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What did you think it meant?

Why is your username Makaze?

Years ago, I was browsing a Japanese dictionary and looked up words for 'devil' and/or 'evil spirit'. I found ma. I had a clever idea and combined it with with the word for wind, kaze, to form a word that meant 'an ill-favoured wind' or 'the storm sent by the devil'. It was an actual word. It was my first successful conjugation of the language and my first portmanteau in any language.

I looked it up because I thought it would be a cool word. When I found out that it was a real word, I realized that it was also the direct opposite of kamikaze. Kamikaze means 'a divine wind' or 'the storm sent by god'. It is commonly associated with suicide and nationalism due to being the nickname given to suicide bombers in the Japanese air forces.

If kamikaze represents the deity, self-sacrifice, and loyalty, then makaze represents the accuser, self-fulfillment and independence.

I loved it.

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Portal, if that counts.

Makaze can also mean a lot of other things. I'm very fond of it.

What would you do for free time without video games or the internet?

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Glad to see you back Garland.

So out of curiousity, has your stance on My Little Pony changed much from the last time I asked you in this thread?

As for Makaze's question: I don't own a fedora. I'd probably be more of a mask wearer than a hat wearer anyways (though having a mask and glasses on is quite hard), since I'm kind of vain about always keeping my hair visible and not covered (a weird trait of mine, especially since it's not like most girls find my hair attractive, from what I know anways).

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What is your favourite Western world book?

What's your favorite thing about portal?

The puzzles and atmosphere are amazing. Easily one of the most engaging games ever.

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What's the most ridiculous thing you remember anyone doing in your junior high/high school?

Are you looking forward to Mario Kart 8?

Toadally (yeah, cheesy Mario pun). I even pre-ordered the game over 3 months before its release date. It was a long shot childhood wish of mine that the 7 koopalings would be playable in a Mario Kart game, and it actually came true so I'm really looking forward to that. Plus, with the anti-gravity, underwater, and gliding sections all in one game, it's going to make for some really dynamic and crazy races.

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What, for you, was the road less traveled in becoming the person you are? (If it's too personal, then skip it)

What is your favourite Western world book?

The west kind of bores me, so none... or none that I recall, at any rate

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Same question.

What, for you, was the road less traveled in becoming the person you are? (If it's too personal, then skip it)

The west kind of bores me, so none... or none that I recall, at any rate

Reason over tradition.

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preferring a logical perspective on things rather an emotional one... I'm rather known and hated in my family for my analytical side

Would you most prefer to travel the world by air, land, or sea?

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Air, I want to look down on the world from above, even at the risk of missing the truly beautiful sights

What's one thing you would do, that you were able to in the past, but can't in the present? For example, previously, in japan people could carry swords on their person without being stopped by authorities... for example

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I used to be able to read people. I would love to be able to do that again.

If you could bring back one object you have lost, what would it be?

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I can't think of anything, nothing I lost in my life has made enough of an impact to want it back, assuming I didn't already get it back or had means to

I'm trying to think of something that was like a part of me... but I can't...

How about you?

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Damn, I was trying to avoid the answer, money so hard...... That's what I was gonna say >_<"

My lack of desire, despite having an idea of what I want.


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So what have you been up to lately? Work/finished the college/university school year/etc?

My teacher threatened to throw me out the window if I interrupted her again.

Scary day.


Yeesh. That's really excessive.

Well, it may not count since I did it myself, but my friend and I did a fish swordfight (where we actually used storebought frozen fish, though at the time they were defrosted) in drama with the fishes falling apart as we smacked them into each other. After I "won" the fish swordfight, I bit off part of the fish and spit it out so I'd look tough after my victory (though that probably came off as really gross, more than anything).

For things I didn't do personally but was still around to see, there was this one kid who wanted to play rock tag, so he picked up a huge rock (at least as big as 2 fists put together) and threw it at this poor kid who had his foot crushed and needed to go to the hospital (I helped walk him to the office since his foot was in really bad shape after that). He was in crutches for 1 or 2 weeks. Needless to say, the other kid got suspended.

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