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Mapping Voting Round 3

Chocolate Kitty


29 members have voted

  1. 1. Yeah, vote

    • [img]http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Neo-SL/Maps/competition_map_week_3.png[/img] SL
    • [img]http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u67/anouleth/competeilia2scrn-1.png[/img] Anouleth

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While I prefer Anouleth's map layout over SuperLuigi's (it feels more like a map that I would enjoy actually sitting down and playing), I'm going to have to go with SL's on technical merits. Anouleth's has duplicated tiles all over the place, which docks the quality of the map a bit, despite feeling more like a map that one could potentially actually play on in FE6/7/8. SL's on the other hand has a nice blend of features across the map and looks like it might actually be a quite challenging map, given the right circumstances. It almost gives me an FE4 vibe from its design, which can be both a plus and a minus in different regards.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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SL's map feels much more organic. The shapes/patterns in Anouleth's are often blocky and unnatural. There's also fort tile abuse/spam. That said, it's not awful or anything. The general placement of the different map elements are fine.

And yeah, definite FE4 vibe off of SL's map. I really, really want to play it...

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Yeah, not waiting for me was prolly the right thing as I wasnt really feeling like mapping, and busy and stuff~~

Anyway, SL for me. Anou's good, but SL's just more proffesional. *insert Glenn's post here*

Edited by Feaw
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