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It seems Robin is a bit under-experienced.

The join average is currently 268 points.

Robin has leveled up twice and purchased a crossbow. This means she has spent a total of 200 points. She also has 61 points unused at the moment bringing her total to 261 points. This is not to mention the combat she has partaken in against the Artifical Humans and the fight just now. I don't mind having less points than the rest of the party so much as I would like to know where the excess points are going.

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It seems Robin is a bit under-experienced.

The join average is currently 268 points.

Robin has leveled up twice and purchased a crossbow. This means she has spent a total of 200 points. She also has 61 points unused at the moment bringing her total to 261 points. This is not to mention the combat she has partaken in against the Artifical Humans and the fight just now. I don't mind having less points than the rest of the party so much as I would like to know where the excess points are going.

Your point count for Robin for this battle is inaccurate. It should be 20, for one kill and objectives, IIRC. As for why you're so under the average, that would be because your point gain has consistently been under average in the battles you have participated in.

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Sometimes the points a PC earns is greater than the overall average, sometimes it's less. When it's consistently less you'll start to see a gap building between the overall average (currently: 268) and the PC's total amount of earned points (varies by individual). It happens and it's not a big issue.

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Right. My question is that Robin's points are less than what a new character would get for joining up now despite having been in two battles and having gotten points from both of them. Right now it would be beneficial for me to quite the RP and rejoin right away with the same character as it would yield a point increase (granted, by only 7 points, but still).

I guess I'm just confused as I assumed that all people received the point average after the battle and then additional points after that for the kills earned by their squad (at which point Robin should be above the average, even if only by a small amount).

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Snike. Robin got two kills. She took out clerics A and B.

Yes, and you ignore one of those kills because she died in PP. :/

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We wouldn't accept any duplicate character sign ups anyway :lol:



Bow ability rules updated. Check Sign ups for details.

Gist: They take counters from bows, ranged, and siege weapons when it's possible.

Edited by Phoenix
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Aren't you guys being a bit tough on bows? They get a -1 penalty to DEF and RES and only get their first attack against a group uncounterable but only if they target a melee fighter basically?

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Most enemies tend to wield 1 range weapons anyway, so it's not much of a change. Getting uncountered while attacking other bow users and ranged weapon users wasn't making much sense IMO.

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Actually it does make sense. You don't instantly know where you're being shot from and it's pretty hard to pick out one person, especially if there's a bunch of people running around.

I'm curious now. If this isn't much of a change (in your eyes), then why even make it in the first place?

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The reason bows get uncountered for a little bit is due to the range difference, but this doesn't make sense against an enemy who is also using a bow (or another type of ranged weapon). Same thing goes for things like attacking at siege range, before a bow using wouldn't get countered, but someone using a siege tome would which didn't make a whole lot of sense. Bows are no longer a weird exception to the "if an enemy is attacking range as you, you're going to get countered" rule.

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Eh, I had more of a problem with the constant -1 Def/Res thing. Before I had though it was only on turns it was ranged, but if it's all the time I really don't see the point in using bows... Normal ranged weapons give you more counterless turns with less drawbacks.

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Those may or may not be nerfed at some point too. We'll have to see where this argument goes I guess.

Well this argument aside, I'm currently in the process of updating the map. It'll be up sometime this evening. It's taking me awhile because I have to redo most of the names since the text got messed up in the transfer from my old computer ... no idea how that happened. Anyway, it'll be awhile so I won't be on IRC til after I finish that.

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Plot wise, Ranyin would refuse to follow the group to Kigen and maybe left them and head off to...anywhere...

Merc, would Bert be interested in dragging Ranyin off to a bandit hunt while he's at it?

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NOTICE: The next TS will be occurring once posting activity begins to die down or most interactions look finished, whichever comes first. If you have any preferred destinations along the group's current route, then now (and I mean at your earliest convenience) is the time to mention so. Please remember though, that we're not going to just sit around and do nothing if we reach a destination and nothing happens.

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I'll have to discuss that with you two, Minun and one or both of the GMs so we can work that out, but I'm juggling a lot right now so we'll see how things go.

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Well ... may want to get to me on that sometime :lol:


-Items list updated

-The counterparts to armor; robes, have been added. From now on, armors will not take half damage at range versus magic, only physical attacks. The four robe types are Robe, Blessed Robe, Holy Robe, and Seraph Robe.

-Character archive updated. Clover Bradford added. Random entries adjusted slightly.

Edited by Phoenix
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Hey....'sorry but it's gonna take a bit longer together the laptop. Probably will get it once I leave Rhode Island/Boston as I've been staying there for a week due to a program for accounting. It finished on Friday but mom wants stay until Tuesday. So yeah on Tuesday I'll Pick up my comp from BestBuy. And everything will be alright with the world. See ya then

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