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[FE8] FE8 Draft VIII: The Rainbow's long lost color


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Man I suck at this game, I'm going to be embarassed to post my turncount...Facepalm_emote_gif.gif on ch15 and I can already tell I'm probably not going anywhere.

Don't worry about that. I'm stuck on 15 too at the moment.

Also, it will be a day or two before I will be able to post more logs from me. My computer and wireless router do not mix, so I gotta do that first.

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Did some drafting during lunch. Oy, the RNG hates me.

Prologue (3/3)

Eirika begins with a lucky crit and takes out an enemy. The other enemy attacks her and lands a hit :(

Eirika gets skill luck and def.

Chapter 1 (7/10)

Eirika scores another crit. Levels up with hp luck and res

Oh yeah here comes FRANCE!

He attacks a loldier and misses the second strike. :facepalm:

Franz levels up and gets hp str skll and def

Freakin Breguert kept dodging. BOTH of Eirika's rapier strikes! Had to waste a turn on a vulnerary. FinallY critted the SOB.

Preparations: Gave Vanessa's Javelin to FRANCE

Chapter 2 (8/18)

Eirika rushes toward boss, FRANCE collects Red Gem then quckly catches up. Garcia and Ross are on there own.

FRANCE misses a bandit with 84 hit. Bandit strikes FRANCE with 47 hit. fml

Eirika kills boss. Eirika hates str.

Ross survives. Lucky kid

Sell Red Gem, bought Iron Sword for Eirika

Chapter 3 (10/28)

FRANCE and Eirika head for building crack.

HandAxe!Bandit attacks FRANCE. FRANCE gets puny level up. +str.+res

2nd wallcrack Eirika and Franz get barraged by bandit, archer, and thief

Franz beelines for boss, Eirika chugs vulnerary

Franz kills boss, gets decent lvl up

Current stats

Eirika  7.49  19   6  11  12   9   5   4
Franz   6.41  23  12   7   9   3   7   3

Edited by El Rey León
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Woo, router is up and running.

Chapter 15

This one caused numerous restarts due to character death. GAR and Cormag go south. Amelia handles all the northeast, while Gerik Saleh, and Ewan handle the west. Eirika will help Amelia and then move south west. Colm and Rennec dig for buried treasure. L'Arachel just needs to abuse for physic and levels. Turn 3, Cormag rescues Eirika and heads South West. Turn 4 I get the swift soles. GAR is handling the entire south like a boss. Cormag also takes that lovely dragon axe from Eirika. Valter is OHKOd (He crits him dead for 100+ DMG) turn 8 by GAR! with a dragon axe. Turn 13 I finish after getting the master seal. Garm get! LOL Glenpir.


Seal is sword. Guess who promotes? Ewan and Cormag!Mage Knight and Wyvern Knight respectively. L'Arachel eats that Energy Ring I had yet to use. Old equipment is sold. Ewan eats the body ring for only -3AS wielding Excalibur. Thanks to silver card, I get lots of nicer equipment. I bought lots of Thunders, a few Elixirs, another Pure Water, A Bariier, 3 Mends, Hand Axes, and Javelins. Chest Keys too.

Chapter 16

In progress...

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My turncounts and logs, again to my competitors, please don't look until you've finished your runs as well

Prologue 2 turns

This one took a while to figure out. Credit to Haze for helping me figure out how to waste RNs.

Chapter 1 5 turns

This one was just standard, and came naturally, no help needed. Erika ran towards the boss, killing him on turn 4, with Gilliam getting a kill on a soldier and rounds of combat against a fighter.

Chapter 2 6 turns

This one was pretty standard as well. Ross survived of course, and Erika and Gilliam went around killing pirates. Moulder visited the villages.

Chapter 3 9 turns

This would have gone by faster if Erika would have crit the boss on the turn she made it to him, but unfortunately it took her 2 turns to kill him.

Chapter 4 8 turns

Erika, Ross and Moulder stayed near the start while Gilliam went towards the boss, killing everything in his way. By turn 8, all the enemies had been defeated.

Chapter 5 10 turns

I can only go as fast as my strongest unit, who is unfortunately the 4-move Gilliam. Joshua had to die, since he got in my way. Ross tried to avoid dying, and Erika followed Gilliam getting kills where she could

Chapter 5x 8 turns

Orson carried Ephraim with Kyle following close behind. By turn 8 I'd killed the boss and Ephraim could seize.

Chapter 6 9 turns

Another painful chapter. I could only move as fast as the 4 move Gilliam, who made his way through the fog and masses of enemies to the boss. By turn 8, I'd reached the boss, and on turn 9 player phase he was dead. Ross made it to level 10 by battling cavaliers at a chokepoint.

Chapter 7 11 turns

Ross promoted at the level's beginning, unfortunately it didn't help me too much. Gilliam once again proved his flaws by being so slow to plow through the enemies, but by the chapter's end he reached level 20, and I got the knight crest.

Chapter 8 7 turns

Gilliam promotes at the chapter's start into Great Knight. He then carries Erika to the throne room, and she finishes the boss with the Rapier on turn 6, allowing her to seize on turn 7.

Chapter 9 14 turns

I asked for some advice since I can't remember this game all too well, and found most people thought that Erika's route would be the fastest, though I can't even imagine why. This took 14 turns, and by the end Tana had only grown 1 or 2 levels. However, I did at least obtain an Ocean Seal.

Chapter 10 12 turns

This one was just as terrible. Though I admit I waited a couple of turns so as to recruit Marisa.Tana was too weak to drop Erika off near the throne, as ballistae OHKO her, and I'm not the type to advocate massive reset/RN abuse.

Chapter 11 15 turns

What. The Fuck. Why wouldn't taking Ephraim's route have been faster? I'm starting to think I've been tricked. L'arachel died, and this level was a pain due to the fog. Luckily, I eventually got it right and Ross, Tana and Marissa got quite a few good levels. At least I get Dozla?

Chapter 12 13 turns

Another pain in the ass chapter due to all the monsters and my lack of Vanessa/a good paladin. Tana flew north and took out most of the eyeballs, while everyone else had to crowd around the start and stay close to Gilliam due to the massive reinforcements. By turn 13 Marissa and Gilliam killed the boss.

Chapter 13 4 turns

This one took a while but once again Tana couldn't go forward without dying to the massive amounts of bow wielders. Gilliam was charged with the duty of killing the boss with a horseslayer, and he accomplished his mission on turn 4.

Chapter 14 14 turns

Marissa promotes at lv 14. I recruited Rennac for some reason or another, meanwhile I remember that I drafted Kyle and actually deploy him for the first time in a while. Tana, Gilliam and Erika charge towards the throne, and Gilliam dodges a berserk staffer on the way. By turn 10 I reach the boss only to realize even with the swordslayer Gilliam 2HKOs at ~50 hit and gets doubled for 4 damage at ~40 hit. He misses for 3 turns on player and enemy phases, gets hit by the boss over 50% of the time, and finally on turn 14 kills him so Erika can seize. Nice..

Chapter 15 19 turns

Ross promotes. Gilliam goes south and kills Valter ~ turn 6, but then I promote Tana with the master seal at around turn 9, only to have her miss Caellach quite a few times, and have no chance to crit thanks to his item. On top of all this, an enemy in the southern portion attacks Duessel with a Silver equipped over Ephraim with a Steel, costing me 4 more turns. At least I picked up some nice items like the silver card.

Chapter 16 10 turns

Erika promotes at the chapter's end and Gilliam is warped to the throne room, while everyone else lags behind. Gilliam eventually kills Orson with the horseslayer with shaky hit on turn 10. Erika is then warped to seize.

Chapter 17 3 turns

Kyle promotes to pally at the start. Finally an easy one. Tana rescues Erika and drops her off near Lyon on turn 2. I don't remember exactly what happened as it was a while ago that I played through this level, but I believe Tana activated Pierce on Lyon to kill him and end it. I get Syrene.

Chapter 18 8 turns

Moulder promotes to Bishop. Tana becomes the new MVP as she flies forward destroying eggs. Everyone else does their part by killing eggs, but Tana gets the boss kill and kills most of the eggs

up north.

Chapter 19 3 turns

Tana and Ephraim run toward Riev in the dark and after Ephraim uncovers him, Tana activates pierce and kills him.

Chapter 20 4 turns

Tana flies over to Morva with Syrene following behind carrying Erika. Tana kills Morva in two shots after reaching him on turn 3, and Erika who was previously dropped by Syrene seizes.

Final 10 turns

Part 1 was tricky, but eventually I managed to have Ephraim and Tana team up against Lyon for the kill.

Part 2 was very simple and took 2 turns. Tana ran up to Fortimiis and attacked him on turn 1, after which he summoned a bunch of creatures. On player phase, everyone with a sacred weapon attacked him. It appeared to be up to Ross to weaken him enough for Tana to finish him off. Ross goes up for an attack with Garm, and misses twice. All my hard work seems to be lost, however, I have Tana attack, and she gets pierce, OHKOing the demon king from the health he's at, and ending the game!

Total turns: 200

Edited by Xander
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Ok Here is Chapter 16

Took me long enough. I couldn't go as fast as I wanted thanks to Silver Axe Warriors and dual long range tomes. Strategy is Amelia and Ewan bum rushing with everyone else close behind. L'Arachel aims to A staves. Gerik and Amelia have chess keys for much needed wanted loot. Especially that Talisman. Saleh works on his staff rank.GAR and Myrrh stay behind and eat reinforcements. That said go!

L'Arachel Hammernes the Reginleif turn 2. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif Yay, awesome PRF weapons. She nets an awesome level as well. Amelia splits from the group turn 3 to get the Tomahawk. I pull all the enemies by turn 4. L'Arachel hits A rank staves turn 5. I net all chests, route and kill Orson Turn 11. Eirika and Ephraim promote and gain better PRF weapons.

159 Total

I think I might get sub 200 turns. Go me.

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No actually. This would be the first time I've beaten the game sub 200 turns without practically Seth soloing the game. I've noticed I have improved a lot over the course of this tourney.

Also, the rules for post game should be:

-Tower (Ruins would be difficult for some team.)

-Lowest Turn Count

-No glitches (LOL infinite Boots/Runeswords for money)

-You CAN use Stat Boosters, but a lack of money means that other things should take priority.

-Only Valter, Glenn and Riev are banned for secret characters. I'm unsure about Riev, being that slayer is nice, but that's all he has.

-Using any character not free or drafted nets a 4 Turn Penalty. Seth too now, since his godly hood has declined.

If you have complaints, voice them loudly.

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I'm back, and slower than ever.

Chapter 4 (6/32)

Vanessa went south and took care of some enemies. Eirika, Artur, and Neimi went through the bridge and killed everything in their way.

Colm stayed behind to handle the reinforcements. Vanessa killed the boss for a level-up.

Chapter 5 (10/42)

Vanessa visited the lower village, Eirika went east,while the rest went west.

Recruited Joshua for the Killing Edge, and killed all enemies around him.

Visited all villages, and Vanessa went to the arena for some experience. Or more specifically, to waste my money.

Killed the boss with Eirika on enemies' phase.

Chapter 5x (11/53)

Ephraim, Orson, and Forde stomp, with some RNG-screwage.

The fighters and loldiers were paticularly dodgy today.

Chapter 6 (7/60)

Fed the Dragon Shield to Artur at Preperations. Everyone went to the path of least resistance, aka the northern route.

A villager died, but I didn't care. Not until I realized that I lost the Orion's Bolt, meaning Niemi will promote much later than intended.

Weren't the vilagers supposed to die by a monster from the mountains, and not by an loldier from the forest?

I guess that what I get for refering to them as loldiers.

Anyways, the boss went down through an all-out attack by Colm, Artur, and Vanessa.

I could have finished quicker, but I didn't want to risk Vanessa dying, as she was low on health.

Chapter 7 (6/66)

Rescued-dropped Eirika with Vanssa to the boss, while staying as far awy from the archers as possible.

Colm stole an Energy Ring from the Thunder Mage in the middle of the map by crossin the river.

Artur and Niemi just killed stuff for experience.

Chapter 8 (10/76)

Fed Vanessa the Energy Ring from before during Preperations.

Vanessa headed to Ephriam's position kiling anything in her way.

With the help of Forde, she escorted Ephriam back to her princess, by taking the eastern path.

Eirika and Artur killed the knights in the treasure room, and Eirika's Rapier finally broke.

It doesn't matter as I'm heading Ephraim's route anyways. Colm got the Angelic Robe.

Niemi took care the magic users and Longbow archer. Ephraim got to the trone room and killed the boss.

Eirika siezed for the win. I wanted to go for the rest of the chests, but it would take too long.

Current Stats

Ephraim 8.81  27 10  10  13  11  8   3
Forde   8.24  25 9   10  9   8   9   2
Artur   9.69  25 10  9   10  4   5   9
Vanessa 12.27 22 11  15  15  10  7   7
Niemi   7.90  19 8   10  10  8   5   4
Colm	10.33 25 6   6   16  12  6   4

I'm liking Forde's strength

Artur's HP is alright too.

Vanessa, don't let me down, you can make up those bad level ups.

You can follw Niemi's example, even if she's still not that good.

Colm sacrificed strength and skill, for defence and resistance.

Edited by Ocarina007
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Chapter 17

Crazy turn counts time. Cormag likes his new boots and talisman. Cormag rushes Lyon with a Killer Lance and a Javelin. Gerik goes east to fetch that Hero Axe. GAR! goes and fetches fimbultiver. Ewan, Eirika, Ephraim, and Amelia just self improve. Saleh continues his staff rank. Almost to B! Myrrh does nothing. Lyon dies turn 4. Go Cormag, you sexy wyvern knight. Rescue, Vidofnir get! LOL No use for Nidhogg.

Chapter 18

Yay Self improvement chapter for everyone. GAR gets the brave axe because it removes his biggest weakness. Everyone else gets outfitted with plenty of 2 range and Elixirs. Saleh picks up a divine to tank Dark Magic like a boss. Go!

Another Warp Use from L'Arachel on Cormag to get him going. More Warp and Rescue shenanigans put both at 1 use. I will Hammerene Warp. I'm unsure about Rescue. Likely though. Boss is dead turn 6. 8 Turn and everything is dead.

Chapter 19

Last FoW! And kill boss. And I know exactly where he is. 171 so far. I will spare 2 turns to net some more improvement. L'Arachel promotes! As much as Mage Knight Appeals for that lovely anima, light will allow her to tank all the gorgons so much better.Ewan gets a chest ke. I want some speed wings. Fortify sounds nice, but unnecessary. Especially if you could get one in the tower or ruins. Amelia gets some chest keys though anyways. Cormag pulls of Vidofnir for Riev screwing. Turn 3 I collected both Brave Weapons of note and defeteaded Riev. Got Speedwings, Bolting, and Runesword. Got the Light Brand, Ivaldi, and Latona.

174 Total

Before the final lets take a look at my characters:


Ah Eirika, Main Lord and Convoy. She started out incredible thanks to some early blessing. She 1 rounded everything and was really durable and dodgy. Then Mid-game rears it's ugly head and she slows down big time. Her 5 move hurt her a lot, and later she was carried form destinations. Now with her Horse and epic PRF, she does fairly well, being able to double and 1RKO anything with it. She has a slight DEF blessing which is cool.


GAR GAR GAR GAR GAR GAR!!! MVP of this run, easily. I took him just to save my early game and he did not disappoint. Early speed blessing made him 1RKO like the boss he is. He was silly durable and was beyond reliable. He stays solid through out mid game thanks to promotion. I opted WAR over Hero due to his speed blessing, and higher STR Cap. Now he car 1HKO Mogalls and 1RKO anything he doubles. What he doesn't double he can either GARm it or Brave Axe it. I was thinking of Raising his bow rank, but Hand Axes are always better anyways. Awesome till the very end. Massive blessings in SPD and SKL, partly thanks to items.


Ephraim. What is there to say? Shame he isn't aound longer. He is durable and kills everything. Since I decided the his Reginlief was needed to be Hammerne'd, he continued to destroy. Not much to say; he is just good. He's actually is screwed in DEF by 3 points. sad.gif


Amelia. Oh Amelia. She was no longer dead weight thanks to new rules, and the moment she got her horse, it was all uphill from there. Then she promotes and is even FURTHER useful. Only negative is getting to her in time in Chapter 9. That and she comes right after the three that are generally better than her anyways. Mind you, she is definitely no dead pick now. Oddly enough she is mostly screwed.


My first round pick oddly enough. I got him for his durability and just being an excellent unit. Turns out he was my third best at all times. Still a great unit that I never have to worry about dieing. He is DEF screwed as well...


And this was the pick that got people laughing at me. Sure it was silly, but in the end she is worth it. No Moulder or Natasha, but she starts with a mount. The only reason she isn't an early pick is her join time. Shame. If she joined in chapter 4, she'd be a second or third round pick EASY. Endgame, she makes LOL, thanks to liberal Warp. Only weakness is that DEF/HP combo, but she is utility, so w/e. Pretty average, and that's with an early promo.


Excellent filler. He comes in and does his job and does it fine. No Pent, but Pent is in his own league. Anna didn't like him this run, but he has Excalibur to help out. Great Light and staff rank means he will still have use in CC as well. Screwed everywhere.


Ewan... Most assuredly my weakest pick. He was the number 1 cause of restarts this run. If only he decided to grow more magic. His rule now is to tank magic shots like a pro. The mount is never bad either. 6 points below average in magic. He wouldn't of been as bad if his magic kept up.


WTF CORMAG. WHY ARE YOU SO AWESOME! And that sums him up. Second place MVP by far. Funny enough, he is AVERAGE, besides a 2 point Skill blessing. Crazy. LOL Pierce.


Last but not least, Myrrh. Filler unit that destroys monsters. And she does it well. I gave her a few levels before now to help make her an invincible anti monster machine. LOL averages.

Before final I stock up on equipment. Woo 45k+ silver card in funds.

Chapter 20

Coming soon to a post near you! Cursed Mogalls with shadow shot.

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Dude, he's not you.

I have another question before I start the post game. Will our turns in the tower and ruins carry over from the regular game? Or will they be counted seperately?

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Dude, he's not you.

I have another question before I start the post game. Will our turns in the tower and ruins carry over from the regular game? Or will they be counted seperately?

I think they should count separately. If I recall correctly, they tell you the turns taken at the end of each.

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I think they should count separately. If I recall correctly, they tell you the turns taken at the end of each.

They definetly should count seperately. That way, even if I lose the main draft, I still have a chance to win something.

Anyways, I post logs later, didn't get much progress. Why did I take Ephraim's route!? Oh yeah, Duessel.

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Chapter 20

Cormag rescues Eirika and rushes boss. Everyone else does a little self improvement. 3 Turns

I actually had this done a little while ago, but I forgot to post it.

Final Chapter - Part 1

See Chapter 20, but without the Seize. Cormag and Myrrh rush Lyon this time. Everyone else kills stuff. I nab the robe and seal though. Cormag pulled some luck dodges and Pierces, which allowed 4 turns. I wanted two, but whatever.

Final Chapter - Part 2

This is it. Cormag Pierce and doubles, Ephraim takes a whack. I repair the Warp one last time and Warp GAR in for the finishing blow. He deserved it. 1 Turned.

Total in all: 205?

Apparently I had more turns than I thought.Oh well. Not bad. Now everyone else has to finish. I will do a Tower run later on, and see how I do. For now though, CHEERS!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for not updating in a while, like many of you I was distracted with one paticular game.

Anyways, short update.

Chapter 9: (22/98)

Fed Forde the Angelic Robe and Colm a Secret Book that I fogot about.

The reason it took so long to complete this cahpter is because Forde kept getting hit by the sleep staffers.

He and Ephraim are the only ones with decent durabilty, so I mostly had to rely on misses to survive.

Recruited Amelia for her Speedwing, which immediately went to Forde.

Sent Colm north for the Ocean seal and money. Everyone else handled the numerous cavelier reinforcements.

I didn't even get the Killer Axe, and in conclusion this is the hardest chapter so far and I doubt any chapter could be harder.

Chapter 10: (10/108)

Ferried Ephraim to Duessel with Vanessa. She visited the village nearby and took out the fleet.

Everyone else just killed every thing in thier way, until meeting up with Ephraim and Duessel in the middle.

Recriuted Cormag for the Killer Lance. Colm and Neimi took out the pirates. Every one else tried to make a path to the boss.

I said tried, I later needed to defend against the cavelier reinforcements, then ten turns passed and the objective was accomplished.

Edited by Ocarina007
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I'm going to finish this sooner or later.

Chapter 11 (9/117)

Vanessa promotes to Wyvern Knight at level 14 before the chapter. Artur promotes mid-chapter to Bishop at level 15.

Vanessa kills the flying enemies south. Duessel and Ephraim rush towards the ship and starts killing.

Everyone then supports them by taking care of any enemies they didn't get to.

Duessel defends from the eyeballs with the Hatchet and Pure Water. Artur and Neimi fight the incoming gargoyles.

Forde and Duessel then kill the rest of the enemies.

Chapter 12 (11/128)

Everyone takes to the right path. Neimi and Colm defend from the enemies from the other ship.

Vanessa later helps them from the reinforcements. Forde goes to recruit Ewan.

Ewan recruits Marissa and then everyone kills the remaining enemies. Boss kill went to Vanessa.

Chapter 13 (11/139)

Colm and Vanessa cross the river to kill some stuff. Ephraim goes east. Everyone else goes around the long way to get to the center of the river.

Artur, Marissa, and Neimi goes south and visits the village. Forde and Duessel goes and helps Colm. Vanessa went to support Ephraim.

Stuff died, Colm stole a Red Gem and Speedwing. Ephraim visits the other village. Then I just started to selectively kill things.

Chapter 14 (14/153)

Dussel, Forde and Artur takes the left side. Everyone else to the left. Brought L'Arachel to recruit Rennac.

Ephraim and Vanessa killed some enemies, then went to the right side. Colm killed the Knights gaurding the treasure room.

Forde promoted mid-chapter at level 17 to Paladin. Duessel opens the door and Artur cures him from any condition.

Niemi fights the Shaman in the treasure room through the walls. Marissa waits at the door. Forde kills the Mage reinforcements with Colm

Vanessa and Artur kills the Shaman reinforcements. Ephraim and Duessel takes care of the throne reinforcements.

Neimi opens the treasure room door, and Marissa opens gets the Hammerne with a key I had in the supply. L'Arachel recruits Rennac.

Colm picks the northwestern chest, and Forde does some secret shopping. Marrisa and Neimi fights Shaman reinforcements and get some gold.

Ephraim kills Vigarde and seizes.

That's the end of Ephraim's route. Not bad for a noobie, right? Okay, who am I kidding, I was terrible.

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Woohoo, I'm still in the lead...

Oh and a question, how are we supposed to earn enough money for weapons etc needed to get through the tower? I'm broke apparently.

Edited by Xander
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I've scrapped up some generic weapons and started the tower

Floor 1 2 turns

lol..whoever has Tethys will probably win this. I deployed all of my units except for Gilliam and myrrh.

Floor 2 5 turns

Kyle picks up Moulder and carries him while Tana stays in front to clear a path for him. Ross stayed near the start and killed reinforcements. Marissa killed an archer. I'd originally planned for Moulder to take care of the boss and all his goons, but unfortunately he wasn't strong enough, so old gal Tana equiped a Javelin and destroyed all of the monsters that were left on turn 5 enemy phase.

Floor 3 5 turns

This time I goofed, and Tana couldn't move as fast as she should have thanks to enemies blocking my way. Got Caellach at least. Tana is once again and will always be MVP.

Floor 4 3 turns

Swapped out Rissa for Caellach on the team. Kyle proved he is mentally challenged yet again and missed with an 88%, costing me a turn. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Tana went north while he went west, and Erika east. Despite his poor base speed, Caellach was actually pretty impressive this map.

Floor 5 3 turns

Ugh, floor 5...Tana went northwest, Erika and Kyle northeast, Ephraim southwest, and Gilliam southeast. GG monsters. I deployed Marissa since I wasn't going to be using either her or Ceallach this map anyway.

Floor 6 8 turns

I HATE this floor too much. I could have done it sooner but noo, there were two monsters that didn't want to move, costing me turns. Oh well...Tana went north, with backup to break the walls while Ephraim went west. I deployed Caellach instead of Marissa this map, because he has two range.

Floor 7 9 turns

Got Orson, so long Caellach man, nice knowing you. Orson was kind of a boss, and was surprisingly beast. Tana marched forward killing everything with the paladins close behind, while everyone else once again failed to keep up. Come on Kyle, missing twice with a brave lance against a mauthe dog? Again? Facepalm_emote_gif.gif...

Floor 8 6 turns

Um, Tana and Orson went up the left side while Ephraim went up the left. Orson got the final kill against an Ogre, and almost died at 3 HP. Thank God, I'm done!

41 turns total for the tower

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I completely forgot about this. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Let's run this tower in.

Before I feed Ewan a Robe. He needs it. I also have a ton of money, so I bout three robes and rings. Woo~~ Silver Card. Sold a Master Seal I managed to get on the final. Ewan gets another robe, as does Amelia and L'Arachel. Ewan gets one ring, while L'Arachel gets two. I double checked and noticed that Ewan still had failing MAG so I bought him another Ring. Bout a physic and some more reavers and basic weaponry.

Tower 1: I leave Cormag behind. I rush this with Amelia and Ephraim with simple Iron. L'Arachel helps pick up a few kills. 3 Turns. Some enemy decided it didn't want to suicide.

Tower 2: Saleh is left behind for Cormag. HE still doesn't do much. 1 Warp use for GAR up north. Everyone else rushes East. Everything is Dead Turn 3.

Tower 3: Amelia Solo with Ewan L'Arachel splitting to go get the chest. Ewan Backs Amelia Up. 5 Turns.

Tower 4: L'Arachel Picks up Divine. And another Lightning. Nothing Else to note. Cormag starts rushing West after Ewan blicks an enemy in the way. Ephraim joins them on the North Side. Eirika runs straight North and L'Arachel and Amelia go East. Everything but one Entombed get counter killed on the fist EP. Ephraim takes that honor. 2 Turns.

I'll update this post once I finish the rest. Planning Strategies now.

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Yay, I thought this was dead for a while.

Chapter 15: (12/165)

This was actually pretty easy, in a sense that I didn't need to restart all the time to actually complete it.

Promoted Knoll to Summoner before the chapter. Neimi promoted to Ranger mid-chapter with the Master Seal.

Vanessa went to help Eirik, who was turtling the forest. Colm went North, everyone else East.

It was just one big battle, but nothing my units couldn't handle.Vanessa and Eirika were ganging up the enemies that were ganging up on them

Colm just tries to kill all the Shamans and Fighters, but it took a while. Duessel killed Valter by doubling him with Garm.

Reinforcements came, But my southern forces took care of that. Eirika killed some Mage Reinforcements up North.

Colm stole Caellech's Hoplon Gaurd and Equiped the Killing Edge. Two criticals. Vanessa finished him off with the Axereacer.

Items found were; Killer Bow, Warp, Swiftsole, and Wyrmslayer.

Chapter 16 is going take a while, Artur still doesn't have A staves yet.

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