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I have a question ppl.......


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Sorry i made it here cuz most of us come here often. Im thinking of attempting to write a story about Masu and whatnot but, im not very good at making original characters. The only OC in it would be Masu and Elincia's daughter.......what im saying is. would you guys mind if some of you were in my story? I kinda thought of this so far (i was trying to think of this at work all morning...yeah i had an early shift today!)

Lyle:Ike's pupil and Masu's first friend (Masu has no friends cuz hes a branded)

Princess:Soren's pupil. Hates Masu (I was thinking of having a part where i spar with those 2....so she hates me cuz me and soren hate each other but not for "rargh i luv princess!" reasons. Its cuz he doesnt want me around him or anyone else because he knows im a branded)

Fireman:That kid in the dark alleys that hustles other kids for the latest info (he charges 5,000 gold though since we're only 12)

Songbird:Masu's sister and closest thing he has to a friend. They usually share the same ideas about most subjects.

Ayame:Elincia's daughter. Has long blue hair and very pale green eyes. She ran away hoping to escape the responsibilities of being future queen only to find out that she's pretty incapable of surviving outside of the castle till she is saved by lyle.

She's frequently called "Bitch" or "woman" by Masu as they annoy and hate each other to the core. Songbird calls her "Aya" and Lyle addresses her as "madam" on most occasions.

Uhhhh yeah just so you all know im a terrible writer but i need to have something to do till wednesday(im trying to not play TOS 2 till my older brother gets back from his trip to the beach cuz he doesnt wanna miss too much of the story) so yeah. If you wanted to have some role in it just say so. And if you want to be in a fighting scene then please tell me your fighting style!

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Sure! do you want a character name or do u just want us to call you "blue"? Also if you want to be in a fighting scene state your fighting style please. And would you be an antagonist or traveling with Me,songbird,ayame and lyle?

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This is why i am asking if you MIND. Cuz you would be probably completely different. I wanna get all the failing out of the way now b4 i even THINK of writing.

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This is why i am asking if you MIND. Cuz you would be probably completely different. I wanna get all the failing out of the way now b4 i even THINK of writing.

Well, I don't want to direct your story, that would ruin the creativness, but there is something off putting about a guy who traveled the planes, took a beating from Kenpachi and Sephiroth, and becomeing one of the strongest members of a group that beat the shit out of their enemies, taking orders from Ike.

Now Ike is pretty cool, don't get me wrong, but I don't think Lyle would be his apprentice. Maybe a paid mercenary under Ike's payroll, but I don't think the character I have created for Lyle would be Ike's inferior.

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Ooh, I don't mind. Sounds like fun! =P

But I don't exactly have any sort of history, so I don't have any special fighting skills or whatnot at the moment.

But if you ever need me to have any, then you can make them up. Unless you want me to think of something, then PM me. I'm usually good at making things up on the spot. XD

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Alright. I wanna be the one who pops in from time to time and finaly decides to join you.

Is it alright if my character uses swords and lances?

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Put me in it too. Do whatever you want with me, as long as you remember I'm blind and use a fencing style most similar to Iaijutsu (look it up on Wikipedia). That means I draw my sword every time I want to slash and then sheathe it again.

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I'll travle with you guys. I use swords, axes.

sweet. you can be the one to save ayame then since lyle might not appear

Ooh, I don't mind. Sounds like fun! =P

But I don't exactly have any sort of history, so I don't have any special fighting skills or whatnot at the moment.

But if you ever need me to have any, then you can make them up. Unless you want me to think of something, then PM me. I'm usually good at making things up on the spot. XD

I was planning to have Rhys train you to be a bishop......XD

Alright. I wanna be the one who pops in from time to time and finaly decides to join you.

Is it alright if my character uses swords and lances?

No problem! When you say "pops in" do you mean we meet you or we fight then you finaly join after like the 3rd time?

Put me in it too. Do whatever you want with me, as long as you remember I'm blind and use a fencing style most similar to Iaijutsu (look it up on Wikipedia). That means I draw my sword every time I want to slash and then sheathe it again.

Sounds interesting. I'll look it up later. Im gonna have to keep telling myself that you're blind so i wont say something like "and nightmare saw ............."

Well i had planned to start today but im not for these 2 reasons.

1.More ppl may wanna be in it.

2.Im going to be spending the night at a friend's house tonight.

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This is before your being turned into an artificial laguz (hence why you're still with soren)

I had planned on us (me songbird and blue knight) staying with the griel mercenaries for a few days (since we dont have a place to stay) and so we meet you, you hate me, i hate soren, soren hates me, and all that good stuff. I was gonna make you get turned into an artificial laguz AFTER we left and we would meet you later (but i planned the reunion to be a bit comical involving fireman. I thought of it being like this:

Masu:Can you tell us where Elincia's daughter has been?

Fireman:5,000 gold.

Masu:I already told you we dont have that much dammit!!

Fireman:Then i guess you guys are out of luck.

Blue:Damn it!

*songbird walks into the alley that Masu,fireman,and blue are standing in*

Songbird: *huff....huff* Sorry......I couldnt find any info! Any luck here?

Blue:Well yeah and no.


Blue:He has the info but this son of a bitch wont tell us unless we pay 5,000 gold!

Songbird:Awwww.....*pouts and looks at Fireman*

Fireman:.... <_< .....fine. Its on the house this ONE AND ONLY TIME.

Masu:Why the hell did you make it free after looking at my sister?

Fireman:What!? I just.......I DONT CHARGE WOMEN!

*princess runs down the alley*.

Princess:Yes he does! He charged me 5,000 gold just now!

Masu:What the hell are you doing here!?

Princess:Well i cant seem to find master soren...... :(

Masu: <_< ......well......we're looking for someone too so....I GUESS you can come along......if you want. <_<

Princess:..... <_< ....fine....maybe i can give you some pointers on fighting because you were terrible against master soren! :lol:

Masu:What!? You stupid bit-

Songbird:Okay okay lets just go now geez.......

Masu and Princess: *glare at each other*. <_< ........fine.

I thought of it happening kinda like that. (maybe i should have blue knight beat up fireman to get princess' money back!)

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I'll be in it as long as my character is cool. I don't have to be big, just cool.

...........*thinks of having her be the one mature person in the group*

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