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got some more questions for everyone.

Claude C Kenny

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so, its been awhile since i've had to ask for help, but there are some problems i've run into that I couldn't seem to figure out, so now i'm here.

1. the transfer data. is there any way to disable it, or at the very least, edit the items that you get from using it?

2. if I were to finish my hack, and then I were to intiialize the ROM (as if I were initializing the cartridge), would my changes still stay the same, or would they somehow revert back to their original state?

3. (is probably right in front of me) how do I upload a screenshot so you can see it when I post a message, and how do you do spoilers?

4. can a hacked FE ROM (or hacked ROM in general) somehow be copied to a flashcart, as if it were an actual game?

also, in case you're wondering, I still need help as far as creating my own portraits and custom sprites. my main problem is/was that more than half my cast were based on real people. i'm trying to fix this now. creating sprites justs seems like a ***** to do. unless i'm missing something, and there's a program I missed that helps you edit these easily, i've tried, but its very hard for me to try and draw what I need with a mouse and all those small dots.

my offer still stands, that anyone who helps me with this hack can have just about any spot in the game that they want. just ask. hopefully, it can be done with no more than five people, but I doubt one or two people want to do about 10 or so custom portraits/sprites each. I will provide a picture of the real world people for your reference.

thanks for your help as always. hoping to have this done by around april-may.

Edited by Claude_C_Kenny
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You can upload screenshots by using an image hosting site, like imageshack. I suggest imageshack.

And, Kenny, I told you this before, unless you actually show us that you're good at hacking, mapping, and have a good plot in this hack, I highly doubt anyone will want to sprite for it. Just saying.

I know I wont want to.

I dunno about the first question, the second one is a no, it will not revert. The third one I've already answered, and, I have no idea about the fourth.

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1. There's no way to edit it without ASM. You can try to learn, but I'd just recommend ignoring it.

2. I have no idea.

3. Hit f12 while your game is on and it'll take a screenshot. THen you can upload it to photobucket or tinypic and post it.

4. Yes.

And for your spriting, I have two offers for you:

A) Make your own dern sprites. Don't try to custom yet, that's a little difficult. Instead try to splice things you want together. Involves no actual drawing whatsoever. (well, maybe a little.)

B) Show us some progress so we actually know that you're gonna do something with these sprites you want. No one's gonna offer to be a part of a hack that isn't going ot get anywhere.

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the screenshots are going to show various things about the hack. IYO, what would be the most important things to show if im trying to get people to help me?

and not to sound rude, but if no one here will help me, then I WILL find someone somewhere who can help. this hack is NOT going to stop. alot of things I thought would be hard are actually pretty easy. im actually looking forward to tackling event hacking.

the flashcart thing came to me when I read something about FE5 having NP and ROM versions.

if I can, i'll try to upload a video to youtube, but I am waiting till I have more done before doing that. (never done before)

I can't just ignore the transfer data since I edited the emblem weapons. I at least have to change what you can get. but initializing should take care of that IIRC.

how does uploading a picture to another site help me post it here? (never done before)

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He means the stuff you would get from transferring data from Double Dash, I believe. The music it would unlock, and the trial maps.

And, the maps and the storyline are what we want to see the most. If the story is good and the maps are good, then it means that the hack will be good if the portraits are done right.

Just letting you know, SF and FEND have the best FE spriters at mugs on the interwebs, at least for public spriters, and if you can't get people here to help you make sprites, you wont be able to get them from FEND.

You'd best start practicing spriting now.

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@blademaster: I already hacked the emblem weapons. the problem is if I leave them there, you'll get some weapons that I dont want you to have 2-3 of. yeah, I edited before thinking.

@amera: tell me this. do you seriously have to sit at your computer and draw each picture from scratch, or add/remove the dots (not sure what to call them), or is there an easier way? as I said, i've already tried my hand, and failed miserably.

and you'd do good not to doubt me. when I say i'll do something, I mean it.

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They're called pixels, and yes. Look at my avatar. 80% of that was done from scratch.

You can try splicing, which is taking FE characters and putting their pieces together and then cleaning it up.

There is no easy way of doing this. It takes practice, like all art.

April said it best.

Edited by Amera
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@amera: tell me this. do you seriously have to sit at your computer and draw each picture from scratch, or add/remove the dots (not sure what to call them), or is there an easier way? as I said, i've already tried my hand, and failed miserably.

I do that. 100% of my avatar is that.

The easiest thing for someone such as you, who is new to spriting, would be to get a sheet of mugs already made from FE, and to take bits and pieces and put it all together, it;s called splicing.

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