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Mapping Competition

Chocolate Kitty

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So the rules for this are fairly simple, follow the guidelines and that's about it. :P Ask for clarification if needed.


-Make your maps original, don't copy/steal someone else's design.

-Stick to the tileset given, no color swaps.

-Stick to the size given, I may or may not check this. Honor system.

-16 colors and hack box sized :P

Tileset, FE7: 6A006B6C

Requirements, as selected by (Super Luigi):

- 20 to 25 tiles in length and 25 to 30 tiles in height

- Other than that, anything goes round

Provide your size for this round.

Tileset Link

Mappy Link

Due Date: February 16th

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What size are the tiles? I try to get them to be right, but it merges them into tiles with grids through them. A little help?

EDIT: I downloaded everything from here, and now is trying to get it to work so I can make this map.

Edited by 13thshadow
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What size are the tiles? I try to get them to be right, but it merges them into tiles with grids through them. A little help?

EDIT: I downloaded everything from here, and now is trying to get it to work so I can make this map.

You should pick 16x16 pixels. You might be using the square tilesets by accident, you want to avoid those, look in the FE7 folder rather than the FE7 Square folder.

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Oh, yeah, the square tiles are kinda useless. I should convert 'em with yeti's tool and upload them.

 But I'm making new, better, tilesets for almost all tilesets, but they won't likely be usable in hacks (but maybe they'll get accepted for this competition).

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Yeah Im almost done with them. It's like that castle tileset I posted in FEND's shoutbox some time ago. I need to do the Fort, snow and western isles now, and then loads of recolors (especially once **read my topic in the hacking section**).

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I have to say, I was completely disinterested in making a map for this tileset. That is, until you posted your map, Celice. Your entry reminded me of a chapter concept I had a long time ago, and when I realized that this tileset was perfect for making a map of it, I had to jump in before I forgot all of the details. Granted, the original idea was more grandiose (and involved a boat, something this tileset lacks), but one must adapt and overcome adversity. I just wish that the tileset had more variety for some tiles (light grass patterns, angled walls without grass at the bottom, etc.)... I have a feeling that this round is going to be a good, close one.


(Size: 25 wide x 30 high)

(In case it matters to anyone: Allies start in the area in the northwest corner. Chapter goal is "Defeat bosses" (both of whom are sitting on the thrones). The island forts produce flying reinforcements. And, plenty of siege weaponry (ballistae, long-range tomes, etc.).)

Edited by Lord Glenn
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@HoT: Actually, no. I redid the villages to have no mountains, but working ships and other stuff. Though the small mountains (which are used in chapter 3 of Lyn's Mode) are still in it, but I guess I can add them in another version.

@Shadow: .... I don't get why the grid's still on it. It shouldnt even be possible to have it on the map if you use the gridless tileset of my tileset package. You should really look into this, becuase a map with a grid is kinda... hard to tell what tiles are where and stuff, and it doesn't look too good.

Edited by Feaw
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