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Australian Internet Censorship

General Spoon

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Stephen Conroy is one of the people in power (somehow) in Australia that smoked paint chips as a kid and continues to push new/support existing policies that are unpopular (and batshit insane if you look at them for more than two seconds). Policies that include banning images of women with small breasts and a lack of a Mature/Adult/What have you rating in favor of refusing to classify it (it doesn't get sold). This leads to people importing things at a cheaper price, or so I've heard. Conroy himself is concerned with creating an Internet filter to blacklist things that the government deems harmful for children and--oh just read this Wikipedia page. Skip to the part about the current government.

Just know that its a fucktarded idea that if it gets hamfisted through sets a precedent for allowing a state to censor free speech to "protect the children." A poorly implemented fucktarded idea that sets a dangerous precedent. Its like they're going to accidentally create the start of an Orwellian dictatorship.

If I have some of my information wrong, its likely because I only know what big parts of the news comes out of Australia.

Edited by General Spoon
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One problem in all this, is that he claims it's for the benefit of children. If you try to go against it you will always be seen as morally wrong. What this man and his supporters seem to be doing, however, is decide where the future will go. I partially feel insulted, partially I think it's futile. No old man will ever significantly change the flow of universal history. Not even Hitler did, so this fool will neither.

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Oh, Australia. The continent is badass, but the government is full of limp-wrested idiots. But then what government isn't? I think these "it's for the children" laws are way overblown and is leading Australia into becoming a nanny state. It's a parliamentary democracy for Chrissakes. I hope the campaigns against this become stronger and more powerful to make its government listen.

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