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New Kirby on Nintendo Wii "announced"

Lord Glenn

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According to both Joystiq and Kotaku, Nintendo has inadvertently announced a new entry into the Kirby series on the Wii, being developed by its original development studio, HAL Laboratory.

Both sites have the same gameplay footage, one that sparks memories of Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards in terms of its visual appearance. Personally, I'd rate Kirby 64 as one of my higher titles in the series, so that's certainly a plus. Also, there appear to be "Super Attacks" of some kind, such as Fire Kirby "summoning" a fiery dragon that flies across the screen (almost reminds me of one of Joe Musashi's Ninjutsu attacks from the old Shinobi games, albeit horizontally instead of vertically) and some kind of alternate Sword Kirby that uses a scimitar enlarging said scimitar and performing a giant slash. Also of note, the more enemies that Kirby swallows at one time, the more points he racks up (granting 1UPs after a certain number, a la SMB) and the larger the star that's exhaled becomes.

Needless to say, this falls under "DO WANT" for me.

EDIT - Kirby doesn't gain 1UPs for inhaling large quantities of items. A 1UP was in between two enemies and was sucked in. (Shame that they don't acknowledge it right away though...)

EDIT2 - YouTube link to the trailer, provided by Venusaur:


Edited by Lord Glenn
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I'm just hoping that you can die in it, and it has actual difficulty. That's why I didn't like Epic Yarn so much.

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I just bought Epic Yarn and I get bombarded by this!?!?!?

We Kirby fans have been waiting for this one ever since that E3 conference. :(

Epic Yarn isn't even out yet, how did you buy it?

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Release date(s) :

JP October 14, 2010

NA October 17, 2010

EU February 25, 2011

A friend of mine bought it and I live in North America.

Why do PAL reigions get it so bloody late? ;_;

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It's usually best explained as having to do with marketing... so no real explanation whatsoever. A few games slip up early elsewhere besides the U.S. at first, sometimes at the same time, sometimes never to the U.S.; but almost always, U.S. first.

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I'm still wishing for info on the GC kirby... :(

I am also hoping for info on the NGC Kirby game but it doesn't seem likely.

This is the NGC Kirby game!

Also of note, the more enemies that Kirby swallows at one time, the more points he racks up (granting 1UPs after a certain number, a la SMB) and the larger the star that's exhaled becomes.

Nope, if you look closely he only swallowed up a 1UP.

Edited by Ike-Mike
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Listen closely to the music.

You'll notice that most of the songs are arragements of the theme in the NGC Kirby trailer.

And note how with that tiny life bar there is place for 4 characters at once.

So yes, this is the same game.

They had 5 years to develop the game, of course the game would look much different within all this time.

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The clip of the new kirby doesn't have any one track play long enough to hear much of a melody, from any world. Any similarities are likely drippings of music theory than complete remixes. Because there's no knowledge about either, it's all in likeliness.

Your evidence, and logical progression, would make Van Buren and Bethesda's Fallout 3 the same game, due to small similarities and pieces carried over--Project Dream and Banjo-Kazooie too, for reusing plot devices and tunes. Obviously, they're not the same games, in either case. Pieces can be used later on and carried over, but it's quite likely the GC Kirby turned to a dead project, and this new Wii one came about separately.

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Nope, if you look closely he only swallowed up a 1UP.

There is no 1UP visible on the screen anywhere in front of Kirby prior to him receiving it. It *has* to come from swallowing the enemies.

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There is no 1UP visible on the screen anywhere in front of Kirby prior to him receiving it. It *has* to come from swallowing the enemies.


First Duke Nukem Forever is finally scheduled to be released and now this! I wonder if we'll be seeing any other cancelled/badly delayed games coming back from the dead...

The only other huge vaporware game left is Episode Three.




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...Well, I'll be damned. They changed the design (and made it rotate, too), which is why I didn't see it. Plus there's the fact that they don't acknowledge it until *after* Kirby finishes sucking air in (should have done it immediately, if you ask me).

*goes to strike that part out in the opening post*

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Are you meaning just the vast number of possible abilities to copy (24) or do you mean the Super Copy feature from Milky Way Wishes?

Or perhaps he means having different abilities within one. Pick Fighter for example : you had various moves based on how strong you hit the button, but also you had a different attack when jumping, one with dashing, one with pressing up, a throw, etc.

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
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