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ITT This playthrough is dead


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  1. 1. I went Sacae last time. Where do you want to see me go?

    • Pegasi infested Snows
    • Nomad infested Plains

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The wait is finally over. It's time to play Sealed Sword on Hard Mode. Again, here are the notes before reading the rest of this page:

The Players:
















Utility/Clutch/Support fodder:






Note that I will add and remove people as levels go by.

Before you ask, I will be going the Lalum route(for VERY obvious reasons).

I am also putting up a poll to let you, the fans, decide on whether I should go to the snows or to the plains. I couldn't give a shit either way, though.

Note that arena abuse will be omitted. No one wants to see that shit. Not that I'm going to grind all my guys to Lv20 in Ch7(though 20/1 Dieck and Bors by Ch8 would be hax). Sorry for the inconvenience.

Swag is defined as the following:

-Items acquired from a chest or house.

-Items stolen from enemies.

-Rare items that recruitable characters have.

While this will not be an efficient or ranked playthrough, I won't be half-assed and stick on a map for support purposes.

It should be noted that this thread is rife with a lot of jokes and internet memes, some good, others decent, and others as bad as Superman 64.

P.S: This playthrough is officially dead. A cleanup crew will be here shortly to either delete or lock this corpse.


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Chapter 1: Dawn of Destiny

Starting Units:

Roy, Marcus, Alan, Lance, Wolt, Bors

This chapter is actually kind of hard without Marcus. Basically, use Marcus to weaken the enemies, and have your cavaliers and Roy grab the kills. Note that Bors is significantly less useful here as he gets 2RKO'd by half the map.

After doing my configurations, I formed a wall with Marcus and Bors(making sure that Bors was only within range of the 6AS guy). After Alan and Lance killed their fighters and Bors killed his, I then did the same to another fighter and almost killed an archer. Meanwhile, Wolt visited the village for 5K. On turn 4, Roy kills another fighter, Bors takes out the archer, and Alan/Lance surround the bandit(the douche attacks Bors). After Lance put him out of his misery, Marcus then lured in more fighters along the path to the gate, giving the kills to Roy, Alan, and Lance.

As for the guys in the back, Marcus stepped into their range and weakened them for Alan/Lance. As for the last two enemies, Roy took the kill on the fighter and I let Bors kill the archer. As for the boss, I sat Marcus in his range(because I was NOT trusting Roy to dodge multiple death strikes). After I got the bastard to about 5 HP(thanks to Walt and Marcus), Roy killed the douchebag. I seized immediately after that.

Roy      	01  03  19  07  06  08  09  07  01  06   
Alan 		01  02  21  08  05  06  04  06  00  09  
Lance   	01  02  21  05  07  09  02  06  01  09  
Bors      	01  02  21  07  04  04  04  12  00  14   
Wolt 		01  01  18  04  04  05  02  04  00  07   
Marcus   	02  01  32  09  14  11  15  09  08  06

Nice to see that Bors got both speed and defense. Alan and Lance also don't disappoint. Also, Roy got some snazzy level ups.

Swag: 5000G

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Chapter 2: The Princess of Bern

Starting Units:

Roy, Marcus, Alan, Lance, Bors, Wolt, Ellen, Merlinus

New Units:

Dick, Wade, Lot, Thany

This chapter isn't too hard, considering that you get a healer, albeit a really shitty one. Also, you will get 4 new units, most of which will be useful.

Marcus gets sent down to wean down a loldier, letting Bors take the kill. Al and Lance then formed a wall protecting Roy, Walt, and Ellen. The tent went to the village to grab the Rapesarmors. After Bors and Roy killed two of the enemies, I had the cavs put Bors on the fort. While the loldier did attack Walt on the EP, I healed it off, had Lance and Dieck kill the fighters, then stuck Boris in a loldier's range(he managed to ORKO it). After Dieck killed another fighter, Bors took out one of the javelin soldiers before both of them could gang up on Dieck(Lance killed the other one).

Now, I would've been intimidated by the guys to the east, but I wasn't. The first iron axe fighter easily died to Dieck as did the javelin soldier. Mr Steel-axe was taken out by Alan, and Bors took out the last loldier. As for the last few enemies, Marcus lured in the merc(but not the fighter), which Dieck killed off. The fighter and Archer were killed by A+L. Rude was still a joke; I took him out with Dieck Cheney and his armorslayer, as usual(I missed my second strike, but killed him on the next player phase.) After Thany bought a few items, Roy seized.

Roy      	01  03  19  07  06  08  09  07  01  06   
Alan 		01  03  23  09  05  07  03  07  00  09  
Lance   	01  03  22  06  07  10  02  06  01  09  
Bors      	01  04  23  09  05  05  05  14  00  14   
Wolt 		01  01  18  04  04  05  02  04  00  07   
Marcus   	02  01  32  09  14  11  15  09  08  06
Ellen      	01  02  16  01  06  08  08  00  06  04
Dieck    	01  06  27  10  12  10  05  06  01  13
Ward 		01  02  28  08  03  05  04  03  00  13
Lot   		01  03  29  07  05  07  02  04  00  12
Thany 		01  01  17  04  06  12  05  06  05  04

Too bad Dieck only gained one level here. Bah, humbug!

No one gives a shit about the wagon.

Swag: Armorslayer

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Chapter 3: Late Arrival

Starting Units:

Roy, Marcus, Alan, Lance, Bors, Wolt, Dieck, Ellen, Wade, Lot, Thany, Chad

New Units:


Hardly an improvement from Normal mode, the only difference being that the enemies actually pack some muscle. Still, loldiers suck and the armors are little better. Plus you have a guy(Marcus)that spits in their faces basically forever(by forever, I mean up until the Western Isles).

I sent most of my force east, except Walt, Wade, and Lott(they were assigned to the unfortunate task of recruiting Lugh). On the EP, Marcus gets attacked by a loldier, while Chad dodges a javelin. Next turn, I take out the surrounding loldiers with Alan, Lance, Bors, and Lott. Dieck killed the archer with Roy's help. After Marcus and Alan get critically injured on the EP, Ellen healed Marcus then both chugged down vulneraries. Lance and Dieck kill loldiers while Bors simply goes into the range of another. After Alan and Chad killed more loldiers, I then sent Bors and Marcus up to deal with the reinforcements. Wade and Lot had already killed the NW loldiers, and started to work on the archer.

The cavalier reinforcements were, to be blunt, a joke. Bors and Alan weakened the sword cav for Lance, while Thany killed the archer with the axe bros' help. Next turn(T7), Dieck and Roy took out the knight and cav, respectively, then Bors went back to his usual duty of chipping things. Thany then visited the house with Lugh in it(the wagon went for the mend staff). I then took out the last of the cavaliers with Roy, Alan, and Lance. While Thany was carrying Lugh back to the base, more shit appeared and chased Thany around. I take out the fighter(and Slater)with Dieck. After I got the chests and took out the sword guy with Lugh, I seized.

Roy      	01  04  20  08  06  08  09  08  01  06   
Alan 		01  04  24  09  06  08  05  06  11  09  C Lance
Lance   	01  04  23  06  07  11  03  06  01  09  C Alan
Bors      	01  05  24  09  06  06  06  15  00  14   
Wolt 		01  01  18  04  04  05  02  04  00  07   
Marcus   	02  01  32  09  14  11  10  09  08  06
Ellen      	01  03  17  01  07  08  09  00  07  04
Dieck    	01  08  29  12  12  11  07  07  02  13
Ward 		01  03  29  09  03  05  04  03  00  13
Lot   		01  03  29  07  05  07  02  04  00  12
Thany 		01  01  17  04  06  12  05  06  05  04
Chad    	01  01  16  03  03  10  04  02  00  05
Lugh    	01  01  16  04  05  06  05  03  05  04

Not bad. Nice to see that Roy is defense blessed. Though I kind of wish Ward got a better level up. Also, Dieck is slightly skill screwed, but is making up for it by having 12 str/11spd.

Swag: 3000G, Halberd, Mend

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Chapter 4: Collapse of the Alliance

Starting Units:

Roy, Marcus, Alan, Lance, Bors, Wolt, Dieck, Wade, Lot, Thany, Ellen, Lugh, Chad

New Units:

Clarine, Rutgar

God I hate this chapter. The game throws a bunch of mounted dudes at you, and it's a total nightmare on hard mode. Also, the Nabarl archetype dude joins. Oh and give the halberd to either Ward or Lot. I recommend Lot since Wade's speed and durability are ass.

I sent all my units southwest, using Bors and Marcus to blockade. After I took out the cavaliers here(using Lugh, Marcus, Bors, and Wolt as chip fodder), I then took out the first cav guy with Roy and form a wall protecting my squishier units(basically anyone named Wolt, Lugh, Chad, and Ellen). After Dieck gets mauled by two cavaliers and a nomad, I take out the squadron, then Clarine talks to Roy. Thany visits the town for a door key, then Lot steps into the hand axe guy's range. After Lance kills the pirate reinforcement, Dieck and Alan get to work on cavaliers. Next turn, Rutgar and his cronies show up, and were all killed(Rutgar was recruited). After I took out the last of them, it was time to deal with the pirate reinforcements.

The reinforcements weren't too bad; Rutgar was actually borderline on ORKOing them thanks to his HM gains. I had also sent Thany to deal with the houses. Soon after(on turn 11), 4 cavaliers spawned from my starting position. I sent Marcus down to weaken them for my chumps to kill(he accidentally ORKO'd one, but I don't give a shit. As long as they're dead.) After I took down the last of the pirates, I shipped my units towards the boss, who was still pathetic as all hell. What I did was that I sat Marcus in his range(straightforward), until he was weak enough for Roy. While this was happening, Merlinus bought a few items. Pretty standard. I seized immediately after killing Eric.

Roy      	01  06  22  08  06  09  10  09  01  06   
Alan 		01  05  25  10  07  08  05  06  00  09   C Lance
Lance   	01  05  23  07  07  12  04  06  01  09   C Alan
Bors      	01  07  26  11  07  07  06  16  01  14   
Wolt 		01  01  18  04  04  05  02  04  00  07   
Marcus   	02  02  32  10  14  11  11  09  09  06
Ellen      	01  05  17  03  08  09  09  00  08  04
Dieck    	01  09  30  13  12  12  08  07  03  13
Ward 		01  03  29  09  03  05  04  03  00  13
Lot   		01  04  30  07  05  07  03  04  00  12
Thany 		01  02  17  05  07  13  05  06  06  04
Chad    	01  02  16  04  03  11  04  02  01  05
Lugh    	01  02  16  05  05  07  06  03  06  04
Clarine 	01  01  16  02  06  10  09  02  05  05
Rutgar   	01  05  26  10  14  16  03  06  01  07

Team's turning out OK. Roy's stats, especially his defense. He didn't get 9def until Lv12 on my last playthrough. At least he's co-operating.

Also, I used up most of the silver lance in this level(it's at like 7 uses). Well, I DID need to cause massive PWN to the enemies, rite?

If you are reading this, please give me some feedback!

Swag: Door key, Killing edge, Steel blade, Seraph robe

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Plus you have a guy(Marcus)that spits in their faces basically forever(by forever, I mean up until the Western Isles).

Marcus still laughs pretty heartily at the enemies in the Western Isles. Assuming that Marcus levels up like usual, he probably should be Level 5 at that point. Which means he should be getting a Spd proc. With it, he should double the vast majority of the Fighters on the Isles, barring perhaps the Hand Axe ones (which, by the way, can have 9 AS tops in Chapter 10A, and there are some that can have 10 AS in 11A. For the most part, though, Marcus should be doing about as well as Zealot is anyway, and Zealot is pretty top notch in the Western Isles.

The issue might be when Marcus has to pull out Iron Blades for extra Mt, though it only adds +1 Mt in exchange for -1 AS.

Edited by Tyranel M
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Chapter 5: Fire Emblem

Starting Units:

Roy, Marcus, Alan, Lance, Bors, Wolt, Dieck, Wade, Lot, Thany, Ellen, Lugh, Chad, Clarine, Rutgar

This chapter is fairly easy if you mostly stick to sword users. Weaker units are at your own risk. Also, the Killer axe douchebag is back, this time with 19-20 str. Do not fuck around with this guy, otherwise, you are going to see multiple death quotes.

Anyway, I moved all my units up, using a rescue drop formation to get Bors on the fort. I then took out the fighter he weakened with Rutgar, then put A+L in formation along with Marcus blocking the hand axe guy's access to Clarine. On T2 EP, I got swarmed by multiple enemies, which I managed to kill the next turn. I then used rescue dropping to get Bors into range of the two nomads. After taking out the fighters and nomads, Marcus visited the town for a Gant lance. As for the bandits, I let my sword users advance on them, as well as Bors attacking a merc. I then kill the merc as well as two others and a nomad.

As for the last few enemies and the reinforcements, they weren't too bad. The bandits were to say the least, pretty bad. Didn't have nothing on Dieck and Rutgar. Even Alan and Lance were raping them. Soon after the first wave, more bandits spawned from the eastern forts. I sent Dick, Roy, and A+L to deal with them. I also opened the gate to get some more EXP for my units. Not a bad day at all. As for the boss, I got him on his hand axe, then went for the kill with Rutgar.

Roy      	01  08  24  10  07  09  12  09  01  06   
Alan 		01  08  26  12  07  11  07  08  00  09   B Lance
Lance   	01  08  25  09  08  14  04  06  01  09   B Alan
Bors      	01  10  29  12  08  09  08  19  02  14   
Wolt 		01  01  18  04  04  05  02  04  00  07   
Marcus   	02  02  32  10  14  11  11  09  09  06
Ellen      	01  05  17  03  08  09  09  00  08  04
Dieck    	01  11  32  14  13  14  09  07  03  13
Ward 		01  03  29  09  03  05  04  03  00  13
Lot   		01  04  30  07  05  07  03  04  00  12
Thany 		01  02  17  05  07  13  05  06  06  04
Chad    	01  03  17  04  04  12  04  02  01  05
Lugh    	01  03  16  05  06  08  06  03  06  04
Clarine 	01  01  16  03  06  11  10  02  06  05   C Rutgar
Rutgar   	01  05  29  13  16  18  05  08  03  07   C Clarine

I'm liking Alan's speed. And Roy's strength. And Bors' defense.

I also bought several door keys. For, you know, next chapter, so I don't have to rely on Chad so much.

Swag: Gant lance

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It seems like you're getting an epic Bors just like last time...

Come to think of it, Dieck's turning out better than he did last time. Compared to his NM version, he has +1HP, +1Str, -2Skl, +2Spd, +3Lck, and same def and res. I guess he really likes getting speed(and str. While I'm not dismissing his possibility of capping str, I punched in the numbers and he will average 18str by the time he's Lv20, using the current blessage he already has)

Alan's speed is also epic. He has +1 speed over his 10/0 NM self, at 8/0(and has the same str at 8/0 as he did at 10/0 in NM). Same with Lance, but he has +3 speed over his 10/0 NM self(-3skl, but blegh, he'll live). The good news is that both are doubling.

As for Roy, I dunno if he's better or worse. Well, he's definitely better thanks to his +2 str blessage.

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No turn-counts? =(

I completely forgot about how many turns I took in the first 3 chapters, bit I vaguely remember being stuck in Chapter 4 for 17 turns and Chapter 5 for almost 30 turns. In both cases, it was due to reinforcements, not support abuse. I really need to move faster. Luckily, Chapter 6 shouldn't take too long.

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Chapter 6: It's a Trap!

Starting Units:

Roy, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Ellen, Clarine, Chad, Thany, Saul, Dorothy

New Units:


Not Joining:


Still not that hard, except for the boss, who now has 12 AS(and the reinforcements, but do I care?). Do not expect anyone except Rutgar to double attack him. Or anybody other than Rutgar/Dieck to actually hit the guy, as he has 58 avoid counting his throne bonus. Also remember to talk to Cath(who you will be getting in a later chapter)with Roy.

I split my army into three groups. I sent Bors and the cavs down the center path to meet the first wave of enemies dead on, Dieck/Roy/Thany went west and Rutgar/Clarine/Chad went east. After Lance and Alan killed their mages, I then kill the remaining soldiers with Lance and let Bors take out one of the loldiers. Rutgar and Dieck also help in this blood orgy, while my healers, well, heal them. Thany and polishes off a mercenary. After Alan and Bors get whacked by armors on the EP, and others were mauled by soldiers, I then took out almost all the central detachment, as well as two loldiers(using Dieck and Rutgar). On turn 4, my units started unlocking doors, and Lance takes out the last knight. Finally, by turn 5, I was able to talk to Sue to recruit her.

After Cath appeared(presumably to collect swag), three waves of reinforcements poured out of the steps on T7. Luckily, Clarine(and Chad) was safe because Rutgar was acting as a surrogate tank with his killing edge. As for the other two waves, I let Dieck and Bors take care of them, for the most part. Then on turn 9, the reinforcements STILL had the nerve to spawn from the north. After letting Bors solo the reinforcements(he can do pretty much whatever he wants, lol19def), I then have my units pick them off and have Roy FINALLY talk to Cath. Again, some more reinforcements showed up, but I used this time again to get my units some much needed levels. And as soon as I was done with THOSE, guess what? Cath opened the door with enemies inside, so I was obliged to block it. Then more reinforcements appeared after turn 16, but luckily, I had all my units in a wall formation, though Clarine got hit(but was still standing). After I took them out, I then dealt with the NW room. After clearing the enemies, I took the last chest, then combated the boss. Roy got the bosskill. 25 turns of my life wasted, I guess.

Roy      	01  09  25  11  08  09  12  10  01  06   
Alan 		01  09  29  13  07  12  07  08  00  09  B Lance
Lance   	01  09  26  10  09  15  04  06  03  09  B Alan
Bors      	01  12  31  14  10  10  09  20  02  14   
Ellen      	01  06  18  03  08  09  10  00  09  04
Dieck    	01  13  31  16  15  15  10  07  03  13
Thany 		01  03  17  05  08  14  06  06  07  04
Chad    	01  03  17  04  04  12  04  02  01  05
Clarine 	01  04  16  03  07  11  11  02  07  05  C Rutgar
Rutgar   	01  11  32  15  18  20  06  10  03  07  C Clarine
Saul   		01  06  20  05  06  10  02  02  06  06
Dorothy 	01  03  19  04  06  06  03  04  02  07
Sue   		01  01  18  05  07  08  04  05  00  05

Holy mother on a stick Rutgar is becoming epic. As if his str blessage wasn't enough, he also decided to conveniently get def blessed, too. He also capped spd, which will go a long way towards doubling things. Bors is in the same boat, where half his stats are blessed, notably that 20def he got at Lv12. Why a supposed low tier unit wants to become a total tank so badly is beyond me.

Also, Roy. Those are some of the most fucked up stats I've seen on anybody's Roy since the Twincest, and I mean in the good way. He has HIGHER strength/defense than he does skill/speed FFS! Is he trying to be a poor man's Hector?

Here's an average 9/0 Roy to compare my Roy to(all decimals are rounded up.)

Roy      	01  09  24  08  09  10  12  07  02  06   

My Roy has (+1HP/+3str/-1skl/-1spd/+3def/-1res) over his simple averages at that level. Just wanted to point that out.

Swag: Silver lance, Killer axe, 10000G, Unlock, Short bow, Goddess icon

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Chapter 7 has been taking me a while, mostly due to the difficulty spike(like how Treck kept dying before I got to him before I looked up an FE6!HM walkthrough done by Hisagi134), as well as a chance to get some arena videos done(Not that I need to use the arena, as all the guys I'm using that chapter besides Thany and Sue are either at a fairly high level or don't deserve to go in the arena(latter only applies to Marcus and Zealot.))

Speaking of which, since you guys want me to go to Ilia, which Pegasus knight should I train? Note that I can't use both as my party is large enough as it is. Tate has the better overall stats, but joins C11. Thany has the greater availability, but her stats are slightly worse. I'll leave it to you guys to suggest. Oh, and I also thought about using Klein as my Miurgre user, as I won't be able to spam my nomad without ending up on the plains. Give me your opinions and I'll be back with the C7 results.

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Chapter 7: Rebellion in Ostia

Starting Units:

Roy, Alan, Lance, Marcus, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Clarine, Ellen, Saul, Thany, Chad, Sue

New Units:

Zealot, Treck, Noah

Welcome to Hell. Or at least possible the hardest early game chapter in the game, bar none. The tricky part of this chapter is to recruit Zealot and his two scrubs. All I can tell you is that Treck and Noah will not survive without your help(luckily, Zealot can hold his own, for a while) Oh and watch out for the dracoknights. They hit like a son of a bitch.

I sent all my units up, using Lance and Marcus to get Roy closer to Zealot and Trec's location. Sure enough, I manage to kill enough enemies on the enemy phase to get a clear road to Zealot the next turn(he also recruited Trech). Dieck and Marcus then took the western side and blocked the enemies there, as well as killing one of the cavs. As for the east side, Zealot went as far north as he could safely go(with a javelin), while Bors took out a jav!loldier. On the EP, lots of stuff happened, mostly to Zealot and Marcus/Dieck. Next turn, Lance chipped a cav down while Alan killed a knight. Zealot and Bors then chipped the dracoknight. I then picked up Roy and placed him on a shrubbery and put Clarine right in front of several enemies(I know what your thinking. Putting a healer in front of a mob of enemies sounds stupid until you realize that supported Clarine on a shrubbery hardly ever gets hit, which is what happened.) Turn 4 came, and I took out the dragon rider, the mage and both cavaliers on the eastern side. I then recruited Noah and got rid of the archer on M+D's side. As for the EP, one of the cavaliers got aroused and started mauling Rutgar and the other stuck to Marcus(an archer also attacked Noah). I then destroy the archer and the jav!armor to the west. I then provoked the red gem dracoknight with Bors, stole his red gem, and killed him off. After I took care of the last of the cavaliers and priests, I waited for the reinforcements.

On turn 10, the reinforcements spawned from the south. I lined up my most durable units into formation and started to go for the houses. I used this time to level up my units, especially the two low leveled scrubs(on the silver lance guy). I then repeated this on turns 15 and 20. After I killed all the reinforcements and collected all the items, I then activated the reinforcements that spawned from the throne area. After I took them out, I went into the arena until I accumulated over 45K in funds(which should keep me going, until the 11A arena, at least), then defeated the boss with Dieck.

Roy      	01  10  26  12  09  09  12  10  01  06   
Alan 		01  12  32  15  07  13  08  09  00  09  B Lance
Lance   	01  12  28  11  10  17  05  07  03  09  B Alan
Bors      	01  19  38  16  12  12  13  20  04  14   
Marcus   	02  03  33  10  15  11  11  09  09  06
Ellen      	01  08  19  05  08  09  11  00  10  04
Dieck    	01  17  38  18  17  17  11  09  03  13
Thany 		01  05  17  07  09  15  08  06  07  04
Chad    	01  04  19  05  04  12  05  03  01  05
Clarine 	01  08  17  05  10  14  12  03  08  05  C Rutgar
Rutgar   	01  17  37  18  20  20  08  12  04  07  C Clarine
Saul   		01  08  21  05  08  12  03  02  08  06
Sue   		01  04  19  08  07  10  06  06  01  05
Zealot    	02  01  35  10  12  13  05  11  07  11
Treck 		01  04  25  08  06  07  05  08  00  09
Noah    	01  07  26  08  07  09  06  07  01  10

I have no life. Don't do... what I... just did... 40 turns ago...(passes out)

Swag: Red gem x2, Hero crest, Long bow, Physic, Knight killer, Killing edge, Elixir, Torch, Rapier, Barrier

I also bought several iron blades and steel lances.

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Chapter 8: Reunion

Starting Units:

Roy, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Sue, Chad, Thany, Ellen, Saul, Clarine, Lilina, Astol

New Units:

Barth, Wendy, OJ

Still not Joining:


Here's the deal: this chapter throws a LOT of dangerous shit at you. There are a lot of steel weapons that can 2HKO pretty much everyone who isn't Marcus/Zealot/Bors/Barth. There is also a ridersbane armor, a killer lance armor, and an aircalibur mage to watch out for. Also, your first promoted boss. Treat him like you would Rude, Slater, and Devias.

BTW, Bors the Beast is promoting this chapter(thank god Thany can still pick him up)!

Make sure you do this! Put Lilina in the NW corner of her cell block. If you do not, you will lose possibly the best magic user in this game(as far as I'm concerned. I think Lugh sucks balls), not to mention you won't be able to access C23, C24, and Final as you didn't unlock the gaiden.

After moving Lily into the spot where I specified, I moved my army up. After clearing the soldiers out there, I then picked up my lower move units and moved ever upwards. After Bors helped Sue kill the mage, I then headed left as fast as I can. Come turn 4, I killed the knight killer guy with Alan's javelins, then picked up my other units to make them catch up. After I took out the lone loldier attacking Dieck, I then took out the archer using Lance(my reinforcements arrived, but IDC about them). As soon as Dieck was done with the last archer and loldier in the first wave, I released my reinforcements, killed the iron bow archer and readied myself for the second wave of enemies.

Using Bors, Lance, and Alan to blockade, I took out a loldier, and brought in a mage and an archer. I took out the whole platoon, then opened the door with Astol and took out the mage inside with Lance, and no sooner after that, Cath and another thief spawned from the stairs. Next turn, I started pilfering chests, eventually opening one that contained a NiteCrt, which I immediately used on Bors. After the thief opened Lily's cell and Cath opened the other entrance to the chest room, I first had Roy talk to Cath, then Lilina to Roy(the latter got a thunder tome).

On turn 16, the merc/loldier/archer reinforcements arrived from the NW corner of the map(for 4 turns), and the turn after that, mercs, loldiers, and archers poured from the staircases to the south(again, for 4 turns). I set up blockades in the room I was in, and waited out the reinforcements. I also used this time to train Lilina and work up Bors' axe rank. By turn 25, I managed to remove all the reinforcements and move on towards the boss. I let Lily take out the killer lance guy, then picked up my guys and pressed forward(OJ donated his armorslayer so Dieck could finish the boss). After I advanced into the throne room and stomped on the enemies there, it was time to take on Leygance. Since his defensive parameters were large, again, I used a triangle attack to chop him down to size, then gave Dieck the boss kill. Roy capped after my thieves finished nabbing the rest of the swag.

Roy      	01  10  26  12  09  09  12  10  01  06  C Lilina
Lilina    	01  06  17  10  05  08  07  02  11  04  C Roy  
Alan 		01  13  33  16  07  14  08  09  00  09  B Lance
Lance   	01  13  29  11  10  17  05  07  03  09  B Alan
Bors      	02  02  44  19  15  16  14  25  07  16   
Ellen      	01  09  20  06  08  09  12  00  10  04
Dieck    	01  19  40  20  18  17  11  11  04  13
Thany 		01  05  17  07  09  15  08  06  07  04
Chad    	01  04  19  05  04  12  05  03  01  05
Clarine 	01  09  18  05  10  15  12  03  08  05  B Rutgar
Rutgar   	01  18  38  19  20  20  08  12  04  07  B Clarine
Saul   		01  09  21  06  08  12  03  02  08  06
Sue   		01  05  20  09  08  11  07  07  01  05
Astol      	01  10  25  07  08  15  11  07  03  08
Oujay      	01  03  24  07  10  09  06  04  00  08
Barth    	01  09  25  10  06  05  02  14  01  16
Wendy   	01  01  19  04  03  03  06  08  00  10

The Golden Avenger is back!

I managed to get Bors promoted, as well as Dieck being very damn close to it(Dieck also capped str). Also, Lilina is speed blessed by 2 full points!

Rutgar is just about capped on str as well. Which is a good thing, as he will be 2-3 away from the cap when he promotes.

Swag: Knight proof, Killer bow, Light brand, Guiding ring, Silver axe, Elfire, Elysian whip, Secret book

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Chapter 8x: The Blazing Sword

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Thany, Ellen, Clarine

Your first Gaiden map. This map has tiles that will burn a fixed 10HP off your units. You know that it's a lava tile if it looks like someone puked all over that tile. As for the enemies, they suck for the most part(the fastest non-boss enemy has 13AS, and even the steel axe fighters are a joke since most of them only have ~22 atk). The boss is annoying as always, and of course, has stupidly high avoid and actual durability figures. Gotta love those retarded(+3Def/+5Res/+30Avo) thrones.

I started off by sending a group to dispatch the thugs to the west, then sending another small group forward. Rutgar takes out one of the mercenaries with Lance's help and Lily uses the seraph robe. Next turn, I take out the other merc, the mage, and a myrmidon on the western front, as well as Lily removing a fighter and Bors taking care of the archer. After I took out all the fighters to the west on T3, and removing another hand axe fighter, I then had the western force head back to the main group. By turn 5, I got a bit ambitious and had Thany pick up Bors and plopped him down on the other side the next turn. I then take out the remaining NE group and the stray archer.

I make my advancement toward the next blockade, and took them out in a matter of 2 turns. As for the last real blockade, Lily killed the two sword dudes, while Bors ended the archer's pathetic life. Thany then killed the mage, and Bors went after the aircalibur guy. After Alan and Lance destroyed the fighters, it was Rutgar's turn to destroy the boss. I seized on T21.

Roy      	01  10  26  12  09  09  12  10  01  06  B Lilina
Lilina    	01  09  26  13  07  09  08  02  12  04  B Roy  
Alan 		01  13  33  16  07  14  08  09  00  09  A Lance
Lance   	01  13  29  11  10  17  05  07  03  09  A Alan
Bors      	02  02  44  19  15  16  14  25  07  16   
Ellen      	01  09  20  06  08  09  12  00  10  04
Dieck    	01  19  40  20  18  17  11  11  04  13
Thany 		01  06  17  07  09  15  08  06  08  04
Clarine 	01  09  18  05  10  15  12  03  08  05  B Rutgar
Rutgar   	01  19  39  19  20  20  08  13  04  07  B Clarine

Thany got a shitty level up, but I guess Lilina getting 3 good level ups made up for it....

Swag: Durandal

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I completely forgot about how many turns I took in the first 3 chapters, bit I vaguely remember being stuck in Chapter 4 for 17 turns and Chapter 5 for almost 30 turns. In both cases, it was due to reinforcements, not support abuse. I really need to move faster. Luckily, Chapter 6 shouldn't take too long.

No surprise in Chapter 5. You could just open the gate and go through there, though that area will clutter for a little while until you can get through.

25 turns of my life wasted, I guess.

Swag: Silver lance, Killer axe, 10000G, Unlock, Short bow, Goddess icon

Why bother getting all of the treasure there when you should just head west to collect the treasures there as they have a good amount of gold in them.

Chapter 7 has been taking me a while, mostly due to the difficulty spike(like how Treck kept dying before I got to him before I looked up an FE6!HM walkthrough done by Hisagi134), as well as a chance to get some arena videos done(Not that I need to use the arena, as all the guys I'm using that chapter besides Thany and Sue are either at a fairly high level or don't deserve to go in the arena(latter only applies to Marcus and Zealot.))

Speaking of which, since you guys want me to go to Ilia, which Pegasus knight should I train? Note that I can't use both as my party is large enough as it is. Tate has the better overall stats, but joins C11. Thany has the greater availability, but her stats are slightly worse. I'll leave it to you guys to suggest. Oh, and I also thought about using Klein as my Miurgre user, as I won't be able to spam my nomad without ending up on the plains. Give me your opinions and I'll be back with the C7 results.

Well I wouldn't be surprised speaning at least a minimum of 25-30 turns here as this is like the hardest chapter in the game. You can actually arena whore some in this game as you still can afford to get up to 630 turns total and still get an A rank.

Make sure you do this! Put Lilina in the NW corner of her cell block. If you do not, you will lose possibly the best magic user in this game(as far as I'm concerned. I think Lugh sucks balls), not to mention you won't be able to access C23, C24, and Final as you didn't unlock the gaiden.


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Chapter 9: The Misty Islands

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Clarine, Thany, Ellen, Chad, Sue, Noah

New Units:

Fir, Shin

This is the first chapter in this game to have Fog of War. I fucking hate fog. Especially when a bunch of shit is about to kill your units. At least the game is kind enough to let you know that this is axe land. Thieves help get though this chapter CONSIDERABLY.

I move my units off the starting point, using a cav and Thany to ferry Bors across the river. I kill some axe dudes, then on turn 3, remove a merc/archer blockade. I then reach the third island, and had my units take out the reinforcements here. While Dieck was handling the guys to the southwest, I recruited Fir on turn 6. I recruited Shin the next turn, and right after that, provoked the archers with Bors and Lilina. After Lily and Shin killed the archers(and Dieck finished the enemies in his sector), I then killed the stray mage with Roy, and started to provoke the assbags with Shin. Dieck visited the SW village for a silver sword, and I finally finish off the douchebags with Bors and Shin.

The reinforcements weren't too bad. It was basically all axe users. Dieck hit Lv20 and promoted soon after reinforcements began. I also used this time to train Fir, Chad and Shin(the latter I found out I can use while going to Ilia at the same time. Course, it involves me using Tate, which I have absolutely no problem with doing.) While this was happening, Thany visited the western house for a killer bow(which Shin can't use yet) After about turn 25, I got rid of all the reinforcements(with Fir gaining FIVE LEVELS in the process. Gotta love underleveled units)and started to tackle the boss, which Lilina killed with a random crit(I think the Roy support is starting to kick in). After about 31 turns(I was wasting time buying shit), I seized.

Roy      	01  11  27  12  09  10  12  11  01  06 	B Lilina
Lilina    	01  13  28  17  07  12  10  02  13  04  B Roy  
Alan 		01  13  33  16  07  14  08  09  00  09  A Lance
Lance   	01  13  29  11  10  17  05  07  03  09  A Alan
Bors      	02  03  45  19  15  16  14  26  07  16   
Dieck    	02  01  45  22  19  19  11  15  05  14
Thany 		01  07  18  07  09  16  09  06  08  04
Clarine 	01  10  18  05  11  15  13  03  09  05  B Rutgar
Rutgar   	01  20  40  20  20  20  08  13  04  07  B Clarine
Chad    	01  05  19  06  05  13  06  03  01  05
Ellen      	01  10  21  07  09  09  13  00  12  04
Sue   		01  05  20  09  08  11  07  07  01  05
Noah    	01  07  26  08  07  09  06  07  01  10
Shin      	01  09  33  12  13  16  08  09  01  07
Fir      	01  06  28  11  14  17  10  06  04  05

Dieck promoted after taking on the entire southwestern portion of the map. It was either him or Rutgar and I decided that axes>30 crt. Speaking of that, Rutgar capped strength. Oh, and Bors hit C axes, just enough for killers.

Nice to see that Lilina's speed isn't failing. While she won't double attack most things anytime soon, that 12 speed should go a long way in not getting doubled(same with the seraph robe). And Fir and Shin are doing great. Not perfect, but still.

Swag: Silver sword, Killer bow, Wo Dao

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Chapter 10: The Resistance Forces

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Fir, Clarine, Thany, Ellen, Chad, Shin

New Units:

Geese, Gonzales

This chapter is rife with fighters and mercenaries, so I recommend using sword-users. There is a ballista on the western edge of this map(and your first one); if Thany goes in that area, she is simply dead(and this is not FE7 where weapon effectiveness is merely doubled). The boss can be a douche, but I'll get to him later with a strategy.

Oh, and in my case, Rutgar was denied a unit slot because he's at 20/0 and using him now would be a waste of CEXP.

I started to move my units south, using Bors and Dieck to tank. On turn 2, I killed all the enemies within range except one of the mercs. Clarine barely survives, while Alan chipped a kill edge merc. I then finish off those guys and heal my units. Next turn, I blitz the central island, using Dieck to blockade the bridge(since he's manly enough to sport 15def), then clear out everything except two mercs and a fighter. While Alan and Bors were blockading for that turn, Roy talked to Geese. Soon after that, Lance and Lilina took out the mercenaries, and Dieck destroyed the guy on the ballista.

By turn 6, Gonzales spawned from out of the castle, ready to destroy the E village. Thankfully, Thany visited the town before he could even get there and I recruited him on turn 10. While this was happening, I was getting Fir, Thany, Chad, and Shin extra CEXP. I managed to reach the castle gate by turn 11, but several reinforcements set me back. I had to move Ellen and Clarine out of the way because they get OHKO'd. After about 5 turns of reinforcement scumming, I had Dieck kill the boss on turn 17.

Roy      	01  13  27  14  11  11  15  11  03  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	01  15  28  19  08  13  11  03  13  04  A Roy  
Alan 		01  14  31  16  08  14  09  10  00  09  A Lance
Lance   	01  14  29  12  10  18  06  07  03  09  A Alan
Bors      	02  04  46  20  15  16  15  27  07  16   
Dieck    	02  02  46  22  20  20  11  16  05  14
Thany 		01  09  20  07  10  17  11  06  10  04
Clarine 	01  11  18  06  12  16  14  03  10  05  B Rutgar
Fir      	01  10  32  13  18  18  10  07  04  05
Chad    	01  06  20  07  05  14  06  03  01  05
Ellen      	01  10  21  07  09  09  13  00  12  04
Shin      	01  10  34  13  13  17  08  09  01  07
Geese      	01  10  33  10  09  09  08  08  00  11
Gonzales    	01  05  43  16  07  10  06  07  01  15

lolDieck. lolBors. lolFir. lolShin. lolLilina. And lolClarine to an extent. Also, Roy is sucking a bit less now that I rigged a spd level up for him.

And Thany is at least trying to stay afloat. Kind of like Florina in FE7, the only difference being that Flo-Chan is the best flier, by far, in her game, and Thany...is inferior to her own sister on average. Oh, and Miredy laughs at her stats and con like forever. And Zeiss says hi, as well.

Swag: Brave axe, Devil axe, Swordreaver

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Eh. I'm getting better at this. I got Chapter 10A in nineteen turns. Not bad, but I could've done better.

Oh yeah, Chapter 11 is going to be a PITA because of all the absurd side-quests for that chapter(saving all the towns to get another HeroPrf for Rutgar, saving all of Klein's/Tate's soldiers for an extra OrinBlt and ElysWhp, recruiting Echidna alive). And the enemies do not help either(40HP/30atk steel axe fighters, a 21atk KillBow archer, not to mention Robarts and his cavalry platoon later on.) Boy this is going to be an experience. And to think I had trouble with that shit in NORMAL MODE(I had to do a LOT of movement manipulation and RNG abuse just so that lolum wouldn't get hit and Thany would reach the NE house), and it actually would've been easier with a promoted Dieck(which I didn't promote until C12 last time, so I had to improvise.) My idea is to the same strat I used in my last PT(using Thany to drop Dieck next to the arena so he can fight off the NE enemies, then have Dieck hand axe everything to death while the rest of my army blitzes through the enemy army.). As for how I'm going to recruit Klein and Tate while keeping their goons alive at the same time... I haven't even done it in NM because I got too frustrated, and I did not want to reload saves just to keep all of them alive.

P.S: I'm still contemplating over which shaman I should use, and my choice so far is pretty easy. Ray seems to be the better bet, as he starts out actually USABLE, albeit below my standards(no, 23HP/20atk/8AS/22avo/5def/10res at 12/0 does not constitute as 'good' in my book), though he takes less work and arena abuse to become good, which makes me happy.

Sophia... I heard good things about her on GFAQ's, but what a miserable fuck. She raises the shittiness to a whole new level. She gets ONE-SHOT, DOUBLED, and FACES CRIT by every single physical enemy in her joining map(even the mages 2-shot, double and have crit), and has no offense to speak of(14atk/75hit is awful by C14 standards). And I know I'm pretty stupid for making a post script like this... but I just wanted to bash Sophia for being an utter phailure. Did I forget to mention (Roy*Lilina>Roy*Sophia)?

P.P.S: I'm 99.99% likely to use Ray. So those last two paragraphs were just pointless, as using Sofiya means that I'd be spending a LONG time in the C17 arena.

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Chapter 11: Hero of the West

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Thany, Clarine, Fir, Ellen, Gonzo, Shin, Lalum

New Units:

Klein, Tate, Echidna

What a mess. If you want to get all the items(which I sort of need, both for funds and for promoting people), you simply cannot fuck up on saving houses/keeping NPC units from committing suicide on the boss. If that happens, reset your VBA. It isn't worth it to let those houses/NPC's go. The enemies here are actually good for once(the fighters reach up to 30 atk, and there's a dude with a killer bow)Also, your first prepromote who is actually kind of decent when trained. And he doesn't pack as much fail as Wolt and Dorothy. The other prepromote...not so much. But she's okay I guess.

BTW, Lilina is promoting this chapter!

I sent my units to the south, except Dieck, who I had dropped over to the other side of the fence. Bors killed one of the axe fighters, then the rest of my army marched on as Bors killed more pawns on turn 2 EP. As for Dieck, he killed the steel bow archer, a steel axe fighter, and the killer bow guy(though he got critted, which I don't care about TBH). I then had Shin move Bors up towards the area where Klein would appear, while Lance nabbed a restore staff. On turn 3 EP, Dieck actually managed to singlehandedly take out most of the enemy force(his hand axe broke, but he reached D axes). After Dieck killed more random pawns and I got closer to the eastern portion of the map(and got a dracoshield), Klein and his troops showed up, and were promptly recruited on turn 6.

Dieck and Bors finished off the rest of the remaining forces on T7, as well as him(Dieck)and Lilina taking out the trash(and Clarine/Thany/Shin nabbing houses). On T8, Tate and her troops spawned from the NW. I first talked to her with Thany on T9, then with Klein on T10. I also recruited Echidna on T11, just after the reinforcements showed up. While I was waiting for those guys to get to my location, MORE bandits started spawning. I take out two waves of them, only to find out that the cavalry squad had gotten dangerously close to my main group. As soon as the first group showed up, ANOTHER group spawned from the south. I then formed a wall using Dieck, Bors, and Alan, and actually was able to wipe out the entire group in three turns. I also dealt with the bandits and had Thany visit the rest of the houses.

After buying some stuff, putting Tate and Lilina into the arena, and having Dieck kill Oro, Roy seized.

Roy      	01  14  28  15  12  12  16  11  03  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  01  34  23  12  20  14  04  18  04  A Roy  
Alan 		01  14  35  17  08  15  10  11  00  09  A Lance
Lance   	01  14  30  12  10  18  06  07  03  09  A Alan
Bors      	02  05  47  20  16  17  16  28  07  16   
Dieck    	02  05  48  24  21  20  12  18  06  14
Thany 		01  10  21  07  11  18  11  06  10  04
Clarine 	01  11  18  06  12  17  15  03  10  05  B Rutgar
Fir      	01  10  34  13  19  20  13  08  05  05
Chad    	01  07  21  07  06  15  06  03  01  05
Ellen      	01  12  21  09  09  10  14  00  14  04
Shin      	01  11  35  14  13  18  08  09  01  07
Klein      	01  01  33  15  15  13  13  09  07  07
Tate        	01  12  30  12  13  18  07  09  10  05
Lalum    	01  03  (loldancer)
Echidna   	01  01  35  13  18  19  06  08  07  09

lolstats, and while we're at it, loltotalplaytome. At least Dieck is getting defense blessed(+4 above his average). So much for wearing no shirt, eh? Also, the blue-haired loli promoted, and is quite speed blessed(like 6 points above average).

Oh, and I actually managed to fulfill every side-quest available in this chapter(including making 100% sure that Klein's/Thite's troops survived.)

Swag: Speedwing, Orion bolt x2, Elysian whip, Axereaver, Restore, Sleep, Dracoshield, 5000G, Hero crest

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