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[FE9] PoR Draft Number Six


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Five players, Hard Mode, Fixed Mode. Generic Ruleset applies.

I'll just post the rules for sake of:

1. 5 people get Ike, Titania, a Laguz Royal of their choice and 8 drafted characters to play the game. Drafting will be done in the usual fashion

2. The goal is to be the one with the lowest turncount to completion

3. The game is played on Hard Mode with fixed growths (fixed mode, need to have completed PoR once to unlock)

4. BEXP abuse is NOT allowed.(BEXPing in small increments to get good levelups)

5. Undrafted characters may NOT: engage in any form of combat (this includes meatshielding), shove or smite drafted characters or NPCs, build supports with anyone, heal others, steal, visit houses/villages, open chests, open doors, rescue drafted characters and so on.

6. Punishment for having an undrafted character do something they aren't allowed to do is a 4 turn penalty to your total turncount. Multiple actions by the same unit do not incur multiple penalties

7. Undrafted characters MAY: trade with units, rescue other undrafted characters, shove/smite other undrafted units and find stuff in the desert

8. Other and Partner units may do as they please without penalty

9. Reyson and the Hawks may be used to get Naesala to retreat and get the Knight Ring in Ch19. Make sure they stay out of combat if you don't draft them

I'm hosting on request but not participating.

General Spoon: Jill, Mordecai, Nephenee, Mia, Shinon, Geoffrey, Elincia, Ena/Nasir

Excellen Browning: Marcia, Mist, Lethe, Gatrie, Haar, Stefan, Ranulf, Bastian

Paperblade: Oscar, Tantih, Soren, Zihark, Brom, Sothe, Calill, Tauroneo

Xander: Reyson, Astrid, Makalov, Ilyana, Volke, Ulki, Largo, Lucia

zhaoyunfan: Kieran, Boyd, Muarim, Tormod, Rhys, Janaff, Rolf, Cevdan

Edited by Integrity
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Long as you can draft reliably, that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Chococoke, your application was revoked. Grats, Xander. You got his spot.

Still an open slot before drafting can commence.

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I'll just post the rules for sake of:

1. 5 people get Ike, Titania, a Laguz Royal of their choice and 8 drafted characters to play the game. Drafting will be done in the usual fashion

2. The goal is to be the one with the lowest turncount to completion

3. The game is played on Hard Mode with fixed growths (fixed mode, need to have completed PoR once to unlock)

4. BEXP abuse is NOT allowed.(BEXPing in small increments to get good levelups)

5. Undrafted characters may NOT: engage in any form of combat (this includes meatshielding), shove or smite drafted characters or NPCs, build supports with anyone, heal others, steal, visit houses/villages, open chests, open doors, rescue drafted characters, make use of skills like blessing or red tide and so on.

6. Punishment for having an undrafted character do something they aren't allowed to do is a 4 turn penalty to your total turncount. Multiple actions by the same unit do not incur multiple penalties

7. Undrafted characters MAY: trade with units, rescue other undrafted characters, shove/smite other undrafted units and find stuff in the desert

8. Other and Partner units may do as they please without penalty

9. Reyson and the Hawks may be used to get Naesala to retreat and get the Knight Ring in Ch19. Make sure they stay out of combat if you don't draft them

Edited by Excellen Browning
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Questions to Integrity:

1. Is using Ena/Nasir white/red tide allowed?

2. MUST all characters be recruited or is that optional?

3. Is there a penalty for dying, be it a drafted or undrafted unit?

1: No. Reyson's Blessing (or w/e the heal is called) falls under the same category of no.

2: It's never been that way to my recollection. You're even free to kill your own draftees while they're enemies if you want.

3: Huh? If you mean "do we take penalties for resetting", no. If you mean, "if an unrecruited unit dies do we take a penalty", no. If you mean "when a EDIT: recruited /EDIT unit dies, do we take a penalty", well, no for drafted units, but undrafted units have to get attacked to die so yes in that instance. Four turns.

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when do you think we can start drafting?

When 5 people sign up. I would join, but I'm in three other drafts right now and don't even have time to work on them, either.

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Well, hypothetically someone will sign on tonight, I'll get the order randomized when my videos upload 'round 2300 here and then go to sleep and leave it in all your hands.

Otherwise, hopefully tomorrow.

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Really, the only thing Soul would be holding up is gameplay, and that happens independently. At long as you're intending to play the draft through, and will reliably draft until that stage is done, I couldn't give a shit if you're starting now or later. Just don't forget :P

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I'll bite. I don't have fixed or hard mode unlocked yet, but it sounds like I have 5 months to do so.

Additionally, the rules need a clarification. Are undrafted units allowed to chant/dance/whatever its called in this game?

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