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ITT I Neo-Play FE6

Smiley Jim

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Chapter 20S: The Silver Wolf

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Dieck, Ellen, Clarine, Rutgar, Fir, Shin, Miredy, Percival, Astol

New Units:

Niime, Dayan

This chapter isn't too difficult, save for the two bolting sages near the beginning. Also, Roartz. You need to beat this chapter in 25 turns or less with all three nomad characters alive, which if you are reading this, should NOT be a problem. If you are having a problem with this, go play FE8 Easy mode or something.

I sent Dieck and Fir to deal with the two warriors, then had Ellen and Rutgar inflict massive damage to two of the fighters. On the enemy turn, Roy and Astol get pelted by Bolting, and some other guys get chipped. On turn 2, I remove one of the Bolting sages with my own Bolting, and heal my units, as well as taking out more enemies. On turn 3, after a series of events, Dayan spawned from the south, ready to be recruited, and subsequently, had to taxi Roy towards the west. While this was happening, I took out the killer axe warrior as well as the sniper on the Killer B(31atk w/ 18crt is actually scary.). Although Alan got nearly killed by a silver sword swordmaster and the bolting guy on the EP, I managed to persevere, and killed the fuckers at the same time I opened the door to the chest room(fun fact; enemy archers/snipers will prioritize fliers, even ones with Delphi shields, above any other units unless they can kill a unit in one hit, so using a high-def flier(Miredy, anyone?)to sponge the hits is a great way to draw ballista hits away from your thief.)

Anyway, moving on, I chipped down the wall and finally got through on turn 6, while having Ellen kill most of the throne room enemies to raise her light rank. While this was happening, Rutgar took out both sword dudes while Astol grabbed the swag. I then grabbed all my units with my mounted dudes and stormed into the throne area, then engaged the boss on turn 9, killing him on that same turn. I seized on turn 11, after claiming all the swag.

Turns Taken: 11

Roy      	01  18  32  15  13  18  18  14  06  06  A Lilina
Lilina    	02  10  39  30  14  21  17  06  20  05  A Roy 
Alan 		02  03  42  22  12  18  08  15  07  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  03  37  18  17  20  08  12  05  11  A Alan
Dieck    	02  07  49  25  20  18  08  18  07  14
Clarine 	02  01  30  11  12  20  15  05  12  06  A Rutgar
Rutgar   	02  10  50  23  26  27  10  17  04  08  A Clarine
Ellen      	02  13  34  18  22  18  27  04  28  05
Fir      	02  05  47  20  26  26  12  10  07  06  B Shin
Shin      	02  06  46  21  22  25  10  10  09  07  B Fir
Miredy 		02  08  53  25  23  19  11  23  07  09
Percival   	02  07  53  20  16  22  16  17  13  12
Niime      	02  18  25  21  20  16  15  05  18  04
Dayan      	02  13  43  14  16  20  12  10  12  05

Miredy finally capped strength, among other things, such as Ellen getting A light. Cool beans.

Swag: Blue gem, Nosferatu, Sleep, Dracoshield, Guiding ring, Axereaver

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It's time for another one of these before I deal with Murderdock and Legault Gale.


Whose bright idea was it to make Roy promote like 4 chapters before the game ends? Probably Fred Fuchs.




Same old, same old. Some guy on a horse that 2HKO's shit with steel and isn't too concerned about dying.


Same as Alan, except trade atk for speed. He kinda needs silver to match Alan's atk with steel, but that's life.


He's still a baller with that defense, but why he hasn't gained speed in like 4 levels is beyond me. Remind me not to use armors next time.


Well, his speed still sucks. Did you expect my Dieck to end up like Narga's? If he didn't hit like a son of a bitch, I would have ditched him around the same time Grandjackal did.




All she's good for is healbotting. Her combat sucks. The end.


I like how she's borderline immune to magic, but that isn't saying much. Low speed and sub-par magic basically gimp her offense, and she's made of Kleenex as far as durability is concerned. Well it was either her or Saul, and Saul's luck is unacceptable.


Still a poor man's Rutgar, but who cares, STILL BROKEN!


Shin is still good at what he does; killing wyverns. Like a bow user should. If only Rath was this good.


Most unimpressive unit I've used this playthrough, but that's mostly because his speed is awful. He doesn't even have an attack advantage over Lilina as she has like 7 magic higher than him and has a support. He doesn't(Could use Lou, but there is no point in carrying even more garbage.)


She's Rutgar who trades AS and crit for much more atk and durability. And flight. Flight is a big game breaker here.


Still awesome, even though others have better stats than him, but those guys have worse movement or are Bors.

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Nyeh, multicoloured illegibility.


He's still a baller with that defense, but why he hasn't gained speed in like 4 levels is beyond me. Remind me not to use armors next time.

Believe me. We have.

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It's inherently funny to me when people overuse LOLLONGSTRINGOFTEXT so much that it stops being funny. In one post. And what the fuck are Masen and Kienzan?


Legault Gale.

Hell you smokin' bro? They look nothing alike.

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Eclipse is a fun way to bust through walls. You'd merely have to stare at the wall after that to destroy it, and since Niime is here, well, you get the picture.

If you are having a problem with this, go play FE8 Easy mode or something.

It actually can be pretty rough for Dayan to survive this chapter, and Shin is known for his minor Luck issues. It's a pretty hell-ish chapter if you aren't careful, what with the Bolting Sages, the Ballistae, and you have the dark going against you.


Most unimpressive unit I've used this playthrough, but that's mostly because his speed is awful. He doesn't even have an attack advantage over Lilina as she has like 7 magic higher than him and has a support. He doesn't(Could use Lou, but there is no point in carrying even more garbage.

The only real quality perk about Ray is Nosferatu, but he has to prevent being doubled by Damon's Pizza factory in order to even be decent at it. Not to mention hitting the opponents. Ray needs to be about... 20/8 on average to pull it off, and I think there's 20 AS Nomads which still double him. Ray is pretty fucking horrible in Sacae. In Ilia? He's okay I guess.

Edited by _M_
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Eclipse is a fun way to bust through walls. You'd merely have to stare at the wall after that to destroy it, and since Niime is here, well, you get the picture.

I didn't realize that. Would've made my life a hell of a lot easier. At least Eclipse was useful for bringing that second Bolting guy to 1 HP so that Lilina would get a free kill(I had only 1 Bolting left)

It actually can be pretty rough for Dayan to survive this chapter, and Shin is known for his minor Luck issues. It's a pretty hell-ish chapter if you aren't careful, what with the Bolting Sages, the Ballistae, and you have the dark going against you.

To be fair, I was actually worried about those Bolting sages, as the two of them combined could kill any of my units in one turn except for Lilina and Ellen. As for the ballistae, I wasn't all that worried as Miredy could easily distract the right ballista(ballista users will ALWAYS target flying units, even ones with Delphi Shields, unless they can one-shot a unit), and the left one was neutered by Lilina's Bolting.

The only real quality perk about Ray is Nosferatu, but he has to prevent being doubled by Damon's Pizza factory in order to even be decent at it. Not to mention hitting the opponents. Ray needs to be about... 20/8 on average to pull it off, and I think there's 20 AS Nomads which still double him. Ray is pretty fucking horrible in Sacae. In Ilia? He's okay I guess.

Yeah, he was very underwhelming in Sacae, because he gets his ass doubled by the nomads there. At least his defense was above average.

Oh and as for the part where I was ranting about how Lily kills everything, I was calling Elfire and Aircalibur by their DBZ equivalents(Elfire=Masenko and Aircalibur=Kienzan)

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It's time for another one of these before I deal with Murderdock and Legault Gale.


Whose bright idea was it to make Roy promote like 4 chapters before the game ends? Probably Fred Fuchs.



You remind me of one of those guys who thinks they're the funniest things in the world when they are in fact, extremely unfunny. Actually, I shouldn't say you remind me of those people, you ARE one of those people.


He's still a baller with that defense, but why he hasn't gained speed in like 4 levels is beyond me. Remind me not to use armors next time.

We HAVE. You refused to listen. In fact, we've considered moving Bors down on the tier list near Bottom tier.



The ALL CAPS lollongstringoftext is annoying and old and not funny.


Most unimpressive unit I've used this playthrough, but that's mostly because his speed is awful. He doesn't even have an attack advantage over Lilina as she has like 7 magic higher than him and has a support. He doesn't (Could use Lou, but there is no point in carrying even more garbage.)

If your Ray is the most useless unit on this run, you're either doing it wrong, or he got RNG screwed. Sacae wasn't the best route admittedly but....

@Bold: The fact you think Lugh is garbage already shows the fact you have no idea what you're talking about. He's better than Lilina.

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No, possibly more than your opinions of yourself. At least 1) you actually have a sense of humor, 2) you actually have cause to be egotistical, c) you don't shamelessly plug your playthroughs and d) you don't flaunt your ego.

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Ok I get it. My sense of humor sucks. And as for my unit preferences, I chose them due to what a GameFAQ's HM character guide said, and as for the Lou vs Lily thing, my Lou got RNG screwed on my first run and I did not want to go through that again. Stupid banana-coat wearing twat. But continuing to antagonize me is not going to get this playthrough done any sooner. If you do not have anything nice to post, I'd rather it not be posted, though that's up to you in the end.

P.S: Ray does suck in Sacae. Colonel M was right when he said that.

Edited by darkandroid125
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Well no shit Ray sucks in Sacae. I never said he didn't.

Also my Alan and Lance were RNG screwed really badly first time I played (Lance still had 8 speed at 8/0). I still use him them. Your unit choices are up to you of course (I know Ray's pretty mediocre. I still use him in every run) but if you for instance hype or say something like "remind me not to use this unit", then of course we're going to comment.

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If you do not have anything nice to post, I'd rather it not be posted, though that's up to you in the end.

But DA, if you didn't have my mean comments you'd still be pretty much alone in this thread. I revitalized it.

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And as for my unit preferences, I chose them due to what a GameFAQ's HM character guide said.
Well, I wouldn't trust GameFAQs as far as support building and unit usefulness goes. It may be good for something like the Link Arena, but as far as the main game itself goes... I would have to come up with some strategy to be able to get away with raising underleveled units while getting through ASAP. I wouldn't waste my time building up, like say, an approximately 40 turn per level support between two units if I'm trying to get through ASAP, no matter how the bonuses are between the said units. Simply because I'd probably have to go out of my way to at least try to make it work. It gets much trickier if the support is between two units that can't hold a constant range for long.

Still, I have no problem with you doing what you want. It's just that GameFAQs is pretty unreliable when it comes to FE.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 20xS: The Bow of Winds

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Ellen, Rutgar, Clarine, Ray, Shin, Fir, Miredy, Percival

This map has six tents which can be capped. The problem is finding the real one, the location of which is randomized every time you boot the map. Capping a fake gate will result in 6 mooks popping out of the house, which in an efficient playthrough is just a waste of time.

P.S: I see that people had left me a few blatantly negative comments(I'm not giving names, I know who you are.) Ok, I get it, my unit choices suck! Don't bug me about it anymore and just enjoy the playthrough in all its glory.

P.P.S: If you are sick and fucking tired of 80+ avoid bosses, then Sacae is not the route for you. I could learn a thing or two from this.

Alright, since this can be a little cluttered, I'm doing this in the same fashion I did for Chapter 12. Because I said so. Anyway Group A=Roy/Lily/Ray/Miredy/Percy/Dick, Group B=Rutgar/Clarine/Alan/Lance, and Group C=BtB/Fir/Shin/Ellen.

Group A: I sent my units westward to deal with the nomads across the river(except Ray, who went south to Nosfertank the wvyerns.) Ray narrowly avoids getting berserked. On turn 2 I chip at the nomads, managing to kill a few of them, but Ray gets berserked on turn 3. Anyway, I get my units across the river by around turn 5, getting two good level ups for Roy in the process. Soon after Ray broke free of confusion, I had Miredy take out Brakul. I seized both Thoril's and Brakul's thrones, finding out one was a fake and the other was the real one(I ended the map on turn 10.)

Group B: The group went west to rendezvous with Group C. Rutgar kills a WL on the EP, and Clarine avoids getting silenced. I then kill the second wvyern and a nomad trooper before Clarine dodged another Silence, followed by getting hit by Berserk. I then move Rutgar away from Clarine and closer to the nomad bosses. I was about to have Rutgar deal with Kudoka, but declined after Fir took care of him. Rutgar was then sent to where Thoril was, at which point I killed him on turn 9.

Group C: The group goes south to engage in fighting some nomads. Fir gets slept, while everyone else simply cuts up more nomads. On turns two and three, I fought off the nomads, while restoring my status'd party members(Shin got slept twice.) Eventually, I broke through the nomads and offed Kudoka on turn 6. I then had Bors distract Clarine(otherwise, she would have suicided on Kabul.). After Clarine broke free of her berserk, I had Bors attack Marral, killing him on turn 9.

Turns Taken: 10

Roy      	01  20  34  16  14  20  18  14  07  06  A Lilina
Lilina    	02  11  40  30  15  21  18  07  20  05  A Roy 
Alan 		02  04  43  23  12  18  08  15  07  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  04  38  18  17  21  08  12  05  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  12  52  23  19  18  19  30  09  16 
Dieck    	02  07  49  25  20  18  08  18  07  14
Clarine 	02  01  30  11  12  20  15  05  12  06  A Rutgar
Rutgar   	02  12  52  23  27  29  11  17  04  08  A Clarine
Ellen      	02  13  34  18  22  18  27  04  28  05
Fir      	02  06  47  22  27  27  12  10  07  06  B Shin
Shin      	02  07  47  21  22  26  10  10  09  07  B Fir
Ray      	02  04  38  24  16  17  06  10  15  07
Miredy 		02  08  54  25  23  19  11  24  07  09
Percival   	02  07  53  20  16  22  16  17  13  12

Good news is that Roy finally reached Lv20(with capped speed to boot). The bad news is that he's stuck that way until the end of the next gaiden. In other news, Fir capped strength and Rutgar is one away from capping speed.

Also, here's to Ray not sucking in Bern(Nosfertanking wyverns is pretty win in my book. At least he's not doubled by everything under Tatooine's twin suns like he is in Sacae.)

I'll get Ilia up soon enough. I just need to get to that point on my new playthrough.

Swag: Miurgre

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Chapter 21: Manifestation of my Hatred

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Ellen, Clarine, Rutgar, Ray, Miredy, Fir, Shin, Percival, Lalum, Yodel

I fucking hate this chapter.

No seriously, it's like Chapter 7 all over again, except much much worse. At least on Normal mode, the enemies sucked, but were still strong enough to pose a decent threat to my softer units. Firstly, let it be known that every wyvern on this map has capped strength. And I do mean ALL of them. If you have any weak units, don't bring them. This isn't Spiderman Kid Mode. Just make sure to keep Roy and any dancers/thieves you are bringing to this map well protected. That is all. Also, Murdoch. Uh, bring an armorslayer and some magic(Anima is best. Light is too weak and Dark is too inaccurate.) and you should be set.

'Also, bring the silver and gold cards. There is a secret shoppe selling boots on this map. Want your units to get a boost? Well, this is the place to do it.' Well, it IS just as cheap as getting the Boots in Chapter 12 in Tactics Universe, if not cheaper. 10 move Millie+10 move Percy in C21-24>6-7 move Kevin in Chapter 13.

I sent all my units south, except Ray, who I sent east to deal with the first set of wyverns. I also used my first turn to sell some stuff. On the enemy turn, Roy gets blasted by a Kienzan sage, while Ray chips at the WL and the killer WK. I kill the sage on turn 2, as well as chipping one of the knights and having Ray polish off the rest of the wyvern squad while Millie goes out to help him. At the start on turn 2 EP, more wvyerns and some paladins spawned from the southwest, and charged straight at me. Ray manages to get rid of the rest of the wyverns, while the rest of my party gets swarmed. Thankfully, I get out of the first trigger zone by turn 4, had Ellen and Ray use their dracoshields(Ellen couldn't survive a WL hit otherwise.). Anyway, on turn 5, I sent Dieck back to deal with the numerous reinforcements while everyone else went further east. On turn 6, I managed to get out of the forest and killed off the lone knight and the two archers, allowing me to get some breathing space.

Anyway, on turn 11, after I got Millie back to my main force, Gale and his goons showed up, but they decided to not attack, instead clinging on to Dieck. Also, more wyverns showed up from the south and east edges of the map. Thankfully, my main group was able to survive even though Roy got hit by a Bolting(he dodged other attempts by that guy.), and even though Millie was in range of the eastern group, she still managed to solo the riders before Ellen and the cavs showed up to save her ass from the WL's. On turn 15, I finally breached the Shrine of Seals and took out the Bolting guy, then started to take on Murderdock. Thankfully he wasn't much of a threat after Rutgar and Lilina were done with him. I seized on turn 16.

Turns Taken: 16

Roy      	01  20  34  16  14  20  18  14  07  06  A Lilina
Lilina    	02  13  40  30  15  23  18  07  20  05  A Roy/C Bors
Alan 		02  05  44  24  13  19  08  16  07  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  05  39  18  17  22  09  12  05  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  12  52  23  19  18  19  30  09  16  C Lilina
Dieck    	02  12  54  25  21  21  09  20  08  14
Clarine 	02  03  31  12  13  21  17  05  12  06  A Rutgar
Rutgar   	02  12  52  23  27  29  11  17  04  08  A Clarine
Ellen      	02  15  35  19  23  18  29  06  30  05
Fir      	02  07  47  22  28  28  12  11  07  06  B Shin
Shin      	02  08  49  23  22  27  11  11  09  07  B Fir
Ray      	02  07  39  25  19  19  06  13  16  07
Miredy 		02  11  56  25  24  20  11  24  08  09
Percival   	02  07  53  20  16  22  16  17  13  12

Not putting in Yodel's stats because he's capped out and there is no point.

*Deep breath* That was the hardest chapter I ever beat in this game, especially considering my unit choices. Also, I bought 4 boots at the secret shoppe, and already used one on Millie, because hey, a 10 move Dragon Master is win. Now who should the other 3 boots go to? Any suggestions, guys?

As far as units go, props to Mr. Dieck Cheney for being able to solo the reinforcements(well, OK I had to heal him twice with Yodel), and Millie for doing the same after Gale showed up. And flops to Roy for being a useless piece of shit for the 12th map in a row. Also, why I did that last minute support with Lily and Boris, I'll never know.

P.S: I'm looking forward to Hector Hard Mode. How hard is HHM in relation to this game's Hard Mode?

Swag: Knight Crest

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Some of the difficulty in this game comes from enemy reinforcements attacking before you can see them coming, but that being said HHM is a little easier than the hard mode in this game. The difficulty is more even and spread out through the chapters though versus this game where it is sporadic. Getting S rank in HHM is more difficult, but I don't think you care about that.

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Also, I bought 4 boots at the secret shoppe, and already used one on Millie, because hey, a 10 move Dragon Master is win. Now who should the other 3 boots go to? Any suggestions, guys?

P.S: I'm looking forward to Hector Hard Mode. How hard is HHM in relation to this game's Hard Mode?

I always put a pair on the main lord, to help with agony of having to always Seize, but maybe that's just me.

HHM was not as difficult to complete as FE6 HM, but was more difficult to rank. Not the most helpful of comments probably, but, eh.

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Chapter 21: The Silencing Darkness

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Shin, Fir, Clarine, Ellen, Miredy, Percival

This game is shitting me. But I'm almost done. To anyone who's been posting here(except the people who were attacking my SOH and unit choices, and I'm not saying names, I know who you are. And please don't do it again.), thanks for your support. Please continue to support me on my HHM playthrough.

Another FOW chapter, though for some reason you can see further in this fog than you could in C14/C20's fog. Anyway, most of the druids have capped magic and Fenrir tomes, meaning that you are in for a world of hurt. Also, here's the trap rundown: there are flame tiles in either corridor leading to a chest room, these inflict 10 damage a hit. There are also pikes inserted in each of the walls; they are of course no threat as they only have like 10 atk. And half the chests here contain Manaketes(actually don't bother, the rest of them contain elixirs anyway.)

Anyway, I sent my party off into two groups, as usual. Roy, Percy, Lily, Shin, and Fir make up group A. Alan, Lance, Millie, Ellen, and Clarine make up group B. This was done to avoid getting mixed up.

Group A: I sent my units west. Shin and Lily get attacked by mercenaries on the EP, which I kill off very quickly along with the sniper. I venture into the corridor where I get met with a bunch of mercenaries, heroes, and snipers. I manage to take them out on turn 4, after which I made a u-turn and double back on the gen. I then picked up Fir, made another u-turn, then had Shin get a 'lucky' crit(I RNG abused, lol)on the Nosferatu druid. I also picked up Lily so that the enemy would be forced to make an attempt to silence Ellen(it didn't work.) After I got through the fiery halls, my units then take out another merc, as well as another Nosferatu shaman. I also get Percy and Fir in range of the armorslayer hero(he didn't move, so I had Fir finish him.) On turn 11, I took out the Devil axe berserker with Fir, then healed her with Lily. Two snipers than attack Shin and Fir, which I kill off the next turn.

Group B: I sent my units east. While Millie got mugged by most of the enemies here, Alan was attacked by a merc while Lance chipped at a gen. Anyway, I take out the squad and move into the east corridor, fighting off the hordes of heroes and mercs. Starting on turn 6, the enemy druid decides to silence Clarine. He does this over two more turns while Millie and Ellen take out more trash, including a knightkiller gen and a lancereaver merc(Lance took that guy out.) On turn 11, I decide to get ballsy and take out the gen blocking my direct path into the spiked corridor, though thankfully everyone survived. I manage to get through to hallway without getting killed, thankfully.

Once my two groups merged, it was only a simple matter of killing Pereth and capping the throne.

Turns Taken: 16

Roy      	02  01  38  18  17  22  18  16  12  08  A Lilina
Lilina    	02  14  41  30  15  24  18  07  20  05  A Roy/C Bors
Alan 		02  06  44  25  13  20  08  16  07  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  06  39  18  18  23  09  13  05  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  12  52  23  19  18  19  30  09  16  C Lilina
Dieck    	02  12  54  25  21  21  09  20  08  14
Clarine 	02  04  31  12  14  21  18  06  12  06  A Rutgar
Rutgar   	02  12  52  23  27  29  11  17  04  08  A Clarine
Ellen      	02  17  37  23  24  18  30  07  30  05
Fir      	02  09  49  22  29  30  12  12  07  06  A Shin
Shin      	02  11  51  24  22  29  11  11  09  07  A Fir
Ray      	02  07  39  25  19  19  06  13  16  07
Miredy 		02  13  57  25  26  20  11  24  08  09
Percival   	02  08  54  20  16  23  16  17  13  12

From here on out, I'm going to list everybody's stats, even if I didn't deploy them that map. Saves me the time of having to look through another log. Note that I'm going to be doing statsheets in this style for my HHM run.

Wow. Lots of units started capping stats today. Ellen capped luck, Shin and Alan capped strength, Millie capped skill, Fir capped skill AND speed.

Oh yeah, Roy promoted at the end of all this. Hopefully, he won't be a useless shit like Hisagi's was(Don't worry, my Roy is insanely blessed.)

Swag: Apocalypse, Sealed Sword

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Maybe this is my 7 o'clock brain talking, but what exactly is your SOH? Also, this was Chapter 21x, not 21.

EDIT: And I know I'm on that list of names. I like to think we know each other well enough that you shouldn't feel bad about naming me, DA.

Edited by Integrity
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