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Return of The Emblem Chapter Two: The Trail


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"Call me Shadrak" He said to Raquel before analyzing his new squad mate. Let's see... little to no proper armor, a rather light looking sword, obviously an attacker of some degree. "I'd suggest making our third a defensive fighter." But is she trained in swords, or happen to use one as she performs other, less honorable upon services. He thought as he walked over to Veronika, and offerred his good hand to shake. "Shadrak." He stated his name politely, before asking "I'm curious do you practice sleight of hand or sleight of sword?"

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"Veronika," she answered rather stiffly, giving Shadrak's hand a firm shake while looking him in the eye. "I do not know what you are implying by asking if I practice sleight of hand, but I will assure you that my skills primarily lie in swordplay, not chicanery. Do you ask because you are a charlatan of sorts yourself?" she asked him with a casual tone, but a stern gaze.

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"Okay then, Shadrak. That'll be easy to remember. I'm Raquel by the way. And yeah a defender should work well for you guys. Out of formation or otherwise." she said indicating the two wyvern riders.

Chip began messing with Raquel's hair trying to get out some of the dirt and dust she got on it during her fall from the back of the wagon. Until just then she had completely forgotten that the capuchin was on her shoulder. She didn't react to what he was doing because she didn't want to startle him, but she was surprised how easy it was to potentially misplace him.

"Alright then. I trust you, Gytha. If we run into any enemies with items we can use, I'll be sure to ... uh ... take them." he said finishing with a bit of word choice trouble. "We shouldn't have any self medicating going on then." he added.

"Okay so who's left of our defensive units aside from the wyvern rider?" Raquel asked everyone.

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"Magic is one of the great mysteries of our world," Seliah replied. "Its ancient secrets lost to us, we can only theorize about its roots...I've read books saying magic is a manifestation of a person's willpower channeled through something such as a tome or rod. Others say that magic is influenced by the souls of the dead, a theory I disagree with due to dark, ancient arts being of more raw power than others." She placed her tome onto her lap, and summoned a small fireball in her hand, whirling and flickering. "I am no expert on the subject of magic, though I have undeniable talent with it, you see," Seliah boasted. "I believe that magic takes influence from a person's inner state of being. Not a soul, but who they 'are,' if you will. For this reason humans can only be skilled in so many types of magic. I've read theories stating that our minds are more vast than the known universe. I believe that we can indeed manipulate our universe's reality, tomes being an enhancer to our mental awareness." She clenched her fist and the fireball vanished. "Have you ever noticed yourself spacing out while casting a particularly strong spell, Daloth? Did you feel tired afterward? I have experienced this, and for that reason I believe that tomes are a method of removing ourselves from the reality we know to harness a minuscule portion of the universe's web of power." She folded her arms. "Of course, this is all a theory, no more."

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Shadrak gently shook his head at Veronika's claim. "I have no interest in any form of swindling, if I want something I'll gladly work for it properly, as I am now." He said. "I meant no offense, I was just asking, I have had my share of research of combat and people trained in the art there of, and your outfit lead me to two possible conclusions, and I had to determine which."

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"No. I have never felt that lady Seliah. I have never cast anything more powerful than a basic shard. In fact, the spell I want to master one day is on the opposite end of the spectrum. Not a large spell at all, but rather a spell so small that your fireball now is smaller. That I have to rely on spells like these ice needles is like a crude bludgeon, as my master would have said. To win against ten men while shedding only a single drop of blood, that was what he wanted to accomplish." Daloth shook his head before remarking in a tone of a favored, remembered, friend. "The fool. Which is more powerful? A gorilla the size of a mountain made of ice? Or a toothpick no longer than your thumb? Many would answer the gorilla without a thought, but the answer is neither. A gorilla can be dodged, evaded, but can destroy armies. A toothpick... can slip into the palace of kings unnoticed and win wars."

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"M...my outfit? You're saying that I look like some sort of...street illusionist? That is rather distressing, to say the least," Veronika replied to Shadrak, frowning. I had thought to choose inconspicuous clothes so that it was not so obvious I was a noblewoman, my disguise worked a little too well it seems. I think just the idea of a Rusayev doing sleight of hand would send Mother into a coma.

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Damian had sailed with his small crew to the port town of Urqium a week or two prior to the others' arrival, and had begun a trek inland to Ursaea. His crew stayed at ship, and he went with a small troupe to the town. His pirating hadn't had much luck, so he left it for a season. He was working a mercenary, trying to build money to keep funding his crew. What a disgrace. A pirate working this far inland? Hrrumph. Currently he was on a patrol about10 miles from the town. So far, so quiet. He felt uneasy, though. Couldn't be bad. Just need to get some landlegs again.

OOC: Lame intro is lame.

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"Perhaps my word choice was a little off, I didn't mean to say you looked like a petty Illusionist, the light attire and weapon lead me to believe you were either trained as a Myrmidon, who uses swords and is more attuned for real combat, or as a thief, who, while typically known to use smaller arms, have been known to use swords." He said apolagetically. "I didn't mean to offend if I did, I merely wanted to know my appearant squad mate better."

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"Fair enough I suppose," Veronika said, relzxing her stance a bit. "I suppose I should learn some more about you as well. You use dark magic, correct? I had never met one of your kind before today. Perhaps they are a more common sight in Ursium than in Neviskotia," she said to Shadrak, not particularly caring who Raquel planned to place on their team.

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"As someone who has atleast visited atleast all of the major countries of the land atleast once in my life or another, I will kindly inform you that is, in a sense, false." Shadrak began. "There are actually more in Neviskotia than in Ursium, as there we are discriminated the least, so they tend to 'hide in plain sight' as it were, and look like your average citizen most of the time. Atleast, those I did get a chance to meet there did. The ones in Ursium, in my expierance, have to be more discreet about our lives as we are less than appreciated, so it's more obvious when someone is one, I also believe there might be an unwritten law in Ursium that says you must be atleast partially open about it." As he continued on to the next section he slowly shook his head with an sarrowful expression. "Then there's Kigen, and once you actually get into the country we're practically hunted, it's unpleasant..."

He shook himself out of his saddenned stupor, and took a deep breath as he regained control of his emotions. "But that is only as far as my expierance tells me, and I've spent a large portion of my life studying instead of travelling, but I have seen enough of various places that it has lost it's thrill." Speaking of travelling, where the heck is that bird? It's been awhile since I last sent a report, and would like to get an update from the other end of our search... of course, now that I thought about it he'll probably be arriving any minute now...

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"Okay well I guess Domovoi can be a good defender on this team, but you're going to have to handle situations differently than what you've been doing, I'm afraid. I notice you and John have been at the head of our assaults pretty much every time. That would be fine if we had more wyvern riders but it's just the two of you so unless our battle is going very easy, I think you two should use defensive tactics." she said casually conveying her feelings.


Cliche timing but I couldn't resist :lol:

A short distance away, a pure black raven, soared over the plains. When the group came into view, it zeroed in on them and began to descend until it was easy to spot. He found its usual away perch and slowed down near Shadrak so he could land on the shaman's wrist. He held a note on his leg as well.

Raquel shot the bird a quick glance and was a little surprised to see its unusual eyes. Complete navy blue. No pupils to speak of and she couldn't even tell if it had looked back or not. Chip didn't like the raven immediately. It could fly which was kind of unfair. Chip didn't mind not being able to fly, but not when there were never any trees around for him to climb up for a better view. He had to settle for Jethro and Raquel ... who weren't that tall compared to the trees, and they always wanted to obscure a good view with other equally tall humans. This raven didn't know how good he had it.

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That was a bird. Maw was a cat. There was no need to think. There was only the need to crouch and wait for the bird to draw near enough to pounce it to the ground and take its life. And so, the silver tabby crouched atop the cart, waiting for her opportunity. The cat was the huntress, the bird was the prey: it was the natural order of things and she would follow it.


The teams were being decided and teammates were getting to know one annother. "So, Synthia, we're ye from?" Gytha asked, deciding that getting to know her teammates was not only the most popular idea but also the smartest.

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"Ursaea, the same place we're going now..." Synthia replied, fidgeting a little. That was definitely not her favorite question of the day. "I'm not really looking forward to going back, honestly. I'll probably just stay with Raquel and the wagon while we're there."

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"Why I'll be..." Shadrak mutterred as he held out his arm for the bird to land on, his hand 'glowing' black ever so slightly as he did. "I knew you were some kind of special but this is rediculous..." As the bird landed, slowly drew up his other arm to take the note, scowling as he did, and wiping off as much of the blood as he could onto his robe, before carefully removing it and began to read it over.

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That was the opportunity. The bird had landed. ...The...large...bird. ... Yeah, pouncing on that would not end well, most likely. Maw sat up and began cleaning her face instead.

As she looked up while she was licking her paw for annother pass on her face, Maw saw someone approching. He looked familliar. Checking the smells in the air, she recognized his scent too. She glared at the man and let loose a loud, warning mrow, her body tense and ready to run or attack.


Gytha wasn't sure what to say about that, so she went on with the subject. "I'm from Fairgale Port meself. Long voyage sailing all the way up here, but it payed well. I won't have trouble fer a while, I'll bet," she replied with a shrug, referring to finances.

That was when she heard Maw's warning. There was an enemy she recognized nearby. Gytha looked to the cat, then to where the tabby was looking. She, too, recognized him immediately and the intensity of battle entered her gaze again. "Watch out fer me," she told her teammates before dashing at the man, drawing her sword and shouting at him, "Die, ye pirate scum!"

(4+5)-5 = 4 = hit! (5+4)-1 = 8 damage!

Damian 1/9

Gytha 15/15

OoC: I got permission for this. Myrmidon skill not active for the first strike unless stated otherwise by 13th for now.

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Hmm, there is much I do not know it seems, I had not even heard of dark magic users being persecuted myself. I'll wait to make a judgment on this one, he may be a valuable ally or someone to look out for. Veronika thought to herself. Shadrak appeared to be interested in reading a note a large raven gave him. Leaving him alone after this unusual occurence, Veronika decided to revisit her other team member.

"So, it appears we will be working together after all. This is probably a different sort of environment than you are used to fighting in, most of us are unmounted and we don't really have a proper commander," she said to Domovoi after walking over to him.

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"Fairgale Port, huh? I've never been ther- Wait, what? Where are you going?! Gytha!" Synthia bolted after the mariner, but kept her distance once she saw the man Gytha was set on attacking. She readied her staff in case her reckless new teammate was injured, but was relieved to see the man didn't attack her first. Not that she was happy about Gytha attacking random people even if it seemed she knew them, mind you...

"What the hell are you doing?!" she shouted as Gytha swung her blade. "Even if he is a pirate, this is a little extreme, don't you think?" If she had a score to settle, fine, but she could've given more warning and explained first. Or rather, Synthia thought, she was probably trusting enough to believe they'd follow her without an explanation.

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Amon had gone back to just thinking about things, mostly upcoming strategies the three of them could implement to defeat future foes with some ease. Then as Gytha and Synthia conversed, an individual Gytha recognized got her attention. First Gytha ran, then Synthia. Would he do anything but follow knowing full well what might happen with only Synthia there to try and break up the fight that had just started?

Raquel heard sounds coming from where the first team but didn't want to look at first. There was just too much chance it was Gytha again. Why did it have to be Gytha? And why couldn't it just be a false alarm for once? As Raquel turned to see what was going on, she saw the mercenary land a rather painful looking blow on her opponent while Synthia and Amon rushed to catch up to her. "... oh come on! Why is she after him?" Raquel protested to those close enough to hear her. The first team wasn't quite within earshot anymore.

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Damian saw the mariner running at him. He knew full well that her blade hurt, but didn't expect a blow that hard. He staggered from the force. "Ye're here in this inland area? Why on a day I'm not piratin'?" With that, Malkaten, the sword, was in his hand. He slashed at Gytha.

Roll: 5, 2, 4

5+5=10 Hit

2+3=5 MT

4 Skill Die


5-2=3 DAMAGE!

Damian 1/9

Gytha 12/15

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The mariner knew his fighting style and so was able to partially block Malkaten's reply to her own sword. However, the quick-wristed pirate managed to make a long, thin, red line along tha back of her arm. "I'm glad yer inland too. Don't ye worry, though: I'm not so dishonorable t' kill ye so far from the sea! That doesn't mean I won't hurt ye, though!" she replied, something of a grin forming on her lips. She knew her first strike had done most the damage she had to do. To render him unable to fight, all she needed to do was land one more blow.

(4+6)-5 = 5 = hit! (5+2)-1 = 6 Critical! 12 damage!

Her aim was sure and Gytha's sword cut deep into her foe's swordarm. As the gash was still being rendered, the mariner moved behind Damian then moved her sword up so it was pressed carefully against his throat. There was no escaping now.

Damian 0/9

Gytha 12/15

"Alright, ye, where's yer crew and why're ye coming up t' yonder wagon?" she questioned immediately, gin gone and replaced by the most serious of expressions, "lie and I'll drag ye to the sea so I can drown ye. Cooperate and ye'll live."

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Damian frowned as the blade cut deep into his swordarm. "Heh, I guess ye win, Lady of the Blade. I guess no harm in tellin' ye." He took a breath, the blood flowing from his arm. "My crew is back in Fairgale. I left the piratin' for the season. Other pirates, with larger crews and stronger weapons, they've been stealin' the ships, and thus reducin' the money I make out there. So here I am, workin' for whoever will hire me. Workin' a low pay job for Ursaea right now. It may be low pay, but work is work." His arm was bleeding onto both his red garb and the mariner's own. "But why are ye this far inland? There are ships bein' attacked everyday now."

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"I went on comission aboard a well-paying ship that was bound fer Sergio Port. That's where I met Raquel. I don't have t' worry 'bout pay fer a while, so I decided t' help'er with her own problems," she answered, seeing no harm in telling the man, even if they were enemies by locale and trade. She removed her sword from his neck, bug kept a strong grip on the collar of his shirt. "Go on, Synthia. He could use that gash healed," she mentioned to her teammate, "Careful, though. He's a pirate from Fairgale. Can't tell ye how many times we've crossed blades. Being the captain o' those bilge-rats o' his, though, he always escaped with his hide intact."

Returning her attention to Damian, she told him, "I'm glad yer tryn' t' make an honest livn'. ...But yer still too dangerous. I don't know who ye'll rob next, so I'm takn' ye as me personal pris'ner and droppn' ye off at the next guardhouse fer piracy. Savvy?"

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When Amon arrived, he found Gytha holding an unknown face hostage or so it seemed. "Oh ... good grief, what's this about? Do you know him?" Amon asked.

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