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Same with me. I am a man of science, so I value the ability to comprehend complex topics highly. Although I'd have to disagree about it providing groundwork. Physical intellience is unrelated, natural as well (being a fan of nature and being able to interact with animals and all). Musical intelligence as well, and so on. Intrapersonal intelligence is related to logical though.

What is your outlook on technology's progression?

Fair enough.

Technology has progressed as far as it has on the backs of a handful of un-charismatic, un-materialistic visionaries. It will continue to do so. We could be so much farther along than we are if people were willing to contribute to advancement for advancement's sake rather than capital expansion. See: Nikola Tesla. I think a post-capitalist world is inevitable, but they won't stop fighting it.

What invention do you most look forward to?

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Fair enough.

Technology has progressed as far as it has on the backs of a handful of un-charismatic, un-materialistic visionaries. It will continue to do so. We could be so much farther along than we are if people were willing to contribute to advancement for advancement's sake rather than capital expansion. See: Nikola Tesla. I think a post-capitalist world is inevitable, but they won't stop fighting it.

What invention do you most look forward to?

If we take multiple-world-theory as true, then, as generic as it sounds, I'd have to say time machine. If multiple-world-theory is indeed true, paradoxes would be avoided, so the world wouldn't just crumble. And a time machine would have two positive implications:

1. Physical comprehension has become advanced enough to create time machines, meaning science is at its peak. This, admittedly, holds true for every sci-fi invention that would be realized

2. I could warp to any year I wanted, and either change the fate of the world, or rather, change some major outcomes. Such should be possible if I study the year I travel to enough, not to mention how the time travel machine would give me a certain status in said world, as long as I don't go to the medieval ages.

Or, I could simply win the lottery, which would be a common action in that case

As such, time travel machines are actually really selfish inventions, due to which I consider one to be the best for the person who uses it, not for the world as a whole.

If I were to answer what I look forward to the most regarding truly beneficial inventions, I'd have to say a robot with thinking capabilities of a human. Politicians are often corrupted, by replacing those by a "fair" robot with the adapting capability of humans, said problem should theoretically be solved.


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Portals, hands down. Transportation is the single greatest barrier to universal success in the world. Being able to travel instantaneously would be amazing.

What invention are you most afraid of?

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Portals, hands down. Transportation is the single greatest barrier to universal success in the world. Being able to travel instantaneously would be amazing.

What invention are you most afraid of?

Tbh, there is not much I'm afraid of, considering I'm a supporter of technology.

The only thing I can think of would be an artificial virus or something the like. Such a virus could possibly endanger the whole world population, and would be almost impossible to control. And yes, they exist already, but the further science researchs them, the more dangerous will they become

Would you like to live eternally?

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Would you like to live eternally?

No. On a long enough time frame, everything evens out to repetition and meaninglessness. One becomes unable to enjoy living, or even the memories of living.


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  • 3 weeks later...

No. On a long enough time frame, everything evens out to repetition and meaninglessness. One becomes unable to enjoy living, or even the memories of living.


I'm constantly changing opinion on it. Is it really true that eternal life equals eternal boredom? Literature is not dead yet. There are still gems being produced out there, and as long as there are, life would still be interesting for someone who enjoys books like me. Also, we have to factor in that if I were immortal, other beings are likely to be too, as there is no reason to asume I'm an exveption. And with a beloved person eternity might just be long enough.

If it is about activities, there are plenty in existence, plenty that are yet to be developed.

Ultimately however I wouldn't like to be immortal, despite all I just said. That is due to humanity not really understanding the concept of infinity, and since no one can truly and perfectly immagine it, trying to be immortal is just too risky. All we can do is think in time frames, so going beyond that is almost wrong, a goal that should remain a goal.

Which one would be your favorite Mario game?

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  • 4 months later...

So how's SF treating you nowadays? I hope people are treating you a lot nicer than before, especially since they should know now you're a nice guy overall.

Which one would be your favorite Mario game?

New Super Mario Bros. U. I've dreamed of playing a Mario sidescroller co-op, and while New Super Mario Bros. Wii technically fulfilled that dream first, New Super Mario Bros. U brought it to a new hectic, challenging, and dynamic level.

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No offence, but when calling yourself an awkward man on what ways could what you do be considered awkward?

You're a pretty nice and chill guy from what i've seen around SF

Nowadays, the "I AM AN AWKWARD MAN" in my profile is just an old meme I invented and tried to promote and bring to mainstream status, but it didn't go too well. The meme originated from this clip (watch 1:30-4:29).

Well, I make weird threads like this every now and then. That, and back on Eyes on Final Fantasy Forums, I had tons of weird threads like "Worst Smelling Book You've Read", "Driving in a Mall", "Your Tongue Stuck on a Moving Bus", "Riding Down a Hill in a Shopping Cart", among others. I also tend to spout out really lewd things every now and then, sometimes right in front of the woman I'm looking at (and you can imagine how awkward that gets). I'm hardly awkward nowadays, though.

And thanks. I try really hard to be nice and calm-minded, since the internet and world need people like that now more than ever. That, and it kind of eats up your conscience and peace of mind if you aren't like that.

So, real life wise, what have you been up to? (Eg: work, school, gaming, etc.)

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I just got back to college classes and i'm a bit stressed

Mostly coming from pressures from my family wanting me to take on certain choice that, i don't think i really want to do

but they already have like a plan set for me, but i don't think i'm up for it...

And with how bad i did last semester i kind of screwed myself this current semester, and i need a lot of assistance to not screw myself up further

but how i can potentially get help might ruin what my family wants from me and i'm just stressed to all hell...

but eh, thanks for the opportunity for me to vent

Why decide to theme Takamaru?

and whats that bottom image of him from?

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So how's SF treating you nowadays? I hope people are treating you a lot nicer than before, especially since they should know now you're a nice guy overall.

Overall a lot better, even though I deserved the hate I got.

Favorite video game franchise?

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So who would you consider to be your best friends on SF?

but eh, thanks for the opportunity for me to vent

Why decide to theme Takamaru?

and whats that bottom image of him from?

No problem. I'm glad to have been of help. Also, working with your fellow college classmates (whether it's for test/exam studying or assignments) is a really useful tactic for doing well in college. I know it personally helped me a lot in university and college.

Well, of all the retro characters Nintendo has, Takamaru is definitely one of the coolest, being a samurai and using shurikens and traditional Japanese weapons. I figured he deserves a lot more love and exposure, and using a sig and avatar of him would be the best way to do it. The bottom artwork of Takamaru is from Captain Rainbow, which is a game about Nintendo's obscure and forgotten characters living on an island but having big dreams for themeselves they want fulfilled.
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I really like using them idk why but i feel this wierd bit of satisfaction from them whenever i use them also some of my favorite characters are archers like virion, rolf, shinnon, rebecca and gordon

Whats your favorite fire emblem unit class?

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Armor knights

Especially in fe4 and 10 where they can have different varieties

I like having this giant wall that can take lots of hits with ease. Although mages do tend to destroy them i never experienced a case where my knight didnt at least have a fighting chance, unless its a boss.

Favorite armor knights are gatrie, brom , meg, roger and draug

Whats your least favorite class?

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