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The new DMC

Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Ahh yes, this mess. This is somewhat old news actually, as I think was shown at some random game event. DMC5, it should be known I guess, is a project that Capcom let british company Ninja Theory handle. Who the fuck is Ninja Theory? Well, remember that game Heavenly Sword? That's their only project so far, and that thing fucking bombed!

One has to wonder what possessed management at Capcom to trust this shit group with a game series typically loved. Maybe it's due to lack of popularity in Japan that they thought a western development would be better in handling games that are more popular in the west, which makes no sense because people loved it as it is. No one had complaints that it was "Too Japanesey". Even then, Ninja Theory? For real?

In fact, let's see this new "Dante", who is about the furthest thing from Dante. That is so Not Dante, that it is what I am going to call him. Not Dante here has black hair, a blue coat, is from England, in a town that has a name, and is limpwristed when he carries around his guns. So already, we have essentially the exact opposite of Dante. I'm not sure how someone is given a source material, no doubt knows quite a bit about DMC, and then just does the complete opposite. That is the definition of wrong. As a note, this is supposed to be a gritty reboot. Cause ya know, DMC was in need of a rebooting...?

I have 0 hope for this game, and it's not really hard to see why. Sometimes a series getting a fresh new coat of paint is nice, but this is like the fresh new coat is painted on with a farmer brush being held in someone's ass, and the paint dickcheese. Even if the gameplay is good (though I'm expecting something along the lines of Heavy Rain with portions of actual game thrown in, and the gameplay entirely misses the point and becomes even more of a button masher than DMC already is), I can't stand the presentation already. It's like it's trying to be DMC if it were charmless. I recall during the original releasing of this title and all that that Ninja Theory came out stating the story would basically be "All the demons and such could be easily confused just visions he has in his head, so you might not be certain that what you're fighting is actually real", which as we can see here is not the case because it's so obvious (I would imagine DAnte's imprisoned for damages, such as flinging the car...Oh wait, he did that with an extendable sword and seemingly his own strength of which it takes more than his body frame to fling a fucking car). I much prefer it being obvious because DMC isn't supposed to try and be "deep", but it's annoying that they would say that at first, and even then it wasn't even true.

So, even if the game is DMC gameplay, I'm still gonna have to pass on this because it fails on a level of hilarity. Not Dante here trying to be a tough guy just makes me titter too hard. It takes talent to take the idea of an 18/21 year old fun loving half-demon hellslayer and somehow make it even sillier than it already is

Edited by Amaterasu
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Holy shit that looks bad. And I like DMC. That's... not DMC. Not at all...


Dante is supposed to a mother effin' badass that doesn't afraid of anything. This dude (Not calling him Dante) looks like some generic emo that they put together.

Absolutely pathetic Capcom. You guys can do better than that. Even beyond excellent gameplay cannot justify what you've done to this guy.

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There's only one real problem here.

They called it Devil May Cry. If they gave it a new name, this game would look like the bomb. Because that video was kinda sick.

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There's only one real problem here.

They called it Devil May Cry. If they gave it a new name, this game would look like the bomb. Because that video was kinda sick.

Agreed. Game would be badass if it wasn't called DMC. That's what so bad about it.

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Not to mention what happened to his grey/white hair. I think this is gonna be one of those "spiritual successors" you get so often these days... And by that I mean it's likely going to suck.

That's not what a spiritual successor is.

What you mean is an In Name Only sequel.

There's only one real problem here.

They called it Devil May Cry. If they gave it a new name, this game would look like the bomb. Because that video was kinda sick.

And this is why gameplay is not the very defining cornerstone of a game's quality as people nowadays make it up to be, because people otherwise would forgive this game since it looks cool.

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And this is why gameplay is not the very defining cornerstone of a game's quality as people nowadays make it up to be, because people otherwise would forgive this game since it looks cool.

Except he's...Not forgiving it due to the name. If this weren't DMC and merely just a DMC clone, I would think people would be far more positive about this game if the thought was more "At least it looks like a fun clone of DMC" rather than "Why they doing this shit to DMC?".

Not to say you're wrong, just I felt using his post to make the point was a case of bad example.

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