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ESR's Golden Sun Dark Dawn playthrough/play log thingy with a busted L button.


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Alrighty then! Beat the game yesterday after only having it for three days cause I'm awesome like that.

Let's start this thing!

I start a new game and following basically occurs:

~5 minutes of exposition

MANLY Isaac and Matthew get to a cabin.

Some stuff I forgot.


Now MANLY Isaac and co have to save his dumb ass.

Now Matthew and Karis are getting ready. Karis gives Matthew a Leather Cap and I get a tutorial on how to equip stuff.

Really Camelot? REALLY?! There's something called a manual you know? And why would anyone need a tutorial to know how to equip stuff?! This boggles the mind. I could go on as to why this is stupid but I'd never finish this thing.

Any who... Matthew and Karis meet up with Isaac and Garet but they are talking and don't know how to freakin whisper since Isaac is planning some kind of exercise for Matthew while they have to find Tyrell's dumb ass because when someone's life is in danger I think it's the best time to give my son a test of some sort. Bravo Isaac! *clap clap* But Isaac now has a MANLY beard, a kickass coat, and a MANLY beard so he can't be wrong.

Matthew and Karis enter a cave and Isaac and Garet show up saying they sense monsters near by.

OH great! Now I guess I'm gonna get a tutorial on how to fight stuff right? Thankfully no but Garet says I could also use Psyenergy in battle. *sigh*

Not too far into the cave there's a rock on top of platform I have hop on.

Time to use Move!

Isaac and Garet: IT'S TUTORIAL TIME! :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

Matt and Karis exit the cave and they make it to a forest called Tanglewood. Should be fun. There's no way there's going to any kind of man-eating plants. I've had enough of those.

Now MANLY Isaac and Garet decide it's a good time to introduce djinn.

Garet: Do you remember how to use Djinn?

Matt: Yes

MANLY Isaac and Garet: IT'S TUTORIAL TIME! :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

Me: I hate you all... Oh but Flint is giving me the tutorial. *happyface*

Djinn Tutorial is done. Matthew and Karis get three djinn from MANLY Isaac and Garet. MANLY Isaac makes Matthew the leader because making the guy who doesn't say anything the leader is always a good idea. MANLY Isaac and Garet decide to tag along in battle and help out just in case.

A few easy puzzles later we find Tyrell and OH MY GOD! MAN-EATING PLANT! Damn you Etrian Odyssey for some reason!

Karis ends up calls forth a Meteor to kill it. Easy enough. At least Garet didn't summon Tiamat to kill an enemy who was about to die anyway like last time.

Oh yeah. Have I mentioned that Karis is awesome?

Now that Tyrell's dumb ass is safe Matt and co have to get a feather that takes up 60% of the game. Seriously. For a good while your goal is to obtain a special feather to repair the soarwing Tyrell breaks in the beginning of the game.

I'll end this post here. More stuff and some junk later. Damn you Nu-13...

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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Broken L button...I know what that's like. Touch screen shortcuts help in this game at least.

One would think Garet would learn from his mistakes and stop Tyrell from being so Garet-ish. Oh well.

Technically getting the feather happens midway through the game, but it takes the entire game for that little errand to be finished. Maybe even longer given the ending.

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Alrighty then!

MANLY Isaac and Garet think that getting a Roc Feather would be a good experience for Matt, Karis <3, and Tyrell.

Although Garet was being an assface saying that Karis shouldn't go with Matt and Tyrell since she doesn't know the first thing about adventuring.

I say SCREW YOU GARET! She's a Wind Adept, a capable fighter, learns group healing Psyenergy, adorable, awesome, and adorable!

Matt is capable of soloing this adventure and don't even get me started on Tyrell's dumb ass.

Any who... Matt and co end up on the World Map when a djinn shows up.

And I just love what the group thinks of to do.

Kick the djinn's ass of course!

Turns out it's actually Flint and MANLY Isaac sent him to help out Matt. Holy crap Flint is MANLY.

The group heads to Patcher's Path or something or other to look for Patcher as he will help.

Patcher kind of gets mad when he sees Tyrell since Tyrell kind of almost burned down his shop when he was younger. Nice...

Tyrell almost loses it but Karis shoves him. FUCK YEAH! KARIS! Although this whole thing kind of upsets Karis and she starts crying because she wants people to see Psyenergy as helpful and not, you know, bad.

Tyrell and Karis make up and we continue our journey to the stars. I buy some equipment. A Wooden Shield for Matt and Tyrell. A Long Sword for Matt and Tyrell and give a Short Sword to Karis since she gets that cute little fencing stance. And by stars I mean to the Psyenergy training ground for a gate pass and-OH MY GOD! MARS DJINN! Must. Get!

I get the Mars djinn, who looks rather awesome, named Forge.

Now to the Psyenergy training ground. A few easy puzzles that totally didn't have me somewhat stumped when I first played the game later and I face the boss at the end. Odd...

The Dim Dragon goes down quickly. I get the pass I need and leave town after I sell some stuff and buy a Short Bow for Karis. NO! Her cute fencing stance! *sadface*

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Oh man... I have to try to sleep earlier. Although I always head to bed around midnight or 1 AM but for some reason I can't fall asleep until 2 to 4 hours later!

Actually this would have been relevant...9 hours ago.

Any who... Back to more play log!

After completing whatever I had to do at Patcher's Place I head to my next destination which is Carver's Camp if I remember correctly-OH MY GOD!

A wild Mars Djinn has apperead!

What will you do?






Karis attacks! The Short Bow unleashed its Double Shot!

Matthew attacks! The Long Sword unleashed its Critical Strike!

Tyrell attacks!

The Mars Djinn fainted!

The Mars Djinn, Fever, has now joined my group!

Apparently Fever is the only the Djinn that is not story related that you will encounter no matter what.

Anyway I make it to the next area who's name I forgot-OH MY GOD! JUPITER DJINN!

GARGH! The Jupiter Djinn actually hops on top some flowers that fly upwards when wind hits them serving as platforms. GUESS WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO?!?!!??!?!?

Also the area introduces some gondolas that will never be used ever again.

A few easy puzzles later and head to the next area of the place I'm in and I see the Jupiter Djinn from earlier. Ten minutes later I realize I can't reach it.


Oh wait. That happened when I first playing the game.

I leave the area and I end up at Carver's Camp and stuff that is somewhat plot related occurs.

I notice that there is a rock I can cast Move but how...

Five minutes later and I realize I CAN cast Move on the rock.

Oh wait. That happened when I first played the game.

I end up in the place I was at earlier and it looks like I can get the Jupiter Djinn from here! I reach my cute little wind spirit and it wants to fight. VERY WELL! It goes down quickly. The Jupiter Djinn, Gust, has joined my group!

I head back to Carver's Camp or whatever it's called and I notice a ladder in the lower area. I hop on a tree and climb down the ladder. I wonder there can be down there? A weapon? Armor? NOPE! A MERCURY DJINN! Luckily the little guy is friendly. The Mercury Djinn, Chill, has joined my group!

I explore the camp a little and I find some stuff. I buy some Traveling Vests for the party. A circlet for Karis. I also buy an axe for Tyrell and the wand for Karis. Matt has the Themis Axe I got earlier for great Stone Justice! Get it!?

I finally leave the camp and I enter a new area near the camp. I end up finding a cave and a tablet. Matt touches it. Some runes appear and go inside him. Matthew and co can now summon Zagan!

ANOTHER THING! Because of how the game was made you can actually miss djinn and the Zagan summon. ljdsvsdkmnd Exactly random letters I typed out to show that I am somewhat irked!

Any who... I to get the gate that leads to some ruins since I have to go there due to plot convenience and-OH MY GOD! VENUS DJINN! Let me through old man! Yes I do want to go to the ruins! Here! This the pass! NOW LET ME THROUGH!

Coolio. I run up some stairs and head straight to the-Huh? Hey... Why did you hide in the flowers Venus Djinn whose name totally isn't going to Flower? I use Whirlwind to find it and it also happens to be friendly! The Venus Djinn, Flower, has joined my group!

A few random encounters later and I make it to Konpa Ruins!

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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I'm in the Ouroboros Labyrinth now since I couldn't sleep. Can't remember who has which Djinn. Also, I never liked axes in Golden Sun since Long Swords or Light Swords are the best weapons in the games. Seriously. Are you going to give Isaac/Felix/Matthew the Sol Blade or an axe?

Also also... Due to me not sleeping I'll hold off on the update whilst I recuperate somehow.

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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I'm in the Ouroboros Labyrinth now since I couldn't sleep. Can't remember who has which Djinn. Also, I never liked axes in Golden Sun since Long Swords or Light Swords are the best weapons in the games. Seriously. Are you going to give Isaac/Felix/Matthew the Sol Blade or an axe?

Spoilers but Eoleo can't use Long Swords while the Herculean Axe is fantastic.

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Uh... Where did I leave off? Oh right the Konpa Ruins.

Something you should take note is the number of djinn you have on you.

By the time you get to the Konpa Ruins you should have 2 Venus djinn, 2 Mars djinn, and 1 Jupiter and Mercury djinn. You get another Jupiter djinn in the ruins.

Anyway stuff. There's a room with a flower pattern on the floor and you are told complete it. I head straight to the Earth area of the ruins. You just have to use Move a few times and you activate some tiles on the floor.

Next is the Wind area. Some blue panels on the floor which behave like the flowers from earlier are to be used.

I think after that by now you can complete the flower pattern which acts as a platform and takes you to the top of the ruins. Up there you see a Jupiter djinn but there's no way to get to it yet.

At the top of the ruins there is chamber in which you get a new Psyenergy, Grip. You get trapped and you have to solve a puzzle so the game shows you how you can use the Grip psyenergy.

But enough of that. JUPITER DJINN!

I use my new Grip psyenergy to make it to my soon to be new friend. Once I climb the ladder the little guy moves behind a torch or something I forget. I use the Grip psyenergy to get to the djinn but it gets angry! One battle later it goes down. The Jupiter djinn, Jolt, has joined me group!

Fire area is next. I get through it and stuff goes down as I end up accessing some stairs at the beginning of the ruins.

Some navigating through caves later and I end up finding Kraden and a girl named Nowell. And wow look at that vortex. I bet these things are gonna be in some dungeons as obstacles later. /hinthint

Oh wait some kid is RIGHT NEXT TO THE FUCKING THING! Idiot... The kid almost gets sucked into the vortex worrying his sister so she starts making her way to him-ARROW OUT OF NO WHERE!

Oh look some generic soldiers. Time for a boss fight!

This boss fight is kind of annoying. The enemies can deal some decent damage and they can drain your psyenergy and for some reason they always target Karis. Jerks...

After the battle some antagonists appear and some pretty boy with blue hair wearing a mask is among them. GEE! I WONDER WHO IT CAN BE?! Although Blados is pretty boss. I just love the guy.

Some more plot occurs and I end up getting Rief and he has a Mercury djinn with him. Yay~

Something I should point out.

Matthew is the son of MANLY Isaac.

Karis is the daughter of Ivan. Yeah, I'm surprised as well.

Tyrell, is the son of Garet.

Nowell and Rief are Mia's children. Nowell is Rief's older sister. Why couldn't Nowell join the group!?

Matthew is 16 years old and I assume Karis and Tyrell are as well. As for Rief. I dunno. 15? 14? He seems a little younger than the other three and I can't find any info on their ages.

Also who the hell are Tyrell's and Karis's mother? And who's Nowell's and Rief's father? I gots to know! Felix and Sheba better be together! You only know who Matthew's mother is, who happens to be Jenna, and you don't learn about that for a while even though if you've played GSTLA it's a no brainer but still require some brain power. Ha, word play in some form.

Any who... I'll update this post later to post the progress I haven't posted. Post.

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I knew I was forgetting something... Gah... Being awake for 20 hours sure does suck.

I was pretty much half asleep or at least trying to stay awake last update.

Any who...

After leaving the Konpa Ruins through the South I head to Harapa. A settlement that was established on some ruins.

I think you can get the Megaera summon after leaving the Ruin. I believe I got a Mars djinn there. Got some stuff. Sold some stuff and headed to my next destination which would be the Passaj Mountains.

Passaj mountains introduce a new puzzle related object being the zol cubes which rise when hit by Whirlwind or wind in general. They also make a peculiar sound when they move. Within the mountain there is a Venus djinn you can get when you are about to reach the town at the top of the mountain.

In Passaj itself is a device that will end up taking the party to the northern area but it require the Alchemy Forge to be functional. I end up doing what I can to start it up and the village elder shows up rather angry seeing as four kids show up out of no where and start messing with an important device. The elder ends up helping you and says that the Alchemy Forge is missing a vital piece called the Sol Mask which happens to be hidden in a labyrinth in a near by settlement called Kaocho.

I head over there and explore the Kaocho a bit. There are two djinn here. A Venus and Mars djinn but you can only get the Venus djinn at the moment. I go to the palace to speak with the leader who happens to be a jackass. Also you a new antagonist is with him saying that some Adepts would show up. Guess those Adepts are? More talking happens the leader gets mad and some guy activates a trap sending the party plummeting to the Ouroboros Labyrinth. Gah... Must. Resist. Hazama reference!

I escape the labyrinth rather easily. And head to Ayuthay because before I was sent to the Labyrinth I was given a letter to give to some generals before the leader guy got mad and they didn't think of taking it.

When I reach Ayuthay I show some soldiers the letter and they let me pass and I end up meeting the generals who immediately mock my group for being kids. Joy. Also they task me with getting rid of spirits they claim are haunting the palace. Coolio. Some exploration later and I find a tree. Cool. I'll just use the flute I got-Wait. No... No. NO! I forgot the damn flute! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-

I go back to Passaj and get the flute. Now back to the tree thing and I play the flute and end up where the citizens of Ayuthay are taking refuge and I learn about their Alchemy Well.

We have to explore the submerged ruins of Ayuthay and that means reversing the Alchemy Well which means getting a new Psyenergy which is conveniently located at Ayuthay after defeating the Sand Prince.

An easy boss. The only thing to worry about is Eruption because it deals some good damage. After he goes down he bestows upon us his power of Arid Heat. Using it I end up exploring the Ayuthay ruins to find a new Psyenergy with the aid of the prince of Ayuthay, Amiti. Upon reaching the Insight Mirror it selects Amiti as its bearer and now Amiti has to join the party and immediately replaces Rief who becomes my new item carrying guy. Awesome. But I get a another tutorial on how to change party members. Not awesome.

As I begin to leave the Ayuthay the two generals show up and fight us because we kinda there to help them but we obviously didn't. They go down quickly.

Back to Kaocho to get the Mars djinn. Then I explore the Ouroboros Labyrinth to locate the Sol Mask which I do. Now back to Passaj to activate the Alchemy Forge and stuff happens like the entire village getting fortified and me being able to get a Mars djinn, the Flora summon, and a zol ring by helping the weapon shop keepers set up their shop. But I still can't go north since the device to send us there is not working so well. Now to locate the Ice Queen so back to Harapa.

Once there some ruins become accessible thanks to the Alchemy Forge ad Alchemy Well working together. The ruins aren't to difficult to navigate and I find the Ice Queen. But she talks to me asking whether I came there to possess her. Huh... I say yes and she tells me to piss off. What? FINE! I talk to her again I say no and she asks me another question and then I say yes. BOSS FIGHT! Another easy boss the only problem being that one her attacks can insta-kill someone by kissing them. And she kept using it on Karis... Huh. But she wasn't insta-killed and the Ice Queen goes down quickly. Yay, now I has Frost-I mean Cold Snap and suddenly some old guy wakes up. He looks familiar... Probably some guy from GS1. :awesome:

Now with Cold Snap I can get a Mercury Djinn at Harapa. Then I head over to Passaj and reverse the Alchemy Forge and finally head north.

Some cloud surfing later and I end up in a dungeon with some easy puzzles. One dungeon later and I finally descend the mountain. I get the Moloch summon and head to a small village and some talking occurs. Stupid talking... I buy a stick at the shop to get a Mercury djinn soon. Also there's a Mars djinn in the village as well.

Blah... I'll take a break for now so expect this update to be done at some point soon.

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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Now where was I?

Oh yeah. More ruins exploration.

Easy puzzles and some junk. I don't know whether the puzzles are easier in DD or whether I can figure them out much easier. Sure there's stuff like some tablets blatantly telling you what to do but if you play the game for the first time some solutions may not seem so obvious. Then there's the Insight Psyenergy which tells you what Psyenergy you should use for some obstacles. But I digress...

At some point in the ruins you find a statue with a large red nose and you can't get past it. At that point someone shows up and as it turns out she happens to be the person you were following. Turns out she's a Wind Adept who can read minds but is troubled with such a gift calling it a double edged sword. Tough. Anyway, Sveta joins your party only to leave the party before you end up in the world map. Sigh... but now we find ourselves in a brand new area to explore which I kinda got stuck in because I had no idea what to do when I was there the first time.

There are two wild djinn in super easy to figure out places and you can also obtain the Ulysses summon.

Normally you have to go Belinsk to continue the story but I said screw that noise and got some djinn in some towns you eventually go to. Go me...

Also I recall you getting the Rune Blade in the ruins earlier which I gave to Matthew. It also unleashes an attack Sunset Burst which I think is just awesome. SUNSET BURST!

You go to Belinsk and try to call Sveta over by having a band play a song but it requires 6 players and there are only 5 at the moment. You can leave Belinsk after this but there are stuff in town and I want that stuff. There are two djinn you can get and another you can't get until a certain event occurs.

Once you leave Belinsk two of the musicians show up and they talk about the song you requested. Turns out they CAN play it but the 6th band member is off somewhere and the two speaking with you are off to go places.

If head to the Border Town I find two guys who happen to be pirates who are requesting some help but Matt and co are reluctant to help pirates. I wonder if I'll help them anyway? They actually work with Briggs and he's at the port city to the east. Before I head there I grab the Jupiter djinn in the border town and head there.

Once there I can finally access a sewer area to reach Briggs. There's a Mercury djinn in the sewer area but you need use Arid Heat to get it.

After speaking with Briggs I learn he's trying to rescue his son who was captured, imprisoned, and sentenced to death by boiling at Belinsk. Harsh. Briggs hands me some Hermes Water and tells me to speak with someone named Tret. Coolio.

After all of this I can finally head north to Kolima without having to backtrack for stuff.

Something went down at Kolima and the village near Kolima has closed the gates leading to it. Jerks.

Well time to jump into some wells to get to Kolima. Also there's a djinn down there but I can't get it yet. Sigh...

Once at Kolima I learn something is wrong with a tree. After some exploring of the tree tops I am one Venus dijinn richer. I speak with a woman who asks me whether I can anything to help the Dream Tree. Of course I can! It's not like I have to explore some kind of cursed bog and fight a giant lizard right?

The woman takes me inside the Dream Tree and asks us to sleep near it so stuff can go down. Once the party falls asleep they wake up and taken down into the Earth into a cursed bog of some sort with an angry looking giant lizard waiting for them. Great. I just had to right...

Some exploration later and I finally get to a dead end and the giant lizard shows up and looks angry. Boss fight occurs and get rid of the cause of the Dream Tree's problems. Or do I? Actually yes but the tree has been injured and I need some kind of water to heal it. If only I had anything like that... Oh wait. I do! The Hermes Water heals the tree and a djinn shows up. Whaaaaaaaat?! A djinn shows up! His name is Pewter and he is a jerk. But he's an awesome jerk and he tells me to go look for someone named Laurel. Kay. Also I can finally buy Dream Leaves. Their only use, as far as I know, is to get the Haures summon at the Border Town so I buy one.

I head for Kolima Forest and Pewter is there to guide us. Kinda. He actually sends you the long way to get to Laurel... Jerk.

More talking with both Tret and Laurel and I'm off to Kolima Junction which is blocked off at the moment but because I'm going through a different route I can clear it but that's for another time as I stopped there. Oh yeah. Pewter joins the djinn ranks for great djinn related awesome.

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I love how everybody says that the Ouroboros Labyrinth is twisting and stuff, and it ends up being straightforward.

That was possibly the easiest obstacle in the game up to where Im at so far.

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Oh yeah. If anyone was wondering just what the hell happened to this. Well... My younger brother decided to play the game and erased my file. Awesome in that it's not awesome at all. *sigh* Also he gave up after playing for 3 hours or so because he found it boring making me want to kick his ass. Sigh...

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Not likely. I was thinking of replaying EO1 though. *hint hint*

But that would mean erasing my 100% file... And I'm not gonna get those infernal dragon scales ever again!

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