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Pokemon Hax?


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So I decided to play through Soul Silver again recently, and just for fun this playthrough I decided to count the ratio of how many times my Pokemon hurt themselves in confusion. At the end of the game, my Pokemon had hurt themselves a grand total of 28 times... Out of 28. 100 percent of the time. So I went and did some research on the internet, and the rate should be 50%. Hax.

Also, in this playthrough of Black, I was doing the third gym, and my Darumaka missed fire punch 14 out of 15 times (he has hustle).

I also remember a Rapidash Horn Drilling my entire team on the 99th floor of the battle tower in platinum. I was none too pleased.

Anyone else have any hax stories? (Good or bad.)

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This one time in Black I threw a pokeball at a wild Pokemon and held B+down. The ball rolled once and I caught the mon.

Critical capture

This one time my nidoking used horndrill on lance's entire team

Edited by Viyut
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I honestly lost count of how many times I got haxxed out in the Battle Tower/Frontier/PBR. All the secondary effects landing on me, all of my Pokemons' attacks missing, and their Quick Claws activating and wrecking my sweepers. URGH.

Edited by Pet Pikachu
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This was on PO but idc.

Mewtwo got crit, Groudon got crit, Arceus got crit, Palkia missed a Draco Meteor and then got crit.

All were OHKO'd, crits have a 1/32 chance of occuring IIRC. That has a 1/1048576000% chance of occuring.

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When I was catching Zekrom, it was about to die from burn, but I threw a Luxury Ball anyways, since that's what I wanted to catch it in. I caught it, but unfortunately it was Bold...

And for the computer's hax, I encountered the infamous Quick Claw/Guillotine Crawdaunt in the Battle Tower. It got 3 straight OHKOs from that Quick Claw...

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I honestly lost count of how many times I got haxxed out in the Battle Tower/Frontier/PBR. All the secondary effects landing on me, all of my Pokemons' attacks missing, and their Quick Claws activating and wrecking my sweepers. URGH.

Same here. It comes with the AI battle facilities. And caused my crippling phobia of Quick Claw, Brightpowder and Double Team

And for the computer's hax, I encountered the infamous Quick Claw/Guillotine Crawdaunt in the Battle Tower. It got 3 straight OHKOs from that Quick Claw...

AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!! Words cannot describe how much I hate this guy, or how many times he's ended my streak.

I have literally thousands of tales of this. There was that one time in Battle Factory I had the AI activate Quick Claw 6 times in a row, OHKOs having like 90% accuracy there, missing Leaf Storm three times in a row, twice! (Once was on that very same Cradaunt, I believe)

As for a specific example, well, here's one from the Battle Hall. I was breezing through my streak, up to the 10th opponent, a Honchkrow, and I had Thunderbolt.

Me: Pah! Pathetic! I've got this in the bag, unless he happens to have Quick Claw, activate it and kill me...

activates Quick Claw and kills me.

Me: AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!! [band head on wall repeatedly]

And I always find that whenever I say 'I'm fine unless they get a critical', they WILL, guaranteed.

Edited by Big Klingy
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And for the computer's hax, I encountered the infamous Quick Claw/Guillotine Crawdaunt in the Battle Tower. It got 3 straight OHKOs from that Quick Claw...

I've faced the same bastard in the Battle Frontier many times over, and I usually can't kill it before it kills all three of my guys. I've also ran into a lot of defensive 'mons with DT+Recovery while in the tower too. Hate those things. All I have to say is, unless you have a Swift-esque move, you WILL not hit a Tower thug's 'Mon if it uses DT, and even then, you still have their insta-recovery to worry about, as Swift-like moves are weak as piss.

In other words, the AI in the tower is a cheating bastard. There's not enough words to explain my frustration when my 70-win streak is broken by that fucking Crawdaunt(or his equally despicable brother Pinsir.)

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I've faced the same bastard in the Battle Frontier many times over, and I usually can't kill it before it kills all three of my guys. I've also ran into a lot of defensive 'mons with DT+Recovery while in the tower too. Hate those things. All I have to say is, unless you have a Swift-esque move, you WILL not hit a Tower thug's 'Mon if it uses DT, and even then, you still have their insta-recovery to worry about, as Swift-like moves are weak as piss.

Use Lucario/Togekiss/any other poke with Aura sphere. Or machamp with No-Guard.

Although there was a fucking lapras (streak 40 something) that had sheer cold. All three hits hit. 30% bah more like 200000% percent accuracy <_<

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  • 2 weeks later...

On that subject: Critical Capture only activates for me at times when I don't need it. Most recent example: against a Litwick in Celestial Tower (Lv around 25), with about 40% HP remaining, paralyzed, AND I used a Repeat Ball. Yeah, thanks a lot, that would have been a sure catch anyway.

It's just like in FE, where the only times I get 1 or 2% crits is when I would've killed anyway.

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On that subject: Critical Capture only activates for me at times when I don't need it.

It happens when i don't want it, i failed to catch a pokemon with a critical quick ball(4X)only to catch it on the second one(1X).

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