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Raven's FE7 Efficiency Run


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Not started yet, but will do soon. I'll be playing through Lyn Hard Mode and Hector Hard Mode.

Confirmed shit:

I will be going through LHM and HHM.

I will not be going through the story. I'll be cutting through scenes and getting straight into the next chapter.

Units: Lyn, Sain, Florina, Lucius, Hector, Eliwood, Oswin, Rebecca, Priscilla and Raven. I may replace Matthew with Legault once he comes. I will also use whoever else I feel I may need, if it helps to shave a turn or two off.

I will be going for a low turncount. Nothing amazing, but I will be looking to finish chapters as quick as I feel I can, without retrying to get a better result.

In advance, apologies for my deep, dull-sounding voice. It's the first time I'd be recording my own voice for such a thing. I'll sometimes find it hard to find shit to talk about, so any tips from pro LP!ers out there on the topic of commentating this shit?

Edited by VanguardRaven
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Skip the story because I'd yawn and sleep if you don't. XD

Low turns would be cool. S rank is too normal. |: AND NO ARENA.

As for characters, I'll say go with your shortlist and add Sain, Lucius, ...Pent. Yeah.

Edited by Hatsune Miku
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Yes, skip the story, and for the love of all that is pure, do NOT try to impersonate everyone's voice. I think my least favorite part of the majority of LP's is how the LPer will impersonate every character. It gets.... irritating...

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I've done some runs, and safe to say I'm not going to be recording anything until I get my headset. The button pressing can get quite annoying, and my voice isn't all that audible because it's pretty quiet and deep. So we shall wait til about Thursday or Friday to properly start.

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I got my mic headset today! It should be an improvement on the mic built into the laptop. I am finishing an essay right now, but as soon as I finish it I'll be hoping to start this shit up.

Confirmed shit:

I will be going through LHM and HHM.

I will not be going through the story. I'll be cutting through scenes and getting straight into the next chapter.

Units: Lyn, Sain, Florina, Lucius, Hector, Eliwood, Oswin, Rebecca, Priscilla and Raven. I may replace Matthew with Legault once he comes. I will also use whoever else I feel I may need, if it helps to shave a turn or two off.

I will be going for a low turncount. Nothing amazing, but I will be looking to finish chapters as quick as I feel I can, without retrying to get a better result.

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Only after playing it back did I notice I exhale like Phil Mitchel (bloke from a British soap) on a bad day.

Anyway I didn't really plan out a strategy for Ch. 1 so just went with the flow.

Prologue - 5 turns (after many retries)

Ch. 1 - 6 turns


Edited by VanguardRaven
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-Prologue: You could have used a Vulnerary in your third attempt to get through.

-In Chapter 4 Sain only has 9 speed and already he's doubling Mercs. The enemies in this game sure do have poor speed.

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Not to be rude or anything, but I don't think showing restarts at playthrough is appropriate. The RNG seems like it always prevents you from pulling the first stunt you did. Otherwise, it's pretty good.

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Is that Mikulia & Lukana?

I do not know who they are so I have to say no. That's Panty & Stocking. On a related note, I'm going to continue playing. Videos will be up within the hour I assume.

Edit: Related to this thread, not Panty & Stocking.

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