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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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What you're looking at is a first, a nine person combat team.

No fair Phoenix, since they're Coffins, it means that technically they'd never have a 3 PERSON team no matter how many of them are. :P: *QAAM'ed*

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Well, that sucks for me. Valter is useless this fight :(: Probably shouldn't have used that stim

Wait, maybe not. Hadn't read yet and seen revived thingies.

Edited by roymbrog
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Ok, we got Raquel, we probably have the emblem on her...suddenly I think Burke's being nice...Plot objective complete...sorta, just need to figure out what to do with the barrier.


Just my observation...

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Ok, we got Raquel, we probably have the emblem on her...suddenly I think Burke's being nice...Plot objective complete...sorta, just need to figure out what to do with the barrier.


Just my observation...

Aren't you aware the barrier is still there? :lol:

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Here are my observations ...

There's a gigantic barrier around the fortress; what's powering it is a mystery.

Burke has been confident from the get-go that his plan would succeed and hasn't so much as hinted at the possibility that we might be onto something that could ruin it("Wait, don't press that button!", etc).

There's a battle laid out before us that was started on a whim, by him.

My suggestion is to take advantage of the situation from an OoC perspective and focus on point gains because a method of getting out of this situation as a whole hasn't been so much as hinted at, yet.

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Here are my observations ...

There's a gigantic barrier around the fortress; what's powering it is a mystery.

Burke has been confident from the get-go that his plan would succeed and hasn't so much as hinted at the possibility that we might be onto something that could ruin it("Wait, don't press that button!", etc).

There's a battle laid out before us that was started on a whim, by him.

My suggestion is to take advantage of the situation from an OoC perspective and focus on point gains because a method of getting out of this situation as a whole hasn't been so much as hinted at, yet.

Zvarri! The truth has once again been elegantly revealed to me!

Naomi's strange incantation is what set in motion that pillar of light of space distorting properties. Therefore, I conclude the key of disabling it lies with her!


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Or maybe defeating Naomi is a part of Burke's plan to set everything in motion :o:

Hahaha, what's the point of your hints then if you then just try to undermine whatever conclusions we arrive at. :lol:

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Oh, am I allowed to theorize? :3:

[spoiler=Theory!]Theory 1: Naomi's chanting is what made the barrier in the first place. She's pretty upset when we get rid of a coffin. She also seems easily distracted. Take out the coffins and she won't be able to concentrate on the barrier anymore.

Theory 2: Burke himself is teleporting us. He doesn't seem to be a magical unit, but he was able to sense ... things. But that's more theory I don't feel like explaining at the moment. Still in development, etc. Note how he hasn't joined the fight (yet.) Though I don't think this is the correct theory, it could maybe be a possiablity.

Theory 3: The Ursian forces are working hard to get to us to help us. We have to survive for a set number of turns. Normally, I would conclude that they'll rescue us after this set number of turn survival. Though that doesn't seem to work since, technically, they are a threat, to Raquel's emblem too. We've fought their forces (not this particular army, but military Wrathites) before. Why should we consider their "rescue" safe for us? The way I see it, we're not getting out of being warped. But, we could maybe be warped somewhere other than where Burke wants us to be warped if we interrupt the warping process, which leads back (to a degree) to theories 1, 2 and 4, the last of which I will explain momentarily.

Theory 4: The coffins themselves are powering the warp/barrier. In IRC, Phoenix kept hinting that Naomi is a bigger threat than Burke and her chanting, ideally (though impossibly) should be stopped. The circle around Naomi didn't start until the coffins were all summoned, either, and each has its own life-force...thing, according to Sardis who mentions that he can sense 9 beings when Naomi is around though he can only see her. I have more thoeries about the coffins and their origins, but that's not relivent nor are the theories quite yet complete. The force field started acting up after we'd downed several coffins, too. Burke may have seemed like all this was according to plan, but remember, he's crazy and likes turmoil and death. He's probably just finding it interesting that we're putting up a good enough fight to have that effect on the force field. Would he really be happy about an easy victory? No, he's made it clear he likes to be entertained by struggle, no matter whose side is struggling. Ideally, both sides will be struggling. Perhaps we would have been warped by now (and with a much smoother warp than the shakey one we're all witnessing) if we hadn't defeated so many coffins. So, according to this theory, the plan of action would be to kill off the coffins to bring down the barrier and stop the warp, much like theory 1.

Theory 5: We don't know all the pieces to this puzzle and there is some factor we have to consider that we feasilby can't. We'd need more data but we do not know how to aquire said data. In this case, we go with one of the previous theories until new information is revealed. Theory 5 is always a possability to any theory set.

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Theory 6: There's something fishy going on around here.

This is the best I can do knowing what I know :(:

And it's basically nothing. Since it's quote obvious something's going on anyway.


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-Hero promotion bonuses changed from:

+1 HP, +1 STR, +1 SKL, +1 DEF


+1 HP, +1 STR, +1 SKL, +1 SPD

-Bard class added.

Bard: Musical Magicians who can empower their allies.

Empower: May increase the magic, and skill, of fellow combat team members by 25% at the start of the player phase. Each player phase stats are boosted costs 2 hp. The Bard's own stats do not increase.

Starting Stats: HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 2 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Virtuoso promotion bonuses

+2 SPD, +2 LCK

Rhapsodist promotion bonuses

+2 SPD, +2 LCK

Proficiencies: Light/Anima/Dark/Staves

Upgrade: Speed and resistance may also be increased along with magic and skill.

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