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And they say her flower's faded now

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Looking up at the stars, I know quite well

That, for all they care, I can go to hell,

But on earth indifference is the least

We have to dread from man or beast.

How should we like it were stars to burn

With a passion for us we could not return?

If equal affection cannot be,

Let the more loving one be me.

Admirer as I think I am

Of stars that do not give a damn,

I cannot, now I see them, say

I missed one terribly all day.

Were all stars to disappear or die,

I should learn to look at an empty sky

And feel its total dark sublime,

Though this might take me a little time.

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Lately I've been wishing I had one desire,

Something that would make me never want another,

Something that would make it so that nothing matters,

All would be clearer then

But I guess I'll have to settle for a few brief moments,

And watch it all dissolve into a single second,

And try to write it down into a perfect sonnet,

Or one foolish line

'Cause that's all that you'll get,

So you'll have to accept,

You are here ,

Then you're gone

I believe that lovers should be tied together,

Thrown into the ocean in the worst of weather,

Left there to drown,

Left there to drown in their innocence

But as for me I'm coming to the final chapter,

I've read all of the pages and there's still no answer,

The only words before I know will soon come after,

It’s the only way it can be.

So I stand in the sun,

And I breathe with my lungs,

Trying to spare me the weight of the truth,

Seeing everything you've ever seen was just a mirror,

Spend your whole life sweating in an endless fever,

Laying in a bathtub full of freezing water,

Wishing you were a ghost

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these faded flowers

precious as memories

but they're of something

correct as energy

we had some good machines

but they don't work no more

i loved you once

don't love you anymore

these eyes are blind

this is a pure thing


All I got.

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