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Dwarf Fortress Succession Game

Defeatist Elitist

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IMPORTANT: 31.16 is MUCH more stable than 31.18.

What do you guys want to use?

uuuuuuuuh, how much has 31.18 screwed up for you? I haven't had any problems, but I haven't done too much in it so yeah.

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[00:46:50] <Defeatist_Elitist> Utsuho_Reiuji how sever are

[00:46:59] <Defeatist_Elitist> the stability issues in .18?

[00:47:12] <Utsuho_Reiuji> Not as bad as they are in 31.17

[00:47:20] <Utsuho_Reiuji> 31.17 died on any use of a Spike trap

[00:47:24] <Utsuho_Reiuji> But I would highly recommend 16

[00:47:27] <Defeatist_Elitist> ah

[00:47:32] <Defeatist_Elitist> alright

[00:47:33] <Defeatist_Elitist> may as well go with that

[00:47:40] <Utsuho_Reiuji> besides

[00:47:41] <Defeatist_Elitist> CAN YOU POST THAT IT WAS DECIDED UPON

[00:47:47] <Utsuho_Reiuji> 18 was more of an update to...

[00:47:47] <Defeatist_Elitist> mostly so that I don't have to double post

[00:47:48] <Utsuho_Reiuji> Well

[00:48:00] <Utsuho_Reiuji> 18 was an update to Adventurer mode

[00:48:05] <Defeatist_Elitist> ah

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So, Harudoku says the world will probably be uploaded tomorrow, so it will likely start then. I'm hoping we can keep things to about 1 week per in game year at most (and one year per ruler of course), so after that I'll try to have it done within the week. Shouldn't really take more than an evening, but yeah.

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sure, it was an update to adventure, but shouldn't we just use the newest? I've never had any problem with .18 and I've never heard of any problem with it.

Plus, I'm not sure I still have .16, I had to wipe my drive recently.

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sure, it was an update to adventure, but shouldn't we just use the newest? I've never had any problem with .18 and I've never heard of any problem with it.

Plus, I'm not sure I still have .16, I had to wipe my drive recently.

It's fairly easy to redownload. You can always just choose to download an earlier version. I haven't had any problems either so, I dunno. Whatever I guess hahaha.

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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Alright, I've got the save, so I'm going to be starting now! Iced will go next then, and I'll let Bal and Harudoku decide who goes third and fourth. I'm going to go ahead and dorf everyone who I think can be dorfed (Haru wants an epic Axe dwarf so she shan't be dorfed yet). I will also record my shizzle.

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Are you using any graphic packs, or going vanilla?

I can play ASCII, but it would probably help anyone reading if we used Phoebus or something simmilar.

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Fucking hate nobles. One little flaw in your mining and they force you to join a rampant pack of social misfits on a godforsaken march to some lava strewn wasteland just to dig out a hole. I've been saddled with 6 other morons that could be called "dwarves" if you didn't look too closely, and we've got to survive out here as long as we can apparently. My comrades are my fellow miner "Nightmarre" Bardumiden, the "expedition leader" (who looks like a fucking pirate if you ask me) "Balcerzak" Morulmafol the lumberjack (he calls himself a Woodcutter, we're not buying it), some mook mason "Iced" Mosusstorlut, and a carpenter, a farmer/brewer, and wierdly enough a farmer/mechanic who don't even have new age nicknames, the creeps.

As soon as we arrive at this place that the retard who assigned us decided we should settle, I realized that whoever planned this trip was so fucking stupid they sold all our quivers, splints and crutches, as well as I think one of our axes. Then I realized that there was a massive shaft of lava bubbling in a pool nearby, that seems to go down pretty deep. Our so called "expedition leader" took one look at the forests nearby and then fell to massacring them happily, leaving me to start giving orders. I set myself and my comrade up digging out a little underground burrow (it's mostly silty clay we've found, but luckily there's some good solid rock underneath that), and I hope to set up some farms with the nearby underground pools soon enough. I ordered the erection of a temporary carpenter's shop above ground, as well as a mason's workshop and later a mechanic's workshop. The carpenter has just finished a load of beds and is now madly making barrels, and now that we finally have some fucking stone I've set the mason to making floodgates (lord knows we'll need them), though the first few might have to be used for water; some of the stone we've found so far is a little too melty. I plan to have the mechanic start churning out mechanisms soon; the faster we can set something up the better. I've just realized that we've struck basalt, so true production of floodgates can now commence. And we've just spotted a couple alligators to the south.

Fan-fucking-tastic. There's rats too. Struck some more types of stone though, that's always fun.

We've struck more interesting things, including some hematite and various gems. We've been heavily mining the first basalt layer we've found, we'll need some fireproof floodgates. A lot of them. I've got the carpenter producing some nice animal cages to trap those fucking alligators. At least our murky pool have nothing more dangerous than a toad and a lungfish.

An unfortunate developement. A gang of gorillas decided to show up right beside us. I have ordered the hasty set up of a veritable fuckton of cage traps in the hopes that these monsters may, in their stupidity, blunder into them. Please.

Thank goodness, the gorilla troop left (no doubt scared away by our might war dog), and I've begun flooding irrigation of our underground farm land! Life is good!

Looks like we've encountered some native copper, and a few damp stones. Oh well, we're dwarves of the world, we can't go getting wet feet! Get it? Wet feet!

Excellent news, we have struck native aluminum! Praise Armok!

Got a boatload of immigrants, and I'm going to partition them off to get some work done. One of these dirty fellows is a Furnace operator by trade, so I'll get him to begin some work on a magma smelter. One of the peasants and an Animal Dissector have been drafted to form the beginnings of a fighting force. To be honest, I just feel more comfortable knowing that they will have to die before I can be killed. There was also a Butcher and a Bone carver and whatnot, but none of that seems important. I have forced a dwarf who claims to be a "Soap Maker" (the man had clearly never seen a bar of soap in his life) to become an architech, but little else has occured.

Got a magma smelter up, found for aluminum, and pretty much set up as well as I could.

Disaster has struck, one of our carpenters has bled to death! And the attacker remains a mystery! What could possibly have caused such a terrible occurence!? Wait. This Alligator. It's injured. Could it be? Yes, it is. They will pay.

Luckily, we have caught one in one of our traps as well!

And now our dumb as fuck "Militia Commander" with his epic wrestling skills has tried to eke out our revenge. Needless to say, he found this no small animal to be dissected and perished. Violently. No great loss however, and perhaps this will placate the great lizards until a later date.

Another round of useless fucking immigrants arrives.

We've struck gold, always fun, and got it through a huge vein of hematite. A dog has also been slain by the great alligator Arzesinstol who has claimed many brave souls.

Despite my specific orders to the contrary, yet another one of our draftees has been slain, this one a stupid milker. He chased the foul worm Arzesinstol far from our fortress, with me ordering to move back to the entrance the whole time. The fool...

The Caravan from home has just arrived, it'll be winter soon.

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First of all, I kind of took one screenshot of the fort:


And then forgot to take them for a long time.

Anyway, I shall continue with my epic tale:

Traders arrived, and I pawned some aluminum and a couple tables off on them for some bronze and iron bars, not that we really needed them. I mostly just requested that they bring as much steel and flux next time as they could. We may need it. We have followed the vein of hematite and gold and are still going, and we've now struck what seems to be a rather profitable vein of native copper. Unfortunately I am finding that our floor space is expanding only slightly more rapidly than the objects covering it.

Also, as unremarkable as it may be, it seems a tribe of snailmen live in this area, as they tend to migrate across our fortress area every once in a while. I've set our Furnace Operator to start smelting Electrum from some of our native gold and our Galena ore. Hopefully this will let us turn a tidy profit, especially if we can get one of those damned craftsdwarfs to make something with all sorts of tiny fiddly bits out of it. Which reminds me, we should be due for another round of filthy immigrants sometime soon! Hopefully one of them is a craftsdwarf!

I've been watching those snail men, and now these slug men. They must be plotting something. Why else would they be wandering about MY land like that? I see them twisting their eye stalks this way. They're hiding something.

This cannot stand. The safety of all is at hand. I will whipe this menace from the face of the world.

Success! The brave peasant Wrestler has vanquished the skulking slugman spy! The pathetic coward did not stand a chance against true dwarven military might! (finally remembered to start taking screenshots again!)


Another one!


The vile monster attempted to flee from our incredible military force, however it was not meant to be. He was crushed under the mighty fist of Dwarven Imperialism! Haha! These pathetic creatures do not deserve life! We must whipe them all out!

If you cut them, they do not bleed!


Curses! His armored breathren must have caught wind of our activities, they seem to be marching on us now!


We have slain one of the filthy shelled invaders, and the rest are retreating! A great threat has been overcome today, yet I fear this is just the beginning of an endless battle...


Our mining continues, and I have tasked one of our dwarves to begin creating woodcrafts to use some of the truly prodigal amounts of wood our "Expedition Leader" has cut.


So much gold, so little time!


The snailmen have, in their infinite cowardice, hired a theif to try to thwart us! We shall not let this transgression go unpunished!

The theif escaped, but he will not be so lucky next time!

I've ordered the dwarves to conduct some more tunneling, but as it turns to spring I find myself growing tired. This leadership is far more difficult than it first appears!

Uploading save now.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here it is: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6CH311A3

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Since Revan, by inviting me, has agreed to take me under his personal wing and the point seems to be to blow the fortress up, I'm volunteering to take a shift in this. I've finally gotten a handle on the game.

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I woke up, first day of the year to find this grotty old rag taped to my forehead.


Great, fucking fantastic, after just one year Revan quit and I'm forced too look after this dump. I hate that guy.

well, let's see what that bastard left for me.


You see all that goddamn red stuff on the floor? Mud, it's all mud, and we; creatures of stone are forced to live in this filth. Things are going to be different around here.

The second layer of significance:


Nothing of interest here really, just a stone mine.

Third layer:


and that's it, that's all there is!

Just to re-cap, In 365 days, all ZXValaRevan did was force us to live in absolute filth, make us work tirelessly making things for little gain and mining some bizarre tunnels! better yet, some joker named Balcerzak came in claiming he quite literally owned the place, I think I even heard some sort of ape screaming up above, does this Dwarf's cruelty know no bounds?

This has to stop.


I'm going to sheriff his arse so hard he'll be able to feel bone under his but-cheecks.

I'll do a real update later today.

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I literally laughed my ass off at this, good job man.

Also, I fucking love floodgates, what can I say (I also made a bunch of statues!)? And we should have shittons of mechanims as well. :P One track mind.

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I reckon' I'm just about the most progressive dwarf I've ever heard of, reformations every week, storage, housing and god knows what else, none of these shmucks have anything on me.

A bed under every dwarf, work in every shaft. That's what I told them anyway, seemed to get most of the buggers on my side, some of them are still loyal to that Revan though, bloody idiots, all of them.

Beginnings of a housing complex


A meeting hall under progress


I finally got enough courage in my head and mud off my shoes to order the traitor imprisoned, there was unrest sure, but that's why I am the overseer, not them. most of them couldn't point to their big toe, let alone manage a colony.



That scumbag wants to live in sludge? then let him. The blue arrow in the room itself is his water trough, a lake to the north keeps it full. The hole you see on the roof is for throwing food down when the Revan gets hungry.

More stuff actually get's done other than this, I'm just going on highlights.

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Excerpt from the journal of ZXValaRevan:

The vile snailmen have infiltrated the fortress. They have poisoned the mind of our leader Iced, and he has imprisoned me for daring to act against them. I fear there is not much time left. I sincerely hope that my filthy comrades manage to overcome this terible menace.

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Sorry Guys, A bunch of stuff happened (like school starting, bah Yr11) and I've been slow to play this, then the game crashed on me near the end of the year and I lost nearly all of it except for what I posted, destroying pretty much all my motivation. if it's alright could Haru or Integ take this turn? I can't guarantee I'll finish mine any time soon, I'm happy to take a turn later when I'm not so busy and will edit my posts.

If it's not possible I'll try to get it done in a couple of days

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Sorry Guys, A bunch of stuff happened (like school starting, bah Yr11) and I've been slow to play this, then the game crashed on me near the end of the year and I lost nearly all of it except for what I posted, destroying pretty much all my motivation. if it's alright could Haru or Integ take this turn? I can't guarantee I'll finish mine any time soon, I'm happy to take a turn later when I'm not so busy and will edit my posts.

If it's not possible I'll try to get it done in a couple of days

As long as you don't take more than, say... a week from this post, I'm fine.

Edited by Shu Shirakawa
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I was going to do this all tonight, but I'm kind of tired, and just finished watching Moon (awesome movie by the way) so, I'll post what I've written up and finish it all tomorrow. I promise. I've only got about a month till year end.

27th - midspring

I finally feel like I'm getting the respect I deserve around here, before they used to walk right past me, now everyone runs and hides as I strut down the redundant corridors, Cowards all of them, but cowards who know there place, and as long as they don't forget it, I everyone can live in luxury!

Speaking of luxury, the dining halls and bedrooms were finished lately.


All food stocks have been moved into the hall, it's amazing that everything diden't go rotten, it being left outside by a maniac and all.

2nd - latespring

A had a revelation today while admiring a beautiful artwork by the only one capable of something of it's calibre. Me.


Revan! He must be a spy! Elven? Goblin? Merpeople? who knows. what's important is that I locked the beast up when I did, he is no more dwarf than the inch think mud adorning my boots.

14th - latespring

lying in bed... I can......I hear scratching......digging.....yelling? trying to escape........ yelling for me? scratching... scratching in my head...... MAKE IT STOP!

I..I could kill him...couldn't I? just one strike.....that's....that's all it would take......NO, I can't...I'd have a revolt on my hands......but....but he can't be let out.....he can never be let out.

15th - latespring

There all looking at me aren't they? I know they are, but I don't care, this is for the good of all of them, all of Dwarves kind. I need to protect myself, precautions need to be made.


None of them will listen to me, none of them understand my fear, none of them think it's necessary to use the alligator as a gaol guard, none of them know the truth.


23rd - latespring

Elves were spotted on the horizon today, Urist assures me that they are just here to trade, HE IS WRONG! no elf wants to trade, elves just want to hug trees and stab us with the pointy branches. I told him not to worry, I've a plan.


24th - late spring

It worked! It work beautifully! everyone rushed from the undergrowth and sent the Elves running for their trees. they even left all their goods behind!


I'm filthy rich and the food stocks have never been fuller, if only I could enjoy it without having my mind wander to the daemon in the muddy room.


(the food)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I lied


A horrifying moan came from outside today, I'd love to think it was one of the beasts the elves owned that everyone forgot about, but I know, I know better.

The holding cell is horribly inadequate for such a notorious villain, work is begun on a maximum security containment facility. none of the other know of my plan, none of them need to know.


Zum started acting strangely today, maybe at least one of the fools had come to their senses, an ally perhaps? Armok knows I need one.


It was unfortunately not to be however, genius and madness are in the end two sides of the same coin, and Zum seems to have flipped his a few too many times, he ran around the fort waving a stick in everyone's faces today, claiming it was the most important item Dwarven kind has ever produced. just looks like a shitty stick to me.


Some merchants arrived earlier today, although the trap has been set up (cutting away the 3 entrance patches will cause the whole thing to drop into a possibly alligator filled hole) it was never intended to be used on our brethren, I shall have to restrain myself.

We arranged for some steel in exchange for some useless crafts made during Revan's reign, I MAY have traded away our artefact though (I'm honestly not sure)

Progress on the Prison complex is going to plan, there have been some (small) hicups in the plumbing which resulted in someone drowning in the tunnels (we almost lost another dwarf, her child and a dog too), but hey the only person drinking that water will be revan, he deserves nothing less! People started questioning my rule recently, I tried to tell them "one step backwards five steps forward" but the fools just don't listen. I was forced to form the Temple Guard far sooner than I'd desired, consisting of myself and four others, we will keep peace for now, but our primary role is to keep the evil ones at bay.




He appears to have taken his chances in the water tunnels when the pressure dipped, thanks to a blunder by one of my incompliant minions, building a tunnel connecting it with the gaol pipes.


ARRRG! Production has been halted for no more than a week already! at least we managed to re-capture the dark one. but how can one party last for over a week!



Located deep underground, the only entrance in a passage at the back of my office, the facility features nothing less than a fully sustained living environment for the guards, surrounded by 14000 gallons of pure molten rock that can be unleased with the flick of a switch and one of the only places in all of Dravendom to have plumbing. Rumours (that I started myself, don't tell anyone) say that it is in-escapable, even by daemons of the underworld. Finally I might be able to rest easy.

There has been a tragedy! after torrential rains in recent days and failure to implement a water management system in time the reservoir's have overflowed causing massive flooding in the most important room in the fort the prison!


The guards only noticed when the prisoner started banging on his door and making a gurgling sound. this couldn't come at worse time! there is no way this will all get cleaned up by the time spring arrives. must hurry....hurry.

all....all is lost...


The fiend is free roaming the fort, the cleanup is still going and I....I've failed......

at least, at least the fools are happy.


(the brighter the colour the happier.)

SAVE: http://www.mediafire.com/?9z32vlw7ctkj024

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