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[FE10] Draft: Ranked Characters


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I've tried to clean it out and did everything in the instruction manual. Something similar happened to my previous radiant dawn disc, so I think I'll have to buy a new one, which I can't right now. Sorry guys but it looks like I can't continue : [

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Lol, Ike solo. I thought Skrimir's pets would screw up more than they usually do for me. But it turns out that, instead of getting the boss kill and saving me a turn, Ranulf was generous enough to leave the final blow for Ike to finish Silvano with an unecessary critical. XD

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       13.41 46 26   2  30  25  15  22   7

10 turns.


As the last time, I took the Titania & Shinon penalty. Ike deal with the enemies to the North, and later goes down to deal with reinforcements with Shinon's help. Titania deals with the whole right side, goes up, and then right, and kill the enemies that Ike left alive.

Shinon visited the Seraph Robe village at the last turn.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       16.27 48 27   2  30  27  15  23   7

7 turns (+9).


Preparations screen

I get the Silver card, sell tons of Items I won't be using, along with weapons and skills, and buy alot of Steel blades and Wind edges, and a Steel dagger for Heather.

I BEXP Heather to lvl 19, and Ilyana to 99 Exp.

As for Skills...

Ike gets Celerity.

Heather gets Wrath.

Ilyana gets Adept & Disarm.


Ike rushes at full Mov while Ilyana gets kills with some of help from Heather. I enters Istvan's range equipped with a Wind edge, Heather shoves Ilyana, and then Ilyana deals the finishing blow.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       16.99 48 27   2  30  27  17  23   7
Heather   20.00 38 20   9  25  30  29  17  17
Moeblob    7.74 32 14  22  20  24  10  14  16

4 turns.


Preparations screen

BEXP'd Ike to complete his level. Ilyana gets BEXP'd up to level 10.

Ike gets Pass.

Heather gets Disarm.

Ilyana gets Celerity and two brand new Elfires.

Penalty-free 6-Mov unit of my choice for this chapter: Gatrie.


Ike and Heather rush at full Mov towards the North with the goal of burning the enemy's equipment quickly while avoiding enemies that would slow them down. Ike also removes some enemies out of the way for Ilyana to take advantage of her full Mov. Gatrie stays at the South, burns equipments, retrieves the Blossom scroll, and then sets out for the third bunch of equipment to burn (The one that's to the right of the horse barn). Ilyana burs the equipment to the far North-West. Ike gets the one to the oppisite side. And Heather gets the last one that was close to Veyona.

Items retrieved:

- Blossom

- Goddess Icon

- Hammerne Staff

- Master Crown

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       18.49 49 27   2  30  27  16  24   8
Heather   20.52 38 20   9  25  30  29  17  17
Moeblob   11.74 34 15  26  23  24  12  14  18

8 turns.

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I should have waited longer before starting mines because I let undrafted units escape.


Turns: 8+3(Edward penalty)=11 turns.

I might've shaved off some turns if I shoved Edward and made sure the boss's attack would get Edward to wrath range, the basic lure bandits to Edward and have Micaiah finish them off. Micaiah got the boss kill.

Name       Class      Lvl     HP   STR  MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support   Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Mage      2     16     2    8     8     8    11     2     6   


Turns: 8+3+2+3(Nolan penalty Leonardo penalty because he got attacked and Undrafted characeter escape)=16 turns.

Nolan lures the two fighters above, after weakening the two fighters Miciaiah goes behind Nolan kills the fighter. Rest of the chapters were Nolan taking hits and I had to ignore the houses so no hand axe for Nolan.

Micaiah managed to get the boss kill and everyone escaped for the extra BEXP.

Name       Class      Lvl     HP   STR  MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support   Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Mage      4     16     2    9     9     9    12     3     7   


Turns:15+3 (Nolan penalty)=18 turns

I probably should've just placed Leonardo and Edward below the edges and have Nolan take out the soldiers instead of having Micaiah tank them. Nolan moves up the gap attacks the fighter Micaiah tanks the solders on the right.

When Sothe appeared he went right killing solders and stole a vulenary. The rest of the turns were getting the chests and getting Laura to the seize spot.

Name       Class      Lvl     HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Mage      7     16     2   12     11    11    14     3     9   A Sothe
Sothe      Rogue        1     35    18    4     20    20    15    14     9   A Micaiah
Laura      Priest       1     16     3    8      3     5     8     2    10   


Turns:11+3+3+3+3(Nolan penalty three underdrafted characters escaped)=23 turns.

Sothe takes out the fighter to the right by moving to his range, Nolan forms a wall between the trees with Micaiah behind him. After that Sothe goes to Nolan's spot while Nolan fills the west spot, Laura moves behind him.

Laura recruits Aran and kill of the enemies that came with Aran, Nolan lures the boss unarmed stole discipline and killed the boss. The rest were moving everyone to the seize spot.

Name       Class      Lvl     HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Mage      9     17     2   13     11    11    15     3    11   A Sothe
Sothe      Rogue        1     35    19    4     21    20    15    14     9   A Micaiah
Laura      Priest       2     17     3    8      4     5     8     3    10 
Aran       Soldier      8     24    11    0     13    10     6    11     2  


Turns: 15

Base prep

Bought a beast killer, javelin and some extra weapons like bronze knives and daggers for Sothe. Laura +3 levels and Aran +1 level from BEXP.

Placed Sothe near the middle cap and Aran above the healing pot. After killing off the inital enemies the rest were Sothe and Micaiah going north. And Aran going east, I made a terrible error of not bringing Laura with Aran but he managed to kill the boss and a tiger due to his lucky def stat ups.

Micaiah managed to kill the top left boss.

Name       Class      Lvl     HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Mage     11     17     2   15     11    13    15     4    13   A Sothe    Wrath
Sothe      Rogue        3     35    20    5     22    20    15    14     9   A Micaiah  Cancel
Laura      Priest       5     17     3   11      7     8     8     3    10              Shade
Aran       Soldier     14     26    15    0     16    11     7    17     5  



Base prep

Bought a light tome for Micaiah. Laura + 1 level BEXP.

Volug rushes north and kills a fighter, Sothe goes east to steal the soldier's master seal. Ironically Zihark kept dying instead of Jill so I had to reload battle saves a couple of times.

After that it was just killing the stragglers.

Name       Class      Lvl     HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Mage     12     17     2   15     11    13    16     4    14   A Sothe    Wrath
Sothe      Rogue        4     36    21    5     23    21    16    15     9   A Micaiah  Cancel
Laura      Priest       6     17     3   12      8     8     9     3    10              Shade
Aran       Soldier     14     26    15    0     16    11     7    17     5  


Turns:13+4(volug penalty)=17

Base prep

Bought two steel lances. Laura + 2 levels Aran +3 levels BEXP.

I had to take the penalty regardless because I didn't have enough people to kill the enemies before they attacked Volug. Tauroneo and Aran goes west, when the pegasus came Micaiah luckily dodge one attack and doubled them.

When more pegasus came I had to rescue Micaiah and Laura so the chapter went real slow. Master seal'd Aran in the base prep of the next level.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Mage        13       17     2   16     11    14    17     4    15   A Sothe    Wrath
Sothe      Rogue           4       36    21    5     23    21    16    15     9   A Micaiah  Cancel Renewal
Laura      Priest          8       19     3   14     10     8     9     3    10              Shade
Aran       Halberdier     17/1     30    16    0     19    13     7    20     9  
Tauroneo   L.General      14       38    24   12     22    20    18    21    15   



Base prep


Sothe heads for the bridge, Aran and Tauroneo goes for the boss Laura, Micaiah, and Volug goes west towards the river. It was rather easy considering Aran and Tauroneo barley takes any damage.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Mage        13       17     2   16     11    14    17     4    15   A Sothe    Wrath
Sothe      Rogue           4       36    21    5     23    21    16    15     9   A Micaiah  Cancel Renewal
Laura      Priest          8       19     3   14     10     8     9     3    10              Shade
Aran       Halberdier     17/1     30    16    1     19    13     7    20     9  
Tauroneo   L.General      14       38    24   12     22    20    18    21    15   



Base prep

Gave Sothe savior and adept skill, gave Aran Paragon. Bought an iron dagger. Laura +5 levels BEXP.

Sothe rescues Micaiah and head north to the door. Aran and Laura heads towards the prison area the NPCS managed to assist me. I was only able to get three prison doors before seizing. Sothe had the boss kill.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Mage        14       17     2   16     11    15    18     4    16   A Sothe    Wrath
Sothe      Rogue           5       36    22    6     24    22    17    15     9   A Micaiah  Adept Savior
Laura      Priest         13       22     4   16     15    12     9     3    10              Shade
Aran       Halberdier     17/3     30    17    3     21    13     8    22    10              Paragon
Tauroneo   L.General      14       38    24   12     22    20    18    21    15   


Turns:13+3(Tormod penalty)=16

Base prep

Bought an iron knife and steel dagger for Sothe, bought a light tome for Laura. Laura + 4 levels BEXP.

Sothe heads for the boss, Tormod kills the dracoknight to the east. Nailah rescues Rafiel, Volug and her moves east. I had some lucky crits that made this easier and more managable.

I'll record the rest of the teams stats after the next chapter.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Mage        15       17     2   16     12    15    18     4    17   A Sothe    Wrath
Sothe      Rogue           5       36    22    6     24    22    17    15     9   A Micaiah  Adept Savior
Laura      Bishop         17/1     26     7   21     16    16    12     6    11              Shade Discipline
Aran       Halberdier     17/3     30    17    3     21    13     8    22    10              Paragon
Tauroneo   L.General      14       38    24   12     22    20    18    21    15   



Base prep

Micaiah +1 level BEXP

Nothing special sent BK to kill everything, some soldiers were hiding so it took longer to finish.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Mage        15       17     2   16     12    15    18     4    17   A Sothe    Wrath
Sothe      Rogue           5       36    22    6     24    22    17    15     9   A Micaiah  Adept Savior
Laura      Bishop         17/1     26     7   21     16    16    12     6    11              Shade Discipline
Aran       Halberdier     17/3     30    17    3     21    13     8    22    10              Paragon
Tauroneo   L.General      14       38    24   12     22    20    18    21    15   



Base prep

Micaiah +1 level BEXP

Sent Black Knight to kill everything, Micaiah had some lucky dodges however some soldiers were hiding so it took longer to finish.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Mage        17       17     2   16     12    15    18     4    17   A Sothe    Wrath
Sothe      Rogue           5       36    22    6     24    22    17    15     9   A Micaiah  Adept Savior
Laura      Bishop         17/1     26     7   21     16    16    12     6    11              Shade Discipline
Aran       Halberdier     17/3     30    17    3     21    13     8    22    10              Paragon
Tauroneo   L.General      14       38    24   12     22    20    18    21    15   



Base prep

Micaiah +3 levels BEXP, gave Sothe pass skill.

Sothe rescues Micaiah and rushes toward the ledge chest, Black Knight follows behind. Arran and Laura heads towards the stairs they kill the knight and the figher reinforcement and headed toward the other ledge where they killed off the second south west reinforcements.

(First reinforcements were taken care of by the Black Knight.) Opened the east and north east chest.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Sage        20/1     19     6   21     15    17    13     7    20?  A Sothe    Wrath
Sothe      Rogue           8       36    22    6     26    23    19    15     9   A Micaiah  Pass Savior
Laura      Bishop         17/3     27     7   22     16    18    13     6    13              Shade Discipline
Aran       Halberdier     17/6     30    20    3     23    13     9    24    10              Paragon
Tauroneo   L.General      14       38    24   12     22    20    18    21    15   

Part 1 Turn total:186

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Took Edward penalty because I pretty much have to for this chapter. Made him take on everything, Micaiah and Leo cleaned up. Could have 6-turned but I didn’t want Edward to get the bosskill.

Fun fact: Edward levelled and gained HP, Str, Spd and Def. God dammit.

         Lvl  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Micaiah   2.86 15 2   8   9   7   11  2   5
Leonardo  4.46 17 8   0   12  10  6   5   4

Turns: 7+3 = 10

Total: 10(7)


Got Nolan to use the Shield, and he basically raped this chapter. Micaiah and Leo did what they could to catch up. Nolan had 1 HP twice in this chapter, once after the initial axe users and after taking on Isaiya + the other hand axe man. Leo saved a turn by shoving Micaiah :awesome:

         Lvl  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Micaiah   4.13 16 2   9   9   7   13  3   7
Leonardo  5.86 18 9   0   12  10  6   5   4
Nolan     9.92 29 12  0   11  10  7   11  3

Turns: 7

Total: 17(14)


Went up the side while Laura and Edward blocked the ledge. Sothe cleared out the north bit, got the Energy Drop and Thani. Could have 7-turned but wanted the treasures.

         Lvl   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Micaiah   4.66  16 2   9   9   7   13  3   7
Leonardo  6.61  18 9   0   13  11  6   5   5
Nolan     11.12 31 13  0   13  11  8   11  3
Sothe     1.21  35 18  4   20  20  15  14  9

Turns: 8

Total: 25(22)


I detest this chapter. Many enemies, ass boss... sigh. Went down the left cause the right nuked me the first time, seized on turn 9 after Sothe killed the longbow archer. No penalties, amazingly.

         Lvl   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Micaiah   6.31  17 2   11  10  8   15  4   9
Leonardo  7.41  18 9   1   13  12  7   6   6
Nolan     12.19 31 14  0   13  11  9   11  4
Sothe     1.61  35 18  4   20  20  15  14  9

Turns: 9

Total: 34(31)


Ahh, finally! Restock on weapons, and get Sothe his Beast Killer. I also decide that 16 Strength Nolan is awesomesauce, so he gets the Energy Drop. Also get Micaiah and Leo to 99 EXP, Leo and Nolan support. Micaiah gets Wrath, Leo gets Shade.

Also, 9 turn clear sucks, but I decided to get Beastfoe. Could have 4-turned if I had skipped it, blegh. Also got the 3K gold and Master Seal.

         Lvl   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Micaiah   8.09  19 2   13  11  9   17  4   11
Leonardo  8.18  18 9   2   14  13  7   7   6
Nolan     14.22 31 16  0   15  12  11  11  4
Sothe     3.35  35 19  4   21  21  17  14  9

Turns: 9

Total: 43(40)


Ah, this chapter. It’s really stupid IMO, but whatever. Sothe went south for the Master Seal with Micaiah and Leo, Volug and Nolan immediately climbed the ledge. Nolan was at worst bio, so they just hung around the ledge. Pretty easy chapter.

         Lvl   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Micaiah   9.27  19 2   14  11  9   17  4   12
Leonardo  8.70  18 9   2   14  13  7   7   6
Nolan     15.15 31 16  0   16  13  11  11  4
Sothe     4.16  35 19  4   22  22  18  14  9

Turns: 6

Total: 49(43)


BEXP'd my 3 DB people, and even though I used all my BEXP, none gained a level. Sothe takes Adept because he's just off on killing with a Bronze Dagger.

This was tough. Nolan took out the north, then came down to help out a bit. Leo was amazing with his peg-killing skills, and the pegs having Javelins helped too =D

12 turns, fuck. Don't think Volug would have helped that much too so...

Oh, Leo gained 2 points of mag. That's like giving Tyranitar SpA >_>

         Lvl   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Micaiah   11.97 20 2   16  12  9   19  5   14
Leonardo  11.11 19 9   4   14  13  9   8   8
Nolan     15.15 31 16  0   16  13  11  11  4
Sothe     4.94  35 19  4   22  22  18  14  9

Turns: 12

Total: 61(55)


Lol, first turn I would always end up in a situation where Micaiah was dead, Leonardo was dead or there were so many enemies that everyone would die. So I took the Volug penalty, and got him to take out the starting enemies. He went up north and protected the Marado faliures, and then Micaiah OHKO'd Laverton.

         Lvl   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Micaiah   13.48 20 2   17  13  10  21  6   16
Leonardo  12.11 19 9   4   15  13  10  8   8
Nolan     18.63 33 17  2   17  14  13  12  4
Sothe     5.29  35 19  4   23  22  19  14  9

Turns: 6+4=10

Total: 71(61)


Increased Nolan and Leo's support to B, and got the Brave Sword which immediately went to Ilyana lol.

BEXP'd Nolan to 20 and promoted him, then pumped the rest into Micaiah and Leo. Got Micky to 14.75 and Leo to 14. I also dump Paragon on Nolan.

This chapter was Muarim/Nolan destruction. Nolan got the left side of the map, taking out the archer and 2 mages on 1 turn. Once he got the Armour down, Muarim got up, dropped Micaiah off the next turn and ORKO'd Djur on Turn 7.

         Lvl   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Micaiah   14.96 20 3   17  14  10  21  6   17
Leonardo  14.46 19 10  4   17  13  11  8   10
Nolan     2.56  37 19  4   19  18  14  13  6
Sothe     5.48  35 19  4   23  22  19  14  9
Muarim    19.28 58 18  3   14  11  12  15  9

Turns: 7

Total: 78(68)

Edited by JBCWK
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I took that Edward penalty

6 (+3) turns

Micaiah 3.18 16 2 9 10 7 12 2 6

Chapter 1

Nolan used. Tried to max Miccy's CEXP but…

8 (+3) turns

Micaiah 5.77 17 3 10 10 7 13 2 8

Chapter 2

Nolan used. It took me far too long to figure out how to 8 turn with thani and drop

8 (+3)

Micaiah 6.70 17 3 11 10 7 13 2 9
Sothe Base

Chapter 3

The door side. I think Kurth deserves a medal…


Micaiah 7.18 17 3 11 11 7 14 2 10
Sothe  base

Chapter 4

Wrath for Micaiah and bexp her to 90, Cancel and beastkiller for Sothe

This was hard. broke the beastkiller. Got Beastfoe and Robe.


Micaiah 8.39 18 3 12 11 8 15 2 11
Sothe 4.83 36 18 4 23 22 18 15 12

Edited by Sho.M
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Aduse of enemies having good movement in form of broken EP action...

...And couple of misses or point of Def for Sothe in one of first two Lv. ups like mine had. Also couple of beastkiller criticals

I can give you turn by turn...

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I find that pretty hard to believe, considering that even with an avaerage team with Sothe included, 7 turns is barely feasible. It's not like Sothe is going always at full Movement because there are some obstacles...like the sand up at the top of the map. Micaiah's (lack of) durability is also another issue that wouldn't help her survive any Tiger attack.

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Chose Nealuchi as the free undrafted character he killed all the Dracoriders that took Leanne. Probably would've went better if I just rescued her with him.


Turns:10+3+3(Nephenee and Brom penalty)=16

Nephenee kills the fighter below, Brom gets the steel axe from the house. Brom kills one of the knights then attacks the boss. NPC Heather lured the boss and died.


Turns:9+3(Mordecai penalty)=12

Mordecai and Lucia heads right without bumping into enemies, the rest goes towards the south west corner. Mordecai used a stone while Lucia attacked on enemy phase. I would've ended this sooner if an enemy archer didn't decide to block the seize spot.



Rushed Geoffrey up while he kills the enemies on enemy phase. He managed to dodge the cavalier with the horse killer/riders bane weapon. Lots of healing needed and unless if attacking the door counts as a penalty then I finished this in 12 turns.


Turns:6+5(Elincia penalty)=11

I had to wait until Elincia's biorythm reach neutral otherwise it'll be battle save abusing. She flew to the place below the second crate. Ludveck attacked and she managed to proc stun on him.

Part 2 turn total:59

Total turn counts:245

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Preparations screen

BEXP Ilyana to lvl 13 and Crown her. gee_wiz_emoticon.gifHeather gets BEXP'd up to level 20/1 and buys some knives and daggers.

Lyre gets BEXP'd to lvl 20, drinks an Energy Drop, and takes Blossom.

Heather gets Adept.


Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       18.83 49 27   2  30  27  16  24   8
Heather    1.83 42 23  13  27  32  39  20  21
Moeblob    2.04 40 21  29  26  26  14  21  22
Lyre      20.20 48 10   6  14  13  18   7   9

8 turns.


Preparations screen

I buy a Scret Book and send it to the Convoy.

BEXP Ike to 98.


Ike - Blossom


Established Heather x Ilyana C support.


Ike stays as guarddog at the Defend square while Ilyana & Heather go for Lombroso. At the last turn, Heather stole the Energy Drop, equipped a Steel dagger, and Ilyana Flare'd him. Lombroso died on an Enemy Phase on Heather's counter. Heather pulled tons of unnecessary combos like Adept + Disarm + Bane. I found it amusing. x3

Sorry, I forgot to list the stats here. :o

4 turns.


FINALLY, this chapter. I usually get anxious to start the DB chapter because I miss them over the course of Part 2 and half of Part 3. :(


Preparations screen

The first thing I do is, trigger Pelleas' Info Conversation for the Master Crown, and Jill's for the Brave axe.

Next up, is BEXP distribution.

I BEXP Zihark to lvl 13 to get his Str capped, and get his Def/Luck up. BAM. Crowning Moment of Awesome! 13/1 Zihark is born, and ready to tear them laguz up.

Micaiah gets BEXP'd to 98.


Micaiah - Paragon

Zihark - Wrath

Weapons/Items bought:

Storm sword

Physic staff



Despite Zihark being overkill and all, he didn't have the necessary mobility to actually overshadow the others. In fact, Jill almost overshadowed Zihark. Probably did, considering she killed most of the laguz to the entire East side, while Zihark (With some small assistance from Micaiah & Sothe) too the North-West. Jill even killed Lethe, and only suffered 15 Dmg from Mordy by the time she got there. The Brave axe broke near the end of the chapter. 8[

Weapons aquired:

- Brave Bow.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    6.70 24 11  26  23  20   29  8  24    A Sothe
Sothe      8.81 38 22   5  22  22   20 14  11    A Micaiah
Zihark     2.28 44 27  10  33  33   15 18  20    C Jill
Jillian   12.48 44 24   5  24  25   23 24  14    C Zihark

7 turns.


Battle preparations:

BEXP Heather, Ilyana & Lyre all to 99 Exp.


Heather gets Wrath, for some reason.

Ilyana takes Blossom.

And Lyre takes Adept & Pass.


This chapter was mostly "Train Lyre". I had her stay at Thickets for high Avo, which would help her stay raise her gauge of fast with all the untransformed fighting she went to. My goal was to get her as close as possible to S-ranking her strike by the end of the chapter. And she was very close away thanks to constant Adept proc'cing. Ilyana would heal on occassion, for easy Exp.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 50 27   2  30  29  17  26  11   
Heather    3.87 42 23  14  29  34  31  22  22    C Ilyana
Moeblob    3.25 41 22  30  27  27  14  22  23    C Heather
Lyre      22.62 49 10   6  15  15  29   8   9

12 turns.


Preparations screen

Triggered the conversation between Lethe & Lyre to get Daunt.

BEXP'd Heather, Ilyana & Lyre to 99, once again.


Ike - Pass

Heather - Adept

Ilyana - Celerity + Daunt

Lyre - Blossom

Ike takes the Southtern side leading to an angry mob of Halbs/Warriors. Heather too the North-Eastern side that was filled with Generals and some SMs & Mages. Lyre went down the middle path to raise her strike on Generals, and other enemies she could. Ilyana took most of the kills, including all the enemies to the South-East. Reinforcements at the East side on at the ledges were taken over by Ike & Lethe in the end. The last reinforcents, the two Mages at the South-West corner, were dealt with by Ilyana.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 50 27   2  30  29  17  26  11  
Heather    4.48 42 24  14  30  35  32  22  22   C Ilyana
Lyre      23.12 49 11   6  15  16  20   9   9

7 turns.


This is probably my least favorite map.

Preparations screen

I buy Adept at the Shop.


Danved - Paragon + Gamble


Geoffrey - Killer lance, Steel greatlance, two Javelins & a Concontion

Danved - Brave lance, Iron greatlance, Short lance & Vulnerary


Danved, as usual, goes up the ledges and just concentrates on gaining CEXP and getting the Speedwings (Which he did). Geoffrey goes up to Roark and critikills him.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Danved    14.26 43 21  10  25  23   20 17  12    A Nadved

6 turns (+3).


Preparations screen

Ilyana buys two Elfire, and gets some Elthunders from the Convoy.

BEXP Heather & Lyre to 99 again.


Ike - Pass

Heather - Blossom

Ilyana - Celerity + Daunt

Lyre - Adept + Wrath


Ike, Lyre & Heather handled the enemies to the lower side of the map, while Ilyana (later to be assisted by Ike) went for the enemies to the East.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 50 27   2  30  29  17  26  11   
Heather    5.54 43 25  15  31  36  33  22  23    C Ilyana
Moeblob    6.95 42 23  32  28  29  15  22  24    C Heather
Lyre      24.78 49 12   7  16  17  20   9   9

6 turns.


Battle preparations

Gave Danved the Secret Book and the Speedwings, and BEXP him all the way to 20/1.

BEXP everyone else, with the except of Ike & Lyre, to 99. Lyre gets BEXP'd to lvl 30, and uses the Satori Sign.


Ike - Celerity

Heather - Adept

Ilyana - Paragon

Lyre - Adept + Imbue

Danved - Paragon


Established Ike x Ilyana C support, thinking I would need it. I didn't.


Ike goes full move to the Arrive square while Lyre, Tibarn and his underlings sweep the enemies out of the way. Heather, Danved & Ilyana (Through healing) just got easy CEXP. Tanith, Sigrun & Leanne were used to get Ike through the traps. But of course, I kept them out of combat.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 50 27   2  30  29  17  26  11    C Ilyana
Heather    6.40 44 26  15  32  36  34  22  24   
Moeblob    7.81 42 24  32  29  30  15  22  25    C Heather
Lyre      30.32 53 14   7  20  20  23   9  11
Danved     2.98 50 27  14  29  29  26  24  18    A Nadved

Oh, yeah. Tibarn killed Goran. LolPavise.

7 turns.


Battle preparations

BEXP Jill to lvl 15 and she gets her own Crowning Moment of Awesome. You'll see why...!

BEXP'd Micaiah to 98.

Bought Silver & Steel blades for Zihark. Hand axes for Jill.


Micaiah - Paragon

Zihark - Resolve

Jill - Imbue


...Jill left Micaiah and Zihark without a job.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    6.98 24 11  26  23  20   29  8  24    A Sothe
Zihark     2.69 44 27  10  33  33   15 18  20    C Jill
Jillian    1.88 51 30   9  27  27   25 27  18    C Zihark

2 turns.


Battle preparations

Triggered the Info Conversation between Eddie & Leo to get the Tempest Blade. Sent it to the Convoy.

BEXP'd Micaiah to lvl 12.

Bought a Physic staff for Micaiah. Zihark bought another Storm Sword.


Micaiah - Paragon

Zihark - Wrath

Jill - Resolve + Savior


Upgraded Zihark & Jill to a B support.


Jill ferried Zihark and left him next to the Tiger blocking the path to Ike. Zihark got left at Wrath range, so he use the Brave sword on Ike and ASTRAD'd him!

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah   12.74 25 12  30  23  20   35  8  30    A Sothe

3 turns.

I'll be doing 3-E right after I realize who I am going to take to each route. As for now, my Part 3 turncounts are: 103.

So my total will be around 243-244 by the end of 3-E.

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