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You rage, you lose

Don Draper

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If you notice at the beginning, you'll see 'Arc Music Factory'. IIRC it's a company that pretty much allows you to make your own music videos. The backstory on this is Lil' Bekky here got jealous of a friend who did this, and did one herself.

tl;dr: This is a serious video.

why did you burst my happy bubble DX

*rocks back and forth*

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I don't give a shit that's still funny as all hell

Edit: haha this shit was on the daily what and I missed it

edit again

fucking christ guys this is a remake of a bob dylan song

Edited by Obviam
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*watches the video*

<Rody> IOS

<Rody> I'm probably gonna rage at this Rebecca Black vid.

<Rody> Beause it's 360p minimum and likely to make my internet crash.

<Mekkah> rebecca is low tier

<Rody> I do want to start by saying...

<Rody> This execution of rotoscoping sure sucks.

<Rody> I understand why people find this video boring so far. Everyone in this suburban fantasy are robots living a self-unaware utopia.

<Rody> Nobody finds robots interesting unless they're blowing things up with lasers.

<GeneralSpoon> There were robots in that video?

<GeneralSpoon> Or were you speaking figuratively

<Mekkah> thats not true rody

<Mekkah> im fine with machine guns as well

<Rody> You know what I mean, Mekkah. :(

<Rody> Lasers, missiles, guns, flamethrowers, etc.

<Rody> And Hand Axes.

<GeneralSpoon> I prefer robots with machine guns to robots with lasers

<GeneralSpoon> *to/over

<Mekkah> im not sure

<Mekkah> the terminator should use a machine gun

<Mekkah> but stormtroopers (robot ones that is) should use lasers

<Rody> The Terminator used a shotgun. That is even better than a machine gun.

<GeneralSpoon> A robot with lasers reminds me too much of the droids in Star Wars

<Mekkah> i'm pretty sure he's used like every kind of gun

<Mekkah> including a rocket launcher

<Rody> Alright, so this song is about a girl riding in the backseat of a topless car on Friday. "Gettin' down on Friday" I don't think she knows what that means.

<Rody> I think if I were still a teenager and the value of the weekend was relevant to me, I think I'd actually look forward to friday LESS after hearing this song. Heck, it doesn't have to be the song itself, but kids in class having to channel it with their own voices.

<Rody> They're now standing up inside the car from the SF2 bonus stage, and the background is scrolling behind them, almost like this was made in 1999.

<Rody> What is her obsession with the front and back seats? She must not be an only child, and takes much stride in getting whatever seat in the car she wants.

<Rody> The song is exactly the same so far.

<Rody> I wonder if the singer is mad at how the rotoscoping made her look, emphasising wrinkles, lip outlines, and her nose.

<Rody> "We so excited"

<Rody> "Tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterwards" - Yes, I know.

<Rody> This black dude's auto-tune makes him sound like he has an echo.

<Rody> He's the only adult in this vid, and is also talking about chillin' in the front and back seats of the car.

<Rody> But also speaks of drivin', cruisin'.

<Rody> Because he's the only one old enough to have a driver's license.

<Rody> He's singing about switching lanes. That's so awesome.

<Rody> Switch back to Rebecca Black. I see some trees in the background but it's extremely unapparent what the actual settings are.

<Rody> Like, you literally don't see much in the background.

<Rody> They might of had some really uninteresting places to film.

<Rody> The video cuts to the adult guy swinging his head back and forth apparently at the song, but since he's in a car driving on the intersection, and the girl is elsewhere at some party which is probably just some dude's backyard, I'm gonna assume he's actually jamming to an entirely different song.

<Rody> Alright.

<Rody> That was my Monday.

<Rody> Looking forward to Tuesday.

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I thought this was a masterful, terrific social commentary on the human condition. I especially enjoyed the portion of the song dedicated to describing the sequentiality of the weekend. Clearly a deep reference to the quintessential, basest mores we as a people falteringly accept.

A fucking masterpiece. Ten more please.

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You son of a fuck.

I'm sorry did I break your concentration?

[spoiler='Don't worry these guys all lost too]




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