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Yes... In my case, I've had dreams of places before going there... So I knew where everything was the first time.

If you could live anywhere other than where you do, where would you go?

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What order do you like the mane six in, from most favourite to least favourite?

What metaphor best describes you?

I can't really think of any common metaphors to describe myself with, but "as paranoid as Pico" (from F-Zero) would probably describe me well. (specifically episode 15 of the F-Zero anime where he thinks everything Tanaka does is because he knows that Pico is trying to find and kill him, to the point that he's scared witless at his presence most of the time).

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Do you believe that there is another dimension beyond a black hole? (for clarity, I don't)

Yes... In my case, I've had dreams of places before going there... So I knew where everything was the first time.

If you could live anywhere other than where you do, where would you go?

A quiet corner of the world or in Japan...

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Where'd the theory that a black hole compresses matter come from? (sorry for the space questions I remembered a conversation I had with something of an idiot)

I can't choose just one... argh... at the moment, Yukimura Sanada(Sengoku Musou), being both my favorite game character and historical figure.

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Twin Battle System, Super Robot Taisen OGs (dangerously similar to Awakening's pair-up)

Spirit Charge & Godspeed, Sengoku Musou 3 & 4 respectively(Spirit Charge is like the bare-bones Godspeed, except that it breaks guard)

I'm trying to think of some from rpgs, but I liked this question, what about yours?

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If you like SRW, then what is your favorite mecha series?

How would you describe yourself, personality wise?

I'm pretty bland most of the time.

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I'm trying to think of some from rpgs, but I liked this question, what about yours?

Accurate weather conditions, with effects on movement, music and general atmosphere.

What is your sin of the seven and why?

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Pride, I can't stand losing(not limited to games) at something I know I'm good at, and I also hate not getting the things I feel I rightfully deserve.

In smaller cases it'd be Envy

Yours and why? (Haven't you been asked this before though?)

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Default answer: Ore wa Gundam! seriously, Gundam

Do you play SRW?

Nope. The only mecha series I'm familiar with is Gurren Lagann, and they're only in one of the games, I think.

What is your sig from?

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Would you play SRW if you had the chance?

Also, AFAIK, Gurren Lagann is in 3 of them; Z2, Z2.2 & Z3

Yep. Also pride, or greed. I have trouble accepting that I have limits and I want everything.

Favourite mythical deity and why?

Susanoo, He's the first myth I learned about... My favorite sword is the Kusanagi, so I went and learned about Susanoo, I DO like strong winds and storms... It was kind of hard to pick just one though


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Rainbow Dash / Fluttershy > Pinkie Pie > Rarity > Twilight Sparkle > Applejack

What got you into MLP?

My younger siblings were into it quite a bit, I decided to join them in on a few episodes (the Diamond Dogs, Fluttershy being a supermodel, and the pony and buffalo apple pie war), and I was hooked from that point forward.

I never thought Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie would be that high among your favourites. What are your favourite things about those two ponies?

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Oh whoops I never did respond to this.

Which of the "mane six" do you like the best, appearance wise? (an image of them is in the spoiler)


...do I REALLY have to do this lol? TBH I don't really care, but if I were forced to choose, I'd probably choose Flutteryshh because Fluttershed from the Pony.mov vids makes me snicker.

Hmm, so... because I'm playing Kirby, I suppose... If you were a Kirby clone or something and could only pick one of his copy abilities, which one would it be? (no Smash Kirby or special weapons like Star Rod, Rainbow Sword, etc. etc.)

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Why Blazing Sword?

I never thought Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie would be that high among your favourites. What are your favourite things about those two ponies?

Fluttershy is adorable and Pinkie Pie makes me laugh.

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Oh I dunno, probably because it was my first Fire Emblem (and thus one of the first games that I played the same way I devoured books at that age, and which taught me that politics in fiction could be interesting), I really like the characters from it as well as the GBA sprites. It's probably mostly sentimentality, though I also do kinda like the map design, story, and difficulty even though they're not really the best / most balanced among the series. (sprites and map design of course applies to most of the gba games, but 7 is the only one that I owned for the longest time, and I was never as into 8's story and characters though they're also good.)

Likewise (because I'm lazy and/or bad at thinking of these), why Sacred Stones?

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Similar to yours. Sacred Stones was my first game.

But the more I play each of them, the more I enjoy Sacred Stones. I just love everything about it from the colors and music to the characters and class system.

Why that username?

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Yeah I totally respect SS's classes and characters and whatnot. I liked the free-roaming map at first, but the more I think about it the more I think a more linear approach is the way to go in games like these. Although Awakening's map might just have ruined it for me lol.

Ah, my name? That's a good one... heh...

Because that was a good question and certainly for no other reason, I'm going to steal it. o3o name? Well it means 'guardian dragon', and it's a name I came up with for some dragon character who's old and retired now, and I liked it so I decided to use it for myself. I used to think fits me better than it probably actually does in the 'guardian' department (a while ago I took some kind of online psychology quiz that labeled me the 'guardian' type of personality), but dragons are like my favorite thing, so obviously that was an appealing aspect of the name. I just like the look and sound of it, too.

And caps because it looks good in caps.

Because that was a good question and certainly for no other reason, I think I'll steal it. o3o Likewise?

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Years ago, I was browsing a Japanese dictionary and looked up words for 'devil' and/or 'evil spirit'. I found ma. I had a clever idea and combined it with with the word for wind, kaze, to form a word that meant 'an ill-favoured wind' or 'the storm sent by the devil'. It was an actual word. It was my first successful conjugation of the language and my first portmanteau in any language.

I looked it up because I thought it would be a cool word. When I found out that it was a real word, I realized that it was also the direct opposite of kamikaze. Kamikaze means 'a divine wind' or 'the storm sent by god'. It is commonly associated with suicide and nationalism due to being the nickname given to suicide bombers in the Japanese air forces.

If kamikaze represents the deity, self-sacrifice, and loyalty, then makaze represents the accuser, self-fulfillment and independence.

I loved it.

Favourite member on this forum other than yourself and why?

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