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Why did you call him someone's older sister...? (for "someone's/your older brother" see "Onii-san" as opposed to "Onee-san." For "my older brother" see "Ani.")

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Happy late birthday Phee-onee-chan!!!

What happened while I was forced to be gone.

Thanks-ish ^_^

I'm not sure how far behind you are so starting from the Estate departure(and this is a very general summary):

The party follows an Ursian battalion eastward in search of the retreating enemies.

The enemy is tracked to Danton fortress and battle preparations are made.

The party is assigned the task of rescuing Raquel while the military defeats the enemy.

Raquel is hung up on a pole for some reason and a trap is laid for the party who comes charging into the fortress after most of the enemies vacate it.

The party is accosted by two remaining enemies, a man covered in amounts of metal unknown(Burke), and a girl who they quickly learned could control strange flying coffins(Naomi).

She activates a barrier that blocks off the entire fortress and traps the party inside.

She fights the party while the man watches.

Eventually she loses but the trap triggers anyway, and the entire fortress is brought to another realm along with the party.

Instead of continuing on and attacking the party, Burke withdraws and he and Naomi leave them there in the fortress.

Hoping to find supplies, some party members begin searching the area.

Blake finds a large temple/shrine/tomb inside the fortress's main building(it's heavily implied that the building warped in on top of the temple).

Other party members gather to investigate but all progress was halted until they found a way around the two large doors inside the ancient hall.

Beyond those was a chamber containing what was thought to be an avian corpse, but following some arguing and panic, the woman in the chamber(Lilith) awoke.

Questions from both sides ensued.

Raquel is exposed as a wielder of dark magic.

The piece of the emblem is broken into two parts.

Lilith assimilates her piece into her clothing and soon after does the same thing with the other half, fusing it with a part of Raquel's outfit.

Eventually she gathered the party in an open area and forced her way out of the realm, dragging the party along with her.

They came out in a completely different area and found themselves on the beach on the coast of the Rexian desert.

With the closest destination(if you like to travel in straight lines) being Sanctuary, Lilith decided to lead the party there before attending to other matters.

With no prior experience or supplies, the party struggled while crossing the dunes, and the next day of travel was expected to be far worse.

A slight boon appeared when they stopped for the night to rest. John went in search of an oasis but found another traveling group who was willing to share their supplies.

Once the two groups merged, a campfire was made and various tales and backstories were exchanged.

The topic of Lilith's sword came up and she decided to fly off and retrieve it, but not before getting a volunteer to help her find two of the cities she was to go to.

Blake volunteered and was subsequently lifted up into the clouds with her.

The party continues their verbal shenanigans while awaiting their return from the north.


Oh and Merc, you're never on IRC so I'll just say it here. My gallery's been updated for days now.

Edited by Phoenix
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Thanks for telling me. Had guests over up until last night and there was vacation before that. I'll be more active on IRC now, I think.

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Can't post now, anything I would've done has been taken care of by Robin and Sophia...

Chances are I won't be around again till Saturday night or Sunday, but that doesn't really matter, does it?

I'm going to try to learn to enjoy writing stuff again. To this end, I've been trying to think of times in the RP when I've enjoyed writing posts. So far my list is...

1. Beginning of the RP, controlling the bar NPCs and interacting with Edwin.

2. Synthia meeting the group and their first battle.

3. When Sammy shot Nom and Synthia broke his bow. Ignoring him afterwards was funny.

4. In Ursentius when Gytha and Synthia freaked Sammy out in the inn.

5. Valter's introduction and first meeting with Bert

6. That whole battle with the artificial humans and the dragon

7. (Some of) the aftermath of the Fallen battle. Namely, arguing with Gytha and having Valter say thing to make Synthia depressed.

I don't think I've really done much since I came back, at least not anything that stuck out to me. I'm thinking that is part of the problem now.

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Those were all times we had ideas and wrote about them. ^_^ I suggest having more interaction and scheming. That seems to be the cure. Maybe have Valter try to confront Synthia on some things in their pasts. That sounds like it'll be fun for you.

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Okay thanks for the update. I still need to read though.

BTW where are we now?

Somewhere between that beach we reappeared at and Sanctuary. Currently with a Rexian patrol.

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-OP updated.

-Damage points added.

Note: Damage points are awarded for damaging an opponent without achieving a KO. See Points Section and Combat Teams Section for details.

-Arena rules amended. See Arena Rules for details.

Wish I could put more here ... oh well, maybe next time :XD:

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'nother UPDATE:

-Item list updated.

-Grenade costs have been changed from 50 points to 40 points.

-Shock Grenade costs have been changed from 50 points to 40 points.

-Flintlock Pistol reload cost was changed from 15 points to 10 points.

-Rifle reload cost was changed from 20 points to 15 points.

-Blunderbuss reload cost was changed from 20 points to 15 points.


Post note, grenades always target defense. Shock grenades always target resistance.

Edited by Phoenix
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Ya know what would be great? Phoenix I need you to PM stuff about experience points received in the last few battles I haven't been in.

Do that when ya can?

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....I leave one night and come back to 40 posts? What is this madness?

Should I not sleep?

No time to post this morning, sorry

EDIT: In other news, I have figured out a way to get here from school. Let's see how long this lasts. xD

Edited by roymbrog
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There are only a few big ones. Most of them are one-liners so it shouldn't be that time-consuming.

@ from school: Yay?

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Some days late but I've an announcement to make!

Since RotE has been going on for a smidgen over a year, I wanted to do something special for it. The initial ideas were okay(and some were just plain off the wall), but Luna and I finally came up with something that I think works for this.

Now I want you all to take a look at the list of Tier 4 items ...

[spoiler=Tier 4 Items]TIER4: (48 items)

Skill Book: 100

A skill book chock full of information and instruction. Purchasing this will allow a unit to upgrade their class skill to a stronger version, or extend its effects.

Large Pack: 100

A large pack for carrying gear. Once purchased, this item permanently adds a slot to the characters' inventory. This slot can be filled with any type of item, but conventional weapon limits still apply.

Silver Mount Armor: 100

A riding armor crafted out of the finest silver, for mounted units only. It increases Defense by 8, reduces Attack Speed and Evade by 4, and nullifies any enemy Slayer bonuses on the bearer. This can be created with Steel Mount Armor and 20 points.

Legendary Tack: 100

A legendary tack, for mounted units only. It increases Resistance by 8, reduces Hit and Attack Speed by 4, and nullifies any enemy Reaver bonuses on the bearer. This can be created with Imperial Tack and 30 points.

Lucky Charm: 100

A lucky charm. The bearer only needs two dice to match, in order to automatically strike the opponent.

Holy Amulet: 100

An amulet blessed by Mercy. The wearer cannot be automatically hit. Cannot be equipped by units with more than 15 evasion.

Cloak of Invisibility: 100

A cloak some say had been used by Thanatos, the Angel of Death. While worn, the wearer will be rendered invisible to attacking enemies. This effect, however, does not apply when the wearer is the aggressor or if the wearer is the last man standing in their battle faction.

Large Pellet Pouch: 100

A rather large pocket, made specifically to house ammunition. The wearer can shoot up to three times with their firearm, and not have to reinstate it. This can be made from the Pellet Pouch and 30 Points.

Special Gloves: 100

Special gloves suited for grappling techniques. If the character with this item equipped is attacked, and the damage taken is 10% or less (including misses), the attacker will be disarmed and rendered unable to attack or counter for two turns. Only enemies wielding melee weapons are susceptible to this.

Dual Knives: 100

A pair of well crafted combat knives that allow for two attacks at a time during every combat round(same effect as Brave Weapons). They use 3/4 of the wielders' skill value to determine Might. The wielder only requires 130% of the enemies' speed to double, and 260% of their speed to triple. These weapons are Special Weapons, but are classified as Swords. Therefore, while they are carried in the Third slot, they are subject to Sword WTA and WTD. Can be upgraded to from the Combat Knife for 40 points.

Arcane Weapon: 100

An arcane arm that factors in both the users' Strength and their Magic stats into determining Might. It can also attack and counter at range. This weapon can be forged from an Arc Weapon for 20 Points, or from an Imbued, for 50 points. It functions on both weapon and magic triangles gaining the anima effects on the Magic Triangle.

Guardian Weapon: 100

The pinnacle of defensive weaponry, Defender types allow the wielders to use their full Strength and Defense to reduce damage. Guardian Weapons can be forged from Warden Weapons and 20 Points.

Aegis Weapon: 100

The pinnacle of barrier weaponry, this type allows the user to use all of their strength and resistance to determine overall resistance. Can be made from a Barrier Weapon for 50 points, or from an Advanced Barrier Weapon for 20 points.

Barrier Tome: 100

A tome overflowing with magical energy. Uses the wielder's magic and resistance to determine overall resistance. Can be made with a Shield Tome for 50 points, or an Advanced Shield Tome for 20 points.

Aegis Tome: 100

The strongest defending tome with the best plating available. Uses all of the user's magic to reduce damage. Can be made with a Defending Tome for 50 points, or a Bulwark Tome for 20 points.

Devil Weapon(T): 100

A hellish weapon that drains the life of its wielder. It increases Mt by 90% for the duration of the combat round in exchange for 25% of the wielder's health. This only occurs when initiating combat, and does not work during counters. Can be made from a Blood Weapon for 20 or a Cursed weapon for 40 points.

Razor Weapon: 100

The lightest and fastest weaponry around, Razor Weaponry is only used by those few swift enough to cut through battle formations. The wielder can double his opponent if he has 1.3 times the opponent's speed, and can triple him at twice the speed. The weapon also provides a 45% increase to hit. This weapon can be forged from a basic Slim Weapon and 60 points, or from an upgraded Slim and 30 points.

Seeker Weapon(T): 100

The most precise and easy to wield weaponry around, Seeker Weaponry is only used to counter very swift enemies and hit otherwise unstoppable evaders. While wielding a Seeker Weapon, accuracy is doubled. This weapon can be forged from a basic Precise weapon for 60 points, or from an upgraded one for 30 points.

End Weapon(T): 100

Specialized weapons that have wiped out legions of their intended type. Hit and Might are multiplied by 2.5 when facing the specific unit type targeted. The weapons can be forged from base Slayer Weapons and 40 points, or from their upgraded brethren and 20 points.

Tide Turner(T): 100

A set of unconventional weaponry, designed to reverse the weapon and magic triangles. The benefits for WTA are tripled while using these weapons. Tide Turner -class weapons can be forged from basic or upgraded Reaver Weapons, for 40 and 20 points respectively.

Plague Weapons(T): 100

Deadly weapons said to have been dipped in dragons' blood. When an attack with this weapon hits, the target is inflicted with the Deadly poison status. Deadly Poison status causes the victim to lose 30%, rounded up, of their hit points every turn, and wears off after three turns. Further strikes renew the status. Plague-class Weapons have been known to have been created from Poisoned weapons and 20 points, if one asks around in the right areas.

Lethal Weapon(T): 100

Weapons that strike more fatal blows than injuries. It has a +/-1 skill roll modifier, and mt is always doubled or tripled before defenses are applied causing far greater potential damage than an ordinary killer weapon. Lethal Weapons can be forged from Killer Weapons and 30 points.

Heroic Weapon(T): 100

A mythical weapon which strikes fear into the hearts of the enemies. This weapon allows for two attacks by default, four attacks if the user can double the opponent, and five attacks if the wielder can triple the opponent. Heroic weapons can be forged from Brave Weapons and 10 points.

Maiming Weapon: 100

A very powerful weapon that lowers a targeted enemy's stat by 30% when an attack lands. The stat must be chosen and set upon purchase/creation. The effect lasts for three turns and resets upon subsequent hits. Can be made from a Crippling Weapon for 25 points.

-Applicable stats are str, skl, spd, and def

-These weapons do not stack alone or with each other.

Breaker Tome: 100

A very powerful tome that lowers a targeted enemy's stat by 30% when an attack lands. The stat must be chosen and set upon purchase/creation. The effect lasts for three turns and resets upon subsequent hits. Can be made from a Sapping Tome for 25 points.

-Applicable stats are mag, skl, spd, and res

-These weapons do not stack alone or with each other.

Destiny Weapon(T): 100

A weapon said to be able to rewrite Fate itself. This weapon has the effects of the Fortune Weapon, with the exception of the Destiny Point to Luck Ratio, which is now 1:2.

Note: "Higher Power" refers to the players. In order to alter one of those statistics, the player in question selects the specific roll and rerolls it once. The selected roll is then thrown out and replaced with the reroll.

Sacred Weapon: 100

The best weapons, made with the finest metal and sorcery. The wielders' Might is increased by 75%. These weapons can be forged from Silver Weapons and 20 points.

Assault Weapon(T): 100

The strongest of the forward advancing weapons, able to inflict exceeding damage to fresh opponents. When facing opponents with more than 50% hp, mt is increased by 90%. These weapons can be forged from Blitz Weapons and 20 points.

Synthesized Weapon(T): 100

A weapon and forged with each individual part made of the perfect combination of materials. The results are efficient bypassing of defensive bonuses. Synthesized weapons gain a 25% mt bonus. The weapon can be made from a Composite Weapon for 20 points.


-Equipment in the Applicable Bonus negation slots can be ignored.

-Applicable Bonus negation slots: Weapon, Special Weapon, Special Item.

S Dynamic Tome: 100

A special tome capable of attacking enemies at range. Uses 1.4 times the user's mag to calculate mt. Can be forged from an upgraded Dynamic tome for 30 points.

Cataclysm: 100

One of the most powerful tomes available. The wielder may target an entire combat team at once, and the targets' luck is negated during the combat round. The wielder can never attack more than once in a single combat round, cannot counter, and must forgo their following turn after each use. It can be made from a Force Tome for 30 points.

Rex Tome: 100

Legendary spell books, rife with the power of the gods. They increase Might by 75%. Rex Tomes can be written from Arc tomes and 20 Points.

Siege Tome: 100

Long range spells. The wielder of this tome cannot counter enemies attacking from melee or range, but neither can they be countered themselves. The target of the spell wielder and their combat team cannot attack the caster on Enemy Phase. This weapon increases Might by 50%.

Spear: 100

A heavier throwing spear with a lot of power. Classified as a Ranged Weapon, it uses all of the wielder's Strength to calculate Might regardless of throwing distance. The wielder only needs 160% of the foe's speed to double them, and 340% to triple them. Can be made with a Short Spear and 40 points, or a Javelin and 60 points.

Tomahawk: 100

A high quality throwing axe that is classified as a Range Weapon. It uses 125% of the wielder's Strength to calculate Might at any range. It can be made from a Short Axe for 40 points or a Hand Axe for 60.

Divine Weapons: 100

Sacred weapons that are not only able to target defense or resistance, but can also tap into half the wielders' magic stat to add to Might and can counter at range. This weapon type can be created through Light Brand weapons and 20 Points. It functions on both weapon and magic triangles gaining the light effects on the Magic Triangle.

Fell Weapons: 100

Unholy weapons which restore the wielders' health equal to half the damage inflicted, and can tap into the wielders' Magic stat and add half of it to Might. This weapon always targets the enemies' Resistance and can counter at range. Fell Weapons can be created with Rune Weapons and 20 Points. It functions on both weapon and magic triangles gaining the dark effects on the Magic Triangle.

Sacred Staff: 100

A healing stave blessed by the Gods, which can heal any injury or status condition, no questions asked.

Blunderbuss: 100

A firearm-class weapon, which fires heavy slugs at the foe. This weapon uses twice the attackers' Skill to determine Might, and if it connects, the target is Stunned by the force of the blow and unable to act for one turn. This is a special weapon, and cannot be countered. It cannot counter, however. By default, it is capable of only one shot per battle, and it takes 15 points to repair and reload the weapon once outside of conflict.

Rifle: 100

A rifle, the longest-ranged and most precise firearm weapon. This Special siege range weapon uses twice the attackers' Skill to determine Might, and cannot be countered. If a critical or a Lethal hit is rolled, the rifle instantly kills the target with a head shot. It cannot counter, however. By default, it is capable of only one shot per battle, and it takes 15 points to repair and reload the weapon once outside of conflict.

Iron Rune: 100

A mystical rune, that allows the wielder to ignore Critical and Lethal Hits, only taking normal damage from them.

Shining Armor: 100

A shining suit of armor, fit only for those of the finest order of knights. Negates Poison, Maiming Weapons, halves Ranged weapon damage taken, and Critical and Lethal hits from physical attacks only cause normal and double damage respectively to the user. This armor can be made with the Full Plate Armor and 30 points.

Seraph Robe: 100

A splendid robe, meant only for masters of the magical arts. Negates Poison, Breakers, halves Ranged Magic damage taken, and Critical and Lethal hits from magic attacks only cause normal and double damage respectively to the user. This robe can be made with a Holy Robe and 30 points.

Shining Shield: 100

A lustrous shield, fit for a servant of the Gods. This piece of armor increases Defense by 50% and negates Slayer, Reaver, and Silver weapon bonuses. This shield can be made with a Steel Shield and 30 points.

Shining Barrier: 100

A lustrous barrier, fit for a servant of the Gods. This piece of imbued equipment increases resistance by 50% and negates Slayer, Reaver, and Arc tome bonuses. This shield can be made with Steel Barrier and 30 points.

Barricade 100:

This scutum variant is a Neviskotian designed shield built to completely deflect enemy melee attacks and physical based ballistics. It's rather heavy though and must be equipped in place of a weapon. As such it goes in a weapon slot. It can be used to attack(Ram targets defense) however at half mt. While equipped, defense increases by exactly 15 points, and Attack Speed and Evasion decrease by half. The 15 points granted by a barricade can never be bypassed by incoming attacks, even if they come with bypass abilities(only raw def is ignored).


-The wielder must have at least one str to attack with this shield.

-A critcal hit will damage the shield if the attack damages the target. A damaged shield carries only half the defense bonus and must be repaired for 10 gold. Another critical hit that damages the target will break the shield.

-A lethal hit will break the shield if the attack damages the target. A broken shield can't be used again until it is repaired, a procedure costing 50 gold.

-Only physical attacks can break or damage shields.

Rex Barrier 100:

The Rex Barrier is an Ursian designed defense tool made to completely deflect enemy magic attacks at both short and long range. It's rather difficult to control though and must be equipped in place of a weapon. As such it goes in a weapon slot. It can be used to attack(Pulse targets resistance) however at half mt. While equipped, resistance increases by exactly 15 points, and Attack Speed and Evasion decrease by half. The 15 points granted by a Rex Barrier can never be bypassed by incoming attacks, even if they come with bypass abilities(only raw res is ignored).


-The wielder must have at least one mag to attack with this Barrier.

-A critcal hit will damage the barrier if the attack damages the target. A damaged barrier carries only half the resistance bonus and must be repaired for 10 gold. Another critical hit that damages the target will break the barrier.

-A lethal hit will break the barrier if the attack damages the target. A broken barrier can't be used again until it is repaired, a procedure costing 50 gold.

-Only magical attacks can break or damage barriers.

Firewall 100:

The Firwall was designed by Milena Sokolov as a type of omni-defensive shield. It is smaller than the Neviskotian Barricade and made out of lighter materials and infused with powerful magic. Despite its lighter weight compared to the Barricade, it must be equipped in place of a weapon but can still attack with half mt(Ram targets def, and Pulse targets res). While equipped, the Firewall adds 8 points to both defense and resistance. Attack Speed and Evasion decrease by 1/3 while in use. The points granted by a Firewall can never be bypased by incoming attacks, even if they come with bypass abilities(only raw def or res is ignored).


-The wielder can attack with either their str or mag stat but must have at least 1 point invested in either.

-A critical hit will damage the shield if the attack damages the target. A damaged shield carries only half the defense or resistance bonuses and must be repaired for 10 gold(whichever stat was targeted). Another critical hit that damages the target will break the shield.

-A lethal hit will break the shield if the attack damages the target. A broken shield can't be used again until it is repaired, a procedure costing 50 gold.

Retrain: 150

A scroll that allows the user to redistribute all gained stat points, following level restrictions. This can be bought without having the necessary 150 Points, but all earned points would then go to pay off the difference, before being able to be spent freely.

(Ignore anything on the list already unlocked like the Large Pack or Retrain)

We're going to unlock 1 item on this list, and it'll be available for purchase from now on following Raquel's next stock up. This item will also be available to sign ups. Since either of us deciding would be a dick move, we're just going to let you guys talk it over and either reach a group decision or a majority vote.

Side note: You guys can unlock ANY ONE ITEM from ANY TIER, but I can't help but stress the fact that you can unlock something from the treasure trove known as Tier 4 :awesome:

Okay, now to shut out everything else and focus on the ensuing madness in IRC :facepalm:

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Well, my vote goes for the Sacred Staff.

Now see here, the Sacred Staff totally trivializes healing. It's essentially the lovechild of the Recover and Restore staffs, and without the team restrictions of the former. Also, it doesn't have a level requirement so once you have the points, it's up for grabs. We won't have to worry about leaving someone injured as we could be sure to get him/her healed to full.

So yeah, those are my reasons. Healers can just aim to get it, and it would be greatly beneficial.

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The Sacred Staff has a level requirement of 2/2.

It does? It's not stated in the OP then...

Nevermind then, vote still stands.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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After looking over both the list and the requirements, I vote for the Dual knives, Flintlock Pistol, or one of the defensive items (iron rune, lucky charm, cloak of invisibility)

Dual Knives and the items have no level requirements. Most of us are at the level to wield pistols. Honestly, I prefer the knives and lucky charm the most. Those things are awesome.

*roymbrog waits for Merc to suggest pistols*

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