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Resident Evil 4

RNG Princess

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but they chase after me so they must be zombies

ok I kind of get it, they dont bite they just throw knives, pitchforks, bombs, and try to cut and kill me down. Are they vegeterian zombies?

They are not technically dead, so they are not zombies. They are "zombified" humans.

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Actually they're just a bunch of pissed off villagers that want the American menace to leave.

I was going to write white menace, but then I realized they're all white.

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Actually they're just a bunch of pissed off villagers that want the American menace to leave.

I was going to write white menace, but then I realized they're all white.

What? No. It's Los Illuminados. They're all infected. Ever wonder why some of them sprout giant caterpillars from their heads when you blow it off? That is not normal. And then, I don't want to spoil anything, but that one machine Leon and Ashley find on the island...

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What? No. It's Los Illuminados. They're all infected. Ever wonder why some of them sprout giant caterpillars from their heads when you blow it off? That is not normal. And then, I don't want to spoil anything, but that one machine Leon and Ashley find on the island...

I get the feeling you've never met an actual Spaniard.

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Centipedes coming out of living things isn't normal?

It's been going on for eons XD

Who said anything about centipedes? And have you seen what happens in RE4?

I get the feeling you've never met an actual Spaniard.

I have. What does that have to do with anything?

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Who said anything about centipedes? And have you seen what happens in RE4?

I have. What does that have to do with anything?

You said caterpillars, though what bursts out are more shapely towards centipedes than caterpillars--but insects using and bursting forth organisms is the main point meant to get across :P

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I have. What does that have to do with anything?

It was pretty clear I was joking <<

I will argue though that the genado attacking Leon had nothing to do with them being infected. Look at the very first scene with them, Leon breaks into a guy's house, the guy says something to the effect of "Who the fuck are you, get out of my house" and Leon responds by murdering him. In any sane society, Leon would be a criminal and people would pursue him.

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It was pretty clear I was joking <<

I will argue though that the genado attacking Leon had nothing to do with them being infected. Look at the very first scene with them, Leon breaks into a guy's house, the guy says something to the effect of "Who the fuck are you, get out of my house" and Leon responds by murdering him. In any sane society, Leon would be a criminal and people would pursue him.

I see your point, but who would randomly attack a stranger with an axe when it's obvious he's just looking for someone? Plus, Leon did yell "Freeze!" twice. I'd call it self-defense before murder.

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How was that guy supposed to know that? If a random, armed stranger came into my house I would be getting my axe too. Also, how would the man know what FREEZE means?

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How was that guy supposed to know that? If a random, armed stranger came into my house I would be getting my axe too. Also, how would the man know what FREEZE means?

A guy walks into your house and shows you a picture of a girl. You don't understand what he says, but he seems to want to know if you recognize her. You tell him to get the fuck out. He turns to leave. What do you do?

A. Let him leave peacefully.

B. Take your fuckin' axe to his head.

Would you really pick B? And then, for the freeze part: You picked B. He dodges and points a gun at you. You start walking towards him, axe raised, as he shouts at you threateningly, gun still pointed. What is he likely trying to convey?

A. Stop now or I'll shoot you.

B. Nice axe. Where did you get it?

C. I have a fetish for people chopping me up with an axe while I point a gun at them like I'm a cop. Please continue.

Common sense.

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You'd pick B if the guy, instead of turning to leave, just stood there. Kind of like what Leon did. As for your second question, why didn't Leon just leave? You can't really spin breaking into someone's house and killing them as being in the right.

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You'd pick B if the guy, instead of turning to leave, just stood there. Kind of like what Leon did. As for your second question, why didn't Leon just leave? You can't really spin breaking into someone's house and killing them as being in the right.

I am pretty sure Leon was preparing to leave. Either way, it's obvious he was no threat, so why try to kill him? Sure, I wouldn't like someone breaking into my house either, but it's not worth killing over if they're just asking a simple question. And I happen to live in a run down shack in the middle of nowhere.

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fucking regenerators fucking regenerators fucking regenerators fucking regenerators

Hey, guys.


I hate those guys. They take like a million bullets to kill.

I stopped playing around the... near the end, when you're fighting that russian? guy. I don't really remember, but I remember it being some stupid boss fight that didn't really interest me.

I prefer getting to play as Chris in RE5 anyway :3 He's way sexier than Leon. RE5 isn't as good, but it's still really fun to play co-op!

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I stopped playing around the... near the end, when you're fighting that russian? guy. I don't really remember, but I remember it being some stupid boss fight that didn't really interest me.

Krauser? That guy is surprisingly easy with the knife. I can beat him in Professional with no bullets and without getting hit :awesome: .

Chris...He's way sexier than Leon.


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I didn't say it was hard. Just boring.

Oh. Okay.

Leon has a stupid haircut.

You're just jealous.

Leon has a much better body for cuddling

This man knows what he is talking about.

Don't get me wrong, Chris is also cool. But Leon...

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