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Just got a new copy of FESD


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See my topic. I just got a new copy of FESD, and while my son bums my copy to do his Swords Only run on Normal (which means I'm still trying to complete my Draft run), I'm looking for new challenge ideas to do for my new copy.

Please suggest Challenge Runs for me, and I'll do as many as I can.

Suggestions can be w/e you want (weapon-specific, class-specific, time-frame, w/e).

Suggested Runs

Currently Attempting: H2 Julian Solo

H3 Prepromote (No Wolf/Sedgar)

H5 Shiida Solo

[ ] Magic users only. Cannot reclass Merric/Linde/Wrys/Maria/Etzel/Wendell/Boah

Natural Cavaliers Only

Blue & White Hair (Sword & Magic respectively)

H3-H5 Generics

Lowest Level Unit Use (Prepromotes count as +10 Lvl)

H2 Girls only

H2 Mounted Units Only

H3 No Male-Set A

Edited by Elieson
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H2 Julian Solo. Marth solo is common, so do a Julian Solo. Only use Jeigan through Chapter 1-2.

Edit: I will be doing it also.

Edited by 13thshadow
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Liking these...except the H5 Shiida run. That'll definatly take some time to do...mainly getting through Chapter 1-4 T.T....and keeping lv. 1 Marth alive through Wave after Wave of reinforcements...

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Something I've been thinking of but haven't done yet.

H Something (2, 3 maybe), Ike and Micaiah Run

Use only all Blue-haired Units and all White-haired Units

Blue-Haired people are sword users on foot (Myrmidon-Sword and Merc-Hero, Thief for Rickard and Lord Marth)

White-Haired people are offensive magic users (Mage-Sage, Sorcerer in Lorenz's case)

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  • 2 weeks later...

One that I'm doing right now is an iron-only run, on normal difficulty. Basically, just use iron weapons, fire, and heal (and, in my case, throw weapons, thunder, and all other staves). Either way, limiting the types of weapons you can use offers a great challenge.

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Normal. . .NORMAL?! I think TC did that on H3.

I did E & D rank weaponry (so, Iron, Steel, Hand/Jav, Fire->Elfire, and Heal&Mend) on H3. Bitchin hard.

It was my Pick My Team challenge!!!


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How about unpromoted units only? (Hence, no promoted units, and no promoting as well.) I got to C9 on H4 on that challenge, but quit due to boredom. There was also no warpskipping. Past that, anything goes. Any unit that goes to Lv30 may be used as well. Pick a difficulty and run with it. (I restarted on H1, just for kicks.)

Hint: If you do choose this: Forge liberally. Particularly for late game enemies in H3 and above.

Edit: Checking the log I made: Jagen and Gotoh were allowed. Also, promotion for the final chapter if required.

Edited by Mist
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How about unpromoted units only? (Hence, no promoted units, and no promoting as well.) I got to C9 on H4 on that challenge, but quit due to boredom. There was also no warpskipping. Past that, anything goes. Any unit that goes to Lv30 may be used as well. Pick a difficulty and run with it. (I restarted on H1, just for kicks.)

Hint: If you do choose this: Forge liberally. Particularly for late game enemies in H3 and above.

Edit: Checking the log I made: Jagen and Gotoh were allowed. Also, promotion for the final chapter if required.

Looks interesting. I'll give that one a try. Too bad I can't use the amazing and incredible Jeorge though, lol.

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  • 11 months later...

Whoa, this thread's almost exactly a year old. Please pay closer attention to the last post date and make sure the topic is still relevant.


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