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Any Dead Space 2 Fans?

Original Alear

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I got my copy yesterday, currently on chapter 5. The game is absolutely amazing.

Hmm, what else to say...it's a lot more gory than the first game in the main series. The introduction is amazing. I have no idea what I should spend my credits on. The velociraptor zombies in the church are amazing.

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I bought the first game a bit after it first came out, and found it a very pleasant title, with a really engaging atmosphere and interesting gameplay mechanics. I kept telling a friend of mine to play it, and he would continuously put it off. Finally, one day, he borrowed it. After he played it, all he could think about was Dead Space. It's easily now his favorite series, and he's always keeping up on the absolute newest news on it.

Naturally, he picked up the second the day it came out, and ended up beating it the day he got it. I go over to his house and play it occasionally. I find it fun, and the characters and emoting are far more well done than the original. In addition, the suits are just even cooler than they were before. You always feel like a total badass that can take on the world, even though it doesn't take much this time around to take you out.

I'm looking forward to seeing where the game goes. I'm at the 5th or 6th chapter, if memory serves.

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