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It's Brave

- Added a new skill [brave], as follows:

1. If the equipped weapon has special effectiveness, no activation;

2. Must activate if HP before the battle is less than half of maxHP;

3. On activation, atk +10, hit is increased (several times);

4. "special effectiveness weapons" include the following: all holy weapons, Dark weapons, Lopt weapons, Hel, (Volcannon), Tron, Blizzard;

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What stuff? I reckon people don't need name translations, that's what portraits are for. Items...look like they were pulled from Thracia actually, and I'll see any new stuff when I get to it. Meanwhile I'll tell you some characters' starting items.

Sigurd, Steel sword and Iron lance. Alvis gives him the Blagi sword.

Noish and Alec, both Steel swords.

Ardan, Iron Greatsword (might be the Iron Blade with a changed name). This is the one Eyvel starts with in Thracia 776.

Fin, Iron lance. Sucks to be him.

Cuan, Iron sword and Javelin.

Midir, Killer bow.

Azel, Fire. Of course.

Lex, Iron axe. Of course you'll probably give him the other one/s you get.

Ethlin, Prayer sword and Live. It's still females-locked.

Ayra, Killer sword.

Aideen, Relive.

Deu, hmm, the direct translation is "darkness kill knife". With his skillset, this is awesome.

Chapter 1 shop has a Steel sword, a Slim bow, Javelin and Hand axe. More when I get the characters.

The skills list is pretty much the same. For some reason Holy and Darkness swords don't show up. Though Life steal does - it's below Prayer. Appears that it replaced the Critical skill (for obvious reasons). I think I mistranslated this name - it's essentially the equivalent of the FE7 Assassin special skill.

As for the others...Critical icon still exists, look on Noish. Cuan has Darkness sword. Alec has Hard attack (the sleep one). Lex has Brave, as Edward mentioned. Midir has Holy sword, which is basically Sol+Luna. Ardan has Protect (halves damage when under 1/2 health).

I laugh at Aideen having Charge, by the way.

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It only effects non holy weapons , mirror blood characters still can't use holy weapons .

Sorry, I cannot help you. The enemy characters with mirror blood can use holy weapon.

I think I mistranslated this name - it's essentially the equivalent of the FE7 Assassin special skill.

You are right. You can give it another translation.

Edited by rothwell
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Deu, hmm, the direct translation is "darkness kill knife". With his skillset, this is awesome.

It's only downside is it adds no strength to an attack, but really, that's useless when it kills anything in a single blow. I haven't taken it off Deu, since there's not a lot of room to play with weapons (unless you use Axes, where you're pretty much stuck to Sigurd, Lex, and Ethlin early on [Ethlin since she can abuse her Return Staff]). It's probably really useful for some of the bosses, who have a huge leap in stats compared to the lackies. I've been using Ethlin to damage most of the bosses, since no one else can really hit them, or survive their huge attack speed boost.

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How does the Dark sword Deu comes with work? I gave it to other units, but the instant-death never activated, and I'm not sure if it's something about being available only to Thieves and Thief Fighters, or if it's restricted to Deu. I'm at the end of Chapter 5 and I'm wondering about passing it down to Patty.

Man, Chapter 4 got hard. Holy weapons were the only real way to damage a lot of bosses, other than using Sleep/Entice on whichever bosses allowed it. Leptor though fell pretty easily. Adan is the only unit who sucked and was useless--if he could've leveled, he could have been a little useful, with that +10 defense by default. More than half the characters capped at 30--out of the five or so that didn't Adan was the lowest, at like, 13 XD Beowulf was incredibly powerful and killed essentially everything that couldn't be by most people--next most powerful were Ayra and Holyn. Holyn became a beast of a tank, and killed, like, everything with his Hand Axe. In this hack, when Sword skills activate, the hit percent seems to be 100% no matter what (for enemies and player alike).

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How does the Dark sword Deu comes with work? I gave it to other units, but the instant-death never activated, and I'm not sure if it's something about being available only to Thieves and Thief Fighters, or if it's restricted to Deu. I'm at the end of Chapter 5 and I'm wondering about passing it down to Patty.

Man, Chapter 4 got hard. Holy weapons were the only real way to damage a lot of bosses, other than using Sleep/Entice on whichever bosses allowed it. Leptor though fell pretty easily. Adan is the only unit who sucked and was useless--if he could've leveled, he could have been a little useful, with that +10 defense by default. More than half the characters capped at 30--out of the five or so that didn't Adan was the lowest, at like, 13 XD Beowulf was incredibly powerful and killed essentially everything that couldn't be by most people--next most powerful were Ayra and Holyn. Holyn became a beast of a tank, and killed, like, everything with his Hand Axe. In this hack, when Sword skills activate, the hit percent seems to be 100% no matter what (for enemies and player alike).

Couldn't agree with you more. Every one of my units promoted with the exception of Arden. I wish I knew about the lethality skill sooner, I wouldve attempted to pair him up with someone. And yes Beowolf is a walking butcher with his beo sword lol

Edited by Evalcin
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Dew has Lethality as a personal skill, so only he and his children can activate it. The Assassin Dagger isn't tied to Dew, but not many other people would want to use it anyway because of 0 base power.

Ohhhhhhh.... that's low. There's not even a skill icon to show he has it. XD

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Lethality has a skill icon like the Sun , it's Sol's icon in FEBinary patch . Pair Dew with Ayra , Lethality + Astra + Critical + Assassin Dagger/Killer Sword --> ~100% critical + mutihit + instant death .

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Ah, that would be why. His icon really is different from Sun Hit... I went through the whole first generation thinking the sword was the only thing really new about him XD. And the only thing making him really useful (which in a way, isn't really not true :P ).

The only thing that really bugged me is that this hack didn't do much with the maps! Just small touches here and there could change a lot, especially in enemy placement, like in Chapter 1 when the duke guy comes and actually makes you need to defend your castle.

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It's not so bad. It and ZSNES, for the everyman, is essentially the same. A few options about sound and graphics are a little different, but it's definitely not that large of a jump.

besides Snes9x's GUI isn't DOS-dead XD

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Ah, that would be why. His icon really is different from Sun Hit... I went through the whole first generation thinking the sword was the only thing really new about him XD. And the only thing making him really useful (which in a way, isn't really not true :P ).

The only thing that really bugged me is that this hack didn't do much with the maps! Just small touches here and there could change a lot, especially in enemy placement, like in Chapter 1 when the duke guy comes and actually makes you need to defend your castle.

The author want to make a hack like the FE RM 2.97 or FE inflation, so he didn't change the maps.

I downloaded the link in the 12th post, but all I get is a picture of a wolf and a black screen afterward. (Using ZSNES)

UOSNESW 2005 is the best emulator for this game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone given the FE5TS hack a try yet? I'm just about done with the FE4 one, but I can't decide between trying out the Super Thracia hack or the TS one ^^

Hannible's crazy with that sword of his he comes with. One hit in the arena and he's all over that moonwalking strut :P

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