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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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That's not the fucking truth, the only fucking thing that revolves around me is me you retard, if that's the only truth you're going to 'hold over my head' then I've got nothing to worry about... but, it's not, you lying sack of crap.

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About the av: It's a mystery~~~ (Also, I'm crazy. You should know this by now. That could possibly me just getting really excited about something and flailing but you'll never know. LA MISTIQUE CONTINUES!)

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How isn't it? You only ever complain when something doesn't go your way, and you always think that you should be the center of attention, making a show to get people to look at you. You even said that in the RotE chat, that you act like a tool so people will like you. No one here really likes you, Z, they just tolerate you, and you're only making yourself seem more immature by using petty insults. When you're ready to talk maturely, instead of flinging whatever your tiny mind can think up, let me know.

And for supposedly "leaving", you're doing a pretty shit job of that :<

Edited by seph1212
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Probably not important, but got this thing updated. Nothing big, just added whoever wasn't in there yet and a trope here and there as well.

I'm aware I may have missed some guys, but I'm too lazy to check over the sign-up thread it's past midnight here right now. Despite totally being able to have done it earlier. :dry: *QAAM'ed*

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I find it funny that 'casting a Shadow's' picture is Canas. I had him constantly in mind when I was trying to design Shadrak. Both Physically, and as a character, something of like, a younger, more extreme, type.

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Don't fight the weather. You can't win.

So the lesson of today is, when the group travels to some cold place, and there is a snowstorm, do whatever it takes to avoid having Shadrak go and fight it off. Knock him out, tied him, stuff him to the wagon, anything necessary to avoid dying by continuity errors. *Megalith'ed*

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So the lesson of today is, when the group travels to some cold place, and there is a snowstorm, do whatever it takes to avoid having Shadrak go and fight it off. Knock him out, tied him, stuff him to the wagon, anything necessary to avoid dying by continuity errors. *Megalith'ed*

The blizzard was just a cover up, they didn't want people to know that Canas and Nino got together and did the horizontal hoedown.

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The blizzard was just a cover up, they didn't want people to know that Canas and Nino got together and did the horizontal hoedown.

So they essentially join Wallace in becoming farmers, eh? :P:

Really? How?

Also, that's not shocking considering it's FE.

Well, it's implied, but not actually confirmed or not, that Nino's mother may be Canas's Wife's Sister. Either true or not, they wouldn't be actually related by blood, as the most they can be is in-laws or something like that if it's true. *shrug*

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Most fun post I've had the pleasure of writing in the last few chapters :XD:

Maybe it's since I've been playing too much SRW Alpha, but I can totally see this playing whenever Organization segments appear.


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Before the violence gets underway I should probably point out some physical details about Danton ... for the sake of having decent environmental context.

Danton: The walls form a circle around the complex. There's the outer wall that runs around the entire complex with gates at the north, south, east, and west sides. The western gate is the largest and is considered the 'primary' entrance. The next part of the fortress is the inner wall. The inner wall is a smaller version of the outer wall with four gates in similar positions to the outer gates. The inner wall acted as a last layer of defense, an area where ranged units could bombard enemies that came into the killing field(the area between the outer walls and the inner walls), and an inspection area outside of battle. The outer walls are about eighty feet high while the inner walls are about ninety feet high.

The interior complex is just a series of towers and big and small buildings that serve various purposes(like armories, barracks, storage buildings, and probably a mill or two). The largest building is roughly at the center of the fortress, offset just slightly toward the eastern end. It's also a very downscaled version of a castle.

I think that's everything relevant to accessibility and terrain. Welcome to Danton. We hope you enjoy your visit :):

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Ooo. Now I feel like I'm on an awesome version of a guided tour. Also, this is much more interesting than I was picturing. Thanks for providing the description. :):

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