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Sugar's not even a Hero. She's a villain. Oh she hides behind her pearly white teeth but she's cold, ruthless and FUCKING INSANE. And she was an obnoxious bitch. All you have to do is watch the Randy boot episode. You'll realize that Randy being a dick was calculated and Sugar's much more evil than he could ever be. Just watch it.

No, I'm well aware. I've seen that episode a few times. Now when I think of that episode, though, I think of this:


On a more serious note, I also disliked Sugar. I didn't see any gameplay from her whatsoever, and most of her getting far was luck. Gabon in general irritated me, I remember wanting to stab Ken and Crystal for making it so far, GC was a pussy, and Marcus went home too early.

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Marcus turned into a bit of a douche in his boot episode. He deserved the boot for trying to take out Kenny and pitching that idea to Crystal. And Crystal/Kenny were amazing.

We should have everyone here rank the seasons from best to worst. And post reasons for each.

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That's the thing. Without Sugar, Gabon would have been fantastic. Onions, Kenny, Crystal, Matty, Bob and what I consider the second biggest robbing of a rightful winner (Susie). Only Fairplay got shafted harder.

EDIT: Jan, I can get you in touch with Yau-Man if you want. I have connections.

I'll let you know how the casting call goes first :awesome: I get to wait in line for >1minute on film to be awesome and catch someone's eye. But Rupert will be there! I hope I get to meet him.

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I'll let you know how the casting call goes first :awesome: I get to wait in line for >1minute on film to be awesome and catch someone's eye. But Rupert will be there! I hope I get to meet him.

Eww. Rupert. Fuck him.

No seriously, fuck him. You have no idea how happy I was when Fairplay blindsided him in PI.

Ask him how well Burton did at fishing in PI. If he says that Burton was shit, he's lying.

EDIT: Useful links for the Survivor junkie.

Funny 115 Version 1 (Season 1-11)

Funny 115 Version 2 (Season 12-20) - Currently at #29

Mario's Writing Archives (Includes both F115s, Mario's Experiences Essay up to Chapter 34, Survivor Hawaii and other stuff)

RTVZone.com's Round Table Discussion on Survivor: Redemption Island - Hosted by "Evel" Dick Donato, winner of Big Brother 8

Check those out, especially the Experiences With Survivor Essay and RTVZone.com. Those are both great.

DOUBLE EDIT: Jan, if you have a positive casting call (just be yourself and be interesting), I'll introduce you to Mario who will teach you how to rape Survivor. Seriously. He'll turn you into Brian Heidik if you want to win. Would you count as recruited or did you apply though?

Edited by Kitty Admiral
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Eww. Rupert. Fuck him.

No seriously, fuck him. You have no idea how happy I was when Fairplay blindsided him in PI.

Ask him how well Burton did at fishing in PI. If he says that Burton was shit, he's lying.

EDIT: Useful links for the Survivor junkie.

Funny 115 Version 1 (Season 1-11)

Funny 115 Version 2 (Season 12-20) - Currently at #29

Mario's Writing Archives (Includes both F115s, Mario's Experiences Essay up to Chapter 34, Survivor Hawaii and other stuff)

RTVZone.com's Round Table Discussion on Survivor: Redemption Island - Hosted by "Evel" Dick Donato, winner of Big Brother 8

Check those out, especially the Experiences With Survivor Essay and RTVZone.com. Those are both great.

DOUBLE EDIT: Jan, if you have a positive casting call (just be yourself and be interesting), I'll introduce you to Mario who will teach you how to rape Survivor. Seriously. He'll turn you into Brian Heidik if you want to win. Would you count as recruited or did you apply though?

I'd be applying, I think. I have a lot of survivor plans going on already... that's what I get for having a healthy interest in Psychology, which is all this game really is.

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I'd be applying, I think. I have a lot of survivor plans going on already... that's what I get for having a healthy interest in Psychology, which is all this game really is.

You might want to scrap those plans.

Yau-Man Chan

One example is that every season all viewers with strategic views think that we all want first boots to be weaker people to keep the tribe strong. But in reality that is the farthest thing in our minds. We barely know each other at the first couple of TC so how would we know whose good for the tribe? All we care is "anyone but me!" So the first boots are totally random and usually people we don't like - by whatever criteria - talks too much, complains too much, not friendly smile, etc etc , all of which have nothing to do with strategy. Now, after the fact when you talk to the players after seeing how it's edited, they will all try to confirm you bias that "Oh yes, we booted her out to make the tribe stronger!" In every case that I know, it's baloney because at that point of the game, no one is thinking that deeply and if you did, you'll probably be too neurotic to be selected on the show - ie you wouldn't have passed the psy test!!!

Yau-Man Chan

Basically the bottom line is don't take this too seriously and certainly don't try to analyses any of the moves - they are all meaningless except for "any one but me." Bob Rob's season was all set up from the get go. The only way to look at this show is to just enjoy the antics and make fun of it like Mario. After all, Survivor is the game invented by Nobel Laureate John Nash with his game theory for "Games with UnCooperative Players." ie games where there is no rules and we all play by our own rules! But in the short time we are together, how would we figure out what the other guy's rules are that he's playing with? So, in the end, it all random - chance wins! Look at the winners - look at Jeff Probst - after 10 years being the host, had he one single time predicted the winner? (except for the Boston Rob season) And he even has access to all psychology profile tests of all the contestants!

Good luck and play smart but be on your toes all the time. Remember, it's all a social game.

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We should have everyone here rank the seasons from best to worst. And post reasons for each.

I'm in.

1) Borneo

To this day I will say that the first season of Survivor is my favorite, and also the best. Not only did it spawn the birth of the series, but it also spawned the series' best and most deserving winner. Richard Hatch was the smartest winner, he knew how to manipulate people, and he played the game the best, in my opinion.

2) Outback

The second season followed up the first in a very stellar way. Similarly, it proved that nice guys don't always (but sometimes do) finish last. Jerri Manthey also set the tone for the Black Widow/Femme Fatale archetype that would influence so many.

3) Micronesia

Everything about this season was amazing. Parvati single-handedly reviving the Black Widow archetype, Amanda's Oscar-worthy performance, Natalie convincing Erik to give her the necklace, this season probably had some of Survivor's smartest (and dumbest) moments. It birthed Parvati as one of the smartest people to have played the game, and set her up for an almost immediate run in HVV. My one concern was that I predicted a "Favorite" would win from the outset, and I was right. I didn't expect the "Fans" to get as far as they did in some cases, but to see three in the top six, I applaud them.

4) All-Stars

Call me a sucker but this season holds a special place in my heart, gogo Romber~

Rob and Amber aside this was a good season that was a healthy mix of people from seasons past. The one thing I hated about this was the mentality of voting out past winners, because I think otherwise Richard Hatch would have gone a bit farther. Otherwise I did enjoy this season a lot.

5) Pearl Islands

Not too much I have to say about this season, it certainly had a dynamic cast. The "Outcasts" thing was a bit of bullshit, but it did give us more of Burton Roberts, which I did enjoy because he was entertaining. Lillian irritated me a lot, I'm surprised she managed to scrape by with one vote. Not saying Sandra was super-deserving, but she deserved it more. And Johnny Fairplay, in a nutshell, was certainly entertaining and devious. He was very disappointing in Micronesia, I was expecting more. that was a lot

6) Africa

Minus Lex's psychopathic rages, this was an interesting season, in my eyes. Not much else to say on the matter.

7) China

Ugh, Denise. Ugh, Leslie. Ugh, Jean-Robert. Besides the point, once again this was a fairly interesting season. I'm not a fan of the "final three" but this was by far my favorite season with a final three.

8) Tocantins

J.T. <3

Well I did really enjoy when J.T. and Stephen tried to dig each others' graves in the finale, but J.T. was probably one of the best winners. He was strong both physically and mentally, and he really knew how to play all aspects of the game well.

9) Amazon

It was a good season in my eyes, not much else to really say on the matter.

10) Vanuatu

Oh, Eliza's jury speech. Another "not much to say" season, but it was good. It was in All-Stars' shadow which was tough but it pulled through.

11) Exile Island


I will say this now, so I don't have to say it again I probably will anyway when I hit Samoa/HVV.


HATE HATE HATED IT. And I hated how everyone I hated always seemed to get it. That being said this was the first season with the "official" HII, and it was one of the best ones save for the three I mentioned above.

12) Guatemala

Before HVV, Jeff Probst ranked his favorites and put this one near the bottom, with the likes of Fiji and Thailand. I don't really understand why. It wasn't the best by far, but there were many many seasons that were worse. There were some very annoying people on the cast, but I liked the idea of bringing Stephenie and Bobby Jon back, and they did it right. Of course, I doubt that Stephenie's actions in this season made Jeffy boy class her as a "hero" but I digress.

13) Paulau

Hell, I felt bad for Ulong. I really did. They were a hot mess from start to finish, and they went through hell and back. Of course, the whole "hey Jonathan and Wanda you two didn't get picked so you're getting voted off now kthxbye" was dumb as hell. Oh, well.

14) Cook Island

Putting the whole "race seperation" thing aside, this wasn't a horrible season. The early offs were irritating but everyone beyond that certainly wasn't a horrible person. minus jonathan

This season is only low because of the final three and how Yul just annoyed me all day long.

15) Gabon


16) Marquesas

Despite introducing Boston Rob this season was forgettable and a half.

17) Samoa


18) Thailand

The only things I enjoyed about this season were the opening and voting musics, Helen's jury speech, and "bye-bye Denver Diva".

19) Heroes vs. Villians

This season was WRONG, WRONG, AND WRONG. For all of the WRONG reasons. Only Parvati really made this season worthwile. Everyone else just failed.

20) Fiji

Let's throw the world's worst personalities into a setting where some will have everything and others will have nothing! Then let's throw in people who call thesmelves "Rocky", "Dreamz", and "Boo" and make it hectic! Yeah! Great television, no?

Not ranking the most recent two because I didn't see enough of them.

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I used to love survivor, and then kind of fell out of it for a while (never saw Pearl Islands, and just picked it back up with RI). I got back into it watching RI because a friend of mine is still really into survivor, and I remembered how much I love the show, so I've been purchasing seasons of it on I-tunes. I've since RI, I've watched Cook Islands, Fiji and Gabon. Any recommendations on which one to pick up next? I plan on watching all the ones I've missed eventually, but I trust you guys know which ones are good.

And it appears I'm the only one who liked Sugar. Please tell me no one here likes Corinne from Gabon. I can say with all seriousness that I wish she would have died somehow during filming.

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My turn. Reasoning will come at a later time.

1) Amazon

2) Pearl Islands

3) Africa

4) Thailand

5) Fiji - These last two are not a joke.

6) Vanuatu

7) Australia

8) Exile Island

9) Borneo

10) Gabon

11) Heroes vs. Villains

12) Tocantins

13) Palau

14) China

15) Cook Islands

16) Guatemala

17) Nicaragua

18) Samoa

19) Marquesas

20) Fans vs. Favourites

21) ASS

22) Let's Give The Money To Rob

I also enjoyed Corrine and Randy. Mostly because I hated Sugar with a fucking passion and I personally think that Corrine's comments were MORE than called for. Gabon was filled with a shitload of venom and a lot of that came from Sugar existing in the first place.

Go watch Amazon or Pearl Islands.

Edited by Kitty Admiral
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Perfection Tier



Watch All the Time Tier

Pearl Islands


Cook Islands

Middle of the Road



Meh Tier

Exile Island


Cook Islands

Bottom Tier


Let's Give The Money To Rob Tier

Redemption Island

Edited my picks of the ones I have seen every episode. I've seen some stuff from pretty much everything, but I can't judge without the compilation.

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I feel like anyone who puts Borneo at number 1 spot is a cop out.

Sure it was epic because it was the first. But do a rewatch. F9 to F5 boots were completely obvious and coined the term "Pagonging". Even before the merge, the actual season itself takes a while to pick up. It's only F4 to F2 where the fireworks start going.

It was good but the best? No. And I'll do my own tier list in a sec with quick reasons.

God Tier


Pearl Islands

Both of these seasons are great to watch at any time. Amazon introduced us to the Heartless Mercenary, Rob Cesternino, who is the guy responsible for ruining Survivor. He also made it amazing, mind you. Both him and Cesternino v2.0 (Jonny Fairplay in Pearl Islands) were funny, entertaining to watch but best of all, suffered the humiliating defeat that they needed to have to turn them into the legends that they are today.

In addition, both had strong casts and storylines. The Outcast twist sinks PI below Amazon simply because Lil made the F2 but to its credit, it did produce an amazing endgame to watch (Fairplay, Burton, Lil, Darrah and Sandra). Plus, Amazon was probably the second toughest surviving season in the pre-Panama (ASS) seasons. Only Africa eclipses it.

Watch All the Time Tier






Exile Island

Africa and Australia always will have a place in my heart. I was 8-9 when watching them and this was when Survivor was huge.

As for Thailand and Fiji, those who bash it really need to rewatch these seasons. In Thailand, just look for the humour. Robb Zbanik has possibly the best storyline I've ever seen and Our Lord And Master Brian Heidik seems almost psyborg except while riding an elephant and when CC Heidik (his porn star wife) is around. Fiji is also humourous (Fall of the Four Horsemen, Lisi in general, Yau-Man) but it has a good deal of strategy which is... well, most of the strategy is actually quite solid in this season. It's hard to see a bad move from pretty much anyone aside from Erika who got second boot. Alex/Mookie/Stacy all played for their lives and deserve a lot more praise than they get, especially Stacy simply because of the 180 she does.

Vanuatu and EI are less strategy and less humour (they're pretty funny though). But what makes those seasons great are the casts. Just look at both F7s.

Vanuatu - Chris, Twila, Scout, Ami, Leann, Eliza, Julie

EI - Terry, Danielle, Bruce, Courtney, Shane, Aras, Cirie

I'd be pretty amazed if you could find an F7 better than these seasons.

Middle of the Road



Heroes vs. Villains


These are the good seasons but not fantastic. Sugar ruins Gabon, Russell ruins HvV and Borneo and Tocantins are sitting in their rightful spots. They just don't have enough oomph to really be rewatched. Though Tocantins may rise if I rewatch it just to enjoy Coach and Tyson.

Meh Tier



Cook Islands




Welcome to the seasons that just didn't sit right with me. I respect the winners (especially Tood and Yul) but each season has something wrong with it. Palau is just a wipeout of Ulong but when Koror turns on itself, it's just not that interesting to watch when a tie is forced at F4. China booted a lot of big characters early and left us with snoozers like Amanda, Jaime, Denise and Virgin. Cook Islands is a mediocre season in itself, even though Jonathan Penner exists. Guatemala has Stephanie and that's nearly enough to drop it lower but its strong cast (aside from Steph) keeps it that high. Nicaragua was poorly edited and had potential to be a lot higher (if I didn't have to see more of that hag Jane Bright).

And Samoa. Oh dear. Samoa. Russell overkill is the only reason why it's so low. If the editors had treated Russell from the getgo like Jonny Fairplay, this season would have been amazing. But instead, they forced a positive edit on him and completely shafted Galu's chance to shine. Especially Brett.

Tell me how a guy that has F2 deals all over the place and a plan to give Laura immunity on Day 27 somehow doesn't exist for 2/3 of the season. Brett is arguably even MORE shady than Russell was and yet, he's invisible. You really have to talk to the cast and look at the behind-the-scenes stuff to realize what really went on here.

Bottom Tier


Fans vs. Favourites


These seasons were all ass. I can understand why the fall of the Rotu 4 is great. I can get that Marquesas has a nuts endgame. But it doesn't help when you don't LIKE anyone playing since the only person to cheer for is Kathy and she's... well, Kathy. FvF and ASS were both shit but FvF somehow has a million fans who all believe that Parvati is god's gift to Survivor. Note, nobody knew WHO Parvati was when she played. Aside from Penner. Not to mention that the best characters left first since Cirie started working like a fucking machine.

Cirie. Great character. But fuck you when it comes to strategy. Stop booting the goats, they're the ones I want to watch.

Let's Just Give The Money To Rob Tier

Redemption Island

And here, Survivor has jumped the shark.

Edited by Kitty Admiral
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My turn. Reasoning will come at a later time.

1) Amazon

2) Pearl Islands

3) Africa

4) Thailand

5) Fiji - These last two are not a joke.

6) Vanuatu

7) Australia

8) Exile Island

9) Borneo

10) Gabon

11) Heroes vs. Villains

12) Tocantins

13) Palau

14) China

15) Cook Islands

16) Guatemala

17) Nicaragua

18) Samoa

19) Marquesas

20) Fans vs. Favourites

21) ASS

22) Let's Give The Money To Rob

I also enjoyed Corrine and Randy. Mostly because I hated Sugar with a fucking passion and I personally think that Corrine's comments were MORE than called for. Gabon was filled with a shitload of venom and a lot of that came from Sugar existing in the first place.

Go watch Amazon or Pearl Islands.

I'm curious as to why you ranked Borneo so low and Fiji so high. In my personal opinion Fiji was just pathetic in its entirety. Everyone was either uninteresting or completely idiotic, and even the idiots weren't entertaining. And Earl Cole? Like, he did nothing all season and then he won. Confused. I was probably mean to a few seasons, I need to rewatch a few. Thailand is on the top of my list to watch again, because from the clips I've seen online, it's not that bad. There were a lot of unmemorable people on that season, but there were also a lot of memorable ones too.

I feel like anyone who puts Borneo at number 1 spot is a cop out.

Sure it was epic because it was the first. But do a rewatch. F9 to F5 boots were completely obvious and coined the term "Pagonging". Even before the merge, the actual season itself takes a while to pick up. It's only F4 to F2 where the fireworks start going.

It was good but the best? No. And I'll do my own tier list in a sec with quick reasons.

Hmm, I agree with you here. Richard Hatch really was the most entertaining part of the season, and I think he is one of my favorite winners, but this season was quite bland otherwise save for the end and the Snakes and Rats speech cliche

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I'm curious as to why you ranked Borneo so low and Fiji so high. In my personal opinion Fiji was just pathetic in its entirety. Everyone was either uninteresting or completely idiotic, and even the idiots weren't entertaining. And Earl Cole? Like, he did nothing all season and then he won. Confused. I was probably mean to a few seasons, I need to rewatch a few. Thailand is on the top of my list to watch again, because from the clips I've seen online, it's not that bad. There were a lot of unmemorable people on that season, but there were also a lot of memorable ones too.

Fiji is amazing. I just watched it.

First off, the humour in that season is incredible. You have one of the best downfalls of all time (the Fall of the Four Horsemen) along with amazing characters (Dreamz, Lisi, Rocky, Yau-Man...). All were entertaining and with regards to Lisi and Rocky, they didn't get annoying because you knew that they'd be booted before that happened.

Next point. The balance of this season was PERFECT. The nice camp was inherently cursed because of the Ep4 bottle twist and the tribe switch. Both evened up the teams very nicely and lead for a *slightly predictable* midgame that was fun to watch.

Third point. The round of F7 is usually the most important in an F3 game with the round of F5 being the same for a F2. And when Alex started looking out for himself with the Mookie boot at F8, his name wasn't even CLOSE to being guaranteed as the next boot. This followed by Yau-Man idoling out Stacy at F6 (along with cutting a brilliant deal with Dreamz that would have given him the win had Dreamz gave up immunity) makes for two of the best back-to-back strategy episodes in recent history (real strategy, mind you).

And lastly... Fiji Episode 7 and 8 are two of the funniest episodes in Survivor history. They compete with HvV Ep 1 and... well, that's about it.

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That's where we differ. Minus Lisi's jury speech, I thought she was worthless and irritating. Rocky and Dreamz just annoyed me from start to finish. Yau-Man was really the season's saving grace, and that was minimal. The Fall of the Four Horsemen was one of the few things I enjoyed, I'll admit.

And when Alex started looking out for himself with the Mookie boot at F8, his name wasn't even CLOSE to being guaranteed as the next boot. This followed by Yau-Man idoling out Stacy at F6 (along with cutting a brilliant deal with Dreamz that would have given him the win had Dreamz gave up immunity) makes for two of the best back-to-back strategy episodes in recent history (real strategy, mind you).

Once again I'll have to rewatch these episodes in order to get a feel. Maybe I'm overrating how much I disliked Fiji. Especially when Cook Islands was before it (an okay season at best) and China was after it (a pretty well-done season), so Fiji's kind of trapped in the middle.

The nice camp was inherently cursed because of the Ep4 bottle twist and the tribe switch. Both evened up the teams very nicely and lead for a *slightly predictable* midgame that was fun to watch.

To be fair, though, Ravu was cursed, I'd say even worse than Ulong was. The tribe switch made it so that there would be one lone survivor like Stephenie was.

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I do, but he was fairly lacking otherwise, in my opinion.

Anwyay, I'm gonna rearrange things a bit. Tier list time~

Back when Survivor was Amazing Tier




Survivors of the Carribean Tier

Pearl Islands


I Should Rewatch this Season so I'm Putting it here for now Tier


Certainly Entertaining Tier






Hidden Immunity Idol Breaks the Game Tier


Exile Island


Cook Islands

Sugar is an Annoying Bitch Tier


At Least Boston Rob Existed Tier


Russell Hantz is an Annoying Asshole Tier


Heroes vs Villains

Let's Give the Money to Rob Tier

Redemption Island

Jeff, you Failed Miserably Tier


I Didn't Watch this Season Tier


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To me, Borneo was the best because no one really know how to play the game yet so it provided random voting strategies and hilarity. Alphabet voting anyone?


Also, unlike 1/2 of the winners in the HII seasons, Hatch was smart and didn't need a HII to survive. He came close to getting voted out a few times, yet he made it to the end anyway. And he won against the favored Kelly.

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To me, Borneo was the best because no one really know how to play the game yet so it provided random voting strategies and hilarity. Alphabet voting anyone?

For the record, Sean ruined the endgame of Borneo.

Think about it. If Sean wasn't so god damn paranoid of looking bad on camera, he wouldn't have done his stupid "J for Jenna" vote and completely kill the Pagong's chances. How did he not even realize that the Tagi 4 existed? They fucking piggybacked off of his vote!

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Just finished Fiji. I thought that was a terrible final tribal council.

Boo was fucking stupid with all his "you're an immature chrsitian!" bullshit.

Dreamz danced around almost every answer and it was annoying.

Alex was the worst by far. Someone was butt hurt over losing for sure. Sucks to suck dude.

Lisi was hilarious. Yau-man was great. Everyone else was forgettable.

This season will be low on my list for sure.

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It annoys me a lot when the jury just lays into the final 2/3 because they're obviously bitter they didn't win. If they have a good point (like I thought Lisi's was fairly decent), then great, rip into the bastards. Shit like Alex's speech though make me mad. I mean, did he really expect to win? A 4 person alliance with like 9 or so people left in the game? Like I said, sucks to suck dude.

EDIT: And I haven't seen Vanuatu yet, would it be a good one to hit up now that I've finished Fiji?

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