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Darros plays Emerald!


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Warning - Playlog/though may or may not be mildly boring.

Do not leave negative comments towards me, unless it is feedback.

Let's start.

Birch tells me that they call him the Pokemon Professor.

I say "You lie!!!". He stole Oak's title!

He shows me a Lotad. I smile and move on.

This world is inhabited by Pokemon yadda yadda...


Birch asks me my gender. I thought it was obvious, but now Im doubting myself. 

He asks me my name. I put Wyatt, cuz uh, that's my name.

Turns out I'm moving to Littleroot. Cool. I'd rather move to Slateport but whatever.

Exit the truck.. and underprotective mother says we're here! I find out I get  my own room, cool. And... Vigoroths? I thought that the game used Machokes for the moving bit. Odd.

I set the clock because if I don't the game doesn't progress. I'm like... home for one day, is it necessary?

Then I get the potion from my PC.

For no apparant reason I make it I make it 4:17 AM, and it's 6:31 IRL.

Mom comes upstairs and tells ne to real the tutorial book. I lol and go downstairs. And Petalburg gym is on TV!

Why couldn't we just move with dad? T_T

lol mom was too slow in informing me.

Jeez, now Im being told to go visit Dads friend. That's a little weird..

I visit Birch's lab, forgetting that he isn't there, so I talk to the guy..

Whoops. He treats me like a fidiot. I know what fieldwork is <_<

....let's go walk into tall grass where wild Pokemon live!

But some little girl tells me "it's dangerous out there!!" so I visit May instead.

Mays mom just tells me to walk into her room. Let's hope she's not doing dirty things.

May tells me her hopes and dreams. Good luck befriending Rayquaza when I have the only one.

"I was hoping you'd be nice."


After me spazzing at her, she ditches me for her computer. Thanks May, I thought we could talk this out.

I leave the house.

The girl that blocked me before moved!


....let's go walk into tall grass where wild Pokemon live!

OMG PROFESSOR BIRCH!! You're getting.... chased by a Zigzagoon. Seriously, a Zigzagoon? Fail.

He tells me to go into his bag and take a Pokemon. I take the Mudkip because i herd u liek them.

Wild Zigzagoon appeared! Wait... appeared? It was already there <_<

So my Mudkip rapes the Zigzagoon to death and I win. Then Birch invites me to his lab.

He tells me I have my fathers blood in my veins. No shit, Sherlock. <_<

Then... I get a Mudkip!! :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

I decide to not nickname it because I don't nickname Pokemon.

I talk to the asshole from earlier and he tells me that Birch likes to work with May a lot. :)

May's mom told me she's at Route 103.

....let's go walk into tall grass where wild Pokemon live!

But first I'll tell mom.

She gives the generic "take a rest" message that she usually does. Thanks for listening, mom.

Off to Route 103!

Littleroot Town

Pickups: --

Trades: --

Items: --

PC: --

Other: Got a Mudkip.

I note that walking around without Running Shoes is annoying. 

The first grass tile I step in... is another Zigzagoon.

Route 101 

Battles: Zigzagoon, Poocheyena.

Catches: --

Level Ups: Mudkip L6

Pickups: --

Trainer Battles: --

Moves: Mudkip learns Mud-Slap!

Other: --

So I get to Oldale Town, where the music sucks. I visit the PokeCenter and restore Mudkip, and then I talk to the clerk and get a sample potion.

Everyone is telling me things I know. I don't live in a hole, jeez <_<

Tutorial Town sucks.

And there's a shortage of Poke Balls. Crap.

I walk west, and some guy says there's rare Pokemon footprints. It's probably just a Zigzagoon's.


Oldale Town

Pickups: --

Trades: --

Items: Potion X2 (Mart $), Antidode (Mart $)

PC: --

Other: --

So I head North to see May.

I kind of wish I had Surf at this point. Slateport is so much cooler than Oldale Town.

May tells me to battle her to see what being a trainer is like.

....May, you're worse than me at this! And people liek Mudkips, not Treeckos. You're doing it wrong!

Allthough Treecko is faster and more accurate with Pound, I whoop its ass without a potion. NO LEVELUP BAAW

She tells me Im pretty good. Then ditches me again. Now it's time to go back to Littleroot.

Route 103 

Battles: Poocheyena, WINgull.

Catches: --

Level Ups: Mudkip L7

Pickups: --

Trainer Battles: Rival May

Moves: --

Other: --

....wow. May tells me to hurry up. She's more of a mom than the in game mom :|

I completely avoid the everything on the way to Littleroot, so no logs for that.

And now I get a Pokedex! Awesome.

Poke Balls too, cool. Maybe May is nicer than I thought.

New Pokedex Entry- Seen - Treecko

New Pokedex Entry- Caught - Mudkip

New Pokedex Entry- Seen - Poochyena

New Pokedex Entry- Seen - Zigzagoon

New Pokedex Entry- Seen - WINgull

And they leave me hanging without telling me where to go.

*saves and quits*

Edited by Darros
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I'm currently unsure, but I plan on using 12-ish pokemon and swapping out when necessary.

I think Ill use a Altaria and a Pelipper, as well as my Mudkip-Swampert.

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So after Birch and May give me awesome things, I decide to talk to mom.

It went like this.

"Wyatt! OMG! Did you meet Birch?! What an ADORABLE Pokemon!! You're just like dad! If you're going on an adventure, take these!"

Epic shoes (which will be overused) get!

Then she left and told me to come home once in a while.

Littleroot Town

Pickups: --

Trades: --

Items: Pokedex (Birch labs, Birch), Poke Balls (Birch labs, May), Running Shoes (Mom)

PC: --

Other: --

So back to Oldale I go to deal with stupid footprint guy.

 Route 101 

Battles: Wurmple

Catches: --

Level Ups: Mudkip L8

Pickups: --

Trainer Battles: --

Moves: --

Other: --

New Pokedex Entry -Seen - Wurmple

I didn't catch the wurmple because wurmple fails.

I'm really not in the mood to talk to everyone again, so I get healed at the PC and go to Route 103 to catch a WINgull.

But wait, footprint guy is in the way! I talk to him, and find out that they were his own footprints! (Read: he fails at life)

North I go!!

First off I run into a Zigzagoon that I catch for easy Pickup. Then a Poochyena because they're strong.

Searching for a Wingull ends up being a complete and utter failure, as I can't find one. I'm unsure if this has to do with clock settings or not. Why'd I decide to randomly make it 14 hours earlier anyway? So I can catch a Hoothoot or something?

If only Hoothoot was in RSE. That would be so awesome.

Let's go south!

But first I run into...... a Wingull.

:awesome: So I catch it :awesome:

I decide to train it for a bit. 

Route 103 

Battles: Poochyena x5, Zigzagoon

Catches: Zigzagoon, Poochyena

Level Ups: --

Pickups: --

Trainer Battles: --

Moves: --

Other: --

New Pokedex Entry -Caught - Zigzagoon

New Pokedex Entry -Caught - Poochyena

I decide to do things the cheap way and do the switch out EXP gain.

So I talk to the first kid up north in the grass and he says something generic about catching pokemon, obviously he isn't a trainer, he didn't battle me. But if he can walk in tall grass without pokemon, why can't I? Stupid tutorial girl.

 Then I talk to the boy on the path, turns out he wants to battle me.

He has a Level 5 Poochyena, let's kill it with water gun! WINgull murders it with ease, even when she's two levels below it. 

Also an entire levelup for beating the trainer! EXP gain is certainly my friend.

It's a little funny how people in Pokemon battle you if you get in their sight. What if you have something important to do? Do you just battle them anyway?

Route 102

Battles: Zigzagoon

Catches: Lotad

Level Ups: WINgull L4-6, Lotad L4-5, Mudkip L9

Items: Super Potion(Pickup), Oran Berries (Tree), Pecha Berries (Tree)

Trainer Battles: Youngster Calvin, Bug Catcher Rick, Youngster Allen, Lass Tiana

Moves: --

Other: --

New Pokedex Entry -Seen - Taillow

New Pokedex Entry -Caught- Lotad

...THAT was exciting. [/sarcasm]

So now I'm in Petalburg, and some woman says that her Wally is missing. Let's go look for him!

Wait! A tutorial idiot is telling me to check out the gym!

.....NO! I know this already!

So I go west and he blocks me again, saying the exact same thing.

Bud, I heard you the first time! *goes west*

....since he won't let me not tutorial I go in the gym.

Ooh look, it's dad. Hey. We have bonding time a- HEY! He's my dad random stuttering kid! And I'm not sharing'

Dad made me watch Wally catch a Pokemon, AKA a clever way of throwing another tutorial at me. I know how to catch pokemon already GameFreak! <__<

And Dad didn't even give me a reward, only stupid advice. Pfft.

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I didn't catch the wurmple because wurmple fails.

Beautifly doesn't.

Also, if it were me I'd be on route 102 looking for a female Ralts with a decent nature. So yeah, I understand the Wingull part. And I bet you'll catch a Seviper later on.

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I like water types. A lot.

And I'm unsure on which ones'll get the bench and what'll be used.

And since Wurmples never give me the result I want, I'm better off evolving a Silcoon. I don't need String Shot or Tackle, but no Poison Sting sucks a bit.

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So I head west because tutorial guy is gone, thankfully, and then Scott comes and bothers me. I don't mind though, Scotts cool and he let's me go to the Battle Frontier later on.

....wooooooooooow. He calls me untalented then leaves. I guess my judgement on people is off.

So I decide to run into a couple trainers on Route 104

I talk to some guy and he says poisoning is good to use on a wild pokemon to catch it. He's being kind of lame there, if it goes to your party it's not worth it. And if you don't catch it it dies.

Then some guy with a PHAIL Magikarp battles me. At least bother to level it to level 10 for Tackle! <_<

Lotad manages to scrape a levelup from it though, which is nice, I can actually damage a Zigzagoon now.

I go into the amazing Briney's house and he isn't there, how sad. Wait, I remember! He's getting mugged! Off to save him and get a reward!

But first.. berries!

Route 104

Battles: --

Catches: --

Level Ups: Lotad L6-8

Items: Pecha Berries x2 (Tree), Oran Berries x2 (Tree)

Trainer Battles: Youngster Billy, Fisher Darian, Lady Cindy

Moves: Lotad!Absorb 

Other: --

New Pokedex Entry -Seen - Seedot

Gah, I just noticed my Lotad is so slow!!! :facepalm: at 10 Speed at level 8. Looks like it'll

So I head into Petalburg Woods in hopes of catching something good and getting to Roxanne faster.

Note: This game has a lot of hidden items in obvious places.

I read a trainer tips sign that describes how I've been training Lotad so far. Astonish is lame for a starting move.

Oh joy, Bug Catchers. They're so annoying to fight in every Pokemon game. String Shot is also annoying and pretty much useless in most situations. Fighting against cocoons that only know Harden is annoying too.

So this guy comes up to me and tells me to give him a shroomish. Bitch, get your own!

Oh look an aqua! Hi aqua guy, you're amazi- ambush?!?! Oh yeah they're both bad in this game :(

And now this guy wants me to protect him? Hell no! I want to side with the aquas. If I could change my character to an aqua, I would. Anyway, he hides behind me.

Wait no I don't want to battle you! He's just hiding behind me!

Damnit random Devon guy, you ruined my chance at making a friend. Thanks for the enemies. :|

Oh wow, he's kind of lame.. Hopefully Archie will understand why I creamed him! :awesome:

Sand-Attack makes me rage, its so annoying. <_< He fainted my Mudkip because of that, and I have no revives on me.

He has a slip of the tongue then leaves, and I get a great ball as a reward for saving the ass who lost me a friend. Worthless at this point in the game..

So let's run to Rustboro to save it.

Petalburg Woods

Battles: --

Catches: --

Level Ups: Poochyena L5, Wingull L7-8

Items: Potion ("Hidden"), Pokeball (Route 104 Overhang), Ether

Trainer Battles: Bug Catcher Lyle, Aqua Grunt (who wouldn't be my friend), Bug Catcher James

Moves: Wingull!Supersonic, Poochyena!Howl

Other: --

So now I'm out of Petalburg woods and I forgot that annoying bridge with the trainers. Looks like it's Potion spam time!

But first let's go to Pretty Petals and get stuff! I get a lecture on berries, a Wailmer Pail (which I probably won't use), and a Leppa Berry!

I also get the Bullet Seed TM from random kid.

Wish, Rich Kids give a lot of money when defeated! 1400 is nothing to laugh at at this point in the game.

Mudkip and Poochyena both fainted, and Wingull and Lotad have AD and a little PD..

Route 104

Battles: Poochyena x2

Catches: --

Level Ups: Poochyena L6-7, Lotad L9, Wingull L9

Items: Oran Berries x2 (Tree), Cheri Berries x4 (Tree), Wailmer Pail (talk), Leppa Berry (talk), Poke Ball ("Hidden"), Potion, Super Potion ("Hidden"), TM09 Bullet Seed (talk), Leppa Berries x2 (Tree), Chesto Berry (Talk)

Trainer Battles: Rich Kid Winston, Lass Haley, Twins Mia and Gina

Moves: --

Other: --

Now that that's over with, time to go to the Pokecenter. And that's all for this update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So after I heal/revive at the PokeCenter I decide to look around town.


Its a bigger town, which is nice. I always like the bigger areas better in Pokemon.

First I head to the Cutters house so I can get the most important TM in the game. Cut is amazing, and can be used by lots of Pokemon.

He tells me to get the Stone Badge if I want to use it out of battle. But that can wait.

Next I go into the huge apartment building to talk to people and see if I can get stuff from them. I only get a Premier Ball... <_<

I go west and two kids talk about evolution. They don't know what it is. Some people haven't spent enough time at the Trainers School!

I go into the Tutorial Room Trainers school, and get the Quick Claw. I give it to my lolspeed Lotad. 

Oh god it's Scott... why is he stalking the trainers school? Don't they enforce... you know... LAW there? It's illegal to have random people in your school!!! He tells me to get Cut, obviously he's a dolt because I already have it.

I decide Im bored of talking to idiots and tutorial bots, so I check out the gym.

I look in. Lame. Possibly the easiest gym in all Pokemon existence, including Falkner. I beat all the trainers, because I like to rolflstomp. After I beat one of the youngsters he tells me I have potential. What? I know I do, but how would this random underling of Roxanne's know about potential? Not like she went anywhere. Pretty much every trainer in the game could snag her badge.

Anyway, I roflstomp the gym and go up to talk to Roxanne. I cleanly OHKO her first Pokemon. 4HKO her second, due to her using stupid potions, but it let Lotad bring her health beach up to full :) , and then she puts out that STUPID Nosepass. It 2HKO's my Lotad, and OHKO's my Wingull, so my underleveled Mudkip has to kill it. <_<

My thoughts: I'mscrewedI'mscrewedI'mscrewedI'mscreweI'mscrewedI'mscrewed...ooh look a critical hit! He's down!!

Mudkip grew a well deserved two levels :)

And here I end this rather short update.

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So after beating Roxanne on my first try with underleveled Pokemon, I leave the gym, and this Aqua guy runs north. A Devon worker slowly follows him and says he wants his GOODS back. You'd think if he was so panicky he'd have the wits to run.

Although I wouldn't help, I feel like continuing the story, so I'll go into the Devon building after I heal. I also teach Cut to my Zigzagoon because I don't want to teach it to a Pokemon I'm going to use in the long run.

So I go into Devon and they talk about the robber being stupid. And the robee being stupid. And the robbery being stupid. I get really confused and decide to leave since some guy is blocking the way to upstairs.

Rustboro City.

Obtained: Potion x5(Mart), Antidode(Mart), Paralyze Heal(Mart), Stone Badge

I go to Route 115 and get the Super Potion, and then head to Route 116. The guy who got robbed turns out to be the guy who lost me a friend, but I help him anyway, because I want a reward from Devon. :)

First I decided to catch a Taillow because I saw it was top in this tier list. I also am probably going to catch a Silcoon on my way back through Petalburg Woods. I may have to grind a bit to get them usable.

So I head east and this kid stops me because he wants to battle. Kid, I'm on an important mission!

*clicks run*

What do you mean I can't run?!

*clicks run*

Fine, I'll destroy your stupid Machop.

I'll also throw in "GOD I HATE SHROOMISH"

Seriously, they're too annoying.

This repeats several times until I get every item and berry and talk to the non trainers close to the cave.

Route 115/116

Route 115: Super Potion

Route 116: Lotad L12, Poochyena L9(Sand-Attack), Mudkip L12-13, Wingull L12-13(Wing Attack), Potion(pickup), Caught a Taillow(L8-10), Potion, 6 Pinap Berries, 4 Chesto Berries, Ether, X Special

I see a person blocking the Tunnelers Rest House and I talk to him. Apparently some dumb guy went into the cave and kicked them out. 

Also I see.. Mr Briney!! :D

Such an awesome character! They took his Peeko. How dare they! I'm gonna retrieve her!

But I'm reminded of how much I hate Pokemon caves as soon as I walk in. After a few steps a Whismur battles me <_<

So he walks backwards and I follow him to talk to Peeko. I guess I can't get Peeko unless I fight the goon. Too bad.

I talk to the Aqua Grunt and laugh, to find out that he got trapped in a cave!

I 3HKO his only Pokemon, and I'm still underleveled here! His lack of awesome makes me laugh. Taillow got a decent levelup from him!

So he throws a fit and then leaves after giving me the Devon Goods, while Mr. Briney cones in. He tells me to visit him by Petalburg Woods sometime. Knowing me I'll visit him tons of times.

Now I'll head to Devon. As I run through the grass I find an Abra and catch it. I might raise it, might not. Tell me if I should bother.

Here ends this update.

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On the Abra poll there should be something about if you can trade or not. If you can, I'd say go ahead on Abra, but if you can't I'd say no. And Beautifly/Dustox make Brawly into a laughingstock battle, due to a 4x resistance to Fighting and Harden. Makuhita will use Knock Off on you instead, which does a hilarious 2 damage.

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On the Abra poll there should be something about if you can trade or not. If you can, I'd say go ahead on Abra, but if you can't I'd say no.

Whoops, forgot to mention that I have no access to trading. Kadabra isn't that great?

And Beautifly/Dustox make Brawly into a laughingstock battle, due to a 4x resistance to Fighting and Harden. Makuhita will use Knock Off on you instead, which does a hilarious 2 damage.

I'm definitely using a Silcoon. I think Beautifly is better, and I don't care too much about Tackle. No poison sting is a bit of a loss though.

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Whoops, forgot to mention that I have no access to trading. Kadabra isn't that great?

I'm definitely using a Silcoon. I think Beautifly is better, and I don't care too much about Tackle. No poison sting is a bit of a loss though.

Kadabra isn't as good as Alakazam, but it's still quite usable. Keep in mind that Kadabra is incredibly frail, even when compared to other Psychic types. I think the Sp. Atk goes down from 135 go 120 and the Speed goes down from 120 to 105. Still pretty good, but you'd have to be even more careful with it than Alakazam. Though there aren't too many other Psychics to note...

As for Beautifly vs Dustox it's essentially Absorb series & good Sp. Atk vs Confusion/Psybeam and defensive stats. I'd say that just for Brawly Dustox's better, but Beautifly ends up somewhat decent after it gets Giga Drain. I wouldn't recommend either, since if you want a Grass type you can just get Roselia, and you do have Taillow for Flying-type attacks.

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I decided to not train the Abra I got.

So I left Route 116 and the Devon guy stops me, and congratulates me. He gives me another Great Ball. I wish that they could give actual good presents.

Then I magically warp to the third floor of Devon and he tells me to deliver a parcel. What an ass. Can't you see I'm trying to get badges? Idiot.

But then I get to talk to Mr. Stone, who's actually cool. He also gives me a letter to give to Stephen. He then tells me that he's great. Arrogance much!

But he wasn't done, and he gives me the Pokenav! Finally, a good gift! And he heals my Pokemon for free! Excellent! Now on my way to find a Silcoon! I'm going to ditch my Zigzagoon.

As I leave, this random lab worker follows me out. I didn't know he was stalking me! O_o

He steals my Pokenav and edits it. He gives me Match Call, a useful feature. Rematches are nice. Then I call Mr. Stone, and he tells me he's watching me. That's not creepy at all..

Now it's time to deposit my Abra and run back to Petalburg Woods!

On my way out, I see my friend May. We register eachother in our Pokénavs and have a quick battle. Naturally, I destroy her, but it's OK, easy EXP for Taillow!

After I beat her she tells me that Mr. Briney was a seafarer, good information to know!

On my way back through Route 104 and Petalburg woods I fight all the (1) Trainers I had previously skipped.

In Mr.Briney's house, I talk to him and he calls me a lass. I'm not a girl! >_<

He then recognizes me as the boy who saved his Peeko. He decides to take me to Dewford for free! On the boat Dad also calls me. Cool.

IIRC Stephen is in the annoying cave, but I don't want to go in there just yet. I think I'll screw with the Trendy Phrase first! I changed it from "Excess Radio" to "Lay me".

After talking to the trendy house people, I see a fisherman and get an Old Rod from him. Not exactly great, but now I can catch Magikarps and possibly Tentacools. He also gives me great advice. Face the water while fishing. :P

Name/Level        HP  Atk  Def  S.At  S.Df  Spd   Attacks
Mudkip/L13        36   26   19   18   21   17   Tackle, Growl, Mud-Slap, Water Gun
Lotad/L12         34   16   12   15   19   13   Astonish, Growl, Absorb
Wingull/L13       36   12   15   22   13   24   Growl, Water Gun, Supersonic, Wing Attack
Poochyena/L9      26   17   14   10   12   13   Tackle, Howl, Sand-Attack
Taillow/L13       37   20   14   15   15   31   Peck, Wing Attack, Focus Energy, Quick Attack
Silcoon/L5        21   09   09   08   08   07   Harden

Next update: Spy delivers a letter and faces Brawly!

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  • 1 month later...


So I started off by battling the trainers outside Granite Cave. I decided to totally abuse level my Silcoon that I got. 

On the first guy I battled I leveled Poochyena against Magikarp. Too bad they don't give out much EXP. Of course Poochyena gained a level while Silcoon didn't. <_<

I decided to face the second guy and his Tentacool. 123 EXP is a good amount for Silcoon!

Allright, time to go into the cave!

I talked to the Hiker, and got Flash. I can't use it yet, nor do I care! Flash was only really necessary in the GB Pokemons. Now that you can see a bit around you, Flash isn't nearly as useful.

And there's an Escape Rope on the other side of the room. Good for selling, I can get out on my own thanks.

As I run around in the cave, I realized that Flash is still helpful, but now that I'm stuck, there's no use in leaving now. I managed to find a Poke Ball in the darkness. Then I ran out of the nook I was in. The path is straightforward, if you don't mind running into every wall on the way.

While in the cave I managed to catch an Aron. I think I'll train it.

Also, I had an annoying battle.

A wild Zubat appears!

Go, Silcoon!

*switches for Mudkip*

Zubat used Supersonic!

Mudkip is confused!

Mudkip used Tackle on himself!

Zubat used Supersonic!

Mudkip used Tackle on himself!

Zubat used Supersonic!

Mudkip snapped out of Confusion!

Mudkip used Tackle!

Mudkip's attack missed!

Zubat used Supersonic!

Mudkip is Confused!

God, I hate confusion.

Side note: How do Pokemon tackle themselves?

Anyway, I found the Everstone, which never ever sees use for me. I think I'll sell that too.

Soon I had gotten out of the darkness, and I had reached Steven. He introduces himself and tells me he likes rare stones. He somehow notices I have a letter for him, even though it was in my bag, so I give it to him. He gives me the Steel Wing TM :awesome:

Finally! A good gift!

Then he registers me in his Pokenav. I find it odd how this is a "new technology" but everyone has Match Call. Then he mysteriously leaves. Time to beat up Brawly!

I decide to tell Mr. Briney of my "grand adventure" and he tells me that he'll take me to Slateport. I decidE to go, since Silcoon hasn't promoted evolved yet.

He reminds me of the Devon Goods, which I had totally forgotten about, so I think I'll deliver those now.

I go into the building area, and Dock tells me Stern is out. I wonder where he could be.

Anyway, let's find that out later and waste my time visiting a museum! Besides, the SS Anne remix is nice tgere. XD

But... it's filled with Aqua guys!! Finally, my chance to befriend them and apologize! I talk to the first guy and he gives me a TM. I was about to say thanks, but he runs out. :(

Looks like Aqua went from hating me to being horrified! I can't tell what's worse!

So I talk to all of them. They're calm around me, which is nice. I head upstairs and there's Stern! I give him the Devon Goods, and then the Aquas come upstairs!! :/

They fight me! CRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAP. I'm underleveled a lot! I ended up whiting out....

But since I want to keep my money, I reset.

I decide to tell Mr. Briney of my "grand adventure" and he tells me that he'll take me to Slateport. I decidE to go, since Silcoon hasn't promoted evolved yet.

He reminds me of the Devon Goods, which I had totally forgotten about, so I think I'll deliver those now.

I go into the building area, and Dock tells me Stern is out. I wonder where he could be.

Anyway, let's find that out later.

This time I am not touching that museum yet. I'll run around town then grind a bit.

I go to the fanclub and do a TV report on my Silcoon. I type in "It must be Very Strong".

Ending this update, I go to the battle tent.

 I rent a Goldeen, a Numel, and a Mightyena. 

I win round 1 easily. Looks like I got good pokemon. No swap.

The next trainer I got really lucky on. Too many defense boosts on their side, and type disadvantage. Also a Tentaxcool kept using Acid on my Numel when it could OHKO with Bubblebeam. Lucky lucky me. No swap.

Final Round. Goldeen Activates Prayer. Seriously, being reduced to 1 health and then killing the enemy is amazing. Numel's ground type came in handy against a Magnemite, but he got confused and burned himself three times. He took down the Magnemite in one hit with Ember, and then almost killed a Whismur, but took recoil and fainted. Mightyena finished off the battle.

As a reward I got a Full Heal :newyears:

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