hunter/Whatever work he can find

Appearance: 6'2", with bulging muscles and a body covered in scars and tattoos. His jaw is square and ape-like, his mustache is surprisingly well-kept, and he wears an eyepatch over his scarred left eye. Garrimor's hair is mostly a silvery gray with a few streaks of black, as well as being somewhat long and unruly. His choice of clothing is typically baggy pants and fur boots, and nothing but a fur vest over his torso to show off his muscles and the tattoos on his chest.

Nature/Disposition: Garrimor is a man stuck in the past, always reminiscing about his glory days of pillaging and escaping the soldiers that came after him. He will rant about about his past for hours for anyone unfortunate enough to show interest. He is also very sensitive about his age and graying hair. He struggles to fit in with modern society, not due to violent tendencies but more to him shouting "I AM GARRIMOR THE GREAT! SLAYER OF GODS AND A KING AMONG MEN!" when asked who he is. And there is also his tendency to snarl at people--it hasn't landed him very many jobs. Though he may be a washed up brigand, his strength is immense, he can survive off of hunting, and he spends hours each day training his body and staying in shape. He has the potential to do great things, but someone needs to give him a good hard smack in the face.

Backstory: A poor man from a poor town, Garrimor always hated the bureaucracy and its weak men hiding in their fancy homes. What began as a band of vigilantes he started became a group known as the Garrimor Bandits, raiding the wealthy towns under a Social Darwinist philosophy. "Only the strong survive!" they would shout during their raids. He earned the nickname "The Feral Wolf" as he snarled and growled in combat, a true berserker. The Garrimor Bandits stayed strong and feared for over twenty years, Garrimor's leadership not questioned even as his hair turned gray and the cricks in his back multiplied in frequency. He was a respected kingpin among bandits until he was challenged to a duel by a woman who survived one of his raids as a child. Her vengeance was complete when she bested Garrimor in single combat, and his humiliation began when she refused to deliver the killing blow. The Garrimor bandits were disbanded, and now Garrimor spends most of his time in the woods. All the time spent pillaging seemed to have made him incompatible with modern society, though it's not like he hasn't tried (the time he tried to run a pegasus stable and the time he joined a travelling circus are among his most humiliating stories). He'll take whatever work he can get, but he usually gets by just fine living in the woods, and reminiscing about his days of glory.

Points: 644

-500 for level

-20 for elixir

-40 for Novice Ring

-60 for Steel Axe

+20 for selling iron axe at some point

44 Remaining

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A note on Garrimor(and Maris since I missed this last time around). We changed the skl->hit formula recently so his hit should be 6 simplified(and Maris' hit should be 8)(basically skl*1.25 or skl+25%)

Itsuki and Garrimor approved. It's raining men or something.

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Uh, how is his RES 0? Doesn't Barbarian class start off with 1 res?


Also, you don't need to pay for your first weapon proficiency, so you have +60 points, so you can either upgrade to silver axe or level up if you want. Though you could've upgraded to a silver axe either way.


Also, did you mean to get the amulet that's for mag/res? If so, fine, but if not, and you want the one for str/def, you want the novice ring.

Either way, you could also upgrade those if you wanted.

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Maris sells his Basic Tome and buys a Veil Tome(Defending Dark Tome).(+20, then -50)(Total 134)

Maris levels up!(-100)(Total 34)

Level 2-2


HP: 8+1

STR: 0







Simp: HP: 27 MT: 9 Hit: 10 AS: 7 Avoid: 9 Def:2(+4) Res: 2

Edited by Mr. Raven
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