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Why did you choose that avatar?

I saw it on the DC Super Dictionary Tumblr and thought it was epically funny, so I decided to use it as an avatar.

My question to above poster: What were your favourite TV shows growing up?

Edited by Randoman
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Eirika or Ephraim?

@Randoman: That's hard to answer but I loved to watch this anime called Nadja Applefield when I was younger.

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Eirika or Ephraim?

@Randoman: That's hard to answer but I loved to watch this anime called Nadja Applefield when I was younger.

(my question response is my question to the above poster, by the way)

You watched uncommon anime shows as a kid? Neat. Usually most people I know grew up on YTV, Treehouse, Fox, and such and those (not Treehouse) only showed the most popular anime shows and never delved into lesser known anime series that needed more spotlight.

Are you getting Birthright or Conquest?

Birthright, if I had to choose just one.

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What phobias do you have to this day/did you have as a kid?

Apart from Dillion's rolling western, what's your fave video game?

There's too many to list. I mostly like Nintendo game series like Mario, Smash Bros., Donkey Kong, and Kirby. Non-Nintendo series I like include Final Fantasy, Bomberman, and Dragon Quest.

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Favourite city?

@I have Acrophobia (Heights), Stage Fright (which I think is called Glossophobia), a fear of needles and Cynophobia (a fear of dogs). I used to have a fear of showers (which is probably the stupidest thing ever) but I managed to defeat that fear.

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Do you consider a fear of dolls/puppets/marionettes/ventriloquist dummies to be weird? (was inspired to ask after hearing your answer to my previous question)

Some unpopular opinions about Fire Emblem?

FE8 and 11 getting much more flak than they deserve comes to mind. Also, Marth is hardly as bland as people always claim he is. I mean, he loses his cool the most of all the lords and he gets flustered so often and he's the lord that gets most hurt having to choose between sentiment and duty.

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Least favourite FE Lord?

@Randoman- Not really. I mean, some dolls can look absolutely terrifying to those who have the phobia. (I'm not scared of dolls btw.)

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What do you like about New York City?

@SZ- Urgh... That's a hard one. I have favourites, but not a favourite. My favourites are probably Ike (I'm watching a Path of Radiance LP, and Ike is pretty darn awesome), Ephraim, Erikia and Lucina (I've played Sacred Stones and Awakening, and I really like those characters)

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What do you hope to work as after your university/college education?

Least favourite FE Lord?

Lucina, by a long shot. I'll spoiler my reasons since I'm not sure if you want to hear me bash on her or not.

I find the concept of her and her heavy promotion as dumb as making a female Mario and promoting that heavily instead of the real Mario. Besides that, she's insanely rude and pompous (especially in her Smash win quote against Marth and Ike, and none of the other FE characters are as rude in their lines except for female Robin saying Lucina can't protect Chrom if she can't protect herself, and that one rude line from Robin compared to multiple for Lucina), for someone Lucina supposedly admires, she sure insults Marth a lot (not only in her Smash quotes, but in her support with Tiki calling him a tyrant and being really cold and harsh while posing as "Marth" when in actuality, Marth was very compassionate and even compromised his royal duties in order to help others), her fanbase's claims are really annoying and grating, especially the ones that claim that Smash is proof that Lucina is more important than Chrom or the ones that said Lucina should replace Marth in SSB4 (the only other lord who had praise as grating as that is Sigurd and that has died down in the past 3 years), her flaws and weaknesses personality wise don't show up in the story as strongly as Marth's, Alm's, Eirika's, or Leif's and she comes off as bland as a result, looks-wise, and she's really bland and I find tons of female FE characters to be more attractive personality and looks wise over her.

Sigurd was definitely my #1 least favourite before Lucina existed. He was really bland and I can hardly even recall anywhere in the script where he showed weakness or doubt. The fact that it was also love at first sight (I mean that alone is one thing, but they rushed it so much even considering it's love at first sight) for Dierdre just made him seem so unbelievable and so hard to even see as human and he just bored me as much as FE4's dragged out large maps bored me. I don't even see how I was supposed to feel bad when he died when he wasn't relatable or didn't give me any incentive to care for him since I didn't even have the chance to think "wow, that's bad. I can definitely relate to that pain" since Sigurd showed little to no pain, and even practically completely dismissed Dierdre being kidnapped and disappearing, only saying one or two lines about it, then going on with the mission.

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How many FEs have you played? (Also- are you new? If so, Welcome!)

@gabethegreen- 2. Sacred Stones and Awakening. I will be getting Fates next year, so that will be 3 FE games. I'm also watching Olizandri's LP of Path of Radiance, but that doesn't count.

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hmm, I have only played awakening and shadow dragon. Can't really say which one is better. I would originally go with awakening but I think that had alot to do with the character convos in there, so then i.....

you know what? let's just say I'm undecided. that's why i don't put anything there.

how did you came up with your name?

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Bardock is one of my favorite characters from DBZ and SS stands for Super Saiyan, and 84 is my favorite number. So just put it all together and you get SSbardock84, had this name since like 2011 for YouTube.

Did you get Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and Fire Emblem Awakening the years they got released or later?

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Ah I getcha.

I like the storylines because I'm really into medieval stuff and I'm glad main characters have sword because I'm really into medieval swords as well. I also love the gameplay, strategy games are my favorites. I've been playing Fire Emblem games as long as I can remember and they'll never get old.

Are you looking forward to Fates and which side do you want to choose?

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