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What first got you into Kara no Kyoukai?

I'd try to stick to disabling/pushing them back only as much as possible if I had someone try to attack me. If things get too bad, I'd probably resort to cracking the enemy's leg bones with their own blood at high pressure. I know it's cruel, but it's a lot better than killing them outright and at least they won't die. And it'd stop them from chasing after me.

I hope this doesn't seem too lazy, but I'm really interested in hearing your answer to that question as well.

To be honest, I kind of wanted that question too...

It would really depend on the target... I'd prefer not to have my enemies come back after I've defeated them, so I'd either kill them outright by a bodily implosion or at least do a "mercy killing" and destroy their heart or brain... now as for the people I hate... I won't indulge any sadism, but...... slow and painful might be a good synonym.

But, if I didn't have any ill will towards my opponent, it'd just cut their blood circulation long enough to not cause lasting damage and for them to realize I could end them without effort...

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If you were going to lose one of the five senses, what would you choose to lose?

What is the best meal/food you've ever cooked?

Home made pizza. Orgasmic.

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Off the top of your head, how many members would you want to ban from SF if you could do so without any conditions besides your desire to ban them?

What is the most enlightening piece of criticism you have been given?

I can't remember. Calming down is one of the more common things people personally tell me, though.

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Your question to Soledai back at you.

Um... Smell?

I'm not too sure though, I rely on my nose sometimes... what about yourself?


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Are there any forums that you used to be quite active on, but you left? If so, what was your reason for leaving?

Your question to Soledai back at you.

Hmm... Maybe 2-4 SF members off the top of my head. I don't feel like particularly banning any of them at this moment, but that urge pops up every now and then.

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How would you describe My Little Pony to someone who knows nothing about it, and the reasons for why you like it?

What first got you into Kara no Kyoukai?

At the time, I was heavily relying on recommendations from friends for what to watch. I finally decided to try to find stuff on my own. after some searching around I found information on Kara No Kyokai and it seemed like the perfect show for me (and it was). Plus, It gave me something to recommend to my friends.

Edited by n00srac
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Randoman's question for me to you...

v-That one-v

Off the top of your head, how many members would you want to ban from SF if you could do so without any conditions besides your desire to ban them?

Off the top of my-- 1... If I had some thought about it, maybe 2~3... maybe

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Are there any SF members you want to be friends with that you aren't, or closer friends with?

How would you describe My Little Pony to someone who knows nothing about it, and the reasons for why you like it?

It's a TV show about ponies doing various things: ranging from defeating evil villains to attempting to make peace between ponies and buffalos (and failing, causing an apple pie war) to taking care of sick birds (and having them turn into piles of ash) to stopping out of control, greedy dragons that mutate the more greedy they get, among other things.

I like the show for its cuteness, its random and witty humour, and how suprisingly deep it gets at times.

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Are there any forums that you used to be quite active on, but you left? If so, what was your reason for leaving?

Many... Some died. Others banned me...

If you could reverse one decision in your life, what would it be and why?

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What one thing would you reverse, if you had the chance?

Are there any SF members you want to be friends with that you aren't, or closer friends with?

Yep, most of the people in this topic, to start... and people who play Dynasty and Samurai Warriors games... Well, that part is a joke, but it would be a bonus all the same... but yeah, as for getting closer to the friends I already have... maybe 2 of them(one of them is AWOL, though)

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If you had to debate a topic, what would you choose?

Off the top of your head, how many members would you want to ban from SF if you could do so without any conditions besides your desire to ban them?

I can't think of anyone I'd ban. I mean, I can think of one belligerent person, multiple rude people, and someone's post who just seems to want to muck things up. But because I don't know enough about them or all their posts, I wouldn't want to just cruelly ban them without a word.

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If you could reverse one thing in the world, or in your life, what would it be?

In my life: I can't think of anything.

In the past: Library of Alexandria.


Some things in my life... I wouldn't change the critical moments, just the events leading to them...

And maybe reverse the victor of Sekigahara, I'd like to a Japan under Mitsunari Ishida, maybe just for a day

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Is there anything (a video game, a board game, a hobby, etc.) that you've always wanted to find a worthy rival to fight/compete against that's around/above your skill level, but haven't been able to find one? (Eg: a skilled Street Fighter player, someone around your skill level in Chess, etc.)

If you could reverse one decision in your life, what would it be and why?

Since going back in time to change things tends to backfire a lot, I'd be really relucant to do so.

Though if I had to pick one event to undo, it'd have to be how cruelly I treated this one girl in elementary school just for trying to get close to me. I don't know whether she did it because she liked me or because she pitied me for not having many friends, but either way treating her harshly in response to her kindness was completely unfair, even if I was awkwarded out by her niceness and even if I did have a former friend in elementary backstab me and I was afraid of that happening over again.

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What is one thing you wish you had growing up?

If you had to debate a topic, what would you choose?


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What is your favorite board game/card game?

If you could reverse one thing in the world, or in your life, what would it be?

This is tough, anything I change in history could have extreme repercussions and there would have to be a lot of thinking to choose the right one. For my personal life I'd probably take my late cat into to the vet a lot sooner than I did.

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Preferred non-electronic means of entertainment?

Is there anything (a video game, a board game, a hobby, etc.) that you've always wanted to find a worthy rival to fight/compete against that's around/above your skill level, but haven't been able to find one? (Eg: a skilled Street Fighter player, someone around your skill level in Chess, etc.)

Hah, yeah... I sometimes wonder, how my interests in things would be if I had a rival... though to be honest, I would want a rival in battle...(though, there's no reason to fight)

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Odd one here... Coats or jackets?

What is something you want to do, but currently can't?

Spend money, have a job, things of that nature...

Or... Embark on a conquest to conquer the land...

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What is your favorite accessory? (hats, jewelry, whatever)

As for Makaze's question, I do so enjoy Magic: The Gathering. Too bad it requires money.

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In an army formation or in a battle, where would your position be? (Intelligence, Front line, rear guard, etc..)

If you could be any animal, what would you want to be?

A Eagle or a Hawk

I have a childish dream of wanting to fly above the clouds with powerful wings...

Aside from my childhood dreams here, a Lion or a Dragon... they maybe typical, but I love them, they're majestic and the most powerful of their kind

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